At this time, Wu Wuyi suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of white essence energy.The white essence energy instantly turned into countless runes, which were densely spread on the bronze mirror.Afterwards, countless runes infiltrated into the mirror of the bitter sea.There are rapid fluctuations in it, like a deep and wide river.Inside the river, the water ripples.The many runes formed a human form, and this human form was nothingness.

The human form shuttled in the river, like electricity and light.

The depth of the river seems to be endless.The humanoid lightning traveled thousands of miles, and finally came to a mysterious place.

There is a white world in front of it, the world is vast, but it is full of white mist everywhere.

It's all white!

Moreover, the white mist is not a constant layer, but an undercurrent surging everywhere.Inside the white mist, the turbulent space-time molecules present a spiral shape, and the huge vortex forms a channel.

The channel is extremely wide, with a diameter of 3000 meters!

The wind and cloud are surging, and the color changes when you see it.

The three of Luo Tianxin were also quite surprised when they saw this.

They clearly felt the danger in this space-time channel. If their cultivation base is shallow, once they enter this space-time channel, they will be involved in the turbulent flow of time and space in an instant, and they will never be reborn.

The invincible insect emperor lost his body in the turbulence of time and space!

Of course, the current channel is not a real space-time channel, but a fake channel composed of enormous mana and countless precious materials.Hiding inside can deceive the secrets of heaven and avoid the punishment of heaven.But despite this, if the cultivation base has not reached Xuxian, after entering, it will be a dead end.

In the protoss throughout history, masters will emerge in every generation.

But these masters all have their own era. Once the era is over and the destiny is gone, they will pass on to the next generation of rookies.And these masters, those with strong abilities, entered the depths of the mirror of bitter sea to practice.Those with weak abilities will either die of old age, or still work outside the Protoss.

This is how the Protoss are made!

Destiny is the most mysterious thing.

Like some products in the world today, when this era comes, bicycles are a fashion.However, there is nothing wrong with bicycles, and suddenly they will be replaced by electric vehicles, motorcycles.Later, these will be replaced by cars.Then, suddenly, another way of sharing bicycles was used to bring the bicycle back to the destiny.

Destiny is not unchanging, but changeable.After your era, no matter how conscientious you are, the destiny is extremely cruel and will not show any mercy.

Therefore, we must maintain the prosperity of the Protoss.That is to make contemporary people, leaders contemporary!

That is to say, bicycles come to make bicycles, electric cars come, and transform to make electric cars!

"Elder Chu!" Outside the space-time avenue, Xu Wuyi shouted.

As a result, another change occurred in the space-time avenue.

In the avenue of time and space, a ray of light moves forward like the wind, as if looking at a person's life in fast forward.


In the end, Luo Tianxin and the others' brains exploded, and the space-time avenue suddenly stopped.

In the depths of time and space, there is a mountain.The big mountain is verdant with green trees, lush and green, and surrounded by fairy mist.On the cliff of the mountain, there is a grand palace.The main hall has 380 floors, soaring into the sky.

That is a great and unimaginable building!

The word magnificent is not enough to describe it.There are three gold-plated ancient characters on the first gate of the main hall.

"The Supreme Court!"

Afterwards, that ray of light moved forward again, and came directly to the tenth floor of the main hall.

Inside, a gray-robed elder was making alchemy in front of the gossip furnace.

"Elder Chu!" The light returned to nothingness.

Elder Chu's cultivation base is only a virtual immortal, and his combat effectiveness is not strong.But he has a respected status in the Taishang Pavilion of the Protoss.Without him, it is because he is proficient in big deduction techniques, knows the past and the future, and knows the fate of the day and night.

The miraculousness of this scene made the three Luo Tianxin brothers stunned and amazed.

Elder Chu looked up at the primordial spirit who was nothingness, and said, "Elder Xu, what's the matter?"

He still sat cross-legged and did not get up.

Wu Wuyi said: "I have already killed that little thief Chen Yang when I went out this time. But that little thief has a special fate, and his death is quite easy. This child Tianxin is not at ease, so I would like to ask you to deduce it again." , to see if this little thief is really dead?"

Elder Chu nodded and said, "Okay!"

Then, Elder Chu closed his eyes and started to deduce.At that moment, countless golden light runes appeared in the back of his mind.These runes are densely packed, numbering in the hundreds of millions.

The runes are all over the entire hall, as if the creatures of all heavens and worlds are in these runes.

It was a very magical but terrifying scene.

After a long time, Elder Chu received his merit.

At that moment, all the runes suddenly became a talisman, which was finally swallowed by Elder Chu with his mouth open.

"How is it, Elder Chu?" Xu Wuyi immediately asked.

"The old man has searched all over the world, but he can't find Chen Yang's existence. Presumably, he is indeed dead!" Elder Chu said.

"Okay!" Wu Wuyi said, "Thank you very much!"

"You're welcome!" Elder Chu said.

"I'm leaving first!" After Wu Wuyi finished speaking, he left.

After a long time, a ray of light flew out from the mirror of the sea of ​​bitterness and entered the brain domain of nothingness.Wu Wuyi said to Luo Tianxin and the others beside him: "You heard it just now, the existence of Chen Yang can no longer be found in the heavens and worlds. He has no other possibility except death .”

Although Luo Tianxin still felt uneasy in his heart, at this moment, he did not dare to raise any objections.

On a desolate island in the North Sea, Chen Yang used the ocean of soul to hide his whereabouts.At the same time, within three days, the Beginless God Puppet was repaired.Chen Yang imported enough Chunyang Dan, and used his own mana to nourish the Wushi God Puppet.After the beginningless puppet absorbed enough elixir and Chen Yang's mana to nourish it, it fully recovered its damaged body in three days.

Only then did Chen Yang heave a sigh of relief.

He also deeply understands that misfortune and fortune depend on each other.Although what Tiemu Jun brought was trouble, it was also an opportunity.

After three days like this, Chen Yang felt that there was nothing wrong, so he left the bedroom in good spirits.

"Okay, we can go now." Chen Yang said to Qin Keqing.

Qin Keqing has also been crossing her legs to rest her mind, and she felt that time passed quickly after she entered the meditation.

As soon as Chen Yang came out, Qin Keqing got up after him.

"Okay, let's go!" Qin Keqing couldn't help becoming anxious after regaining her senses.

Chen Yang said: "Wait!"

"What are you waiting for?" Qin Keqing said impatiently.

"I asked Linghui to hide my aura for you, so that it would not be easy to be noticed by others." Chen Yang sighed, and said, "Be calm when encountering major events. If you are so frizzy, you are probably planning to do something bad!"

Qin Keqing took a deep breath and said, "I know, I will try my best to control it!"

Afterwards, Chen Yang summoned Monk Linghui.

Monk Linghui came out from between Chen Yang's eyebrows, and then turned into a sapling as tall as a person.Qin Keqing was taken aback, and said, "Tree spirit?"

"Ahem!" Monk Linghui said, "The poor monk is not a tree spirit!"

Qin Keqing said, "Or a tree spirit who became a monk?"

"This..." Chen Yang couldn't help but laugh, and then said: "You should be more polite in front of my friend. Because although he is a bit down now, he used to be amazing."

"How good is it?" Qin Keqing said.

Chen Yang said, "Linghui, tell yourself."

Monk Linghui said: "Amitabha, there is no need to mention the past."

Seeing that Monk Linghui didn't say anything, Qin Keqing became even more curious and said, "It's better to mention it!"

Monk Linghui said: "The poor monk is hiding his aura for the benefactor." After he finished speaking, he raised his hand.Then, a leaf turned into countless green powders and soaked into Qin Keqing's body.

"Is that all right?" Qin Keqing asked.

Monk Linghui said: "This is cultivated by the Spiritual Embryo Art, which can make the female benefactor silent. At least, if the enemy has no special means, if they don't search deliberately, it will be difficult to detect your existence. However, poor monk Now that mana is limited, it will be difficult for you to hide if the masters of the Cave Wonderland deliberately look for it."

Chen Yang said, "Okay, I see. Linghui, go back and rest."

Monk Linghui said: "Okay!" He then politely said goodbye to Qin Keqing, and then flew into Chen Yang's Xuanhuang God Valley seed.

"What is his identity?" Qin Keqing couldn't help asking Chen Yang again.

Chen Yang said: "Forget it, he doesn't want to say it, and I don't bother to say it. Besides, he has lost 90.00% of his ability at [-]% now, so he can't help us too much. You don't care who he was before .”

Qin Keqing was a little dissatisfied, and said: "You are mysterious, you really have a lot of secrets!"

"Haha, each other!" Chen Yang said: "Okay, from now on, you hide in my ring sumer. When I need you, I will contact you through my mind."

"Ah, why did I hide in? Do you think I'm a burden?" Qin Keqing said.

Chen Yang's face was serious, and he said: "You have to figure it out, I am the leader in saving people this time. You have to listen to me, otherwise, then you can save people alone."

Qin Keqing shut up immediately when she heard the words, she was completely convinced of Chen Yang now, and she also felt that although she had a higher level of cultivation.But in the face of difficulties, he definitely does not have Chen Yang's ability.

Even the masters of the cave immortals besieged and killed him, but he could easily escape the catastrophe.She has to accept this ability!

She had no clue at all if she was asked to find Fang Tianzhou by herself.But now that Chen Yang was here, she felt very at ease.

Chen Yang let Qin Keqing enter Jiexumi, and after that, Chen Yang used the great teleportation technique to go to the place where Fang Tianzhou was.

All the spiritual masters stayed on their respective Fang Tianzhous. There were many Fang Tianzhous with different numbers.

Chen Yang quickly reached the sea area, and then he used the invisibility technique...

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