The strongest player in history

Chapter 1891 Concussion

But in the end, Chen Yang and Bing Leng Ling'er spent 7000 million pure yang pills.It took another four hours, and finally all reached the peak state!

It was like driving a luxury car for six days and nights, and finally stopped and had a major maintenance.Although you can drive and run again, if you stop and rest for two days, the effect will be better.

So right now, Chen Yang and Bing Leng Ling'er are not in a hurry.The two are still continuing the yin and yang spiritual practice to restore their spiritual consciousness and spiritual power to a better state.

Chen Yang asked Wushi Puppet to count the treasures again.

The 50.00% of the treasure that was distributed is almost 40.00% five back now.Only 5.00% was captured by the last Sima Zhen and another master.

The pill came back 46 billion.Chen Yang has a total of 96 billion pure yang pills in his hands.However, he has already used [-] million pills after several uses.

"It seems that this pill is not too much!" Chen Yang secretly said.

This night, Chen Yang spent the night with Bing Leng Ling'er and Wen Wen Ling'er.This is the first time the three of them have been together since they met.

You have me I have you!

This wonderful fate and life experience made them cherish such a rare moment.

But at the same time, the central world has been turned upside down by huge waves!

The Dugu family of the Daxuan Dynasty, Dugu Po and others died.

His Royal Highness Xia Rui, the Crown Prince of the Dragon Dynasty, has died.

Yin Xuan, the ancestor of the Great Jin missing!

The Ghost King of the Ghost King Sect... is dead.

And the Jokhang Dynasty also lost its wife and lost its soldiers.

In Central World, these major forces are the backbone of Central World.But almost overnight, the strength of Central World was greatly damaged.This shocked all the senior leaders of Central World.

Among the four dynasties and the Ghost King Sect, the Daxuan Dynasty is the weakest.The Jokhang Dynasty is the strongest.

The Ghost King Sect is weaker than the Daxuan Dynasty.The Ghost King Sect was suppressed by Lihen Tiangong before, but now Lihen Tiangong is destroyed by Lingzun.Ghost King Zong came out.

The four dynasties traced the source of the treasure and traced the truth of the matter.

Ghost King Zong chose to observe silently, their foundation is weak, and they will not act emotionally.

At this time, in the Jokhang Dynasty, His Majesty Yan Jiuniang has been in seclusion.Dai Lu, the prime minister appointed by Yan Jiuniang, is acting as the agent of the government!

Dai Lu is the elder of the imperial court, and his cultivation base is already in the fairyland.

He also has a powerful high-grade Taoist artifact in his hand, called the Eight Horses Map.

Dai Lu is a veteran of the three dynasties of the Jokhang Dynasty and has a high prestige.Moreover, Dai Lu does not support any party disputes, so Yan Jiuniang is also very relieved to hand over the government affairs to Dai Lu when she is in retreat.

As for the matter of the Zonghuang's treasure, Yan Jiuniang had indeed explained it.Hand over the matter to Tang Wenqing and Tianji Mansion, and let the rest not interfere.

The name of the worm emperor shakes the heavens.Its treasures are here to stay, and no one will take their hand.Yan Jiuniang herself was reluctant to get involved, but she completely ignored it, which would only make her subordinates more eager to move.That's why she asked Tang Wenqing and Tianji Mansion to handle this matter.Yan Jiuniang's confession is, take what you can, and safety first.

But right now, Dai Lu knew that Tang Wenqing, Yu Zijin and Wang Zhaolin were all dead.This is definitely a big deal!

The development of the matter exceeded Dai Lu's estimate.Dai Lu thinks that he has no way to make a decision on this matter.Therefore, he quickly went to the depths of the palace where Yan Jiuniang retreated, the Zen Palace!

The Zen Palace is the place where the Jokhang emperors of all dynasties practiced.

The former Tang Emperor Tang Bozhao has always practiced here. Tang Emperor's cultivation base is top in the Jokhang Dynasty. Except that he is not the opponent of Yan Jiuniang, he can be proud of the entire Central World by relying on the star map.

However, as soon as his murder came.First, the map of the starry sky was given to Tang Wenqing, but Tang Wenqing lost the map of the starry sky.Later, relying on his cultivation, he came to meet Chen Yang and Qiao Ning alone, but was ambushed by Bruna and Nalan Yuntian, and finally had to blew himself up and died.

It's a pity that a generation of heroes has just fallen!

Around the Zen Palace is a garden, which is so quiet that you can hear the drop of a needle.

The gate of the Zen Palace was closed, and Yan Jiuniang was meditating inside.

Wearing a dark court dress, Dai Lu knelt down on both knees in front of the Zen Palace and said, "Veteran Dai Lu, there is something urgent that needs to be reported to His Majesty the Emperor!"

Dai Lu said three times in a row.

There was no response from there, but after a long time, Yan Jiuniang's voice finally came out.

"What's the matter?" Yan Jiuniang's voice was very calm.

Dai Lu said in a deep voice: "This time, His Highness the Third Highness and Miss Yu took Tianji Mansion to hunt for treasures, and something happened."

"What?" Yan Jiuniang asked in a deep voice.

Dai Lu said: "Your Highness, Miss Yu is dead. Even Prime Minister Wang Zhaolin of Tianji Mansion has died. In addition, Zhou Yun, Huang Xu, and Huang Jiayong of Tianji Mansion are all dead!"

"Crack!" There was a sound of angrily patting the coffee table.

Across the gate of the Zen Palace, Dai Lu felt Yan Jiuniang's anger.

"Who did it?" Yan Jiuniang was really angry, she asked sharply.

"Master Sima Zhen who came back said that the people who killed them were Chen Yang and his wife." Dai Lu said.

"Chen Yang? That Chen Yang?" Yan Jiuniang's attention was only on the word Chen Yang.

Dai Lu said: "It is Chen Yang who reported to Lingzun and killed the late emperor!"

"He doesn't have the ability!" Yan Jiuniang immediately said: "It's impossible, this Chen Yang, as far as I know, is just a virtual fairyland. He barely beat Zhou Yun, and he was under Wang Zhaolin's hands, a little lucky chance Not at all. Tell me that Sima Town is here!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Dai Lu said.

Yan Jiuniang went out directly and met Sima Zhen and Sun Bing who came back alive in the Zijin Hall of the Imperial Palace!

Sima Zhen and Sun Bing got the treasure, so naturally they wouldn't show it.But the two will still truthfully report the situation.

"See Your Majesty!" Sima Zhen and Sun Bing knelt down towards Yan Jiuniang.

It was late at night, and the Zijin Palace was overflowing with splendor.

Yan Jiuniang was dressed in a bright yellow imperial robe, she was extremely majestic.She looked at Sima Zhen and Sun Bing coldly.

"Tell me the details of the treasure hunt this time. If you miss a word or make up a word, I want your heads!" Yan Jiuniang said sharply, furious with thunder.

Sima Zhen and Sun Bing were afraid of Yan Jiuniang's heavenly power, and they were immediately frightened.

Sima Zhen said: "Returning to Your Majesty, the officials will never dare to deceive you. This time, His Royal Highness is strategizing. We have been waiting outside the treasure. At that time, Yin Xuan of the Jin Dynasty, the Dugu family of the Daxuan Dynasty, and The ghost king and the prince Xia Rui of the Great Dragon Dynasty all participated in the treasure hunt. At the earliest time, a master of the Tianyu Realm among the Lingzun also participated."

"The situation is very intense!" Sima Zhen said: "But later, a powerful beast rushed out of the treasure land. The beast killed those who snatched the treasure. We followed all the way, and the treasure hunter The ground exploded, and in the end only Chen Yang and his wife escaped. They got all the treasures, so the officials used the Dark Emperor Promise Bell to cover them up, trying to take the treasure away."

Sima Zhen went on to say: "But Chen Yang's wife, that little girl, is very beautiful. The methods are also extremely powerful. The six of us besieged her, and added the Dark Emperor's Promise Clock. Not only did we not get any benefits, but instead Huang Xu and Huang Jiayong were killed by her. Mr. Wang saw that something was wrong, so let us retreat first."

Having said that, Sima Zhen took a deep breath.

"My lord Wang... my uncle thought that the little girl was injured. So later, we came back and applied to the Palace Master. The Palace Master used Zhou Tian's arithmetic and the clues left by the Dark Emperor's Promise Clock to find out their identity. Traces. We chased them all the way, and we found them. The Third Highness and Miss Yu are old friends of Chen Yang. He thought about the old relationship, so he discussed with Chen Yang, and only took some treasures to leave, so that he could do business with you, Your Majesty. At that time , we are all sure that the little girl and Chen Yang were both injured. If we forcibly shot, it would be easy to take away their treasures. But Your Highness... is too loyal. We have no choice but to listen to His Highness. Then Chen Yang Yang pretended to be kind at the time and distributed some treasures to us. His Highness is kind-hearted and worried that Chen Yang and the others would lose their treasures if they did not recover from their injuries. Therefore, they decided to stay and protect them."

"Your Highness is so kind!" Sima Zhen burst into tears and said, "Chen Yang and the others didn't regard His Highness and Miss Yu as friends at all. They didn't know that His Highness only needs a little treasure, which is the greatest kindness. And They didn't believe His Highness at all. His Highness invited them to go with them, but they were unwilling. Then His Highness had to watch over them and accompany them to recover from their injuries. It will be fine now. The two men recovered from their injuries in the middle of the night, and then lied to His Highness and Yu The girl came out to meet. By the time we realized it, His Highness and Miss Yu had already died at their hands."

"We fought fiercely with them, and that little girl was really amazing. My uncle wanted to get some treasures, but they plotted against them and killed him quickly. Xiaguan and Sun Bing also took some treasures in a hurry, Barely escaped. Zhou Yun also died at their hands, and the Dark Emperor's Promise Clock was cut off by the little girl with a sword."

"Destroy the Dark Emperor's Promise Clock with one sword?" Yan Jiuniang gasped and said, "Where did such a monster girl come from..."

"Too much deceit!" Yan Jiuniang then said sharply: "Wen Qing and Zi Jin are both kind children. They were so sincere, but they were killed by these two people. Hateful, damn it!"

Yan Jiuniang was extremely annoyed, and she continued: "Dai Lu, let Qin Keqing come over. In addition, I will call the master of the Tianji Mansion, Tantai Jing of the Tiandu Military Mansion, and the big bosses of the Military Ji Mansion. This time , I will pursue everything to the end!"

"Yes!" Dai Lu knew that Yan Jiuniang was really angry, so he didn't dare to delay, and hurried down to work.

Yan Jiuniang said to Sima Zhen and Sun Bing again: "You all get up and wait aside!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" the two said together.

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