Ye Fan knocked his forehead until the skin was broken, and traces of blood spilled out.

He gritted his teeth and looked at the young man in white, and said, "I have already done so."

The young man in white clapped his palms and said with a smile: "Not bad!" He continued: "I still have a Gu here, as long as you take it. I will catch your mother's Gu."

"Impossible!" Surprisingly, Ye Fan rejected the young man in white without hesitation.

The young man in white was taken aback for a moment, then said coldly, "Are you courting death?"

Mother Ye was also taken aback.

Ye Fan said in a deep voice: "I just want to save my mother, but don't treat everyone as fools. The only thing I can rely on is myself. If I take your Gu worm, I and I Your mother's life and death are all in your mind. If you are destined not to save my mother, I would rather die with you!"

"To die together? Do you think you have the qualifications?" the young man in white said disdainfully.

Ye Fan couldn't help taking a few steps back, and he said, "I can give you whatever you want. But you'd better not force me, because if you force me hard, you won't get any benefit."

The young man in white said: "You are a fucking dick. Who gave you the confidence to be so dick in front of this young master? Kowtow three more times, or this young master will kill your mother right away."

"Okay!" Ye Fan knelt down again and kowtowed three times.

"Now, are you satisfied?" Ye Fan got up and asked the young man in white.

"Xiao Fan." Seeing her son being humiliated, Mother Ye was extremely humiliated.But at this moment, she couldn't do anything.

The young man in white didn't speak at this time.

A subordinate in black whispered in the ear of the young man in white.

Ye Fan moved his ears and heard clearly.That subordinate said: "Young Master Wu, don't be angry, you came here for the treasure. As long as you get the treasure, the Eldest Young Master and the Second Young Master will no longer have the qualifications to compete with you for the position of leader."

The young man in white frowned slightly, nodded, and then said to Ye Fan: "I ask you, why did everyone lose consciousness during the trip to Mount Tai? You didn't? What did you experience inside?"

Ye Fan looked at the young man in white, and he was sure of one thing.These people really came for the trip to Mount Tai.

"I was really wrong." At this moment, Ye Fan thought to himself.He felt that he should let those people all die in the copper coffin.In this way, no one will come to trouble him, let alone cause his mother to be humiliated.

"Say it!" The young man in white had limited patience and said, "If you don't talk about it, just kill your mother and child."

"Let me tell you!" Ye Fan said, "The copper coffin is not from the earth, but from a distant blue planet. They came here to find me."

"Blue Pole Planet? Looking for you? What kind of nonsense are you making up?" The young man in white had a murderous intent in his eyes.

Mother Ye was also confused, not only the young man in white couldn't believe Ye Fan's words.Even Ye Mu felt that the clouds and mountains were shrouded in mist, and she couldn't believe it.

Ye Fan said: "The copper coffin is as big as a city. You should know this, am I talking nonsense?"

The young man in white finally had some insight, and he also knew that the world is so big and full of wonders. "Okay, I believe you. Then why did they come to you?"

Ye Fan said: "It took them 400 years to come from the Blue Pole Planet. They want to find a suitable person on Earth to help them revive their organization. I am the chosen one!"

"Why did they choose you?" the young man in white immediately asked.

Ye Fan said: "I don't know, the only thing I know is a magic weapon left there. There is a weapon spirit in that magic weapon, and the tool spirit told these things. But the magic weapon was seriously damaged, and the weapon spirit also fell into a coma It's over."

Hearing this, the young man in white and several of his subordinates became excited.

"Sure enough, there is a treasure!" The white-clothed youth and his subordinates were ecstatic.

"What about the baby?" The young man in white asked Ye Fan hurriedly.

They automatically filtered out the four words Ye Fan said that the instrument was damaged.

Ye Fan immediately took the Eternal Sun Crown out of the ring and said, "This is it!"

The young man in white grabbed the Eternal Sun Crown with his big hand from the air.

The Eternal Sun Crown was simple, old, and lifeless at all.It looks like a cultural relic.

The young man in white feels it again, but he can't feel even half of the aura.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" The young man in white turned ferocious, and threw the Eternal Sun Crown viciously on the ground.Senhan's murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and he said, "Where is the real treasure? You are half hesitant to do it, I will kill your mother first."

Ye Fan said in a deep voice: "This is the treasure I was looking for inside. I have already told you that this magic weapon is damaged."

"You're courting death!" The young man in white didn't believe it at all. "Let me ask you one last time, where is the baby?"

Ye Fan felt the killing intent of the young man in white, and he fell silent.

He really has no treasure to give this young man in white.

He knew that even if what he said was true, they would never believe it.

"You didn't say it, did you?" said the young man in white.

"I said!" Ye Fan said.

The young man in white snorted coldly and said, "Quickly say it!"

Ye Fan said: "I admit, I lied. I do still have a treasure!"

"Hmph, I knew it. With your clumsy tricks, you also want to deceive this young master?" The young man in white was very disdainful.But at the same time, he was very interested. "Get the baby out!"

Ye Fan reached out, it was a fake move.

At this moment, Ye Fan suddenly burst out with infinite killing intent.He cast Lihuo Golden Eyes in an instant.

This time it wasn't the Lihuo Jintu that was explored, but the technique of killing people!

Ye Fan exploded all the original power into a murderous light!

The ferocious Lihuo Jintong shot and killed the young man in white.

The young man in white was shocked, he never expected Ye Fan to make a move at this time. "You are looking for death!" The young man in white hated him, he was too late to blink, and in a crisis, he grabbed a handful of yellow runes.As soon as those runes were scattered in front of him, several puppets immediately formed.

That is, a puppet who looks the same as the young man in white.

But these puppets cannot be compared with the puppets in Chen Yang's hands.

Ye Fan's Lihuo golden pupil burned these puppets into ashes in a flash of lightning.

Mother Ye saw that her familiar son suddenly changed so horribly, she was stunned, unable to make a sound.

Her son's murderous intent shocked her.Her son's miraculous performance left her stunned and unbelievable.

At this time, the young man in white finally bought himself some time.

"Escort!" The young man in white roared fiercely.

The six subordinates finally came to their senses, quickly blocked the young man in white, and shot at the same time.

These six subordinates can be regarded as one of the best masters in the mortal world.

If this kind of person is randomly pulled out to deal with Chen Yang, who turned into energy back then, he would be like Shi Yonglong back then.

But these days, times are different.

Back then when Shi Yonglong was invincible, these six subordinates were not much stronger than Chen Yang back then.

Now the cultivation of these six subordinates has greatly increased to the level of supernatural powers, but Shi Yonglong was killed by Chen Yang long ago.But now Chen Yang is even more lofty and unclimbable.

The six subordinates issued the flying witch gu to kill Ye Fan at the same time.They have other methods, but their figures are flickering, with guns and daggers in their hands.

The combination of these six people is also extremely terrifying.

Ye Fan didn't think too much, he concentrated on it.

When the six flying witches shot towards them with lightning, his big sky eye could see them very clearly.Wherever the eyes can see, Lihuo Jintong burns everything.Ye Fan's eyes swept over suddenly, as if a huge sword plowing the sky was strafing towards him.

Sweeping wind and clouds, beheading everything!

The six flying witches were instantly burned to ashes by Lihuo Jintong, and the two men in black in front of Chen Yang couldn't dodge in time.Their bodies were chopped in half.It's even neater than laser scanning.

The two fell to the ground, blood dripping from their internal organs.

At the same time, Li Huo's Jintong shot over, and the hard wall of the factory building behind was also directly pierced, and a long hole was pulled out.

The other four subordinates quickly attacked and killed Ye Fan.

Ye Fan protected his mother, Lihuo Jintong quickly shot at her.

With another sweep, the four subordinates couldn't move faster than Ye Fan's gaze, and they were all cut into two sections, without any room for maneuver.

However, Ye Fan was a bit late after all.One of them fired a bullet, and a bullet with extremely strong penetrating power hit Ye Fan's shoulder blade.

For an ordinary person, this bullet can cause blood collapse and death on the spot.

But Ye Fan's physical body was already different. When the bullet entered his body, his strength instantly protected his body and caught the bullet.

Not a trace of blood spattered out.

The young man in white was horrified when he saw this, he turned around and walked out, and lightning left the factory building.

Ye Fan's eyes were bloodshot and murderous, he ignored his mother and chased after her.

At this time, Ye Fan took Lihuo Jintong away.

The young man in white moved very fast, and Ye Fan couldn't catch up behind him.

In the blink of an eye, the young man in white fled ten miles away, and he was about to flee farther and farther.Ye Fan was extremely annoyed, and he once again cast Lihuo Golden Eyes.

At a distance of five miles, Ye Fan's Lihuo Jintong shot over in an instant, and burned the two legs of the young man in white to death.

The young man in white screamed and wailed.He rolled on the ground, mourning unceasingly.

This kind of pain cannot be described with words.

The flames of Lihuo's golden pupils are absolutely beyond comparison with ordinary fires.

If Ye Fan wanted to kill this guy, he would kill him directly.He just wanted to catch someone alive so that he could save his mother.

Ye Fan was full of murderous intent, he quickly chased forward, and after a while, he came to the young man in white.

"Chop Suey!" The young man in white was running nose and tears at this time, and when he saw Ye Fan, he cursed with incomparable resentment. "Miscellaneous, how dare you treat me like this, I will let you not live, not die!"

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