Luo Xue couldn't answer, she looked at Chen Yang in embarrassment. "Chen Yang, you must find a way to save Mr. Lan." Her eyes were full of sincerity.

Chen Yang nodded and said, "Don't worry, I won't ignore Lan Tingyu."

Qin Keqing didn't know the grievances between Chen Yang and Lan Tingyu, the only thing she knew was that Lan Tingyu was also very important to Chen Yang.Otherwise, he wouldn't be so excited when he saw Lan Tingyu in the underground base of the Law Society.

"What do you want to do?" Yu Zijin said in a deep voice.She was dissatisfied, but tried her best to suppress this dissatisfaction.

Today's Yu Zijin and Tang Wenqing are no longer the passionate young people they were before after suffering great humiliation.They think more about their own interests.

Chen Yang glanced at Yu Zijin and Tang Wenqing. Chen Yang also understood their little Jiujiu.He said: "I'm still thinking about the solution, but at least, this attitude will not change. I do owe you two, but if you really want to find out, it doesn't have much to do with me, because I didn't lie, I told Emperor Tang the truth. You are fighting for the Jokhang Dynasty. As long as there is a battle, there will be harm. I deeply sympathize with what happened to you."

He paused and said: "But I have to say, when Qin Keqing came to me to save you, I could refuse. There is also a reason to refuse, because I have already experienced the power of Lingzun. It would be even more difficult to rescue you in such a dangerous place as the Cretaceous World. You two... Miss Qin and I didn't give up on you because we didn't think of a way. Now, without Lan Tingyu's delay, you Do you think we can escape? Now that you have escaped, can you really stop caring about Lan Tingyu's life with such peace of mind?"

Yu Zijin and Tang Wenqing were silent, they lowered their heads.As for whether they really felt guilty or pretended, Chen Yang could not decide.Chen Yang also knew that it was impossible for him to convince people like them with just a few words.

Afterwards, Chen Yang continued: "Third Highness, Eighth Miss, I will give you enough pills, and you can practice here, recover, and recuperate. Next, I will go out and find a way to save Lan Tingyu. Although I still have I didn't think of a way, but thinking about it, there is always a way. There are thousands of difficulties, haven't they all come to this point?"

He then glanced at Qin Keqing again and said, "Miss Qin, can I trust you?"

Qin Keqing realized that Chen Yang might have entrusted her, regardless of whether she wanted to save Lan Tingyu or not, but she still recognized Chen Yang's character.Immediately, he said seriously: "I will never let you down!"

Chen Yang nodded, and said: "Okay, you are enough. I will do it alone to save Lan Tingyu. As for this, I ask you to take care of Luo Xue for me. She must not be allowed to go out." Any accident, if she has an accident... I can't bear the consequences."

Qin Keqing said: "Wait, if you want to go out to save people, I mean, since you insist on doing this, I will accompany you."

Chen Yang said: "No need!" Qin Keqing said: "I shouldn't be considered a burden, this matter is not for you or Lan Tingyu, but also for ourselves. I must go with you."

Chen Yang said, "No, I need you to help me take care of Luo Xue."

Qin Keqing said, "Luo Xue is safe here."

Chen Yang was not at ease.Because those people like Liu Mang...

Qin Keqing said: "You have already gone out to save people, Liu Mang and the others will not do anything to Luo Xue. Luo Xue and Lan Tingyu also have a close relationship, they must always have scruples."

Luo Xue also immediately said: "Yes, Chen Yang, I'm fine. If this girl can help you, your odds of winning will be much greater."

Chen Yang was a little upset, but in the end, he agreed to take Qin Keqing with him.In fact, he really needs Qin Keqing's help.

Qin Keqing can be Chen Yang's back-up move, and that is double cultivation.Chen Yang thought of an amazing idea.That is to integrate the power of yin and yang into the soul spar, what will happen then?

Qin Keqing's cultivation base is the closest to Chen Yang's, so he is also the best candidate for dual cultivation.It's just that Chen Yang couldn't bring it up unless he had to, because if he mentioned it rashly, it would appear that Chen Yang had ulterior motives.

Chen Yang then warned Liu Mang's four brothers.After that, he still didn't rush to save Lan Tingyu, but started to repair the Wushi God Puppet in Jiexumi.After a day and a night, Chen Yang finally managed to restore the Wushi Puppet completely.Chen Yang injected a large amount of elixir into Wushi God Puppet, and he himself inhaled a large amount of elixir.He and Wu Shi Shen Puppet mastered each other, spent 2000 million pills, and finally cultivated each other's strength to the peak state.

Chen Yang felt a little tired.

Although his strength is abundant, this abundance is enhanced by drugs.So in fact, Chen Yang really needs to rest.But now time is urgent, Chen Yang has no time to rest at all.

He then left the cave with Qin Keqing.This cave is a legacy cave, and the magic circle outside is very mysterious.It was not created by Lan Tingyu, Lan Tingyu just repaired its formation.

This formation protects the cave, without revealing the mountains, without dew, and extremely mysterious.

The safety factor here is undoubtedly very high.

Afterwards, Chen Yang set off with Qin Keqing who was wearing a night rose armor.

The Night Rose Armor is black all over, and it fits Qin Keqing's body very close to her body.It shows Qin Keqing's exquisite figure to the fullest.

The so-called heroines are heroic, and this is the scene in front of them.The only thing worth mentioning is that her breasts seem to be bigger, giving people a very strong temptation.It's like the Goddess of Explosion on some game posters.

Chen Yang still went to Lijing.Monk Linghui hid his breath again for the two of them.

It should be said that before doing anything, Chen Yang and Qin Keqing were still very safe.Because the Law Society didn't even know about the existence of Chen Yang and Qin Keqing.

Chen Yang and Qin Keqing arrived in Lijing quietly. He has been using invisibility to walk, so he didn't leave any clues to the spirits in Lijing.

At the same time, Chen Yangxian and Qin Keqing found a hidden place to rest.They hid in Jiexumi.

Then, Chen Yang communicated with the wise man.

Due to the existence of the blood edict, Chen Yang can communicate with the wise man at any time.

It was noon that day, and the sun was shining brightly.

The climate of the Cretaceous World is like a seaside climate, warm as spring all year round.It's just that in summer, it will be even hotter.And winter is not that cold.

Chen Yang first observed the wise man with the power of the blood edict, and saw through the wise man's eyes that the wise man was in the prison of the reincarnation department.It was a bone-biting water prison.

The water in the dungeon is dark green and has a fishy smell.

A wise person is soaked in it, and he is like ten thousand worms gnawing at his heart all the time.This kind of pain, if not for ordinary people, would die within a minute.And the dark green liquid restrained all the skills of the wise man.A wise man can say that life is better than death.

These are just some small tricks of the Department of Reincarnation. If they want to torture Lingzun, they have more ruthless tricks.

"Wisdom, are you okay?" Chen Yang asked.

Chen Yang's voice immediately sounded in Wise One's mind.He shook his body and immediately opened his eyes.He was already a little dazed, and shook his head before slowly waking up.

"Master, I'm okay!" The wise man communicated with Chen Yang through thoughts in his mind.

"How long can it last?" Chen Yang asked.

The wise man couldn't help but smiled bitterly, and said: "I'm afraid it can only last for three days at most. After three days, all the power will be lost. At that time, there will be a dead end."

Chen Yang said: "You have recruited them all truthfully, why do they bother to make things difficult for you?"

The wise man said: "They don't know if I have concealed anything. If I want to survive, I have to reveal more information. If I don't reveal it, or if I don't have other information, even if I die here, they won't feel it. pity."

Chen Yang said in a deep voice, "Wait, I will come to save you." The wise man smiled wryly again, and said, "To be honest, Master, it is very unlikely that you will be able to save me. The Reincarnation Department of the Law Society has not Lingzun walked out alive. I know that if you enter the reincarnation division, you are almost doomed."

Chen Yang smiled lightly and said, "But you still have a glimmer of hope, don't you? Otherwise, you wouldn't have told me so much."

"Maybe!" said the wise man, "I probably hope that you, Master, can create miracles."

Chen Yang said: "Since I was able to enter the chalk world and take away Yu Zijin and Tang Wenqing at the same time, that is the beginning of a miracle. So, believe me, I can also take you and Lan Tingyu away."

"I am willing to trust the master." A ray of light flashed in the wise man's eyes.

Chen Yang said: "Okay, let's get down to business. Now I also have an advantage, that is, I am in the dark, and they don't know my existence." He paused, and continued: "It is impossible to fight recklessly. With all the power of Tianzhou and the Central World, I am afraid that I will not be able to conquer a chalk world. Therefore, I need weaknesses and as much information as possible. Everyone will have weaknesses, and every spiritual master will also have weaknesses. Do you know that, What is the weakness of Michael, the president of the Law Society? As long as I can grasp the weakness of Michael, then it will not be difficult for me to rescue you and Lan Tingyu."

The wise man said: "But master, let's not say that Mikaye's weakness is hard to find. Even before, the eldest grandson also said that Lan Tingyu is very important. Mikaye has no right to let it go."

Chen Yang said: "That's on the bright side, but secretly, Mikaye controls the Law Society. It's easy to let Lan Tingyu and you go."

The wise man said: "Weakness, I really don't know what kind of weakness Michael has." He paused and said, "But..."

"But what?" Chen Yang asked immediately.

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