Lan Tingyu's cultivation has reached the middle stage of the Immortal Realm, and he has special skills, that is, he can safely escape from the cave of the top immortals without relying on magic weapons.He is worthy of being the king of destiny in Tianzhou, so he will never be afraid of Chen Yang.

Although Lan Tingyu was born in Houmen's family, but because of her mother's low status, she has always been neglected by her father and discriminated against by her family brothers.His father even strictly forbade him to practice martial arts.It was in such a situation that Lan Tingyu had an adventure, and then achieved her current status.

In essence, he and Chen Yang are enemies.But it cannot be said that Lan Tingyu is a hypocrite.The matter of killing and seizing treasure is too common among monks.The only thing he did wrong was killing Chen Yang's woman.

At this time, Chen Yang looked at Lan Tingyu in front of him.

His mood is very complicated.

He suddenly felt very powerless, he thought he already had some skills.But there is still so much powerlessness.He couldn't let Chen Tianya admit his mistakes to his mother, and he couldn't kill Luo Ning's enemy with his own hands.Moreover, this enemy is right in front of him.

Chen Yang knew better that even without the rules of the Palace of Stars, he would not be able to kill Lan Tingyu.Whether he can beat Lan Tingyu is another matter.

Chen Yang is not afraid of any masters in the territory of Xuxian.He even defeated Tiemu Jun who was at the peak of Xuxian.However, he was not at all sure of facing Lan Tingyu in the middle stage of Xuxian.

Chen Yang took a deep breath, the anger in his heart had calmed down a lot by now.Although he is impulsive, he will not lose his mind because of impulsiveness.He knew that this was not the time for revenge.

Therefore, Chen Yang was ready to leave immediately.He was not at ease with Qin Keqing.

"Wait a minute!" At this moment, Lan Tingyu shouted.

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback, then he looked at Lan Tingyu coldly, but didn't speak.

Lan Tingyu said: "I lost all my things, can you lend me two clothes?"

Chen Yang was stunned for a while, but he didn't say much, and immediately found two sets of clothes from Jiexumi, and threw them to Lan Tingyu.

Lan Tingyu took the clothes, and at that moment, the expression in his eyes was very complicated.

Soon, Lan Tingyu put on the clothes.He said in a deep voice, "Thank you!"

Chen Yang turned around and wanted to leave again.

"I thought you wouldn't borrow it." Lan Tingyu said.

Without turning his head, Chen Yang said, "We are enemies, and it is true that we are enemies, but I will give you the respect you deserve."

Lan Tingyu laughed loudly and said, "Okay, okay!"

Then he said, "I'll take you to meet someone."

Chen Yang was puzzled immediately, and said, "I saw someone, who is it?"

Lan Tingyu said: "You'll know when you see it." Chen Yang was curious, so he no longer rejected Lan Tingyu.

At that moment, Lan Tingyu sacrificed the Nine Flame Dragon, and then stepped on the dragon.The Nine Flames Divine Dragon roared in the air and flew out.Chen Yang immediately sacrificed the Great Golden Pill, and the Great Golden Pill spread the Kunpeng's wings, and followed after fluttering the wings.

The two of them were flying like lightning in the night sky.

Not long after, they came to a mountain forest.It was a dense forest, like a virgin forest.

The trees are dense to the extreme.

Lan Tingyu then took Jiuyan Shenlong in, he was afraid that Jiuyan Shenlong would burn the forest.In an instant, Lan Tingyu fell down.

Chen Yang followed closely behind.

The two arrived in front of a cave.

Chen Yang clearly felt that the array around the cave was arranged extremely mysteriously, and it would be difficult for outsiders to notice the existence of this place if they did not observe carefully.

Lan Tingyu strolled towards the inside of the cave.

Chen Yang became more and more confused.

Inside the cave, the hot spring was dense and steaming.There are many strange trees and fruits in it. "Who?" As soon as they entered, there were humans shouting.

Those are four human beings with good cultivation bases, but they are all cultivation bases of Jiuchongtian.All four of them are men, burly men.The leading man was even at the peak of Jiuchongtian, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, a hulking back, and a sturdy aura rushing toward his face.

The four men quickly saw Lan Tingyu and Chen Yang clearly.When they saw Lan Tingyu, they were overjoyed and wept with joy.

"Young Master, Young Master, you are back!" The four big men cheered.

Soon, there was movement in the cave again.

Then, people came out one after another, and everyone cheered from the bottom of their hearts when they saw Lan Tingyu.

"Young master, it is the young master who has returned." Everyone's lines were similar.

One after another, more than two hundred people actually came out.

All these people came over and surrounded Lan Tingyu and Chen Yang.But their focus is on Lan Tingyu.

Lan Tingyu smiled slightly. He looked at the crowd and said, "I said earlier, don't worry about me, I will definitely come back."

"That's it!" said the thick-browed man in the lead, "Our young master's cultivation is unparalleled in the world, how can those dogs and dinosaurs trap my young master."

"My son is invincible in the world, my son is invincible in the world!" Everyone shouted.

It was cheering from the heart, and it was a moving force.

Chen Yang felt complicated again.

He knew that Lan Tingyu had always been a gentleman.He knew even more that if there was no matter about Luo Ning, he would definitely be good friends with Lan Tingyu.But in this world, there are never ifs.

It was also at this time that among the crowd, someone finally realized Chen Yang's existence.The thick-browed man first said: "Young Master, this Young Master is...?"

Lan Tingyu immediately said: "This son is called Chen Yang, and he is my friend. I can escape this time, thanks to him."

"Ah..." Everyone immediately thanked Chen Yang a thousand times.

"Okay, okay!" Lan Tingyu then waved her hands and said, "Everyone, be quiet first, I still have some important things to do. You go back to rest first, and we will have a good reunion tomorrow, okay?"

Although everyone was reluctant, but since Lan Tingyu had spoken, they could only follow suit.

As a result, the lively cave hall quickly fell silent again.

There were only four big men, Chen Yang and Lan Tingyu left in the field.

"I'm Liu Mang!" The thick-browed man introduced himself to Chen Yang: "I've met you, Young Master."

Chen Yang didn't dare to be arrogant at all, he clasped his fists and said, "Brother Liu!"

The other three big men also came to see Chen Yang.Chen Yang also learned that they were four brothers named Liu Tang, Liu Yong, and Liu Zheng.

The four brothers said that since Chen Yang saved the son, he would be their benefactor in the future.This made Chen Yang a little ashamed, because he didn't save Lan Tingyu at all.

Lan Tingyu suddenly said: "Liu Mang!"

Liu Mang hurriedly said, "My lord!"

Lan Tingyu said: "Take us to meet Xiaoxue."

Liu Mang was slightly taken aback, then said: "Yes, my lord!"

At the moment, Liu Mang is leading the way.

This is walking towards the inside of the cave, which is a long corridor.There are many stone caves on both sides of the corridor, which turns left and right.

Chen Yang was extremely curious, and he knew that Lan Tingyu would not be aimless.

"Xiaoxue? Who is Xiaoxue?" Chen Yang thought to himself.

After that, walk through the corridor, and you will come to a peach grove in full bloom.Peach blossoms are in full bloom here, and countless peaches are piled up on the branches.

Those peaches are like flat peaches.

Chen Yang could feel the aura in the peach grove, like a fairyland on earth.There is such a blessed place in this closed cave, which makes Chen Yang very curious.

And in the middle of the peach grove, there is a bed.The bed was covered with white ice.The rushing air-conditioning surrounds.

The bed was covered with veiled curtains.

Chen Yang glanced over and saw a person lying on the bed.

"The person lying on the bed, Chen Yang, go and have a look." Lan Tingyu said in a deep voice.

Chen Yang was puzzled, but he didn't ask any more questions.He stepped forward, and when he got close, he could clearly see the inside even through the gauze.

When he saw clearly the face of the person on the bed, Chen Yang's body trembled violently.

Because the person lying on the bed was none other than Luo Ning, whom he had been dreaming of!

"Luoning!" At this moment, Chen Yang couldn't help but burst into tears.He stepped forward quickly, opened the gauze curtain, and grabbed the woman's jade hand.

Those hands were full of coldness.Ordinary people will be frozen into popsicles immediately if they touch it.But Chen Yang was not afraid at all, he just wanted to hold these hands and grow old forever.

At the same time, Chen Yang also felt that Luo Ning was not dead, but still alive.

He's alive, alive...

Chen Yang wept with joy.

After a while, Chen Yang came to his senses and asked Lan Tingyu, "What's going on?"

Lan Tingyu said in a deep voice: "Don't be too happy, because...she is not your wife Luo Ning."

"What?" Chen Yang was taken aback, and he immediately said: "This is impossible, she is Luo Ning, there will never be a mistake."

Lan Tingyu said: "She is not, her name is Luo Xue, and she is your wife's twin sister."

"This..." Chen Yang was stunned.

It took him a while to react.

"That's right, Luo Ning is dead and vanished into thin air. No matter how great the supernatural power is, I can't revive her. I'm still delusional..." Chen Yang's eyes flashed hatred, he gritted his teeth and said to Lan Tingyu: " Lan Tingyu, one day, I will definitely kill you. Definitely!"

That Liu Mang suddenly turned pale, he subconsciously protected Lan Tingyu, and at the same time looked at Chen Yang with hostility.

"Get out of the way!" Lan Tingyu pushed Liu Mang aside and said, "How can you stop him."

He went on to say: "Chen Yang, don't worry, I'll be with you anytime."

Chen Yang nodded.

He took a deep breath, and then said, "What the hell is going on?"

Lan Tingyu said to Liu Mang, "Go down."

"My lord..." Liu Mang said.

Lan Tingyu said: "Don't spread the word, go down!"

"Yes, my lord!" Although Liu Mang was worried and unwilling, he still said yes, and then retreated.

Lan Tingyu then said to Chen Yang: "It's a long story. I took the mission of Star Master to find the Ice Soul Jade. I was in the Ice World, looking for it all the way. I met Luo Xue on Bingtian Mountain. At that time, I thought I was dazzled, and I also thought that she was the woman I killed, that is, your wife Luo Ning. I am indeed very happy, if Luo Ning survives, you There will be no more hatred between me!"

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