The strongest player in history

Chapter 1748 Ye Fan kills

"So what if you know?" Ye Fan became annoyed.

He actually guessed this result, but when he really faced the revenge of this group of people, he was still unavoidably chilled.

"Tell me what you know, what you have obtained, and hand it over. I think you reminded us that we have some credit, so I can let you go." Pique said with a sneer.

"It turns out that I saved your lives, and I only had a little credit!" Ye Fan sneered, and said, "If I had known this, I should have let you all die in it, so my ears are clean!"

"Boy, you'd better be more acquainted!" a master next to Pique sternly shouted.

Ye Fan also sneered and said, "What if I don't know people?"

"If you don't know the face, you have to die!" Pique said coldly.

"Okay!" Ye Fan's eyes turned cold.His killing intent was finally fully aroused.

Then, the Blood-devouring Sword came out!

But seeing a flash of sword light in the air, the next second, the pupils in Pique's eyes dilated.A bloodstain appeared on his neck, and after that, the blood gushed out like a fountain!

"This... how is it possible!" Pique couldn't believe it, he murmured.

After finishing speaking, he fell to the ground with a bang.

Ye Fan didn't stop, his blood-devouring sword flew through the air quickly and quickly, killing the remaining few people in an instant.Only the mysterious monk swung his sword suddenly and bounced Ye Fan's blood-devouring sword back.

Ye Fan's blood boiled.

He knew that he had finally killed someone.

And killed nine of them in one go!

It was an amazing feeling, and it got him a little excited!

It turns out that killing people is so simple.

It turned out to be a murder, but that's all!

Ye Fan didn't show mercy, he looked at the monk sharply, and said, "You're going to die too!"

"Blast Wind Sword Technique!"

A total of eighteen swords, like nine heavenly galaxies rolling over, heavy sword waves brought out waves of fire and slashed at the monk fiercely.

The monk couldn't help but change his face, and tried his best to resist with his sword, but he couldn't resist in the end.

In just three seconds, the monk was beheaded by Ye Fan!

The monk's cultivation base is already in the sixth heaven of taixu. In the vast world, he can definitely be regarded as the number one person, an absolute master.

But in the hands of a rookie like Ye Fan, he couldn't last for three seconds!

The Pique ten-member combination just now is an existence that can cause a headache for the government of a small country.

Pique alone is a god in the mercenary world.Not to mention that this mysterious monk is still a master of Buddhism.

But these people were beheaded by Ye Fan, a rookie, and the whole process took less than ten seconds.

This is the horror of Ye Fan's powerful mana.

At this moment, the old man and Master Kuzhi were in awe of Ye Fan.The old man and the bitter master, of course, how terrifying is the strength of Pique and his group.

At this time, Ye Fan's blood-red eyes finally returned to normal.The blood-devouring sword emitted cheerful emotions, and the blood made the sword feel excited.

Ye Fan was at a loss.

"Killed, I killed!" Ye Fan murmured in his heart.

"Kill them, so what? If I don't kill them, they will kill me. They will avenge their kindness, and they will die without guilt. Even if Master asks, I have a clear conscience!" Ye Fan secretly said.

"But..." Ye Fan felt uneasy again: "What I kill is human life, which is a very heavy thing, why, I feel...not so scary and painful? I like this feeling? Will I kill people like hemp? No, I don’t want to be such a person.”

For a moment, Ye Fan stood there dumbfounded, but in his heart was a battle between heaven and man.

"Sponsor Xiaoye, let's go!" Guru Kuzhi grabbed Ye Fan and said.

Ye Fan came back to his senses.

The old man also said: "Yes, let's go!"

Ye Fan nodded and said, "Okay!"

But at this moment, the old man thought of something, and said: "This monk has some skills, I don't know if he has any medicine in his hand. I'll search it!"

He thought about the pill so much that he almost had a nightmare.

Ye Fan and Master Kuzhi didn't stop him either.

At this time, the old man was very agile, and he stepped forward quickly, groping around on the monk's body for a while.After a long while, a small porcelain bottle was really taken out.

"Sure enough, there are good things!" The old man put the porcelain vase into his arms, and then rushed over, saying, "Let's go!"

Ye Fan and Master Kuzhi didn't say any more, and the three quickly evacuated from the spot.

After half an hour of running fast, the three finally arrived at the place where the helicopter was.The pilot of the helicopter set up a tent and has been resting.At this time, seeing three people coming, they hurried out of the tent.

"Let's go immediately!" The old man said to the driver immediately after coming up, "Don't worry about the tent!"

"Yes!" said the driver.

The three of Ye Fan boarded the helicopter.

The helicopter took off quickly, the roar of the propeller was deafening, and the surrounding grass and rocks were swept away by the wind of the propeller.

When the helicopter took off and was flying in the sky, Ye Fan and the others finally breathed a long sigh of relief.

Only then did Ye Fan's tense mind relax.

The old man took out the porcelain bottle, opened it, and saw six black pills inside.

"This is...?" The old man thought about it for a while, and asked Master Kuzhi to see it.

Master Kuzhi didn't take the porcelain bottle, but smelled it, and then said with joy, "Congratulations, old lady, this is the spirit-gathering elixir. Although it is the lowest-grade elixir, it is already a real elixir." .Once you take these six elixirs, old man, it is estimated that there will be no problem in hitting the supernatural power level."

The old man was immediately ecstatic.He said: "Thanks to the master and Xiaoye benefactor this time." He paused, and then said to Ye Fan: "Little benefactor, the money I promised to give you will never be less!"

Ye Fan looked at the old man, thought for a while, and said, "5000 million is too much, just give [-] million."

"No more, no more, if it wasn't for you today, we would have all died in that copper coffin. That's the deal!" said the old man.

The old man is a genius, he promised to give Ye Fan money, not only to keep his promise, but also to hold Ye Fan firmly.If he could climb up to the master behind Ye Fan, the old man felt that he would have inexhaustible benefits.

He is a man who is good at calculating and will not do business at a loss.

Ye Fan saw that the old man insisted, so he didn't say anything more.

He was no longer very excited about money, but when he thought of killing ten people in a row today, he couldn't be at peace after all.

He didn't know whether he was right or wrong.

Although, there are many voices saying, you are right.But he still can't let go!

"Little leaf benefactor!" Seeing that Ye Fan was depressed, Guru Kuzhi knew why he was worried.

"Master?" Ye Fan also looked at Master Kuzhi.

Master Kuzhi smiled slightly, and said, "Sponsor Xiaoye, is this your first time killing someone?"

Ye Fan was taken aback for a moment, and then replied honestly: "Yes!"

Master Kuzhi said, "So, you are very troubled. You don't know if what you are doing is right?"

Ye Fan said: "I know I should kill them, but what I feel the most is bewilderment. I'm afraid that I will really become a murderous demon myself!"

Master Kuzhi said: "Amitabha, little leaf benefactor, you should know that ordinary people have to pay the legal price for killing people. But you are not ordinary people. Since you have chosen this path of practice, sooner or later you will die. Go through today's hurdle."

"Do practitioners have to kill people?" Ye Fan was puzzled.

Master Kuzhi said: "Practitioners are not bound by the laws of the world, but only by the rules of heaven. If you don't kill people, other people will come to covet your things. In the world of practitioners, the law of the jungle is the law of the jungle. , No one can break it! As far as the poor monk knows, in the world of real great practitioners, the killing is even worse. They turn their hands into clouds, and their hands into rain. With a snap of their fingers, blood flows into rivers. So Xiaoye benefactor, you Just think carefully about what you want, and after you think it through, you will naturally know whether you are right or wrong."

"I... what do I want?" Ye Fan fell silent.

He was lost in thought.

"What do I want?" Ye Fan asked himself.

The old man and Master Kuzhi knew that Ye Fan was at a critical moment, so they just shut up and didn't disturb Ye Fan's thinking.

After a long time, Ye Fan's eyes began to brighten and became firm.

He gradually understood in his heart.He told himself clearly. "When I studied art with Master, it was because I wanted to become a person like Master. Where there is the Tao, even if there are tens of thousands of people, I will go there! This road is meant to kill people, so why should I make things difficult for myself?"

Ye Fan finally opened his heart knot.

He clearly understood again that he was no longer an ordinary person.

He also knew that he could never go back to the past.

He didn't want to go back to the past either.

And Heavenly Court, Li Tiandi...

Of course, Ye Fan is not stupid.Knowing about the Heavenly Court, the Heavenly Emperor, and the Eternal Sun Crown must be kept a secret, and you must not talk about it indiscriminately.Otherwise, if it spreads to the Immortal Road forces, then it will be a dead end.

Although the fairy road is far away on the blue planet, since that Li Tiandi has been to the earth.That means that Xianlu may also send someone over.

The more confidential this matter is, the safer it is.

The helicopter returned to Jing'an City after more than two hours.

At the landing place, the old man's men drove to pick him up.

Half an hour later, Ye Fan and his party returned to the old man's independent villa.

At this time, it was just dawn.

There was a hint of whiteness in the sky.

The old man took Ye Fan and Master Kuzhi to the independent house in the backyard.

Inside the house, the lights are turned on.

The old man sat on the chair and let out a long sigh of relief. "This time it's really a surprise!" He was very emotional.

Master Kuzhi smiled slightly and said, "Old Master, your goal has been achieved. This time is still worthwhile!"

The old man said: "Yes!" He then said to Ye Fan: "Mr. Xiaoye, Qian..."

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