"Deduce the secret!" The silver-robed old man said: "We have only recently deduced your whereabouts. Unfortunately, you have been in the Great Thousand World. That Great Thousand World is a place we never want to go."

Chen Yang said, "Oh, Great Thousand Worlds, why don't you want to go?"

"There is no need to tell you this." The silver-robed old man said coldly.He paused, and continued: "Now, you want to obediently return to the Protoss with us, and let us take you back?"

"I'm sorry, we still have important things to do." Qin Keqing said first: "I would like to ask you two to show your respect, and the younger generation will be grateful in the future. The master of the younger generation is Yan Jiuniang from Central World, and I am also As long as the two new leaders of the Six Leaf Club can open the door today, we will always remember this kindness."

"Yan Jiuniang? Liuyehui?" The old man in black frowned slightly upon hearing this.Obviously, he knew about Yan Jiuniang and Liu Yehui.

Therefore, the old man in black robe said: "Yan Jiuniang can be regarded as a figure in the central world, and Liuyehui has enough reputation. Since your master is Yan Jiuniang, well, we won't make things difficult for you, you can go."

"Chen Yang..." Qin Keqing said.

"He can't leave." The black-robed old man said: "This little thief has repeatedly offended the God Clan and even killed important ministers of the God Clan. He absolutely can't be silent on the God Clan."

"Senior!" Qin Keqing hurriedly said, "Chen Yang's father is the Devil Emperor Chen Tianya, and his methods are not inferior to my master's. Even if you don't respect my master, you should respect his father's."

Chen Yang was startled, he didn't expect Qin Keqing to mention the Devil Emperor.Qin Keqing naturally knew the methods of the Devil Emperor, and Bruna was killed by the Devil Emperor, which led to the incident of Lihen Tiangong being wiped out by Tianbru.

"Hmph, Devil Emperor!" said the black-robed old man, "Earlier, the Devil Emperor was a disciple of my God Clan. He had endless grievances with this little thief. If we killed him, the Devil Emperor would only applaud. What's more, Even if the Devil Emperor wants to protect him, how can the God Race not dare to act because they are afraid of one person."

The background of the Protoss is extremely profound.They knew that the Devil Emperor was not just a cat or a dog, but they would never care about the Devil Emperor alone and let Chen Yang go.

"Too much nonsense, little thief, can you go?" The black-robed old man finally said impatiently.

Chen Yang touched his nose, smiled one last time, and said, "Of course not."

He also clearly understood that the Protoss knew that he was the King of Destiny, and knew the relationship between the Devil Emperor and himself.Even if they knew all of this, but they wanted to maintain the dignity of the Protoss, they would definitely not give up killing Chen Yang just because of Chen Yang's luck.

The king of destiny, the luck is strong!

It is because of this that a strong man like the black-robed old man will personally take action.Otherwise, based on ordinary strength, the Protoss definitely didn't need to send out such a master as the black-robed old man.

"Very good!" The black-robed old man's eyes flashed with coldness, and he said, "The old man will put you on the spot!"

He shot directly.

The old man in black robe suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of essence energy, which quickly absorbed the power of the magnetic field in the air, turning into a giant dragon covered with white spar.The giant dragon quickly surrounded Chen Yang and Qin Keqing in a thousandth of an instant.It turned faster and faster, and its body grew bigger and bigger!

In an instant, within a radius of a hundred miles, everything was covered with white crystal walls.

The sky, the ground, everywhere is a vast expanse of whiteness.

In the vast expanse of whiteness, the white crystal walls formed countless small rooms, and each room was separated by white crystal walls.It is bright everywhere, making people feel that they can't go up to the sky or go down to the ground.

"The law of the cave!" Chen Yang and Qin Keqing immediately understood that it was the law of the cave that trapped the two of them.

Within the cave, hundreds of spaces overlap, and it is simply a dream to break through with Chen Yang and Qin Keqing's cultivation base.

If the opponent is under the Cave Immortal, Chen Yang will naturally have the strength to fight.But now that he was caught in such laws, Chen Yang was helpless.

He looked around and at the same time cast a large teleportation technique, quickly flashing thousands of miles away.

But no matter how Chen Yang flew or moved, he could never leave the white crystal wall.

Qin Keqing has been shrouded in the great teleportation technique by Chen Yang, so the two have always been together.

"What should I do?" Qin Keqing asked Chen Yang.

Chen Yang touched his nose, and said a little depressed: "You don't know what to do, how can I know what to do!"

"You..." Qin Keqing had high hopes for Chen Yang.He was counting on him to go to the chalk world to save Eighth Sister, but right now, even a master of cave immortals can trap him to death.This made Qin Keqing a little suspicious, whether she had found the wrong person.

She kept looking around, and at the same time communicated with Chen Yang with her thoughts. "Bruna didn't catch you at the time, and you escaped many times, why can't you do anything now? Shouldn't this be a piece of cake?"

Chen Yang couldn't help but smiled wryly: "I'm Xiao Xiami, who has just been promoted to Xuxian. You have learned the power of a master of Dongxian. Dongxian masters are all people who walk sideways in the three thousand worlds. How can you run here? It's a piece of cake."

Qin Keqing was speechless to the extreme.

"Little thief, die!" At this moment, the old man in black robe stopped talking to Chen Yang.His voice appeared in the sky, full of cold killing intent.

At the same time, the space under his and Qin Keqing's feet began to change.

Infinite space transformation, countless overlapping spaces rushed towards the two of them.

It's like traveling through thousands of spaces.

Chen Yang and Qin Keqing were about to reach out and grab each other, but they were a step too late.

Obviously close at hand, but suddenly, the two are thousands of miles apart, unthinkable.

Chen Yang was trapped alone in the confused white crystal wall space.

He also knew that Qin Keqing should not be in too much danger.Because although the Protoss is proud, they will not forge a strong enemy like Yan Jiuniang for no reason.

Just because Qin Keqing is Yan Jiuniang's disciple, Qin Keqing will be safe and sound.

At this moment, the old man in black robe shot at Chen Yang.

"Prajna Void Kill!" The old man in black yelled lightly in the sky.

At the same time, a majestic power of law emanated from the white crystal wall.Countless white crystal walls overlapped and killed Chen Yang.It was as if the sky and the earth were collapsing, and they all slammed towards Chen Yang fiercely.

In the sky and on the ground, there is nowhere to hide!

Chen Yang felt the terrifying law inside the white crystal wall, and at this moment, he quickly sacrificed the soul ocean.

That ocean of souls will envelop the entire ten-mile radius!

The white crystal wall quickly invaded into the ocean of souls.There are overlapping spatial forces in each white crystal wall, and they quickly occupy the soul ocean and want to squeeze it out.

"What a powerful space power, a master of Dongxian, it's really terrifying!" Chen Yang thought to himself.

The soul ocean is mysterious and vast, but it can only show its power when targeting a single soul.And the power of this space is not the soul, coupled with the compression of the entire space, it has already surpassed the soul ocean itself.

Therefore, Chen Yang's soul ocean couldn't even support a face-to-face meeting.

At that extremely fast moment, the ocean of souls provided Chen Yang with one-thousandth of a second of concealment time.Chen Yang's thoughts also turned very quickly.

He quickly used the invisibility technique, and at the same time he also used the Beginless God Puppet.So at this moment, the true god Chen Yang hid himself.The false body was squeezed by the space killing array.


Under the pressure of the killing formation, Wushi God Puppet struggled in every possible way, but couldn't resist the power of the space killing formation, and exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

The explosion of the beginningless puppet was an illusion, it was the combination of Chen Yang's magic power and the Great Transformation Technique.At the same time as the real Wushi God Puppet exploded, Chen Yang grabbed it into Jiexumi.

The Beginning God Puppet was also seriously damaged, but Chen Yang could use the cheats of the heavens to repair it without any problem.

At the same time, the old man in black snorted coldly, and withdrew his cave law.

Chen Yang's invisibility skills are unparalleled in the world, he just stood there, even the black-robed old man didn't notice Chen Yang's existence.The old man in black robe was also too confident, because when Chen Yang exploded into a blood mist, he clearly felt Chen Yang's mana and flesh exploded.

That is the wonder of the Great Transformation Technique.

If the black-robed old man used the cave to investigate carefully, he would definitely be able to find out where Chen Yang was.After all, although the Tiandao brush is powerful, Chen Yang's cultivation level cannot match the Tiandao brush.

The only pity that the old man in black robe felt was that all of Chen Yang's magic weapons exploded.

Qin Keqing also saw with his own eyes that Chen Yang was blasted into a blood mist by the Prajna Void of the old man in black robe. At this moment, Qin Keqing's heart was bleeding.It's definitely not that she feels sorry for Chen Yang's death, but that she has been waiting for Chen Yang for a long time, and now she is going to save Bamei.But this guy... just died.If I knew it earlier, if I didn't come to look for this guy, I wouldn't have so many troubles.

Qin Keqing stood dumbfounded in the void.

The sky and night clouds were low that day, and her heart was extremely heavy.He wanted to fight this black-robed old man with all his life, but he knew that he would only bring shame upon himself if he made a move.

"This kid was passed on so amazingly, I didn't expect to die like this." The silver-robed old man laughed and said.

The black-robed old man sneered, and said, "No matter how lucky you are, if you encounter absolute strength, there is only one dead end."

The silver-robed old man said: "That's true!"

The old man in black robe said: "Okay, since the thief is dead, let's go."

The silver-robed old man glanced at Qin Keqing and said, "This girl?"

The old man in black robe said: "Don't worry about her."

The silver-robed old man said, "Okay!"

Immediately, the two of them traveled directly through the void and left the scene.

In the night sky, the black and silver robes have been lost.

This old man in black robe is called Wu Wuyi in the Supreme Pavilion.The silver-robed old man is called Xuexing.

The reason why the two of them took action this time was also because the Emperor Jiuyou had obtained a great opportunity and was cultivating hard in the depths of time and space.If he goes one step further, Emperor Jiuyou will also become a master of Dongxian.

To measure the strength of a sect is to measure how many masters it has.

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