The strongest player in history

Chapter 1813 The Calamity of the Grandson

Lingzun soldiers are dedicated to their duties.

One of them said: "Master Changsun, Lord Jiatian has an order. You cannot leave the Law Society without his permission."

The eldest grandson glanced at the soldier and said coldly, "Get lost!"

His eyes turned cold, and when he yelled out the rolling word, rolling pressure descended.How could those two Lingzun soldiers bear it, their faces turned livid and sweat dripped down their faces.

"Eldest grandson!" At this moment, Najiatian sensed something in the scientific research room, and appeared in front of the eldest grandson in a flash.

"Eldest grandson, what are you doing?" Jia Tian shouted coldly.With a wave of his hand, he relieved the coercion that the two Lingzun soldiers were under.

"I want to go out!" The eldest grandson said directly.

"You can't go out yet!" Jia Tian said.

The eldest grandson said, "You want to put me under house arrest? You don't have the qualifications yet."

Jiatian said: "We have to decide with the president about the mistakes you made. Before the punishment comes down, you can't go there."

The eldest grandson said: "Jiatian, you are only at the early stage of the Tianyu Realm. You know how to set the tone for the mistakes I made. As a spiritual master and doing things, it is best to stay on the line. When I break through the cave fairy, Don't force me to treat you as an enemy in the future."

Jia Tian was slightly taken aback.

He looked at his eldest grandson, and fell silent.

After a while, Jiatian stepped aside.Obviously, Jiatian suddenly realized the essence of the matter.The mistakes made by the eldest grandson will not hurt the bones, but the eldest grandson will become a strong enemy in the future.Moreover, as a member of the Law Society, I can't cut the weeds first.Since we can't cut the weeds and eradicate the roots, we can't do things too extreme.

So after Jiatian pondered for a long time, he still stepped out of the way.

After the eldest grandson left the Law Society, he quickly left the Alps and flew towards Lijing.

Jiatian didn't follow his grandson, and he didn't think too much about what his grandson would do.Because the eldest grandson has always liked to go to Lijing to make some good friends.

The eldest grandson went directly to Rivata's home.

Chen Yang and Qin Keqing have also been waiting for the arrival of their eldest grandson.

In the living room on the second floor of the villa, the eldest grandson was dressed in a black robe, like a king descending.He has a stalwart body and a gloomy temperament.

Both Chen Yang and Qin Keqing were there.The two faced the arrival of their eldest grandson calmly.

"You're here!" Chen Yang smiled slightly and said, "Please sit down!"

The eldest grandson was a little surprised by Chen Yang's attitude, but he was not a man without a city, so he sat down calmly.

Chen Yang said: "I still have 7000 million pills here, plus the deposit of 3000 million pills for you. The total is [-] million. I need you to do me a favor."

"What's the matter?" The eldest grandson looked up at Chen Yang and asked calmly.

Chen Yang said, "Help me rescue Lan Tingyu."

"Why do you?" The eldest grandson suddenly asked Chen Yang coldly.

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback, and said, "Why?"

The eldest grandson said: "I mean, why do you ask me to help you save Lan Tingyu?"

Chen Yang said: "Shouldn't we talk about the price again? I will give you enough pills. You are only one step away from Tianyu Realm, and you need pills very much."

The eldest grandson said: "Can I just ask you to grab it now? Why do I have to do things for you. I guess you should have more pills in your hand. I am also thinking, why do you dare to come to see me?" , just rely on the two of you?"

The expressions of Chen Yang and Qin Keqing changed obviously.

There was a nervous look in their eyes.However, Chen Yang still forced himself to be calm, and he said: "If you want to say that, then there is really no point in talking. Since I dare to ask you to meet, I can't have no cards. If you can think of it, I can do it too." Thinking about it. If the business can’t be done, that’s okay. But you must not do it. Once you do it, I guarantee you will regret it for the rest of your life. You should probably know something. Bruner of Central World is dead. Venerable Blue is also dead. And Jiatian, whose cultivation base is higher than yours, I still left under his nose. These things are enough to show that you are not qualified to fight with me."

The eldest grandson couldn't help looking at Chen Yang again, fear flashed in his eyes.

Indeed, the Chen Yang in front of him was full of weirdness.

One Chen Yang and one Lan Tingyu are now very famous in the eyes of their Lingzun.Famous is not because the cultivation base of these two goods is too high.No matter how high the cultivation base is, it's not like they haven't seen the Spiritual Venerable before.The reason why they are famous is because these two guys are too weird, just like Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death.

Jiatian said that he killed Chen Yang, which actually made people in the Law Society have always been suspicious.I just dare not say it.

But now the facts prove that Chen Yang, this freak, is not dead, and is still alive and well.Isn't this fierce?

For a moment, the eldest grandson was in doubt.He wasn't sure if Chen Yang had any other ambushes.

Chen Yang's eyes turned cold, and he said: "The words have been finished, since you don't want to do this business, then you can get out!"

"Boy, you are looking for death!" The eldest grandson couldn't help being furious.When did someone dare to talk to him like that.

Chen Yang suddenly got up and said, "Why, you want to do it?"

The eldest grandson said: "You..." He wanted to do it, he felt that he could crush the two dolls in front of him into pieces as long as he did it.However, those weird things that happened to Chen Yang lingered in his mind like a curse.

"Huh?" At this moment, the eldest grandson saw Chen Yang's hands trembling slightly.He also saw that Qin Keqing was also nervous.

"Hahaha..." The eldest grandson suddenly laughed sharply.He finally understood one thing. "Stinky boy, if you really have the ability to deal with me, you won't be so stern. You clearly want to intimidate deliberately, thinking that you can scare me away. I don't care what you did before, but now, I dare Certainly, your cards have been used up."

"Really? Haha!" Chen Yang laughed loudly, and said, "You don't know how to live or die, if you have the ability, you can do it."

"Little brat, do you think I dare not?" The eldest grandson was furious, and shot instantly.

Instead, he grabbed Chen Yang and Qin Keqing with a big handprint of the void.

The big blue handprint instantly enveloped Chen Yang and Qin Keqing, as if the entire sky had been covered, making people unable to hide, nothing to hide!

Without batting an eye, Chen Yang said, "You dare to show off in front of my grandpa." After he finished speaking, he focused on his luck.

Suddenly, a ferocious thunder sword of the great soul tore through the void and killed it.

How fierce is the power of this sword!


Chen Yang's sword actually tore apart the eldest grandson's big handprint.Afterwards, Chen Yang grabbed Qin Keqing and entered into the soul spar.The power of the soul spar was fully mobilized, turning into a bright black sword energy and killing it outside the villa.


The wall of the villa was easily pierced by the black sword energy, and in an instant, Chen Yang was above the nine heavens.

"Sure enough, I don't have a hole card. If I want to leave, how is it possible!" The eldest grandson was determined.His big handprint move is just a temptation.

Seeing Chen Yang and Qin Keqing running for their lives now, he has already confirmed what he thought.

The eldest grandson also saw that Chen Yang's soul spar was not trivial.With a flash of his figure, he also shuttled above Jiuxiao.Then, the eldest grandson laid down the law of the cave without saying a word.

There are many spaces, and there is a piece of blue bark everywhere.

Like the ocean, and like the universe of nothingness!

That soul spar is also powerful, it actually directly tore apart countless spaces, seeing that even his cave law can't stop this soul spar.

"It's unreasonable!" The eldest grandson couldn't help being furious when he saw this.

"Go!" Changsun quickly made a move, and he sacrificed his magic weapon, the White Jade Vajra Sword!

A mouthful of white jade-like sword light flew out, sweeping countless space laws, forming a huge storm of white jade sword light in the air, and slamming into the black sword light of Chen Yang's soul.


The two sword lights clashed together, and the soul spar was quickly returned to its original shape.

Chen Yang and Qin Keqing also fell out of the soul spar, and Chen Yang grabbed the soul spar with one hand.

The eldest grandson also took back the white jade vajra sword.He sneered, and in the sky above, he said coldly like a god: "You two want to escape from the hands of me just because of your meager abilities?"

However, Chen Yang sneered, and said, "Eldest grandson, I have advised you not to do anything with me. You asked for this!" After he finished speaking, he quickly exploded the mysterious law practiced by Monk Linghui.

The golden spar quickly exploded with infinite brilliance, and after that, countless golden fragments fell down.

The eldest grandson suddenly felt bad, but it was already too late.That fragment has quickly contaminated his cave.

"What the hell is this?" The eldest grandson was shocked.

He immediately realized that there were some mysterious and incomparable laws in the cave.This feeling is terrifying.It's like the eldest grandson is a teacher who knows the lessons by heart.But suddenly, new knowledge was added, and it was profound.Nima, I don't understand it at all!

"I'll kill you!" The eldest grandson was furious.

Chen Yang didn't dodge, evade, or dodge.He sneered again and again, and said: "Kill me, you will stay in the fairyland forever in this life. Without me, this thread of law will haunt you to death!"

The eldest grandson grabbed Chen Yang.

In the void, countless blue caves formed a space killing array, which evolved into countless big hands grabbing at Chen Yang.

Obviously, the eldest grandson will not give in easily.

He wanted to catch Chen Yang and ask Chen Yang to help him decipher this mysterious law.

Chen Yang and Qin Keqing quickly escaped into the soul spar.

Afterwards, the soul spar turned into a soul sword light and directly pierced through the space killing formation, appearing outside the cave.

"Eldest grandson, do you really think you can catch me? Do you think you are superior to Jiatian and Bruner?" Chen Yang said with a sneer outside the cave.

He went on to say: "The loophole just now was just to lure you into being fooled. It is not surprising that you were really fooled."

The current eldest grandson is no longer seamless in the cave.It is not difficult at all for Chen Yang's soul spar to break through his cave.

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