The strongest player in history

Chapter 1997 The Lonely Venerable

The Taishang Tower does not have a gate.

There is a mirror on the porch in front of the door.This mirror is similar to the mirror of the bitter sea in the Taishang Pavilion of the Shenzu, but its quality is much higher than that of the mirror of the bitter sea.This mirror is called the phantom mirror!

The Taishang Zunlou seems to be inside Yuqing Gate, just above this high mountain.But if you don't pass through the phantom mirror, even if you walk thousands of miles, you won't be able to reach the Taishang Tower.

Ouyang Duoqing cut his finger with his nails in front of the phantom mirror, and dripped a drop of blood onto the phantom mirror.

There are not many people who are qualified to see Taishang Zunlou, but Ouyang Duoqing is one of them.This drop of blood dripped on the mirror, which was originally dark, but suddenly, ripples appeared in the mirror.This drop of blood was also absorbed by the phantom mirror.

Soon the image appeared in the mirror.But it was in a bamboo forest, and there was a well in the bamboo forest.Inoue stood a boy.The boy was handsome, but his face was cold.The boy is called Songhe, Songhe boy and Wuming boy are the gatekeepers of the Taishang Tower.

Boy Songhe contacted Ouyang Duoqing through the dry well passage, and the boy said coldly, "Who are you?"

Ouyang Duoqing didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly said: "Ouyang Duoqing, the deputy head teacher of Xiayuqingmen, has something important to see the senior Zhenyuan in Zunlou!"

Boy Songhe said, "What's the matter?"

"Something happened to the saint." Ouyang said affectionately.

Songhe boy's expression changed immediately.He then said: "You wait here, I will report to Senior Zhenyuan immediately!"

Ouyang said affectionately: "It's so rewarding!"

Above the snow peak, it was extremely cold.

The earth is a chopping board, and the cold wind and snow are like knives.

The wind and snow raged around Ouyang Duoqing, and he stood upright.There was a fire burning in his chest, and he was angry.This is the anger of all the senior members of Yuqingmen.Since Yuqingmen was taken over by a group of young people like them, they have always wanted wind to catch wind and rain to rain.They are omnipotent, they are invincible.But this time, he was so insulted by the four demon kings of hell.

Ouyang passionately hoped that the big bosses in Taishang Zunlou would be furious and crush that hell into pieces.

Ouyang Duoqing didn't wait long, and soon, a passage appeared in the phantom mirror, and then a figure flashed.

Then, a person appeared in front of Ouyang Duoqing.

The person who came was none other than Fairy Zhenyuan, the master of Saint Nalan Yunxue.

Fairy Zhenyuan wore a long black dress. She was as beautiful as an eighteen-year-old girl, and her face was full of coldness and frost.

She gives people a sense of sacrosanct.

When Ouyang saw Fairy Zhenyuan, he felt like an ant. Even from the bottom of his heart, he didn't dare to feel any blasphemy.

At this time, Ouyang knelt down affectionately and said, "Junior see senior!"

Fairy Zhenyuan's waist-length hair covered half of her face.But her eyes are as dazzling as stars, as deep as the universe.

Fairy Zhenyuan looked at Ouyang affectionately, her voice was clear and sweet, and she said in a deep voice, "What's wrong with Yunxue?"

Ouyang Duoqing immediately took out the purple silk jade belt, and said, "Return to Senior Fairy, Holy Maiden..."

Ouyang Duoqing told the whole story.

After he finished speaking, he lowered his head.

There was an unbearable silence.

Fairy Zhenyuan didn't say a word, but Ouyang Duo was feeling murderous and was permeating.The killing intent made it hard for him to breathe.He knew that the fairy was really angry.

"Okay, I see." Fairy Zhenyuan said, "You step back." She rubbed the purple silk jade belt in her hand.

Ouyang Duoqing did not get up, but said: "Senior Fairy, please forgive me for asking too much, do you plan to go alone?"

Fairy Zhenyuan was silent for a while, then said, "So what?"

"Absolutely not!" Ouyang said affectionately.

Fairy Zhenyuan sneered and said, "Am I afraid of those four bugs?"

Ouyang said affectionately: "However, the move of the four demon emperors is clearly to lure you over. It's not that they don't know your existence. Since they dare to do this, there must be deep meaning behind it. We can't do it again and again. The middle of the three."

Fairy Zhenyuan said, "What do you mean?"

Ouyang said affectionately: "Among the [-] hells, the most complicated. There must be a reason for them to act rashly. No one can understand the secrets of the [-] hells. It is said that there are many people who used to be trapped in it." There are masters in the fairy world. I think there must be fraud in this. This junior can't bear the fairy to go blindly. If it is really a trick, your thousands of years of good fortune and cultivation may be destroyed in one day!"

Fairy True Yuan was silent again.

After a while, she said, "Well, I see." Her voice softened a lot: "Ouyang Duoqing, you are fine. Go down!"

"Yes, Senior Fairy!" Ouyang resigned obediently and affectionately.

After Ouyang Duoqing left, Fairy Zhenyuan returned to the Taishang Tower.

The Taishang Zun Building has always been very peaceful.

It is so peaceful that there is no sound in daily life. The Taishang Tower is stored in the depths of the wonderful time and space. Without the phantom mirror, no one can reach here.

Around the Taishang Tower, there is a vast sea of ​​clouds and snow.This tower doesn't reach the sky, and it doesn't touch the ground, it's amazing to the extreme.

Usually, all the seniors in Zunlou practiced independently.

Many tall people have eccentric temperaments, and only a few acquaintances will occasionally walk around.

Fairy Zhenyuan also has her friends.

That is the Venerable Lone Walker.

Venerable Du Xing is already a master of the second level of creation, and his cultivation is also one of the best in the entire Supreme Tower.There are many heaven-level masters in the Taishang Zunlou, but the creation-level masters are still relatively few.After reaching the peak of the Celestial Realm, you can enter the Supreme Tower.But most of the people will not be able to step into the realm of creation throughout their lives.

His Holiness is not a monk, he is meditating in his bedroom.

Venerable Du Xing looked to be in his forties, with gentle eyes.

He was wearing a cyan robe and remained motionless.

At this time, footsteps came from outside.

Venerable Du Xing opened his eyes, he smiled slightly, and said, "Little sister, come in!"

Fairy Zhenyuan pushed the door open, and she closed the door after she entered. "Big brother!" Fairy Zhenyuan called softly.

Venerable Lonely said, "I've been twitching in the center of my eyebrows recently, and it seems that the Yuqing Gate is not going to be peaceful. Younger sister, you must have something to do with your sudden visit, right?"

Fairy Zhenyuan said in a deep voice, "Brother, I do have something to do and I need you to accompany me."

Venerable Lonely smiled lightly and said, "Yes!"

Fairy Zhenyuan said: "You haven't asked yet. Since I want to find you, it must be no small matter."

Venerable Du Xing said, "When did I ever reject you, little sister?"

Fairy Zhenyuan was startled, then smiled lightly, and said, "That's true!"

Venerable Du Xing said: "Tell me, what is it?"

Fairy Zhenyuan talked about the hell and the situation of her apprentice Nalan Yunxue.After she finished speaking, she said: "I planned to go alone, but Ouyang Duoqing reminded me that it was right, there may be fraud in it!"

Venerable Du Xing stood up from the futon, and said in a deep voice: "The hell is not peaceful, it must be related to some hidden masters. When the killing and calamity comes, many magnetic fields have changed. Little sister, you will Don't act so recklessly, this time you are lucky to come to me. If you go rashly and something happens, even if the eldest brother goes to kill everyone, what good will it do?"

He paused, then continued: "You and I are in a high position now. Although we have great abilities, we are still at a high place. It is not others, but people like you and me. We must be cautious and walk on thin ice. Don't be careless, you know?"

"Brother taught you well, and younger sister remembered it." Fairy Zhenyuan said.

"Forget it, big brother will accompany you through this journey, and we will see who is the master who is causing trouble in hell." Venerable Du Xing said.

Fairy Zhenyuan said: "Brother, do we need to find more helpers?"

Venerable Lonely smiled slightly, and said: "Are you so cautious this time? It doesn't matter, even if there are some masters in the sky, we can't beat them, there is always a chance to escape. Let's go find out the truth first, in case It's just a small fight, we invited our friends, isn't it a joke?"

"It makes sense!" Fairy Zhenyuan laughed.

In the eighteen levels of hell, the Eternal Demon Lord and the Great Compassionate Demon Lord summoned Chen Yang alone in the dark abyss.

Before the dark abyss, Chen Yang met the two demon kings.

He was very respectful.

The Great Compassionate Demon Lord smiled coldly, and said, "Chen Yang, it seems that you have already offended the Demon Emperor by yourself first. Without our protection, can you escape his wrath?"

Chen Yang said: "I can't escape!"

He dared to be arrogant in front of the demon emperor, but it didn't mean he was brainless.Right now, the Great Compassionate Demon Lord obviously wants to find some sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.As smart as Chen Yang, he naturally had to cooperate.

"Without the two seniors, this junior will be smashed to pieces!" Chen Yang said, "So this junior will definitely be loyal."

A smile appeared on the face of the Great Compassionate Demon Monarch. "Okay, not bad!"

The Eternal Demon Lord had deep eyes, and he looked at Chen Yang thoughtfully.Chen Yang is actually most afraid of the Eternal Demon Lord, this guy is too unpredictable.

At this time, the Eternal Demon Lord said: "Chen Yang, the sword you erupted when you killed the elder was very good. If I read correctly, you have quite a lot of three thousand ways."

Chen Yang said: "Senior's gaze is like a torch, and this junior admires it!"

The Eternal Demon Lord said: "Unfortunately, it seems that none of them have been refined by you. Moreover, I didn't expect that the damaged Heavenly Dao Brush is also in your hand. You are getting more and more interesting."

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback, and said, "Senior, you also know the Tiandao Brush?"

The Eternal Demon Lord said: "Back then, Yuanjue held the Heavenly Dao Brush, and both immortals and demons were afraid of it. How could we not know about such a murderous weapon. However, the spirit of the Heavenly Dao Brush has been damaged, and its power has long been lost."

He went on to say: "General magic weapon, it doesn't matter if the spirit of the weapon is damaged, it can be refined again. But only the Tiandao brush can't, do you know why?"

Chen Yang was slightly startled.

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