When Chen Yang heard Lan Tingyu say that there would be no more hatred, his heart trembled.He also wanted to have no more hatred, but life is like this, there has never been any ifs or ifs.

Lan Tingyu continued: "Luo Xue is a very kind girl, she is born with an ice soul body. For monks, it is the best material. She led me to find the ice soul jade I was looking for. After that, I just want to take her away from the ice world and send her to your Shaowei mansion. Although she is not Luo Ning, since she is Luo Ning's sister, you should take care of her. It can be considered as a comfort to you, and You can do something for Luo Ning."

Chen Yang took another look at Lan Tingyu.

He didn't doubt what Lan Tingyu said, he knew that it was absolutely impossible for someone as proud as Lan Tingyu to tell lies.

"Although they are very similar, how did Luo Xue know that she has a younger sister named Luo Ning? As far as I know, they were separated at that time and they were very young." Chen Yang said.

Lan Tingyu said: "Luo Xue escaped a catastrophe at her uncle's house. Later, she left her uncle's house when she was 12 years old. Therefore, she knows many things that happened in her family. She has always wanted to find Back to my sister. As for why she came to the ice world later, it was because her physique became more and more strange, and she was less and less able to contact people. One night, her icy air directly tore the plane space apart. Then she went to the Frost Heaven Mountain. On it, she found that she possessed mysterious power. She could drive the world's icy air, and she was like a fish in water in that place. So she never went back. Moreover, she I don't know how to go back."

"So that's it!" Chen Yang didn't expect that Luo Ning actually had an older sister.

Chen Yang looked at Luo Xue who was sleeping on the ice bed, her face really looked like Luo Ning.At this moment, Chen Yang couldn't help but be bewildered.

For Luo Ning, he has too much regret.

He always felt that Luo Ning's death had a lot to do with him.On that day, if I didn't let her go, that kind of thing wouldn't happen.He really wants to make up for it, but he can never make up for a person who has lost his life.

So now, with Luo Xue's appearance, Chen Yang felt that he could finally do something for Luo Ning.

Chen Yang then asked Lan Tingyu, "Then what happened afterwards?"

Lan Tingyu said in a deep voice: "You should have guessed it. Later, the spirit masters found Luo Xue. They wanted to take Luo Xue away, because Luo Xue's physique was special, and they wanted to do research. I killed several spirits. However, I attracted more spiritual venerables. In desperation, I did not protect Luo Ning in the end. Luo Xue was brought back to the chalk world. I entered this world of chalk. Later, I rescued Luo Xue and hid here. Then, seeing the misery of the human beings here, I couldn't bear it, so I saved some people. The four brothers of the Liu family were originally in the I rescued the hard labor of the Lingzun. After that, this place can be regarded as a home for them."

"Not long ago, Lingzun started searching. In order to divert their attention, I took the initiative to attack their headquarters in Tiandu. Later, the elders of Tianlong Temple sent people. I lost again and was arrested. They always wanted to You have to study me, so I still have a chance to live."

"So it is!" Chen Yang finally understood the cause and effect.

Lan Tingyu continued: "Then what about you, why did you appear in the chalk world?"

Chen Yang didn't hide anything, and said: "When I was looking for treasures in the central world, I was swallowed by Fang Tianzhou of Lingzun. Later, I escaped from Fang Tianzhou..."

Lan Tingyu couldn't help but glance at Chen Yang, and said, "So it's you!"

"Huh?" Chen Yang said.

Lan Tingyu said: "I know that the spirit venerables seem to be quite troubled recently, because they repeatedly failed to capture a human being, and lost several generals. It turns out that this person is you!"

Chen Yang rubbed his nose and said, "That should be me. In short, many things happened here. I came this time to arrest a recorder in the Lingzun, and then used the privilege of the recorder to come in to save people .”

"I know!" Lan Tingyu said: "The two people you asked the record officer to buy from the eldest grandson are the ones you want to save, right?"

Chen Yang said, "So you were sober at that time?"

Lan Tingyu said: "I have been awake for a long time."

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback, and he continued, "Why did you suddenly attack at this time?"

Lan Tingyu said: "There's no reason, it's just that all of my skills have recovered suddenly. So I made a move."

Chen Yang thought it was subtle, because Lan Tingyu's attack was so ingenious.It just happened to relieve Chen Yang!

The mystery of this can only be understood but cannot be explained in words!

Chen Yang didn't bother with this question, he continued, "What's your plan next?"

Lan Tingyu said: "My mission this time is still very long, there is still half a year left. My mission has been completed, and it is not a big problem for me to leave this chalk world. The biggest problem is how to arrange These people here. They are all poor people. If I just leave like this, they will definitely die."

"There are more than 200 people. I can fit them all with my Great Ring Sumeru." Chen Yang said.

Lan Tingyu was overjoyed immediately, and said: "It's so good, I'll thank you."

Chen Yang said, "Nothing!"

It is true that he and Lan Tingyu had a grudge, but Chen Yang didn't think that saving these people was helping Lan Tingyu.He even admired Lan Tingyu's bravery!

While he was still timid, he had already done it.

At the same time, Chen Yang asked Lan Tingyu again: "What happened to Luo Xue?"

Lan Tingyu said: "She fell into the hands of Lingzun. When I rescued her, she was unconscious all the time, and I don't know what happened."

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said, "Okay, please step back first. I want to see if I can wake her up!"

Lan Tingyu was overjoyed when he heard the words, he knew that Chen Yang had some special methods.

"Okay!" Lan Tingyu stepped back immediately.

Afterwards, Chen Yang waited for Lan Tingyu to leave, and then called Monk Linghui out.

"Linghui, help me find out what's going on with her?" Chen Yang said.

Monk Linghui said, "Okay!"

Monk Linghui had never met Luo Ning, so he didn't have much reaction after seeing Luo Xue.

Monk Linghui poked out a branch to observe Luo Xue, but he withdrew his hand as soon as he touched Luo Xue.

"Oh, it's so cold!" Monk Linghui called out.

"Are you also afraid of her coldness?" Chen Yang said.

Monk Linghui said: "This girl is too weird."

Chen Yang said: "How to say?"

Monk Linghui said: "What are you talking about, the poor monk didn't feel it. It's too cold, I can't bear it at all. Besides, the poor monk is not a doctor."

Chen Yang couldn't help being speechless, and said, "Forget it, you go back to the seed and stay in it. I'll do it myself!"

Monk Linghui said: "Where is this place, what is this girl's background?"

Chen Yang said, "I'll tell you more about it later."

Monk Linghui saw that Chen Yang was unwilling to speak, so he said, "All right!"

After that, Monk Linghui returned to the seed of Xuanhuang God Valley.

Chen Yang stared at Luo Xue, several times, he almost blurted out the word Luo Ning.

He took another deep breath to calm himself down.Then, he felt for Luo Xue's pulse.

He reached up with two fingers.

Immediately, a boundless icy air hit over.

This icy cold air is more ferocious than the spirit of the earth demon, and it is absolutely poisonous.However, it is very pure.

Fortunately, Chen Yang and the spirit of the earth demon have long been integrated, and he is not afraid of the cold.Although he couldn't bear it, he could still hold on.Chen Yang also understood why monk Linghui couldn't stand it.Because Monk Linghui is not of the cold attribute!

I'm afraid that Lan Tingyu will not be able to bear it, either Lan Tingyu burned Luo Xue, or Luo Xue froze Lan Tingyu to death.

Chen Yang quickly found out what happened to Luo Xue's body.

There is a strange spar in Luo Xue's body, but it is not clear what kind of spar it is.But this spar seems to be slowly absorbing the soul of ice on Luo Xue's body.

Chen Yang soon understood that this spar was put into Luo Xue's body by the Spirit Venerables.They wanted to suck all the soul of ice from Luo Xue's body.

However, Chen Yang also knew that the soul of ice was the foundation of Luo Xue's body.Once all the ice soul in her body was sucked away, Luo Xue would also lose her vitality.

Those waiting for Luo Xue will wither and die.

Chen Yang had already lost Luo Ning, so he would never let something happen to Luo Xue now.

Afterwards, Chen Yang penetrated into Luo Xue's body with his magic power.He tried to shrink the spar infinitely with mana, and then took it away.

However, when mana touched the spar, problems immediately appeared.

That is, the spar seems to have grown meridians, and those tiny meridians have been connected with Luo Xue's meridians.

As long as Chen Yang forcibly took out the spar, Luo Xue would lose blood and die.

But if this spar is not taken away, it will suck all of Luo Xue's Ice Soul.At that time, Luo Xue still had a dead end.

This is a huge problem!

Chen Yang was lost in thought.

He had to solve this problem, he had to rescue Luo Xue.

What to do, what to do?

"Oh, fellow daoist!" At this moment, the monk Linghui in the seed of Xuanhuang God Valley couldn't stand it any longer.

"You can't remember it every time, don't you still have a magical seed?" Monk Linghui couldn't help but swear. "You don't care about Sanqi 21, try it with Xuanhuang Shengu seeds first, will it work?"

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback, and then he couldn't help but patted his thigh.He thinks he is so stupid!

At that moment, Chen Yang immediately took out a drop of Xuanhuang Liquid.

Chen Yang froze the mysterious yellow liquid slightly, and it froze into something like ice beads.

It goes without saying that Xuanhuangye is powerful.Be very careful with the amount you use, otherwise you could make the other party suffer from amnesia!

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