Chen Yang hugged Ling'er, and quickly put Ling'er into the ring sumeru.The soul spar wrapped Jiexumi.

Chen Yang's real body urgently checked Ling'er's situation.

At the same time, Chen Yang asked the Wushi God Puppet to put all the treasures, magic tools, and many pills left outside into the Jiexumi and Prajna Bell.

Although quite a few were taken away, most of them returned to Chen Yang.Afterwards, the Wushi God Puppet also entered into the soul spar, and then, the Wushi God Puppet activated mana and cast a large teleportation technique to quickly leave the place.

Chen Yang let Wushi Puppet dive into the sea.Chen Yang didn't know whether the opponent's tracking technique was still there.But he knew that the opponent's tracking technique was so weird that even the soul spar couldn't be hidden.Right now, Chen Yang can only rely on the sea water, the rock formations on the seabed, and the soul spar, all kinds of protection, to see if he can temporarily avoid the opponent's tracking.

Chen Yang was anxious and had no time to think.

He only hated not being able to ask monk Linghui for advice right now, he just wanted to settle down quickly and check Linger's injuries.

The Beginning God Puppet is very fast.

Right now, Chen Yang is seriously damaged.But fortunately, Chen Yang still has meager mana. He drives the pure yang elixir to provide enough power for Wushi God Puppet.The Beginning God Puppet can still maintain a state of tenth heaven cultivation.

Chen Yang also knew that with the treasure in his hand this time, he had stabbed a hornet's nest.Treasures can only be obtained quietly.It's hard to keep secrets now.Only when Ling'er and herself recover from their injuries can they have a fight.

The Beginning God Puppet was running extremely fast, and soon reached the sky above a sea area.

The weather was very good, but Chen Yang hoped that it would rain cats and dogs at this moment.Because in the rainstorm weather, the magnetic field is chaotic and the molecules are out of control, that is the time to deceive the sky.Then Chen Yang's situation will be safer.

The beginningless god puppet drives the black light of the soul and shoots towards the depths of the sea.

Galloping all the way, we soon reached about [-] meters under the sea.In the end, it went into the sea again.

In the depths of the seabed, the depth of about 5000 meters is achieved by drilling.

At this time, Chen Yang didn't stop.He immediately searched in the Prajna Bell, and soon found something that could be used.

"Five elemental rune flags!" Chen Yang immediately instructed Wushi Puppet to act.Place the five flags in a formation outside the soul spar.

Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth each perform their duties!

A mysterious small formation is formed, so that the soul spar becomes exactly the same as the surrounding magnetic field in the billions of magnetic fields.

After that, Chen Yang just breathed a sigh of relief.

Linger remained in a coma.

Chen Yang checked Ling'er's pulse, and Mana followed him.In an instant, Chen Yang figured out Ling'er's physical condition.Her meridians were reversed, her mana was flying wildly, and her physical condition was not optimistic.

And at this time, Chen Yang discovered that Ling'er actually started to have a fever.

Her forehead was extremely hot, and her whole brain was in a state of boiling.This state is extremely dangerous and terrifying.

Ling'er is a natural born spirit body, and her body has always been cold.

Ling'er has never had a fever since she was a child, but now she has a fever like an ordinary person. This situation is really dangerous.

Chen Yang couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

If something happens to Ling'er because of this, he will kill all the people in the world, what's the use of it.

"What should I do? Look for Linghui, yes, just look for Linghui!" Chen Yang still cares about other things.He doesn't want any ambition at this time.

"Pfft!" At this moment, Ling'er suddenly spat out another mouthful of blood.

Moreover, she also woke up.

Surprised and delighted, Chen Yang quickly shouted: "Linger!" He hugged Linger tightly, and then said, "Don't scare me."

Linger's body was still weak, she stretched out her hand to grab Chen Yang's hand, and said softly, "I'm fine!"

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said, "Ling'er, your body is in disorder now, and your true energy is retrograde. I need to help you straighten out your body."

Ling'er looked at Chen Yang suspiciously, and said, "How to sort it out?"

Chen Yang said: "I want to continue to try spiritual practice!"

Before, when he was in the Hall of Stars, Chen Yang tried to practice spiritually with Ling'er, but it didn't work.At that time, Chen Yang still felt a little relieved.He hopes that the spiritual practice will be successful because they can be more integrated with each other.But he was afraid of success because he was afraid that Ling'er would find out about his entanglements with other women.

He was afraid that Ling'er would be disappointed.

What Chen Yang was most afraid of was Linger's disappointed eyes.

But right now, spiritual practice is Chen Yang's last chance.

Chen Yang had to try again.

Ling'er looked at Chen Yang, and said weakly: "But last time..."

"Maybe it will work this time, let's try again, shall we?"

Ling'er nodded, and whispered, "I'll listen to you whatever you say!"

With this simple sentence, Chen Yang burst into tears immediately.

"Silly girl!" Chen Yang said with a choked voice.

Afterwards, Chen Yang didn't dare to delay, took a deep breath, and helped Ling'er sit up, his mana was actually extremely weak.

But Chen Yang hopes that the fusion of yin and yang can give birth to a miracle!

Chen Yang's real body and Ling'er sat cross-legged.

Afterwards, Chen Yang drove mana.

"Ling'er, don't resist, let my mana enter the center of your brain." Chen Yang said.

Ling'er's lips were pale, and there was blood at the corner of her mouth. She nodded and said, "Yes!"

She has [-]% absolute trust in Chen Yang.

Therefore, Chen Yang's mana entered extremely smoothly, and the moment the two men's mana merged, it went so smoothly beyond imagination.

"Huh?" Chen Yang felt very strange.

The last time I tried spiritual practice with Linger, it was not smooth, but this time, it went so smoothly that it was beyond imagination.The previous failure was because Ling'er's spiritual body contained the gentle soul of Ling'er, so it could not be pure.How could there be three of Lingxiu together?

But right now, it was a direct success.This surprised Chen Yang, but also felt extremely surprised.He was a dead horse hugging a living horse doctor, and he thought it would be extremely difficult.

"Yes, Linger and Wenrou Linger were not familiar with each other before. Now, they are fused with each other, and their hearts are connected. Maybe this is the key. No matter how much it is, the injury should be treated as soon as possible!"

The moment Chen Yang and Ling'er's mana merged, the cold Linger's and gentle Ling'er's consciousness appeared at the same time.

"Sister, Chen Yang?" Wen Rou Ling'er seemed to have just woken up.

She was surprised to feel the breath from Chen Yang and Bing Leng Ling'er.

This is the first time the three have been on the same stage.

"What's going on?" Wenrou Linger asked strangely.

Bing Leng Ling'er said softly: "Something happened, Chen Yang and I are both injured now, and we need spiritual practice to heal our injuries."

"Ah, then it doesn't matter if you want to be serious or not, what can I do for you?" Wenrou Linger immediately asked.

Chen Yang smiled slightly and said, "You don't have to do anything, just don't resist anything."

Wenrou Linger said: "Okay!"

With the fusion of mana, the three began to read each other's memories.

Scenes of memories are like fleeting shadows.

Everything about Wenrou Linger in the parallel world appeared in the eyes of Chen Yang and Linger.At the same time, Bing Leng Ling'er's memory also appeared.

Bing Leng Ling'er knew the memory of Gentle Ling'er.But the cold Linger's memory, the gentle Linger has never known.Now it is truly fair.

At the same time, Chen Yang's memory was also displayed in front of the two women.

Chen Yang had too many things that he didn't want them to see, but at this moment, he couldn't hide them at all.

Chen Yang was full of guilt.

"I... am not a good husband!" He transmitted his thoughts.

Bing Leng Ling'er and Wen Wen Ling'er did not speak, they were immersed in Chen Yang's sea-rich memory.

After a long time, both of them became quiet.

"I'm sorry!" Chen Yang said softly.

Wenrou Linger sobbed and said, "You have suffered too much."

In her eyes, she saw Chen Yang's pain and despair.What she saw was Chen Yang's helplessness when facing Chen Tianya, seeing Chen Yang's longing for his mother, and seeing Chen Yang going through all kinds of hardships to rescue Bing Leng Ling'er.Seeing that Chen Yang was devastated by the deaths of Chen Feirong and Luo Ning.

Of course, she also saw Nian Ci.

Bing Leng Ling'er stretched out her mana, like her two arms, tightly hugging Chen Yang's mana.It was as if he wanted to give Chen Yang all the comfort.

"In the future, I will protect you!" Bing Leng Ling'er said softly.

She loves Chen Yang as deeply as Wenrou Linger.Moreover, her love is more pure.Bing Leng Ling'er actually only had Chen Yang in her eyes, and she understood Chen Yang's love for her even more.Therefore, she will not care about everything else.

Chen Yang and Shen Murong once quarreled, and Shen Murong said that in Chen Yang's heart, Ling'er was the first.And they are only second class.Chen Yang replied angrily, yes, Linger is the first class.

At this time, Chen Yang was truly relieved!

All his worries, fears, and panics were gone.

"We heal!" Chen Yang said.

The two Linger nodded together.

Chen Yang's power belongs to the power of the sun.And the power of Bing Leng Ling'er is the power of the most yin.The fusion of the mana of the two produced sparks and produced wonderful mana.This mana is still quite weak, but it has been able to nourish the damaged meridians of the two of them.

The yin and yang magic power wanders around, getting stronger and stronger.

At the same time, Chen Yang asked Wushi Puppet to drive the pill.

The pure yang dragon was formed, and Chen Yang absorbed the pure yang elixir.The yin and yang mana of the two gradually grew, and Chen Yang's damaged meridians were quickly repaired by the yin and yang mana.

The magic power of yin and yang can create something out of nothing, and its mystery is unimaginable.

Countless cells are also growing and recovering!

Chen Yang's injuries are recovering rapidly, and Bing Leng Ling'er's meridians are gradually straightening out.

The mana of the two started as a trickle, but now it began to surge and grow infinitely.It's like flowing back to the sea!

Although Wen Rou Ling'er didn't understand, she could tell that their injuries were getting better.Wenrou Linger couldn't help but be overjoyed.

The pure yang elixir was constantly being consumed.

Now Chen Yang's magic power is extremely strong, and the cold spirit is like a bottomless pit!

Tens of millions of pure yang pills were quickly consumed!

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