The strongest player in history

Chapter 1889 Killing Again

At this time, Tang Wenqing's face was not very good-looking.Because Ling'er had already woken up, his shameful death would also be useless.Death in shame is something that cultivators bring to the boudoir for fun, and it will not cause any harm to the human body.Of course, ordinary people cannot afford this kind of thing.

Death of shame is aimed at Ling'er who is in meditation, it is a deadly poison.But right now, Ling'er has awakened, so dying in shame is useless.

Tang Wenqing concealed his displeasure, and he and Yu Zijin nodded to Linger.

Ling'er glanced at Tang Wenqing, but ignored Tang Wenqing.

Tang Wenqing was furious.But he still forcibly endured it. Since returning from the chalk world, Tang Wenqing has become very sensitive and irritable.Right now Ling'er doesn't pay any attention to him and doesn't pay attention to him.This made Tang Wenqing feel that his dignity was greatly insulted.

"Since Mrs. Sister-in-law is fine, that's great." Tang Wenqing said coldly, "Brother Chen, Zijin and I went back to rest."

Chen Yang said: "Please do it!"

Although he also felt that it was inappropriate for Linger to treat Tang Wenqing like this, he would never criticize Linger harshly.

Tang Wenqing and Yu Zijin had a strong hostility towards Linger.

The first is Linger's attitude, the second is Linger's ability, and the third is Linger's beauty.

The more beautiful and pure Ling'er is, the more dirty they will feel.

Tang Wenqing and Yu Zijin turned around, ready to enter the Dark Emperor Promise Clock.

Just then, an accident happened.

Suddenly, Ling'er sacrificed the Slaughter Sword, and at the same time, the Slaughter Cave General, the Dark Emperor's Promise Clock, completely enveloped Tang Wenqing and Yu Zijin.

Then, the great killing technique was also displayed.

The sword light flashed!

The first target was Tang Wenqing!

The unparalleled killing sword, one sword out, the killing hole pierces the nine heavens!

This murderous aura has been condensed to the extreme, and within a sword light, there is a terrifying law of killing that is as hellish as the sea!

It is so powerful that it is unimaginable, between the sky and the earth, the sun and the moon are eclipsed, only this killing sword!

The world is the world of killing!

Where does not kill!

At that moment, Tang Wenqing felt the icy cold all over his body, and eighteen levels of hell-like fear appeared in his eyes.The murderous aura rushed into his heart, and he couldn't move.

In the next second, Tang Wenqing was slashed by a sword, instantly shattered into pieces, and was completely shattered by the Slaughtering Cave.

"You..." Seeing this, Yu Zijin couldn't help being horrified, and at the same time feeling furious.

Chen Yang was also stunned.

But Linger's attack was even more ruthless. At that moment, she drove the Killing Cave to surround Zijin!

Slaughtering Cave, thousands of killing sword lights, all of which are extremely fierce, killing the world!

Dark clouds overwhelm the city, and the sun and the moon have no light!


In the next instant, Yu Zijin was strangled to pieces.How could her magic power stop Ling'er's killing cave?

"Ling'er, don't..." Chen Yang broke into a cold sweat when he saw this, and couldn't help shouting.

However, Linger shot too quickly.It's too late.

Ling'er looked at Chen Yang, she was a little puzzled, and said, "You don't want me to kill them? They are bad people!"

It is very simple for Ling'er to perceive the bad guy, just judge from the breath of the other party.Her spiritual body is extremely sensitive, and generally she can't judge wrongly.Therefore, she didn't need any evidence, she just relied on feeling to kill.

Chen Yang was stunned for a moment, he had to accept this fact.

Moreover, he can't blame Ling'er.

"Uh, Ling'er, before you kill someone next time, can you tell me first?" Chen Yang said.

Ling'er said: "It's too late!"

Chen Yang thought for a while and said nothing more.He must communicate with Linger about this matter.But now is not the time to communicate.

Chen Yang never thought of killing Tang Wenqing and Yu Zijin.

Especially Yu Zijin.

Because you don't look at the monk's face, you have to look at the Buddha's face. The kindness of the Tang Emperor back then, and the friendship with Qin Keqing existed.Chen Yang didn't want to kill these two unless he had to.

But it's useless to say anything else at the moment.Because these two are dead!

At this moment, Wang Zhaolin's four masters quickly rushed out of the Dark Emperor's Promise Clock.

"What happened to Your Highness General and Eighth Girl?" Seeing this, Sima Zhen couldn't help being shocked.

"Killed by us." At this time, Chen Yang also got up as a bachelor. He glanced at the four people, sneered, and said, "You people are greedy. I gave you half of the treasure, and you still want to murder yourself. All are damned!"

"Hmph!" Sima Zhen immediately said: "You said you gave half of the treasure, who would believe it? I think the treasure you gave was only one-tenth of the amount. Would you be so stupid to give us half? There are no such stupid people in the world."

Chen Yang was stunned.

He once again experienced the deceit and mystery of human nature.

At this time, he remembered the warning of monk Linghui.

Sincerity may not be exchanged for sincerity!

"Whatever you think, you are all going to die today. You don't want to take one-tenth of the treasure." Chen Yang said afterwards.

Chen Yang didn't know Ling'er's current physical condition, but Chen Yang had to act as if Ling'er had fully recovered, otherwise, it wouldn't be enough to deter these people.

"Can I kill them?" Linger suddenly asked Chen Yang.

Although it was too late for her to say it, she still took Chen Yang's words to heart.

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback, he looked at Linger and made eye contact.

And Linger nodded.

Chen Yang also nodded.

What Chen Yang asked at that moment was, can you?

Linger's answer is yes!

Chen Yang said, "Then kill it!"

Seeing this, the four of Wang Zhaolin's expressions immediately changed, and Wang Zhaolin quickly drove the Dark Emperor Promise Clock.The Dark Emperor's Promise Clock suddenly grew bigger, covering the dense forest with a radius of three hundred miles in an instant, but it wanted to prop up Ling'er's killing cave!

This killing hole genius is the one that really scares Wang Zhaolin and his party.

Ling'er quickly contracted the Killing Cave, and at that moment, the Law of the Killing Cave suddenly turned into a stream of essence energy.

Ling'er swallowed the Qi of essence into her stomach, and then spit it out towards the Immortal Killing Sword!


This energy of essence was contaminated on the Immortal Killing Sword, and suddenly there was a feeling of surging wind and clouds, and the landslide was about to split.

Immediately, a subtle change occurred in the Immortal Killing Sword!

The original Immortal Killing Sword was not of high grade.But after Ling'er and Hei Yi Suzhen's one-year tempering, the rank of Killing Immortal Sword has been increasing.Right now, Ling'er spit out a mouthful of essence, and the Immortal Killing Sword was blown away like dust on a bright pearl.

The sharpness of the Immortal Killing Sword is enough to devour!

It seems that just looking at it, there is a feeling of suffocation as if the throat is cut by the sharp edge!

Xue Ye, the wielder of the Immortal Killing Sword, has already been promoted to the King of Xue Ye.At this moment, the Blood Night King also let out a cheerful cry.

The blade of the Killing Immortal Sword trembled and let out a whimper.

Ling'er didn't say much, a gleam of coldness flashed in her beautiful eyes.

Suddenly, she slashed out with a sword!

The sword light flashed!

At that moment, the sword light was extremely dazzling, and then, like cutting tofu, it directly cut the Dark Emperor Promise Clock in half!

Immediately, all the formations and essence energy in the Dark Emperor Promise Clock leaked out, and all kinds of spaces collapsed and sank!

Moreover, the inexhaustible magic weapon, the elixir, leaked out.

These are all the treasures of the Emperor of Worms that Chen Yang obtained.

But at this time, no one went to see those treasures.Because Ling'er, the god of killing, wants people's lives!

Wang Zhaolin and the others were terrified, and Ling'er cut the Dark Emperor's Promise Clock in half with a sword. This kind of power is not something they can compete with.

"Let's go!" Wang Zhaolin didn't forget to grab a hand in the void.Put countless treasures and pills into Jiexumi.

The other three also did not forget to grab a handful of treasures before leaving.

The greed of human nature is clearly revealed at this moment!

"Kill him!" Chen Yang pointed at Wang Zhaolin and said to Ling'er.

Ling'er originally wanted to kill the weakest of the four, but she didn't expect that Chen Yang would point the sword at Wang Zhaolin.Although Ling'er felt it was wrong, since it was Chen Yang who spoke, she didn't think too much about it.

So Ling'er and Chen Yang flashed at the same time, and they rushed towards Wang Zhaolin.

First of all, Chen Yang's Wushi God Puppet made a move!

Chen Yang gathered all the power accumulated by the beginningless puppet, and beheaded Wang Zhaolin with a big soul thunder sword.

Chen Yang's Great Soul Thunder Sword is not to be underestimated. It not only contains powerful soul power, but also the original sky thunder power.

It can cut through countless spaces in an instant and break the rules!

Fortunately, Wang Zhaolin's cultivation base was much higher than Chen Yang's. He instantly deployed the law of the cave, and laid down many spaces to intercept Chen Yang.Chen Yang broke through thirty spaces, and afterward, Lei Jian, the great soul, lost his vigor.

Wang Zhaolin sneered, he was ready to tear apart the void and leave, he had already stepped into the void.

But at this moment, a sword light slashed!

Before the sword arrived, the murderous aura rushed to his heart, making him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

Immediately, Wang Zhaolin's souls were all overwhelmed, and he quickly moved the law of the cave, and cast supreme magic power to block it.But at this time, it was still too late for him to mobilize all his strength.Because he won the treasure, and Chen Yang's big soul thunder sword took away his energy!

The sword light came in a flash, and the Qianzhong space was smashed into pieces in an instant.

Afterwards, this sword descended on Wang Zhaolin's head!

With just one strike, Wang Zhaolin's head was in a different place, and there was no place for him to die.

Chen Yang quickly grabbed the soul spar and put Wang Zhaolin's soul power into it.He hadn't had this chance the previous few times.

Once Wang Zhaolin died, the rest of them got their chance and fled immediately.

One by one, how dare you love to fight!

Among them, Xu Xian, who was the weakest in cultivation, ran a little slower, and Ling'er slashed away with a sword.The man was immediately beheaded and cut into two halves, and he didn't even have time to snort.

In Ling'er's eyes, the cultivation base of the virtual fairyland is just passers-by, A, B, B, D, Ding, and it is easy to kill them.

Of course, this does not mean that Chen Yang is Jia B C Ding.When Chen Yang was in his prime, it would be very difficult for Linger to kill Chen Yang.Chen Yang cannot be judged by common sense.

Sima Zhen and another expert still escaped, Ling'er's face was pale at this time, and suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood.

It is impossible to chase.

Chen Yang was taken aback, and immediately rushed to Ling'er, asking, "How are you?"

Ling'er shook her head and said, "I'm fine!"

However, as soon as she finished speaking, her body softened and she passed out.

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