The strongest player in history

Chapter 1807 Dangerous situation

Jiatian and these spiritual masters are not little white rabbits, so of course they will not easily trust the wise ones.He personally used his strength to search Hui Zhe and Lan Tingyu, but he found nothing on these two people.

And the ice crystal rough stone models made by several doctors of the Law Society have completely disappeared.In other words, the clue to find the ice crystal rough stone was also broken.

The most important thing for Jiatian now is to find Luo Xue and find the original ice crystal.It can be said that he got nothing from the wise man, so he pinned his hopes on Lan Tingyu.

But Lan Tingyu has been in a coma.

No matter how provocative Jiatian was, he couldn't wake up.Jiatian suspects that Lan Tingyu did it on purpose.He then resorted to various tortures to torture Lan Tingyu, but Lan Tingyu never responded.

If the punishment is severer, Lan Tingyu's body will turn into countless flame particles and burn fiercely.This guy's body is full of weirdness, like an immortal body.

After that, the wise man was imprisoned.Jia Tian and the other Lingzun's focus was on Lan Tingyu.Whether it's Lan Tingyu's own secrets or Luo Xue's whereabouts, everything rests on Lan Tingyu.

Therefore, Jiatian and other Lingzun will never kill Lan Tingyu easily.

Many doctors worked together to overcome Lan Tingyu's difficult bone, and Lan Tingyu was also locked up and guarded strictly.Spiritual Venerables who have been careless once will not make the same mistake again.

But Lan Tingyu didn't have much time. He was able to escape the catastrophe before because of his paralysis of the spirit lords.The spirit masters slowly figured it out, thinking that he had been completely controlled.But now, they have made progress in researching Lan Tingyu.

If the delay continues, these doctors will be able to completely refine Lan Tingyu into the Nine Flames God Pill.At that time, Lan Tingyu will really be dead.

The doctors are currently studying how to revive Lan Tingyu, but if they can't find out.Then they will try to disassemble Lan Tingyu, which is also a threat to Lan Tingyu who is deliberately sleeping.Therefore, Lan Tingyu's intentional deep sleep can only last for a short time.

A long-term solution is absolutely impossible.

If no one came to rescue Lan Tingyu, then waiting for Lan Tingyu would be a dead end.And he was imprisoned in this Law Society, which can be called a real net of heaven and earth, with iron walls and iron walls.

In the Law Society, there are masters of the Tianyu Realm, not to mention the big bosses.In the elders' meeting of Tianlong Hall, masters emerge in endlessly.In such a place, even if someone like the God Emperor came, it would be difficult to rescue Lan Tingyu.

So, is Lan Tingyu really a dead end?

Will Chen Yang come to rescue him?

It doesn't seem to be in line with human nature for Chen Yanggan to take a strange risk to save a wife-killing enemy.

Chen Yang brought Qin Keqing and his party back to the previous cave, and he released everyone from the Sumeru Ring.

Everyone still doesn't know exactly what happened.Chen Yang also had to give everyone an explanation, and he said that Lan Tingyu had been arrested again.

Immediately, the crowd surged, and there were all kinds of voices.Some said they wanted to save Lan Tingyu, some said they wanted to do their best, and some said why Chen Yang was fine, did you have bad intentions to harm your son?

Luo Xue was also anxious, but she did not allow outsiders to slander Chen Yang, so she immediately stood up and defended Chen Yang with righteous words.

Liu Mang, the fourth brother of the Liu family, knew that Chen Yang and Lan Tingyu would not deal with him, but he held back and said nothing.

The audience is noisy.

Chen Yang waved his hand for the last time and said, "Everyone be quiet."

His voice was like Hong Zhong Da Lu, overshadowing all other voices.Everyone was frightened by his majesty, and fell silent for a while.

Chen Yang glanced at the crowd and said: "Don't say anything about desperately. I think there are many of you who don't know much about Tianlongdian. If the people of Tianlongdian want to kill you, just blow your breath. Lan Tingyu was killed. Captured, I am as anxious as you. The reason why he was captured was also to rescue you. Originally, I wanted to take you away, and we needed to use the teleportation array of Tianlong Palace. But something happened unexpectedly, and now we It is not easy to bring everyone back safely. Therefore, I also hope that you will not have suspicions about me, and everyone will live a good life, and I will try my best to rescue Lan Tingyu."

"Master Chen, are you really going to save my son?" Liu Mang stared at Chen Yang closely and asked.

Chen Yang looked at Liu Mang, and he said in a deep voice: "Everyone present, I want to kill him without any effort. Therefore, there is no need for me to lie, I solemnly tell you, I will! Others, I don't want to say more. "

He didn't want to talk about his grievances with Lan Tingyu, because he didn't want Luo Xue to know.The second is that I don't want many people to follow indiscriminate suspicion.

Too much is wrong.

After appeasing these people, Chen Yang held a separate meeting with the four brothers of the Liu family, Qin Keqing, Tang Wenqing, Yu Zijin, and Luo Xue.

Chen Yang said to the crowd: "Wisdom was indeed captured. Lan Tingyu was also captured. I understand that they want a rough ice crystal. If my guess is correct, then The rough ice crystal is the crystal that was placed in your body Luo Xue before. This time, the reason why we were approached by them was also because of that crystal. That crystal is extremely important. If this crystal is really In our hands, we can be used as an exchange. It's a pity..."

Luo Xue immediately said: "You can use me to exchange Young Master Lan with them."

Liu Mang and the others had no objections.

Qin Keqing, Yu Zijin, and Tang Wenqing had no objections.If Lan Tingyu can be brought back, then their chances of winning will be much greater.

Chen Yang glanced at everyone, and he took everyone's thoughts into his eyes.He was a little disappointed, but he didn't want to say anything to them.He just said to Luo Xue: "This is absolutely impossible."

Luo Xue became anxious, and said: "They still need me, and they won't kill me. But Mr. Lan is different. Mr. Lan has sacrificed too much for us. My life is cheap. If I can exchange his life, I am willing."

Liu Mang said, "Mr. Chen, I think it's okay. At least, they won't embarrass Miss Luo Xue for the time being, but it's too dangerous to have Mr. Luo in their hands. After we replace Mr. Luo, we will find a way to save Luo Xue." Snow Maiden is not too late."

"Fuck you!" Chen Yang was instantly annoyed. He glanced at Liu Mang and said, "I'll kill you to change Lan Tingyu's life. Do you want to do it?"

Liu Mang's other three brothers immediately became upset. The second younger brother Liu Tang raised his eyebrows and said angrily, "The surname is Chen, we respect you and give you some face. Don't take yourself too seriously. You motherfucker How did you talk to my elder brother?"

"Second brother, shut up!" Liu Mang scolded Liu Tang and the other two angry brothers.He stopped them, got up and said: "Don't you know that the sky is high and the earth is thick, and Mr. Chen wants to kill us, it is no different from crushing an ant."

The three brothers were reprimanded by Liu Mang, and immediately drooped their heads, not daring to say a word.Afterwards, Liu Mang got up and said to Chen Yang: "If you can exchange my life for your son's life, my head can be taken away later." He spoke loudly and righteously.

Chen Yang clenched his fists, he snorted coldly, and said, "What are you? A hundred of you are not as good as Luo Xue. If anyone dares to exchange Luo Xue for Lan Tingyu, I will immediately take Luo Xue Let the snow go, who the hell is willing to control your life and death."

As soon as he said this, Qin Keqing and the others didn't dare to say more.At the same time, it was strange how this strange woman held such an important position in Chen Yang's heart.

When Luo Xue heard the words, she couldn't help but take another look at Chen Yang. There was no doubt that she was moved in her heart.This is the real family!

Liu Mang's expression was strange, and he said: "Young Master Chen, isn't it right? Miss Luo is on good terms with my Young Master, are you taking advantage of someone's danger?"

"When did Luo Xue become Lan Tingyu's woman?" Chen Yang became even angrier after hearing this.

Liu Mang was about to explode.He is not afraid of death for the son's sake.At this moment, Luo Xue hurriedly said: "Brother Liu, please don't get me wrong. Chen Yang is my brother-in-law, and my sister is his wife. He has no other intentions to protect me."

"Brother-in-law?" Liu Mang was stunned for a moment, and suddenly he seemed to understand a little bit about the twists and turns.Immediately, Liu Mang fell silent.

"Then... how does the young master plan to rescue my young master?" Afterwards, the four brothers of the Liu family asked Chen Yang.

Chen Yang felt upset, and he said, "I'm trying to figure out a way. If you have a better way, you can tell me."

What can the four brothers of the Liu family do?

This meeting just broke up.

After the four brothers of the Liu family left, Luo Xue did not leave.

And Qin Keqing, Yu Zijin and Tang Wenqing were also there.Tang Wenqing said: "I think it is unrealistic to save people. Now that the target has been exposed, I am clear about the internal supervision of the Law Society. Even if my father comes, there is no way to save people. Let alone us human power."

Tang Wenqing and Yu Zijin didn't know about the changes in the Jokhang Dynasty in the Central World.Qin Keqing didn't tell them either, fearing that they wouldn't be able to bear the blow.

Chen Yang's mood was a little irritable. He wanted to get angry, but immediately thought of Tang Wenqing's grandfather, Emperor Tang.

Forget it, even for Emperor Tang's sake, he shouldn't be as knowledgeable as this kid.Although Tang Wenqing was older than Chen Yang, in Chen Yang's eyes, Tang Wenqing was just a junior.

"So, what do you mean?" Chen Yang asked calmly.

Qin Keqing and the others were relieved to see that Chen Yang was not angry.Tang Wenqing said: "Let's find a way to leave the chalk world first, and then try to save people."

Luo Xue said: "How can it be done? After a long time, Mr. Lan must be in danger. This is absolutely impossible!"

"Then tell me, girl, how do we save people? To die? Do we have to die a few more times to be worthy of Mr. Lan?" Tang Wenqing said slightly angrily.

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