The strongest player in history

Chapter 1998 The Battle of the Demon Monarch's Creation

Chen Yang didn't think about it at first, but after being reminded by the Eternal Demon Lord, he immediately thought of the key thing.He immediately said: "Because the spirit of the Tiandao pen is the will of the Tiandao?"

The Eternal Demon Lord smiled slightly and said, "That's right, your comprehension power is really high."

Chen Yang said: "Senior, I'm overwhelmed."

The Eternal Demon Lord continued: "Okay, I came to you today to give you a gift. Your soul spar is quite good, but you need more soul fragments. The Changyun in the Yuqing Gate is here with us. It's useless in your hands, so I'll kill you."

After he finished speaking, he grabbed it with his big hand and threw a person out immediately.This person is Elder Changyun!

Elder Changyun rolled in front of Chen Yang.

At this moment, the elder of the Megatron Yuqingmen was in extreme embarrassment.

Elder Changyun's mana was imprisoned by the Eternal Demon Lord, he raised his head with difficulty, and looked at Chen Yang.

"Who are you?" Elder Changyun asked Chen Yang.His eyes are blood red!

Chen Yang squatted down, looked at Elder Changyun, smiled faintly, and said, "You should know me."

After Chen Yang finished speaking, he tore off the polymer mask.

At this moment, Elder Changyun saw Chen Yang clearly.His pupils dilated, inexplicably terrified. "It's's you, you are the person we are looking for, you are Chen Yang!"

"That's right, I'm Chen Yang!" Chen Yang said, "Surprised, right?"

Elder Changyun said: "It turns out that you are responsible for all of this."

"You think highly of me, I don't have the ability." Chen Yang said, "It's just a coincidence."

Elder Changyun said: "You actually help them? Do you know what they want to do?"

Chen Yang said: "I know that they will attack Yuqingmen, release hell devils, and make life miserable."

"You are human, how can you?" Elder Chang Yun snapped.

Chen Yang became a little impatient, and said: "You talk too much. First of all, you have to make it clear that the common people are innocent, and I am not guilty. I can't stop them. I am among them, just trying to save my wife and My friend. You can blame, but you blame the wrong people."

After he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and directly pinched Elder Changyun's neck.

Chen Yang instantly inhaled all the soul fragments of Elder Changyun into the soul spar.These fragments strengthened Chen Yang's soul spar again.

"It seems that you don't like us attacking Yuqing Gate?" the Great Compassionate Demon Lord said suddenly.

Chen Yang immediately said respectfully: "Senior, this junior has pity in his heart, sympathy for the common people. But this junior does not have pity for anyone in Yuqingmen. The reason why hell is called hell is because there are demons in hell. When demons enter the human world, the human world is the human world." hell!"

The Eternal Demon Lord smiled slightly and said, "There are Heavenly Lords and Demon Lords in the fairy world. Who do you think is a good person, Heavenly Lord or Demon Lord?"

Chen Yang said: "This topic is a cliché. None of us are good people, and none of us are bad people. We are just ourselves. The juniors just feel in their hearts that the power of the common people is small, and it is only pity!"

The Eternal Demon Lord said: "Don't worry, we have no plans to let the demons of hell go up. At best, let a few successfully educated go up!"

Chen Yang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "The two seniors are also compassionate people."

The Eternal Demon Lord said: "Do something, but don't do something!"

Chen Yang thought for a while and said, "May I take the liberty of asking about one thing, junior?"

The Eternal Demon Lord said: "I want to ask, why are we suppressed here?"

Chen Yang was startled, because he wanted to ask this question.

"The junior is indeed curious!" Chen Yang said.

The Eternal Demon Lord said: "This matter is a long story. It is too late to talk about the past. If it is another day, you can see the light of day, and it will not be too late!"

Chen Yang said: "Okay, this junior understands."

"It's time to come, it's finally here!" At this moment, the Great Compassionate Demon Lord looked into the distance.

The Eternal Demon Lord said: "That's right!"

Chen Yang said, "Huh?"

The Eternal Demon Lord smiled at Chen Yang and said, "Little guy, let's show you the fun!" After he finished speaking, he grabbed Chen Yang with his big hand.

Chen Yang couldn't move immediately.

"You hide in your soul spar, and I will hide you between the eyebrows. Just watch!" said the Eternal Demon Lord.

"Yes, senior!" Chen Yang immediately escaped into the soul spar.Then, the Eternal Demon Lord hid Chen Yang between his eyebrows.

Afterwards, the Eternal Demon Lord and the Great Compassionate Demon Lord looked at each other, and then drove the primordial spirit out of the dark abyss.

After Fairy Zhenyuan and Venerable Duxing destroyed the barrier, they went straight to the No.18 hell.

Eighteen layers of hell, the dark night is boundless.

They shot with their divine sense, and they were unparalleled in strength.Just as he was about to find out the bad luck of the four great demon emperors, at this moment, the Eternal Demon Lord and the Great Compassionate Demon Lord appeared.

The primordial spirits of the two demon lords combined the boundless yin energy, and they stood in front of Fairy Zhenyuan and Venerable Lonely like two mountains.

"The demon kings of the fairy world!" At this moment, Venerable Du Xing smelled the breath of the two demon kings, and couldn't help but change his face in shock.

Fairy Zhenyuan's expression also changed.

The Great Compassionate Demon Lord smiled coldly and said, "You guys have some good eyesight. And you baby, you have actually reached the second level of creation, not bad, not bad."

The Eternal Demon Lord is silent.

Venerable Du Xing said: "It turns out that all of this is caused by the two demon kings."

The Eternal Demon Lord smiled lightly and said: "We need your Creator Qi. After taking your Creator Qi, we can completely break the seal and leave here with the body. So, do you need us to take action, or Are you obediently judging yourself?"

A cold light flashed in Venerable Du Xing's eyes, and he said, "If the two of you were in their prime, we would surely be on the verge of death today. But now the two of you are just primordial spirits, and you are too arrogant."

Eternal Demon Lord smiled and said: "Little baby, you are very confident. You have the capital of self-confidence to have such a cultivation in this mortal world. However, you probably don't know enough about the word Demon Lord. You haven't created a A master of creation in the world can never become a king."

Venerable Du Xing was shocked, and he suddenly said in a deep voice: "A master of the creation realm is enough for you to absorb. I can catch my little sister without a fight, how about it?"

"Two will be better!" Eternal Demon Lord said: "Okay, everyone's time is precious, there are too many variables in this world. Let's do it!"

After he finished speaking, he shot at the same time as the Great Compassionate Demon Lord.The Great Compassionate Demon Lord grabbed Fairy Zhenyuan directly with his big hand.

The big black handprint covered the bottom, directly enveloping Fairy Zhenyuan.

At the same time, the Eternal Demon Lord also enveloped the Lonely Venerable with his big hands!

At that moment, Fairy Zhenyuan and Venerable Lonely possessed all kinds of magical powers and supernatural powers.But they didn't even escape the catch, like a world pouring down, like the sky covered it.No matter how you escape, how you run, how you change, you are still under the sky.

"The power of the world is indeed terrifying!" Venerable Lonely said secretly.

The black handprint wrapped Venerable Duxing, and Venerable Duxing quickly gathered the power of creation, and a sword appeared out of thin air in his hand.This sword is the power of the realm of his second creation!

I have the power of the world, but the power of this world is the power of other worlds.And the Demon Lord has his own world.This is a completely different concept.

Venerable Lonely cut a hole in the black handprint in front of him with a sword.

Afterwards, he immediately dodged to rush out.But from that black handprint, endless power of the world immediately gushed out.The power of the world quickly repaired it, and once again blocked Venerable Lone Walker inside.

Venerable Lonely's eyes were bloodshot, he let out a roar, and sacrificed the magic weapon again. "Heaven Gloves!"

With the glove in his hand, Venerable Lonely punched out with one punch!

All his strength erupted, like a volcanic eruption, and like the wrath of heaven.


The power to tear apart the heavens and the earth slashed into the dark world, and the dark world was extremely thick, suppressed by the infinite power of the world.Once again suppressed the wrath of the heavens of Venerable Du Xing.

"Roar!" Venerable Du Xing continuously burst out with powerful strength.

In the dark world, Venerable Lonely is like a raging ancient dragon, disrupting everything in the world and causing many orders in the world to collapse.

But in the end, he was still trapped in the world.

But at this moment, the situation of Fairy Zhenyuan is even worse.Fairy Zhenyuan used her supreme magical weapon, the Fire Orb!

The fierce sky fire burns the world!

In the dark hands of the Great Compassionate Demon Lord, the sky fire illuminates the night sky, but still cannot burn the world.And under the full power of the Great Compassionate Demon Lord, the Tianhuo gradually shrank and retreated.

Fairy Zhenyuan consumes a huge amount of mana, and she is completely unable to resist the power of the Great Compassionate Demon Lord.

Chen Yang was right between the eyebrows of the Eternal Demon Lord, watching such a peerless battle.He felt the world of the Eternal Demon Lord, which belonged to one of the three thousand worlds, called the Eternal World!

The power of the world in the eternal world is controlled by the eternal devil!

"I finally understand why those who suppress the Demon Lord don't kill him. Because as long as his world is not destroyed, the Eternal Demon Lord will never die. But to destroy his world, if he detonates the world, all The lethality caused will kill people like Tianjun. Therefore, the Demon Lord will be suppressed here. But why not suppress this Demon Lord in a place in outer space? In this case, he absorbs the power of the world. Is it even more difficult?"

Chen Yang thought secretly.

He watched Venerable Lonely struggling like a trapped beast in the world of the Eternal Demon King, and suddenly felt that he was so small and the world was too scary.

He felt very insecure.

What about a master of the realm of creation who is as powerful as Venerable Lonely?The same will die!

Will be struggling as well!

Is there an end to practice?

Venerable Du Xing finally couldn't hold on anymore, the power of the world invaded his internal organs.

At that moment, Venerable Lone Walker's brain area was extraordinarily dazzling and shiny, and countless fragments floated out...

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