The strongest player in history

Chapter 1809 Mysterious Law

The wise man said: "Although the young slave doesn't know, the eldest grandson may know. Because his position in the Law Society is very important."

Chen Yang's eyes lit up."That's a good idea," he said.

The wise man smiled wryly, and said: "But master, the eldest grandson's cultivation is at the peak of the cave fairy, one step away from the Tianyu realm. He has accumulated enough, and he is only one step away. It is only by relying on the elixir and a little chance that he can rush up." He is different from Xiaonu. Although Xiaonu is also at the peak of Xuxian, his savings are still far behind. No matter how many pills he has, he will not be able to rush over. Are you really sure that you can win the eldest grandson? He is not good to us now I hate it to the bone."

Chen Yang rubbed his nose and said, "It's difficult to do, but I have to find a way. It seems that the breakthrough can only be placed on the eldest grandson. Well, by the way, how can I find the eldest grandson?"

The wise man said: "The magic circle around the Tianlong Temple is powerful, even if you have the invisibility technique, you can't get close to it. The reason why you came here before is because Xiaonu got the permission of the magic circle. Therefore, you are absolutely invincible in the Tianlong Temple. You can't find your grandson."

Chen Yang said: "I know this. Don't I think my life will be long if I do it in Tianlong Palace?"

The wise man said: "At present, the eldest grandson seems to be grounded by Jiatian, but this is not a big problem. If the eldest grandson really wants to go out, Jiatian can't stop him."

Chen Yang said: "I need a guy from the Law Society to send a message to my eldest grandson. Now that my eldest grandson has lost the elixir, what he wants most is the elixir. He is angry and definitely wants to break through the Tianyu realm."

The wise man said: "Yes, once he breaks through to the Tianyu Realm, his status will rise again. At that time, Jiatian will not dare to do anything to him. This time, his fault will not be worth mentioning."

Chen Yang said: "So, I need someone to inform my eldest grandson. Tell my eldest grandson that I have enough pills for him."

The wise man said: "But master, if the eldest grandson meets you, he may not hesitate to grab it directly, but he will not negotiate terms with you."

Chen Yang said: "This is indeed a problem, don't worry. I'm not a fool, I will think about a plan before I act."

He paused, and said, "Do you know that within Lijing, there are people from any law society who can get in touch with the eldest grandson?"

"I know one, Rivata. Rivata has some friendship with the eldest grandson, and he lives in..." The wise man immediately told Chen Yang the information.

Chen Yang asked the wise man to wait patiently, and he must find ways to rescue him.Right now, Chen Yang is also sincere to the wise man.No matter what the wise man thinks, he has indeed fulfilled his promise, so Chen Yang must treat him with sincerity.Stop treating him like a slave.

After Chen Yang finished talking with the Wise One, he also fell into deep thought.

Seeing this, Qin Keqing asked, "How's the matter?"

Chen Yang then said: "I communicated with Wise One, and the situation of Wise One is not very good right now, he can't last for a few days. I have to act faster."

Qin Keqing said: "But how to act?"

Chen Yang said: "What I'm thinking now is to find the weakness of the president of the Law Society, Mikaye, and then use it to blackmail him, let him release people, and send all of us out of the chalk world by the way."

Qin Keqing was taken aback when she heard the words, and she immediately said: "This is too whimsical. President of the Law Society, didn't you listen to the wise man? He is a first-class master, and I am afraid that he is already in the sky." He is a master of the environment. He is a tyrant in the world of chalk. We are not even ants in front of him. How dare you go to his weakness?"

Qin Keqing went on to say: "I advise you to give up this idea quickly. In the face of absolute strength, no amount of trickery is ridiculous."

Chen Yang was a little speechless, and said, "Then you can think of a way for me?"

Qin Keqing said: "I can't think of it."

Chen Yang said: "Then you shut up first!"

"You..." Qin Keqing was extremely annoyed, but after thinking about it, she still closed her mouth.

Chen Yang felt that he and Qin Keqing couldn't discuss the reason, so he called out Monk Linghui.

"Linghui, I want to control the eldest grandson first, and then rely on the eldest grandson to find Mikaye's weakness." Chen Yang said.

Monk Linghui couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said: "The poor monk heard what Miss Qin and fellow Taoist said just now. The poor monk thinks that although what Miss Qin said is not very pleasant, it also makes sense!"

"There's a reason!" Chen Yang said, "Everyone will say no, but you guys can say yes!"

"It's impossible to do this by itself." Monk Linghui said.

Chen Yang said, "But I have to do it."

Monk Linghui said, "What should I do?"

Chen Yang said: "Isn't this trying to figure out a way with you? Could it be that your wisdom can't think of a way?"

Monk Linghui said: "The key is, fellow daoist, are you in a daze?"

Chen Yang said, "Huh?"

Monk Linghui said: "The poor monk still can't understand your affection! The poor monk knows that you value affection, but you and a wise man, what kind of affection do you value, and what integrity do you talk about? And that Lan Tingyu, he was originally you You actually want to take such a risk to save him. Is this in line with human nature? These two guys will die as soon as they die, so what is there to save? Even if they are easy to save, they shouldn't be saved!"

"Kill your wife and enemy?" Qin Keqing looked at Monk Linghui in surprise.

Obviously, she was a little confused.

Chen Yang was not in the mood to explain anything to Qin Keqing. He looked at Monk Linghui and said, "Lan Tingyu and the wise man were arrested because they were covering our escape. This principle will always stand there. Linghui, if I really Regardless of what you say, ignore them. So, can you really continue to trust me?"

Monk Linghui was stunned.

He also looked at Chen Yang.

He said nothing.

After a long while, he said: "That's right, fellow Taoist, you have never changed. Some of the thoughts of the poor monk have not changed. The poor monk has also forgotten the original intention of the poor monk. The reason why the poor monk believes in you so much , because, fellow Taoist, you have always been such a person. Amitabha, you are a poor monk with a picture."

Chen Yang sighed slightly, he stood up and looked into the distance.Although the distance is just a villa wall in Jiexu Mili.He then said: "I hope that I can be a person with a clear heart. But in the end, I still owe a lot of people. Fei Rong lost her life for me. Luo Ning was driven away by me and lost her life. I want Make up, but I can never make up for the dead. I even owe Linger a lot...and my, I don't want to owe more. The wise man is just a spirit, he may not even have shame No, but he has fulfilled what he promised me. How can I be inferior to him. There is also Lan Tingyu, hatred is hatred, grace is grace. He saved Luo Xue, it is my grace, he took the initiative to lure the enemy, let We escaped, this is his kindness to us. The kindness must be repaid first, and the hatred must be repaid later."

"Brother, clear grievances and grievances!" At this moment, these eight words flashed in Qin Keqing's mind.She suddenly felt that Chen Yang in front of her was so tall.

She felt that he was someone she could trust extremely.

She can completely give her back to him.

This... is also the charm of Chen Yang.

Monk Linghui was in awe.

He then seriously helped Chen Yang think about it.

"Fellow Daoist Chen Yang, first of all, we need to understand what kind of existence the opponent is. One of the opponents is the peak of the Cave Immortal. With the strength of the two of you, in front of him, it is like two cats facing a fierce tiger. Although you are very He is nimble and nimble, but he can only escape. As for Mikaye, let alone, he can kill you with just one look." Monk Linghui said: "Also, all the means in the world, that's for them. Saying that, it doesn’t work. Poisoning, ambush, plotting, etc., all don’t work, they will only bring shame on themselves.”

What Monk Linghui said was cruel, but it was also true.

Chen Yang really couldn't think of a way out, so he could only rely on Linghui's experience.

"However, there are no solutions at all." Monk Linghui suddenly smiled.

"Damn, if there is a way, you didn't say it earlier." Chen Yang said immediately.

Monk Linghui said: "The reason why the poor monk didn't talk about it is that it is difficult to do it, and secondly, it consumes the poor monk's hard work and energy, but since you are determined to do it, fellow Taoist, the poor monk can only help you Give it a try."

"Say it!" Chen Yang said.

Monk Linghui said: "Fellow daoists, if you want to find their weaknesses, this poor monk will tell you the truth. Such people have basically no weaknesses. They have the determination to pursue the Dao, and they also have the determination to give up everything. Fate, relatives, everything can be done." break. But there are only two things they can't break."

"These two?" Chen Yang and Qin Keqing looked at Monk Linghui intently.

Monk Linghui said: "One, life cannot be broken."

Chen Yang was speechless, isn't this nonsense?If you can control the lives of those two people, do you still need to be in a dilemma here?

But Chen Yang didn't interrupt Monk Linghui.

Qin Keqing asked, "What about the second one?"

Monk Linghui said: "Second, the cultivation base is indestructible."

Chen Yang's eyes lit up, and under the reminder of Monk Linghui, Chen Yang felt that he seemed to understand something.But what exactly it was, he couldn't say.

Monk Linghui continued: "Currently, we have no ability to control their lives. But the poor monk has a way to hold back their cultivation."

"How to coerce?" Chen Yang and Qin Keqing asked in unison.

Monk Linghui smiled slightly and said: "The poor monk has some mysterious rules. If they are integrated into the grandson's cave, the poor monk can guarantee that the grandson will never be able to digest them forever. In this way, his cultivation base will never be able to improve. For his cultivation, if the poor monk wants to come, he will definitely make a compromise."

Chen Yang said: "In that case, why not look for the eldest grandson, just go to Mikaye directly."

Monk Linghui said: "That's not what I said. It's not easy to evolve the poor monk's law..."

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