The strongest player in history

Chapter 1798 Nine Flame Dragons

The wise man was astonished, his face turned pale at this moment.

"Master Changsun..." Wise One immediately calmed down, took the soul spar, and said, "What do you mean?"

The eldest grandson said indifferently: "My lord suspects that you, as a record officer appointed by the government, have been closely associated with human monks and have evil intentions. You little record officer, you should think about it clearly. Such a crime , can you afford it?"

"Haha..." The wise man laughed and said according to Chen Yang's instructions: "Okay, okay, let's go to the elders' meeting together, and say that I bought two monks from you with [-] million pills. Okay? "

Master Changsun looked at Hui Zhe again, and he just stared at Hui Zhe like this.Afterwards, he said: "You are obviously nervous, but it seems that there is something behind you teaching you how to speak. If I hadn't been paying attention to your emotional changes all the time, I would have been fooled by your fangs and sharp mouth gone."

He paused and said, "Hand over your black spar. If there are only those two monks you took away, my lord will believe you. If a third human being is found there, it will be enough It can be seen that you have colluded with humans."

Master Changsun continued to smile and said: "If there is really a collusion with human beings, then you, a little recorder, will become famous. You will be the first shame of Lingzun in history. It is unprecedented and unheard of!"

The wise man panicked completely.

He kept asking with his thoughts: "Master, master, what should I do with this little slave?"

Chen Yang also had a headache at this time. He really didn't expect that he thought he had passed the dangerous period and could go home soon.However, the situation changed suddenly, to such a dangerous point.

Recklessly?too difficult.This is the world of the Lingzun. Once there is a fight, it will be difficult for the eldest grandson to win with such cultivation. How can we talk about a quick battle?

Furthermore, if a high-ranking person died in the home of a wise man, it would be difficult for a wise man to leave the world of chalk.

The danger of the matter has reached an unimaginable level.

Chen Yang's quick wit...

So at this time, the wise man took a deep breath and said: "I said, I have my own secrets. But if adults must do this, that's fine. I can show you the soul spar. But so be it, If there is no third human being inside, then let me let go of the 8000 million pills I owe, how about it?"

"Huh? Are you bargaining with me?" Master Changsun said coldly.

The wise man said: "Don't dare! It's just that since we are trading, we are doing business. When doing business, there must be business rules. Also, if the eldest grandson is unwilling, please return all the elixirs. I can also return those two monks. This soul spar can also be handed over to the Council of Elders, so that the Council of Elders can find out whether I have colluded with humans."

He paused, and continued: "Collusion with human beings is really a new vocabulary. You dare to think about it, but I don't dare to do it. I can't afford to lose this face! I have a secret, and it's a big deal. When the time comes , I'm afraid you can't get away with it!"

The eldest grandson was stunned for a while.

He was unwilling to give up 8000 million pills or return [-] million pills.

The eldest grandson thought about it and hesitated.He is only one step away from the Tianyu Realm, so many pills can already help him break through.The avenue is ahead, so tempting, how can you let go.

At this moment, Master Changsun's face suddenly changed.

Then, without saying a word, he turned around, cut through the void, and shuttled away.

The wise man was often relieved when he saw the eldest grandson leave.Obviously, Chen Yang taught him what he said just now.

The wise man couldn't help but admire Chen Yang's wit from the bottom of his heart.

"Why did you leave suddenly?" At this time, Chen Yang felt strange and said, "Could it be that something happened to the Law Society?"

"How could something happen to the Law Society?" Wise One said.

Chen Yang said, "Go to the Law Society and have a look."

"This...Master, there's no need for us to go over now, right?" The wise man obviously didn't want to go.

Chen Yang said: "Stop talking nonsense, go immediately!"

The wise man had no choice but to say, "Yes, master!"

What Chen Yang thought of was Lan Tingyu, and it was Lan Tingyu that he never forgot in his heart.Of course, it's not an emotion like friendship.Chen Yang felt that Lan Tingyu would not just die in the Law Society.He also didn't want Lan Tingyu to die like this.Only by cutting Lan Tingyu with his hands can he feel happy in his heart.

The wise man traveled through the void and quickly came to the vicinity of the Law Society to watch.

At this time, it is the time of night.

From the wise man's villa to the Law Society, it is actually more than three hundred miles away.But for a master like the wise man, it is only a short distance away.

It was pitch black all around.

But at this moment in the Law Society, the formation was fluctuating violently.

At this moment, a flame suddenly shot into the sky.

Chen Yang could see the fire light clearly, it was a dragon with nine flames.

The Nine Flame Divine Dragon flew out in the air, its speed was as fast as a centimeter.

"He escaped as expected." Chen Yang secretly said.

The wise man said: "Master, your guess is really accurate, something happened to the Law Society."

"Where are you going!" At the same time, the eldest grandson snarled and chased after him.

The eldest grandson is the quickest to react. When others appear in the night sky, as soon as they let go, they will descend on their own cave law!

It was a cave with the law of Zhouguang, and it was also a blue cave.

It's like a galaxy in the universe!

What's even more amazing is that, in the cosmic galaxy in the numerous spaces, the Nine Flame Dragon was not completely covered up in light.

From the outside, Chen Yang could see that the Nine Flame Dragon inside was breaking the rules!

The Nine Flames Divine Dragon turned into flames, burning crazily.

Within the law of the cave, countless spaces began to collapse.Even the cave, which contained Zhouguang, was still burned by the Nine Flame Dragon.

In the end, all the flames converged, turned into an aurora flame, and then rushed out.

Master Changsun also knew that Lan Tingyu was extremely weird, so he snorted coldly, and suddenly punched him!

Then, within the cave, a huge blue fist mark slammed into the aurora flame and killed it.

How could a punch from the peak of Dongxian be ordinary!

The power and law of that fist are terrifying, vast, and majestic!


The next instant, the big bang happened.The aurora flame turned into countless small flames and scattered all over the space.

Master Changsun naturally knew that it was impossible for Lan Tingyu to die like this.If it was really so easy to die, then He Lan Tingyu wouldn't have spent so much effort on arresting Lingzun.

Infinite flames scattered like lotus flowers.

Master Changsun sneered, and folded the various spaces to prevent these tiny flames from merging together.


Immediately, those lotus flames immediately changed, and they burned violently.

Master Changsun was startled, he felt that there were countless loopholes in the cave.At the same time, among the countless lotus flames, there is a lotus flame that is particularly unusual and dazzling.

At that moment, the lotus flame suddenly turned into the Nine Flame Dragon.

This Nine Flames Divine Dragon is not very huge, just a roar, it suddenly tore through Lord Changsun's hole, and then fled thousands of miles away like an electric shot.

Lord Changsun's cave was on fire, and he wanted to quickly extinguish the flames in the cave, but he had no time to chase after the Nine Flame Dragon.

And all of this happened in a blink of an eye.

It wasn't until Lan Tingyu escaped, the Law Society, and the Presbyterian Church that the Lingzun reacted.

But it was too late when they came out.

It was also at this time that Chen Yang left the wise man's ear and grabbed the soul spar in his hand.Then, without saying a word, he threw Qin Keqing, Yu Zijin, and Tang Wenqing out.

Then, he turned around and used the Great Teleportation Technique to chase Lan Tingyu in the direction where Lan Tingyu was escaping.

At this moment, all the lurking, forbearance, etc., were meaningless to Chen Yang.He just wants to have a happy relationship!

Qin Keqing didn't understand why Chen Yang suddenly reacted violently, and she quickly placed Yu Zijin and Tang Wenqing into one of her magic weapons.Then he said to the wise man, "Go back immediately!"

This place is already turbulent, and it is indeed not suitable to stay for a long time.If you stay any longer, you will die.The wise man also understood this, and immediately turned back with Qin Keqing.

As for Chen Yang's whereabouts, neither Hui Zhe nor Qin Keqing could catch it.

Chen Yang has already locked on Lan Tingyu, he and Lan Tingyu are old rivals, he can guess one or two of Lan Tingyu's tricks and ideas.After Lan Tingyu escaped from danger, Chen Yang immediately chased after her.His agility is unparalleled in the world, even Lan Tingyu can hardly escape Chen Yang's pursuit.

The chalk world is closed to the outside world, neither Chen Yang nor Lan Tingyu can sense the outside world, nor can they leave the chalk world.In the void, Chen Yang and Lan Tingyu chased each other and escaped for more than [-] li.Finally, Lan Tingyu landed on a lonely snow peak.

He was completely naked, with messy hair draped over his shoulders.But his complexion was as white as jade.It can be vaguely seen that his appearance is very handsome.

Chen Yang chased after him, and the two stood on the snow with a distance of ten meters.

"It's you?" Lan Tingyu was quite surprised when she saw Chen Yang.

Hatred flashed in Chen Yang's eyes, his eyes were red, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Lan Tingyu, today you and I will not die!"

Lan Tingyu glanced at Chen Yang suspiciously, and then said: "Did you forget that we are still under the control of the Star Lord. According to the rules of the Star Palace, the destiny is not allowed to fight privately in private. If you want to fight privately, you need to report it. Qin Tiansi. Although this is the chalk world right now, do you really think that we have escaped Qin Tiansi's monitoring?"

"You..." Chen Yang remembered this.

This series of events caught him off guard.He was too shocked when he saw Lan Tingyu.Then he saw Lan Tingyu running away, so he chased after her impatiently.

At this time, when Lan Tingyu reminded him, Chen Yang's heart became colder.

"What's more, do you think you can kill me with your ability?" Lan Tingyu looked at Chen Yang coldly and said, "If you really want to fight me, when you return to the Hall of Stars, report Qin Tiansi, I will accompany you!"

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