Not to mention, this Chinese taste is really ecstasy.Moreover, Chen Yang also knew that he would not have anything to do with Qin Keqing in the future.So he didn't have any psychological burden for this relationship.

Afterwards, Chen Yang put on his clothes and left the bedroom first.As soon as he left the bedroom, Chen Yang heard the rustling of clothes being dressed inside.Chen Yang didn't wait long, and Qin Keqing came out wearing the Night Rose armor.

Qin Keqing was still so heroic, but her face still had the blush of a new wife.More amorous feelings.

When Chen Yang saw her armor, he thought of the temptation of the uniform, and the beautiful scenery under her uniform.

As soon as Qin Keqing saw Chen Yang's eyes, she knew what he was thinking.She suddenly became a little annoyed.But she endured it and said, "At first I thought you were an upright gentleman."

Chen Yang touched his nose and said, "Don't you think I'm not right now?"

"You're a rascal, rascal!" Qin Keqing said.

Chen Yang said: "Damn it, don't honest gentlemen have to be serious in bed?"

Qin Keqing blushed, she knew she couldn't tell Chen Yang about this. "Whatever I tell you, you can lure me to the bed!"

Chen Yang laughed.

Afterwards, Chen Yang also said seriously: "We still have to save people, let's start!"

Qin Keqing also became serious, she nodded, and said, "Okay!"

This time, the two sat cross-legged again.Afterwards, Chen Yang drove mana into Qin Keqing's body.Qin Keqing didn't resist, but at the same time, she felt that Chen Yang's magic power had a kind of intimacy.

However, when Chen Yang's mana entered her body, she still felt a trembling feeling.Just like everything about him, his body, and his secrets were all exposed under Chen Yang's eyes.

This is the first step in spiritual practice!

The good thing is that Qin Keqing has been intimate with Chen Yang several times just now, and she has been candid and exposed before.So now, she doesn't have much resistance.In this way, the two strands of mana really merged together.

Soon, the two strands of mana merged and surged violently.From Qin Keqing's body to Chen Yang's body.Conceived in yin and yang, there are infinite mysteries and energy in it.

Chen Yang didn't call out Linghui in a hurry, but relied on Qin Keqing's mana to nourish himself. His injury was a bit serious.

At the same time, Chen Yang swallowed the elixir.

The yin and yang mana quickly dissolved the elixir and swallowed all the nutrients into it.After Chen, this magic power surged through Chen Yang's body, and Chen Yang felt that all the fatigue in his body was replaced by a cool taste.Damaged, exhausted cells either shrivel up and die, or burst into life.Countless new cells grow out.

Chen Yang's injuries also recovered quickly, and countless cells in the brain greedily absorbed the pure power conceived in this yin-yang primordial spirit.

It didn't take long for Chen Yang to truly return to his peak state.Although a lot of pills were consumed, the effect this time was much better.

The previous elixir was used to restore vitality, and the elixir cost a lot, and it felt like a temporary solution rather than a root cause.It's like a car, if you keep fueling it, but don't let it stop, it will cause big problems.

And the treatment of Yin-Yang Yuanshen is a big maintenance!

"Linghui, come out!" At this moment, Chen Yang broke the seal and released Monk Linghui.

After Monk Linghui came out, he saw the formed Yin-Yang Primordial Spirit!

A look of joy flashed in his eyes, and he said, "That's right, it's all done. Fellow Daoist Chen Yang, how's it going? It tastes pretty good, right?"

When Qin Keqing heard this, she was so angry!

Chen Yang hurriedly said, "Damn it, you're making trouble on purpose, right?"

Monk Linghui laughed out loud.He then said to Qin Keqing: "You haven't lost anything today, it's just your appearance and appearance, but it will definitely help you a lot in your cultivation. It can also help you and others get out of trouble! And in the future, you will definitely thank the poor monk for helping you This fate is drawn. No matter in the future, you and Chen Yang are in love or not, but this fate is determined, and he will not treat you with death. So, no matter what, it is Miss Qin who earned it."

This logic immediately made Qin Keqing vomit blood, and gave Chen Yang her own body.Dare to make money... But Qin Keqing didn't bother to argue with Monk Linghui.

Monk Linghui went on to say: "Inject enough pills into the Yin-Yang Yuanshen, and the poor monk is going to enter the law of evolution."

Chen Yang said: "Good!"

Then, Chen Yang took out 100 million pills.He has a total of one billion pure yang pills, plus the 3 million for his eldest grandson, and now he has consumed more than [-] million pills.There are less than [-] million pills left.Chen Yang himself felt a little bit emotional, this elixir is really easy to use!

If this goes on, [-] million will not be used.

The 100 million pure yang pills were quickly integrated into the yin and yang primordial spirit.Yin and Yang primordial spirit, derived from all things, its handling capacity is immeasurable.

When the yin-yang primordial spirit swallowed too many pills, it would produce many things that even Chen Yang and Qin Keqing could not imagine.

Monk Linghui entered the center of the yin and yang primordial spirit, and he quickly circulated his mana.

Chen Yang and Qin Keqing only felt that Monk Linghui was in the center, frantically absorbing the pure yang power after the yin and yang primordial spirit.He also absorbs the mana from Yin Yang Yuanshen from time to time.

"This elixir is not enough, add thirty times more!" Monk Linghui shouted.

"Damn it!" Chen Yang was in pain, but no matter how painful it was at this time, he couldn't save himself.He immediately summoned 3000 million pure yang pills.

The infinite pure yang elixir evolved into a pure yang dragon, and under the control of Chen Yang's mana, the pure yang dragon surrounded the yin and yang primordial spirit!

The pure yang elixir is poured into the yin and yang primordial spirit like a rushing river.

The 3000 million elixirs were quickly consumed. Monk Linghui was going crazy, greedily absorbing vitality and mana.

Chen Yang had no choice but to inject the elixir again.

Another 7000 million pills were consumed, or 100 million pills, all of which were absorbed by Monk Linghui.

After that, Monk Linghui walked out of Yin-Yang Primordial Spirit, full of exhaustion.

At the same time, a glittering golden spar appeared in his hand. This spar was not big, just like a thumb, oval in shape.

He handed the golden spar to Chen Yang, and said, "Take it, when the eldest grandson is in trouble, lay down the law of the cave, and you will use your power to crush this spar into pieces. At that time, this poor monk's way The law will be contaminated in his cave."

Chen Yang took it. Seeing that Monk Linghui was tired, he said, "Continue to enter the yin and yang primordial spirit, and I will inject you with elixir, so that you can cultivate and thrive."

Monk Linghui said: "The poor monk is fine, as long as the poor monk cultivates in the seeds of Xuanhuang God Valley for a while, he will be fine."

Chen Yang thought of something, and said, "If I use the Yin-Yang Primordial Spirit and continuously infuse you with pure-yang elixir, will you be able to recover a trace of your previous cultivation?"

"Are you kidding me?" Monk Linghui said, "The poor monk has nothing now. If you want to restore a little skill back then, you will need at least 300 billion pills. Moreover, your primordial spirit can't bear so much medicinal power." .”

"Damn it, are you kidding me, 300 billion pills are needed for a little bit of skill?" Chen Yang said in surprise.

Monk Linghui said: "The poor monk is not joking. Fellow Daoists, your one billion pills are just fine in the mortal world. In the fairy world, the trading volume of pills is tens of billions to trillions. 300 billion, Very few."

"I..." Chen Yang was speechless for a moment.

It seems that there is still a long way to go!

It's like a person who has reached a certain height and thinks he is good.But after looking carefully, I found that there was still a long way to go.

Chen Yang only had more than 5 million elixirs left, and he couldn't help feeling that the elixirs were used so quickly!

After that, Chen Yang started to get down to business.

He asked Qin Keqing to hide in Jiexumi, and asked Linghui monk to go back to rest in the seed of Xuanhuang God Valley.Then, after he disappeared, he shuttled back and forth in the bustling Li capital.Flying in the air, Chen Yang quickly found the residence of Rivata, the envoy of the Law Society.

He shot with his divine sense, and was pleasantly surprised to find that Rivata was at home.

It was just after nightfall, and Chen Yang found out that Rivata had a family and a daughter.Without thinking too much, Chen Yang came directly to Rivata's house brutally, and then used the Da Lei Yin Purdue method to convert his whole family.

Chen Yang had no mercy for the spirit venerables.Just remembering the crimes they committed against humanity would harden his heart like iron.Of course, Chen Yang didn't want to hurt innocent people too much, and it would not be impossible for this family to return to vulgarity if he had the opportunity in the future.

The Rivata family were obedient to Chen Yang and were very obedient.Chen Yang and Qin Keqing stayed at Rivata's house with peace of mind, and had a good dinner.

Although time is urgent, Chen Yang also knows that some things cannot be rushed.No matter how anxious he was, he would have to wait until Rivata went to Tianlong Hall tomorrow morning before he could let Rivata contact his eldest grandson.Otherwise, it will make people suspicious.

That night, Chen Yang and Qin Keqing lived in a separate bedroom in Rivata's house.But in the bedroom, Chen Yang and Qin Keqing still entered the huge ring sumeru.

Although it was a long night, Qin Keqing was obviously not so bored that he wanted to sleep with Chen Yang to pass the time.Even if she had the heart, with her personality, she would never be able to do such a thing.

Chen Yang suggested: "Let's continue spiritual practice, I think it will be of great help to both of you and me. The stronger the strength of the two of us, the greater the chance of winning."

Qin Keqing also had this intention and said, "Okay!"

At the moment, the two sat cross-legged facing each other.Then, the mana blended with each other.

The yin and yang spirits are formed, and they let the yin and yang spirits fly freely in each other's bodies, and understand each other's mysteries.

Qin Keqing stayed at the peak of Xuxian for a long time, but her savings were still not enough.It should be said that not only savings, but also opportunities, mentality, and various factors prevented her from entering the fairyland.

Qin Keqing is not in a hurry, she knows about cultivation, but haste makes waste!

While the two of them were cultivating together, Chen Yang was also greedily absorbing everything he could. He had just entered the Void Immortal not long ago. Although his mana was strong, he still lacked a lot of experience in the Void Immortal Realm.

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