Chen Yang greedily absorbed and learned some imaginary laws that Qin Keqing had comprehended.This is of great help to him.Similarly, Qin Keqing also learned a lot from Chen Yang's body, such as Chen Yang's spirit of law and combat experience.Chen Yang also opened the soul spar to Qin Keqing, and the yin and yang spirits of the two of them roamed in the soul spar, which was full of novelty for Qin Keqing.

Qin Keqing stayed in the soul spar before, but she has never been able to pry into the mystery.She just felt like a black hole of nothingness inside.At this moment, Qin Keqing saw the vast starry sky.

The two of them flew in the soul spar at a speed of thousands of miles per second, flying all the way over, flying like lightning.Qin Keqing saw countless planets, as well as various cosmic storms and so on.For a moment, Qin Keqing felt as if she was really in the universe, not in the soul spar.

In fact, the internal space of the soul spar has not reached the level that can travel thousands of miles per second.But the soul spar imitates the starry universe, so it will give people the illusion of endlessness.If you don't explore the mystery, you will definitely not be able to leave this starry sky.

"This..." Qin Keqing felt that she was in Chen Yang's warm embrace, and she gradually enjoyed this feeling.At the same time, she was quite surprised and unbelievable, and said, "How did this happen? Why are these starry skies so real that even I don't think there are any flaws?"

Chen Yang smiled slightly and explained: "Because the starry universe here is the law that the spiritual masters personally experienced and then recorded. I integrated their Zhouguang law to create this starry sky. Of course, this is still Incomplete, the starry sky is too big, and the universe has no seal. Even if the spiritual masters have tens of millions of years of experience, they have only seen a drop in the universe."

"So it is!" Qin Keqing suddenly realized.

In such a starry universe, Chen Yang and Qin Keqing's experience and savings are increasing rapidly.The two consumed a lot of pills to make each other more energetic.Tiny cells are also developing!

Breaking through the realm is definitely not something that happens overnight.Chen Yang practiced the Great Origin Technique, and his brain was extremely strong.So he wants to reach the middle stage of Xuxian, which is not easy.He needs enough accumulation, but as long as he has some kind of breakthrough, his strength will far surpass those of the same realm.

After reaching the Realm of Immortal Immortals, every step up is more difficult.

If Chen Yang and Qin Keqing have been cultivating together, with Qin Keqing's help, spending [-] million pills and one year, it is possible to reach the middle stage of Xuxian.It is even more difficult for Qin Keqing to reach the Cave Immortal, and she will spend more pills and time.Moreover, if the opportunity and understanding are not enough, it will not work after all.

For the Dongtian law of the cave fairy to be perfected successfully, the strength, mana and comprehension required are a terrifying value, an unimaginable value.

As for the eldest grandson, why is [-] million pills enough?That's because he has accumulated hundreds of years.Moreover, he has been in a gushing embarrassing situation, and he just needs a boost to help him rush.Of course, it was only recently that he affirmed his thoughts.

For him, the opportunity has arrived.Just wait for the pill.

Before, he got [-] million pills, so he was going to practice quietly in order to break through.Where do you know that things are one after another.First, Lan Tingyu escaped, and then the wise man was arrested, and he was implicated.Later, the wise man let go, but Jiatian kept staring at him.He didn't dare to practice, for fear of being caught by Jiatian.

In the end, his elixir was still forced to be handed over.

This is really an embarrassing thing.

Right now, the eldest grandson is still grounded and the pill is gone, he is almost going to die of anger.He gritted his teeth with hatred for that wise man.

After Chen Yang and Qin Keqing finished practicing, it was already midnight.

After the two traveled in the starry sky, they felt a lot closer to each other.The feeling of having me in you and you in me is too wonderful.But at this time, Qin Keqing still recovered her arrogance, and she said, "I'll go to sleep in another bedroom."

"Go to hell!" Chen Yang was so beastly, he threw himself on Qin Keqing's body.

Qin Keqing was frightened and angry, and said, "What are you doing? Get up quickly." She struggled, but soon she became weak.She was already lost in Chen Yang's passionate kiss.She didn't even hate Chen Yang's big hands making trouble on her plump body, but she felt weak, as if she had encountered a huge spell, and her body had no strength to resist.

But her hand was still pushing lightly insincerely.

Soon, the two of them blended together without a trace.

It was a fierce song, it was a moving and bright joy of men and women, and it belonged to the most primitive happiness.

After a long, long time, the wave finally stopped.

Qin Keqing felt that her body had never been so hearty.

The next morning, Qin Keqing woke up to find that she was naked and wrapped around Chen Yang like an octopus, which made her feel shy.

She got up quickly and got dressed.

When he got dressed and turned around, he saw that Chen Yang was still fast asleep.

"Hey, it's dawn." Qin Keqing couldn't help kicking Chen Yang.

Chen Yang woke up suddenly, and he looked at Qin Keqing.Qin Keqing had already put on the Dark Night Rose Armor at this time.

Chen Yang couldn't help being stunned for a moment. He had to say that women really have two extreme styles under the bed and on the bed.Qin Keqing on the bed is full of styles, but Qin Keqing under the bed is a majestic senior sister.

"Help me throw the clothes here." Chen Yang stopped teasing Qin Keqing, knowing that this elder sister is very thin-skinned.Qin Keqing said, "You don't know how to grab it yourself?"

She said so, but still threw Chen Yang's clothes to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said with a smile while putting on his clothes, "Aren't we a bit like a real couple?"

Qin Keqing gave Chen Yang a blank look, and said, "You have so many women, I don't dare to think about it."

Chen Yang said calmly, "Although I have many women, you have the most special thing."

"I'm not your woman, don't make a mistake. I thought that if we had a relationship, I would be yours. In the future, you will still go your way, and I will go my way." Qin Keqing said.

Chen Yang laughed, he just said it casually.In the future, he didn't think about having any intersection with Qin Keqing, so he didn't feel sad or troubled by it.

But then, Qin Keqing asked curiously again: "Are all men like this, telling women that she is special?"

"Maybe!" Chen Yang said.

Qin Keqing said: "Then tell me, what is so special about me?"

Chen Yang said seriously: "You are the one with the highest cultivation level among all my women."

It has to be said that Qin Keqing's cultivation is actually here.Chen Yang felt that the sense of conquest was very refreshing and exhilarating.

"Get out!" Qin Keqing blushed and spat.

Today's weather is fine and sunny.

The morning sun shines in the courtyard, and Rivata's house is also very luxurious, with independent villa buildings, courtyards and so on.

The life of Lingzun can only be divided into superiority and luxury.There are basically no down-and-out poor.If you can only live in three rooms and two living rooms, and still receive a salary to live, then for the spiritual masters in the world of spiritual masters, they are poor people.

Like Rivata, she still has a lot of status in society.Although he has no cultivation, as a member of the Law Society, he is a senior cadre in the eyes of the Lingzun outside.The law society is not a place that can be admitted casually.

After breakfast, Chen Yang gave Rivata 3000 million pills.

Afterwards, Rivata went to the Law Society in a bare car.The distance of hundreds of miles can be reached in less than 5 minutes.

After arriving at the Law Society, Rivata handled affairs without a trace.At noon, he finally found an opportunity to meet his eldest grandson.The eldest grandson is practicing in his own room.

Rivata made sure that he hadn't been found, so he put the ring Xumi in.

The eldest grandson is concentrating on cultivation in the bedroom, but it is difficult to condense this spirit, and he is very annoyed.At this moment, he felt the approach of Livata, and at the same time, he saw the Ring Sumeru.

The eldest grandson grabbed the ring and Xumi in his hand.

There is a spiritual imprint inside, and there are 3000 million pure yang elixirs at the same time.When the eldest grandson saw so many pills, his heart surged.

For people in the fairy world, pure yang pills are like nothing.But for the earthlings, the pure yang elixir is extremely difficult.Especially after the passage to the fairy world is closed, if the pure yang energy does not leak out, the earthlings are very helpless.

The eldest grandson's eyes flashed brightly, and he observed the spiritual imprint again.

There, Chen Yang's appearance appeared.Chen Yang said inside: "I am the person behind the wise man, and I have countless pills that I can give you. But I need you to do me a favor. These 3000 million pills are a deposit. If you want to cooperate, Come and find me at Rivata's house!"

The eldest grandson squeezed the imprint quickly, and he couldn't help being surprised: "This guy is not dead yet. Jia Tian said he was already dead, hmph, this idiot actually has so many pills. Very good, wait for me My lord has arrested you, firstly to seize your elixir, secondly, to hand you over to the Law Society, and sue Jiatian for a serious crime of protecting human unicorn war criminals!"

He decided to pour dirty water on Jiatian.Didn't you say that Chen Yang and those people are all dead, but he is still alive and well.

"But... Could there be a conspiracy?" The eldest grandson was not a brainless person, so he turned to think.

"Well, don't care about his conspiracy, if he has a very powerful master here, he should have done it long ago. Even if there is a powerful master, it is not a problem for my lord to escape. The level of immortal cultivation in the human world is still far behind. This is a If there is an opportunity, my lord must go and have a look."

The grandson thought so.

Next, the eldest grandson left the bedroom.When he was about to leave the Law Society, he was stopped by Lingzun soldiers.

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