The strongest player in history

Chapter 1779 Chen Yang's Miracle

The Taishang Pavilion usually doesn't ask about the affairs of the Protoss, but this time, Chen Yang defeated Luo Tianming.Taking away Luo Tianqing's Tiandao brush made Luo Tianqing suffer a great humiliation.Even the death of the old man Biluo was investigated and found out.

Therefore, Taishangge sent Wu Wuyi and Xue Xing to kill Chen Yang in order to maintain the dignity of the gods.

In the Taishang Pavilion, someone was proficient in the great deduction technique in the Three Thousand Ways, so after several deduction, he found out where Chen Yang was.

At this moment, Qin Keqing was downcast and extremely depressed.She gritted her teeth and decided to save Bamei and the third highness alone.It is impossible for her to go back to Central World without Chen Yang.

"Hmph!" Qin Keqing snorted, and said: "There is nothing special about him. It seems that he escaped many times before, and it was a fluke. It is a big mistake for Master to place high hopes on him. If I rely on him for everything, It’s just asking for death.”

Qin Keqing didn't feel much sadness, although she was grateful to Chen Yang for his help.But in the end, the two don't have much friendship.Even if Qin Keqing died, Chen Yang would not feel much sadness.

It's mutual.

But at this moment, Chen Yang accepted the invisibility technique.He appeared behind Qin Keqing and gave a dry cough.

"You..." Qin Keqing turned around suddenly, and she immediately saw Chen Yang who was intact.

At this moment, Qin Keqing was surprised and delighted, and at the same time, she seemed to have seen a ghost.

"You're not dead? How is this possible? I saw you being killed by the black-robed old man's space killing array." Qin Keqing felt incredible.

Chen Yang shrugged, spread his hands, and said, "Ahem, as your master said, I am not good at fighting, but I am not bad at escaping."

"This is too unbelievable. How could you have been able to hide it from the eyes of that black-robed old man. His cultivation base is in the realm of a cave fairy, and his heart is like a mirror. He can see every subtle change clearly. "Qin Keqing said.

Chen Yang looked at Qin Keqing's astonishment, and his inner vanity was greatly satisfied.

He didn't have this feeling at first, and he didn't think he was very good at running away.But every time he made a mistake, he really created many miracles with Lingzun.Therefore, when people like Yan Jiuniang praised him, he was very happy in his heart.I also want to prove to Qin Keqing, look, Lao Tzu's ability is real.

Chen Yang glanced at Qin Keqing, smiled, and said, "Well, keep it secret!"

Seeing that Chen Yang didn't want to talk, Qin Keqing didn't ask any more questions.As long as Chen Yang can live, she will be very happy.What made her happier was not that Chen Yang was alive, but because Chen Yang really had this special ability to hide things from others.His escape method is undoubtedly the most brilliant person Qin Keqing has ever seen.

"Then let's go to the sea now?" Qin Keqing said.

Chen Yang said, "That won't work."

Qin Keqing was taken aback and said, "Why?"

Chen Yang said: "Let's find an island to hide first. After the black robes and the others go back, if they calculate again, they may be able to deduce that I am not dead yet. If they come to kill again, I don't think it will be so easy to escape. .”

Qin Keqing frowned, and said, "Can you escape their calculations?"

Chen Yang said, "Go first!"

Qin Keqing no longer hesitated.

Afterwards, Chen Yang used the Great Teleportation Technique to take Qin Keqing to a nearby wilderness island.

Then, Chen Yang took Qin Keqing into the luxurious Jiexumi Villa.

Qin Keqing looked at the large number of Great Thousand World technological equipment inside, and suddenly felt strange.

Chen Yang then said: "You stay as you please, I may have to retreat for three days."

"Three days?" Qin Keqing's face suddenly changed when he heard the words, and said, "How can I do that?"

"Why not? If you can't handle these details well, you will be reincarnated early." Chen Yang said: "You don't have to worry too much. If your eighth sister is going to have an accident, it should have happened by now. If you are lucky enough to live, there is no rush At this moment."

"" Qin Keqing didn't like Chen Yang's words that Bamei might be dead.She thought about it, finally gritted her teeth, waved her hand and said, "Forget it, you can go to retreat!"

"Okay!" Chen Yang immediately entered his bedroom.

As soon as he entered the bedroom, he immediately released the ocean of soul.

Black souls wandered densely in the bedroom.

The power of the soul penetrated, so that Chen Yang's aura would be difficult to detect, even for the greatest supernatural powers.This method was told to Chen Yang by monk Linghui.After the black robe and the silver robe left, Monk Linghui communicated with Chen Yang through his thoughts.He told Chen Yang that the other party was proficient in deduction.In addition, you, Chen Yang, are Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death.

After the black robe went back, he said that he had killed you, Chen Yang, but the other side would think that this was too easy and that there would be mistakes.In this way, it will be deduced again.Once deduced, Chen Yang has nothing to hide.

Monk Linghui told Chen Yang that as long as he hides himself in the ocean of soul, he can escape this catastrophe.

The soul represents death and reincarnation.

The other party could break through Linghui monk's spirit fetus formula, but he couldn't break through Chen Yang's soul ocean.

This is also the reason why Chen Yang has to retreat for three days.Because he doesn't know when the other party will perform the deduction.What if you deduce it once and feel uncomfortable and unreliable the next day, how about doing it again?

Therefore, Chen Yang felt that it was safest to retreat for three days.

In these three days, Chen Yang also had to do one more thing.That is to restore the beginningless God Puppet!

This time, he was able to escape from death by a narrow margin, thanks to this miraculous beginningless puppet.

Then Qin Keqing was sitting cross-legged outside the bedroom, and she couldn't help wondering what Chen Yang was doing in the bedroom.However, when her divine sense shot out, she immediately noticed that the bedroom was filled with darkness.In that black hole, there is infinite mystery hidden.It's like endless dark souls are all over the room.

Qin Keqing was close at hand, but he couldn't see through Chen Yang's soul ocean.After thinking about it, she simply gave up this kind of visitation.

Anyway, Chen Yang is not an enemy, and everyone has their own secrets, why bother to get to the bottom of it.

At the same time, the black robe, nothingness, and the silver robe, Xue Ke, have already returned to the Holy City of the Protoss.

In the white and luxurious palace of the holy hall, the eldest prince Luo Tianxin was resting with his eyes closed.

Luo Tianqing and Luo Tianming were also practicing with their eyes closed on both sides of him!

The hall was extremely quiet, and a needle could be heard falling.

At this moment, Wu Wuyi and Xuexing walked out of the void and landed in front of these three people.

The three of Luo Tianxin opened their eyes, and after seeing clearly, they immediately got up together.

How dare they neglect these two people.The three of them bowed and saluted together, Luo Tianxin bowed and said: "See Elder Xu, Elder Xue!"

Luo Tianqing and Luo Tianming also paid homage together.

Wu Wuyi nodded lightly and said, "Excuse me!"

"Please take a seat!" Luo Tianxin then said respectfully.

As soon as nothing came to the top, he flicked his sleeves and sat down cross-legged.Xue Ke followed suit and sat next to Wu Wuyi.

The three of Luo Tianxin stood cautiously on one side, bowed slightly, not daring to stand upright.

They didn't dare to ask each other.

"Tell me." Wu Wu took a look at the blood and said.

Xuexing cleared his throat immediately, and said, "Ahem, that little thief Chen Yang is dead."

The three Luo Tianxin brothers were shocked when they heard this, and they were overjoyed.But after being overjoyed, the three of them became suspicious again!

Luo Tianqing still felt a little pity, but it wasn't that he was pity that Chen Yang died.It was because he was transformed by Chen Yang, which was a great shame and humiliation in his life!He wished he could eat Chen Yang's flesh and drink Chen Yang's blood, even though it was hard to get rid of his hatred.But now hearing that he died like this, Luo Tianqing felt that it was not enough to relieve his hatred.

Luo Tianming is a rough man, he actually doesn't have much idea.He didn't have much hatred for Chen Yang, because the duel back then was a fair fight.

But right now, death is death, and he is too lazy to think about it.

On the contrary, Luo Tianxin hesitated to speak.

Wuwu glanced at Luo Tianxin and said, "Why, Tianxin, don't you believe it?"

Luo Tianxin hurriedly said with trepidation: "Elder Xu, I dare not believe your methods and abilities. It's just that Chen Yang's fate is not ordinary. Such a simple death makes me feel a little unreal."

Xuexing snorted coldly and said, "What's untrue? Don't you think that he, a little thief who has just been promoted to Xu Xian, can compete against Elder Xu's cave law? The gap between the cave fairyland and the virtual fairyland, this elder sees You still don't quite get it."

Luo Tianxin said: "Elder Xue has taught you well."

"That's all!" said Wu Wuyi: "Since Tianxin still has doubts in his heart, then go to the Taishang Pavilion and ask Elder Chu to use the big deduction technique to deduce it again."

Elder Xue snorted coldly and said, "It's unnecessary!"

Luo Tianxin bowed to nothingness.

After that, a group of people came to the altar of the temple.The surroundings of the holy platform are as white as jade.The holy platform is built high, leading to the sky.

In the center of the altar, there is a bronze mirror.

The bronze mirror carried desolation, vicissitudes, and ancient meanings.The bronze mirror is three meters in diameter, and there is no trace of flaws on the mirror.But when people are in front of the mirror, they cannot see any figures or scenes.

But it really is a mirror again.

Of course, this mirror is not an ordinary bronze mirror, but a sacred object of the gods, called the mirror of the sea of ​​bitterness.

For practitioners, the world is a sea of ​​suffering.To practice is to go through the sea of ​​suffering and reach the other shore.

Ordinary people spend their whole lives, but they can't get through the sea of ​​suffering, and they can't reach the other shore in the end, they can only die in the sea of ​​suffering.Practitioners will choose various methods to overcome the sea of ​​suffering, some use the body to practice, some use the soul to practice, and so on.The physical body is a boat with a strong hull, which can pass through the sea of ​​suffering.The soul is to learn to swim, to swim through the sea of ​​suffering by itself.

But... the sea of ​​suffering is boundless, and there is no shore to turn back!

Ordinary people die in the sea of ​​suffering, but ascetics, even if they have great supernatural powers, can only go a little farther, and most of them die in the sea of ​​suffering in the end.

Everyone thinks that they can get through the sea of ​​suffering, but in fact... everyone will die in the sea of ​​suffering.

The Miracle of the Sea of ​​Bitterness is a magical object that can hide all supernatural beings in the depths of time and space!

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