"Don't worry about money!" Ye Fan said.

The old man said: "The old man will finish it as soon as possible, and then let Jun'er send it to you."

Ye Fan nodded.

Afterwards, Ye Fan took a deep breath and said: "This trip to Mount Tai, I know that not only those people outside have doubts in their hearts. Even the master and the old man have doubts in their hearts. What if I do something about this time? It doesn’t make sense to say nothing. But the truth is, I don’t know where to start.”

Master Kuzhi smiled lightly, and said: "The poor monk and the old man both believe in your character, Donor Ye. If you can say it, you can say it. If you can't, then don't say it. Donor Ye, you don't have to be too difficult."

Ye Fan said: "Thank you master and the old lady for your size." He paused, and said: "The Kowloon coffin has something to do with me, and it also made me understand something. I got a broken magic weapon. Magical artifacts need endless time to repair, that’s all. If there are other things, or treasures, I will definitely share them with the two. But unfortunately, there is nothing.”

"Amitabha!" Guru Kuzhi said, "Master Xiaoye, this is enough. I believe that you have done all you can to be honest."

The old man said: "The Nine Dragons pulling the coffin is quite weird, but it is incredible. Such a grand Nine Dragons pulling the coffin is just to give you a broken magic weapon, Mr. Xiaoye. This is really unimaginable." He then continued. : "Mr. Xiaoye, it's not that the old man doesn't believe your words, but I'm just curious about what the broken magic weapon looks like. Could you let me meet the master?"

Ye Fan pondered for a moment, then said, "Sorry!"

The Eternal Sun Crown was hidden somewhere by Ye Fan in Jiexumi, so even though Master Bitter Wisdom and the old man went in, he never saw the Eternal Sun Crown.

"Haha..." The old man was stunned for a moment, then immediately laughed, and said, "I understand, it's okay, it's okay!"

Ye Fan stood up and said, "Old master, master, the matter here is over, I want to take my leave."

The old man got up immediately and said, "I'll let Jun'er see you off!"

Ye Fan said, "Thank you!"

Guru Kuzhi also stood up and said, "Master Xiaoye, be careful all the way. Although you are back this time, it does not rule out that someone can find you here."

Ye Fan froze and said, "No way?"

Master Kuzhi said: "Be careful sailing the boat that lasts ten thousand years!"

Ye Fan nodded and said, "Yes, I will. Thank you Master for reminding me!"

After Ye Fan got into the car, Ye Fan waved to the old man and Master Bitter Wisdom.

"Treasure!" They said to each other.

On the way back, the driver was still driving.Duan Jiuchong, monk Yang and Yang Jun accompanied him.

Along the way, Duan Jiuzhong and the others excitedly asked Ye Fan what they found on Mount Tai.Ye Fan was a little helpless, he said: "The old man got what he wanted, and don't ask about the rest. Also, don't mention this matter to outsiders, so as not to cause death."

Duan Jiuchong and Shang Yang were taken aback.

Yang Jun said: "Damn, is there anyone who dares to kill me?"

Ye Fan said: "Shao Jun, don't say such things. There are endless masters in the world. Although the old man is quite powerful in Jing'an, he is still small in the world. Some masters we met this time are beyond your imagination. Yes. In short, this is the end of my words. I believe the old man will also warn you."

While talking, Yang Jun's cell phone rang.

Yang Jun took out his mobile phone and looked at it. He was surprised and said, "It's really my grandpa."

He then picked up the phone.

Yang Jun hung up the phone after 2 minutes, and said a little dejectedly: "Grandpa told me not to ask anything, and not to say anything to the outside. Jiuzhong, Shangyang, and Lao Zhao, you are the same."

Lao Zhao is the driver.

Duan Jiuzhong and the others knew the seriousness of the matter, nodded and said, "Okay, Young Master Jun, we understand."

After Ye Fan returned to Binhai, he didn't go to class either.He asked for ten days off, and it's only been three days.

Mother Ye didn't ask too much about Ye Fan's affairs, Ye Fan has a lot of freedom now.Mother Ye found a simple job outside, and she would go to see the house in normal times.So Ye Fan is at home during the day, very quiet.

Ye Fan has been to Liuye Villa several times, and wants to see if Master is back.But every time I am disappointed!

Ye Fan has officially stepped into the door of practitioners, but now he feels lonely and hesitant.He knew what he wanted, but Li Tiandi and the matter of the Eternal Sun Crown were like a big rock weighing on him.

He needs to find someone to talk to.

He didn't dare to tell the bitter wisdom master, he only dared to tell the master.

On the second night when Ye Fan returned home from Mount Tai, Ye Mu, who was supposed to go home to cook for Ye Fan at five o'clock, did not come back.

Ye Fan didn't think it was different at first, but at ten o'clock in the evening, there was still no news from his mother.

This made Ye Fan feel unusual, he would usually do things without giving his mother any news.But if mother has something to do outside, she will definitely tell Ye Fan.

When Ye Fan thought about Mount Tai, he was startled suddenly, so he quickly picked up his mobile phone and called his mother.

Fortunately, the call was made quickly.

It's just that before Ye Fan could be happy, a cold and evil voice came from the other side.

"You boy, finally remembered that you still have a mother, right?"

Ye Fan was shocked, and quickly asked, "Who are you?"

The man said: "You immediately go to an abandoned factory building thirty miles away in the western suburbs obediently. Don't you have heavenly eyes, you can see us when you arrive. I only give you half an hour. If you are late, I will give it to you." Take the corpse, mother. However, your mother is still quite pretty, and my subordinates are not picky about food. If you are late, just wait and hold grudges."

Ye Fan's eyes were cold, and he said sharply: "If you dare to hurt my mother, I will kill you!"

"Slap!" The man immediately slapped loudly.

Ye Fan heard his mother snort miserably.

"Hey, hey!" the man said, "Brat, you still don't understand the situation, do you still dare to play tricks on your father and me? I've already beaten you, do you have the guts to kill me?"

Ye Fan's eyes were bloodshot, and his body was full of murderous intent.

His mother is his reverse scale!

At that moment, Ye Fan didn't care about anything and rushed out.

Ye Fan's speed is very fast, he shuttles through the void, and runs fast.

In less than 10 minutes, they arrived outside the abandoned factory building in the western suburbs.

Ye Fan was anxious to death, but he still kept a trace of sobriety in his altar.

"It came so fast? How is it possible? Could it be that the old man leaked the secrets? Or is this matter related to the old man?" Ye Fan thought in this way, and at the same time operated the big sky eye to observe the situation inside the factory.

Li Huo's golden pupils shot over.

The golden light instantly sees through the entire factory building.

Ye Fan saw the person who was talking to him at a glance.

It was a young man, dressed in white, about twenty years old.Of course, this is just an appearance.This young man in white was handsome in appearance, but had a cold and evil aura.Even Ye Fan couldn't see through his cultivation base.

"Absolute master, how can there be such a powerful master?" Ye Fan was shocked in his heart, and knew that this person definitely didn't look like he was only 20 years old.

Following the white-clothed young man were six subordinates, all of whom were dressed in black.

These six subordinates are also extremely cold, completely different from ordinary people in the city.

The six subordinates looked solemn and cold, and they were serious.

Ye Fan also saw his mother at the same time, her mother was lying on the ground, her face was red and swollen, obviously she had been abused.

"Death!" Ye Fan's eyes were about to burst.

The golden light shot in, and the young man in white and others inside immediately noticed it.

The Great Sky Eye Technique is indeed domineering and powerful.But the disadvantage is that you want to see something, and the other party will know immediately when the golden light shoots over.

The young man in white had a cold look in his eyes, and said, "Little thief, if you don't get in here, this young master will take your mother's arm off!"

After he finished speaking, he sacrificed a Qingfeng sword in his hand.

That Qingfeng sword has a deep and cold intent, just a slight movement can kill a person!

With a flash of Ye Fan's figure, he traveled through the void into the factory building and appeared in front of the young man in white.

"I'm here, who are you?" Ye Fansen asked coldly.

The young man in white glanced at Ye Fan, and said lazily, "You don't have the qualifications to know who we are. You just need to know, you have to do what I tell you to do."

"Xiao Fan!" Ye Mu was originally in a coma, but at this moment she heard a sound and woke up.When she opened her eyes, she saw her precious son Ye Fan.

Ye Fan rushed forward and helped his mother up.His eyes turned red, and he said, "I'm sorry, Mom, I have troubled you."

Mother Ye tried to sit up, she burst into tears, and said: "I told you earlier, I told you not to go this way, if you don't listen..."

Ye Fan took a deep breath, raised his mother's breath, and put it behind his back, then said to the young man in white, "What do you want?"

"Little thief, let me tell you the truth. Your mother has already been affected by this young master's witchcraft. As long as this young master moves his mind, the witchcraft can immediately let the witchcraft crush your mother's heart. In this witchcraft, there are dramas. Poison. Penetrate a little, and the seven orifices will bleed immediately."

"You..." Ye Fan was heartbroken and indignant.

Mother Ye's face also turned pale, she was just an ordinary person.She suffered half her life before she saw the sweetness of happiness.But this bad luck came too fast too fast.

"Xiaofan..." Mother Ye yelled two words in a crying voice.

"What do you want?" Ye Fan gritted his teeth and said, "As long as you are willing to let my mother go, I can do whatever you want."

"It still looks like it." The young man in white sneered. "Didn't your mouth be very hard on the phone just now? Now let me knock three times, and then we can talk again. What do you think?"

"Okay!" Ye Fan didn't hesitate.

He knelt down and kowtowed three times.

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