Ye Fan didn't speak, stepped forward and slapped the young man in white on the cheeks twice.The young man in white suddenly had red and swollen cheeks like a pig's head.Ye Fan stared at the young man in white, and said coldly, "Do you know why I kowtow to you without hesitation? Because when I knelt down to you, you were already dead in my eyes."

"Then your mother will die too!" the young man in white yelled.

Before Ye Fan could speak, the young man in white suddenly laughed loudly again, and said: "And you will die, do you think I am me? If you kill me, no one can save you. My father I will not let you go, my father still has ancestors above me. Our ancestors are true ancient gods with powerful mana. You are quite capable in front of me. In front of my ancestors, ants are not even counted. He only needs Send down a primordial spirit, and you will be lost forever!"

"So what, you will die before me." Ye Fan said: "Don't you think I don't know, if I let you go today, I will only die faster?"

"Okay, then you can do it!" The young man in white was in unbearable pain, and at this moment he only wanted to be relieved.He was dripping with sweat!

Ye Fan said: "The witchcraft, how to solve it?"

"I won't tell you." The young man in white laughed sternly.

Ye Fan said: "Okay, do you think that death can solve the problem? I won't let you die. Didn't you say that I can't live or die? I'll let you taste what it's like first." .”

"If you dare to do it, I will immediately drive the witchcraft to kill your mother!" The young man in white said in shock.

"You dare to let my mother die, and I will make you suffer a hundred times, a thousand times more than my mother!" Ye Fan became ruthless.

"You detoxify me first. Don't think I don't know about your fire. If you don't absorb it, I will definitely not survive." The young man in white didn't expect Ye Fan to be so ruthless, and he finally softened.

Ye Fan said: "Okay!"

He immediately sucked the fire poison from the young man in white.

"You are a master, able to control qi and blood. Although you have broken your legs. But when your cultivation reaches a certain level in the future, it will be easy to grow your legs again." Ye Fan said: "I don't want to have follow-up troubles, you let me go And my mother, I will let you go today. If not, then I will die together. You should know that I have no way out. "

The young man in white took a deep breath, and once his fire poison was removed, the pain weakened a lot.He then said: "Okay, I promise you. I will act privately when I come out today. After I go back, I will not reveal your news. That's okay, right?"

"I can't trust you!" Ye Fan said.

The young man in white gritted his teeth and said, "Then how can you trust me?"

Ye Fan said: "I will imprint a mark on you to control your life and death. There are many big men behind you, so I will not dare to act rashly!"

"This..." The young man in white hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I promise you!"

At that moment, Ye Fan put a mark into the dantian of the young man in white.

Afterwards, Ye Fan made a simple bandage for the broken leg of the young man in white.The young man in white has profound skills, the bleeding from the broken leg has already stopped, and the scab is beginning to form, so there is no serious problem.

Then, Ye Fan clamped the young man in white under his ribs, and went to join his mother.

Mother Ye was wandering outside the factory and waiting. She couldn't help but be overjoyed to see Ye Fan come back in the dark.

Ye Fan threw the young man in white in front of Mother Ye. He first called out to his mother, and then said to the young man in white: "Hurry up, release the witchcraft on my mother."

The young man in white nodded. He took out a bone whistle and played it.

The voice was like weeping and complaining, resentful and terrifying, in the night, it was like a chat room.

Mother Ye's heart trembled when she heard that.

Also at this moment, a witch gu crawled out of Mother Ye's nose.

Ye Fan had quick eyes and quick hands, and with a grasp of the void, he pinched the witch gu.

In the next second, the witchcraft was burned to ashes by Ye Fan with mana.

"No more?" Ye Fan asked the young man in white.

The young man in white nodded and said, "Absolutely not."

Ye Fan nodded, he asked Ye Mu, and said, "Mom, how do you feel?"

Mother Ye moved her body a few times and said, "I feel much better."

"Okay!" Ye Fan said, "Mom, you go back first. I still have things to deal with here!"

Mother Ye said: "You..."

"Don't worry, Mom, I can handle it." Ye Fan said calmly.

Mother Ye also knew that her son was no longer the Xiaofan he used to be.What he experienced was beyond her mother's imagination.

I can't help my mother!

"Okay!" Mother Ye said no more, turned and left.She was full of worries, but at this moment, she couldn't say anything.

After Ye Fan watched Mother Ye leave, the young man in white said, "Now, can you let me go?"

Ye Fan smiled lightly, and said, "I still have some questions to ask you, and I hope you can answer them truthfully."

The young man in white said, "What do you want to ask?"

Ye Fan said: "For example, who are you and the teacher behind you?"

The young man in white said, "It's okay to tell you about this." He paused and said, "My name is Wu Fei, and my father is the leader of the Tianwu Sect!"

"Tianwu religion? Is there such a religion?" Ye Fan said.

Wu Fei said: "Of course there is this teaching. Our ancestors have always kept witches in captivity. The witches are different from the Miaogu in Miaojiang. Generally speaking, we are better. We came from the Yunnan-Guizhou area a long time ago. He came out, cultivated his own influence in the rivers and lakes, and built his own business empire. We released a group of people to raise Gu in the mountains, and let a group of people travel abroad to do business. In Jiangsu and Zhejiang, we have many There are few businesses. And the headquarters is still located in the Yunnan-Guizhou area. Business and Gu raising are separated, and sometimes, some extraordinary methods are used. In the Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas, many big families have our shares."

Ye Fan said: "Doesn't the country know of your existence?"

"Of course I know!" Wu Fei said, "There are many sects like ours. As long as we don't do anything outrageous, the country will not do anything to us. We hide in Yungui Mountain, and the government has nothing to do with us. There can only be one balance!"

Ye Fan said: "Your cultivation seems to be pretty good."

Wu Fei said: "The peak of the sixth heaven of Taixu!"

"I can't even see through your cultivation, shouldn't it be as simple as the sixth heaven?" Ye Fan said.

Wu Fei said: "Our Tianwu religion has special skills, and it is difficult for outsiders to see our depth."

"Then you can't see my depth?" Ye Fan said.

Wu Fei said: "Your cultivation base is much higher than mine, so I naturally can't see it. If you develop majesty, maybe I will be more afraid. But it seems that your cultivation base is not long enough, and many I haven't even learned the skill of nourishing qi yet."

Ye Fan said: "Let's not talk about this, what is your father's cultivation level?"

Wu Fei said: "My father's cultivation base is the best in the world, in the early days of the Nine Heavens!"

"Nine Heavens?" Ye Fan took a breath.

Now he knows what Jiuchongtian means, it is an absolutely terrifying gap, it is difficult to bridge!

Wu Fei continued: "My father has very few opponents in this world. Even in the first organization in Los Angeles, except for the god emperor, the rest are no opponents to my father. If my father is not afraid This way of heaven, as well as Yanjing's ancestral dragon spirit, is to be king and hegemony, who dares to say no?"

Ye Fan said: "Your father is indeed powerful, but he is still far from being number one in the world. If my master makes a move, he can kill your father with one finger."

"What are you bragging about!" Wu Fei sneered, and said, "Looking at the world, who dares to say that you can kill my father with one finger? I think you still don't know what Jiuchongtian's cultivation base really means .Also, even if your master has some abilities, if our ancestors send down a primordial spirit, then killing your master would be a piece of cake!"

"How powerful are your ancestors?" Ye Fan asked.

"Our ancestors are ancient true gods who have survived for thousands of years. Just three years ago, my father successfully communicated with our ancestors. Our ancestors sent down countless exercises, pills, and personally cultivated us, which made our Tianwu religion His strength has reached such a level. According to my father, the cultivation of our ancestors has already surpassed the limit of the primordial spirit and reached the legendary realm of virtual immortality. You have never heard of this kind of realm. In short, like If you are like this, our ancestors can let you die without a place to bury you." Wu Fei said proudly.

Ye Fan fell into deep thought.

He knew that Wu Fei's words might be a little watery, but this kind of enemy is definitely not something he can afford.

"Okay, let me ask you again. How did you find me so quickly? Who gave you the news?" Ye Fan then asked Wu Fei.

Wu Fei said: "My eldest brother and second brother both went on the trip to Mount Tai. But they didn't gain anything. After I came back, I listened to their conversation with my father and talked about some of the situation. Just at this time, a mysterious person came to me. I made a phone call and said that you are the boy who can predict everything in the cave of subduing demons. So, I rushed over immediately."

"Who would call you? Why did he call you? Since he knew it was me, why would he let you do such a good thing?" Ye Fan asked.

Wu Fei said: "Damn it, I didn't think so much. I just wanted to hurry up and get you done, and if I got the baby, go claim credit with my father."

"It seems that this person is your enemy, he is using a knife to kill someone!" Ye Fan said.

Wu Fei's heart trembled, he immediately gritted his teeth and said, "No, this person is too hateful. When I go back, I must investigate and find out the truth."

"It can't be your eldest brother and second brother. If they know it's me, they will come here by themselves!" Ye Fan continued.

Wu Fei said: "Who knows. Anyway, I won't let him go."

Ye Fan sighed, and said, "Wu Fei, I originally planned to kill you."

"Huh?" Wu Fei was startled when he heard that.

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