The strongest player in history

Chapter 1747 God of Mercenaries

"Sponsor Xiaoye, are you feeling alright?" Guru Kuzhi asked.

Ye Fan said: "It feels good, how about you?"

Master Kuzhi said: "The poor monk feels fine. It's just that it's really strange here. Since I was stunned by the phantom formation, now I wake up unharmed."

Ye Fan looked around and said, "It's dilapidated everywhere, and I don't know what happened in the past. I think it's hard for us to gain anything from this trip."

The old man said: "In this abyss, the energy fluctuated violently earlier, so everyone thought that there would be a strange treasure born. It's just that no one expected that such a copper coffin would appear!"

Ye Fan said: "Yes!"

The surrounding masters also started talking, and the scene seemed quite noisy.

Some people have already started going around looking for treasure.

Everyone still wants to get something out of here.

The old man also said: "Let's try our luck too."

Ye Fan couldn't help feeling troubled, 10 minutes had passed now.He was really anxious, and the way out would take some time.

I'm afraid that when the time comes, there will be an explosion in the abyss, and even the entire cave will collapse.

"Let's go!" Ye Fan said.

"Let's go?" Master Kuzhi and the old man looked at Ye Fan in surprise.

After all, Ye Fan is not very good at lying, so he just said: "I don't think there will be any treasure here. I also used the big sky eye technique to scan it before, and it really doesn't look like there is a treasure."

The old man said: "Even if there is a disaster in such a big palace, there will always be some omissions. It's not that we don't have enough time, why don't we look for it?"

Guru Kuzhi said, "Yes, little leaf benefactor."

Ye Fan couldn't help being speechless.

If he couldn't do it, he left by himself, and let the bitter wisdom master and the old man die here.

He took a deep breath and said, "To be honest, I have always been very intuitive. Now I realize that this place is very dangerous. It seems that this place is about to explode. I am afraid that we will die here, so let's leave as soon as possible."

"This..." Master Kuzhi and the old man changed their colors slightly.

The old man was still unwilling, and said: "Intuition is such an illusory thing!"

"Sponsor Xiaoye, do you know something that we don't?" Guru Kuzhi looked at Ye Fan and said.

Ye Fan has never lied, and he does not have the ability of his master to lie and not make drafts.So the bitter master saw something.

Ye Fan sighed, and said in a low voice: "No matter why, I'm doing it for the benefit of you two. If I leave directly, it's fine. But I can't bear the two of you being blown to death inside, so I tried to persuade you."

Master Kuzhi and the old man realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Okay, let's go!" Master Kuzhi said.

The old man also agreed.

So, the three of them evacuated immediately.

"Everyone, hurry up, there will be an explosion here within 10 minutes, if you don't evacuate within 10 minutes, everyone will be killed inside." Ye Fan shouted loudly as he left.

This shout was like a spring thunder exploding.

Master Kuzhi's face changed drastically, and he said, "Sponsor Xiaoye, you are setting yourself on fire, go away!"

Ye Fan naturally knew that this shout would bring him endless troubles.But he intended to save these people, if he just left, why bother?Just take away Master Bitter Wisdom and the old man!

Everyone may not be willing to believe Ye Fan's words, but after Ye Fan shouted this sentence, he left in a hurry with Master Kuzhi and the old man.This made everyone panic immediately.

No matter how important treasures are, they are not as important as lives.

Panic suddenly spread like the plague.

Everyone fled towards the exit.

One by one for fear of falling behind.

Ye Fan and others quickly got out of the copper coffin.

Then, many people followed suit out of the copper coffin.

After getting out of the copper coffin, he quickly left the cave.

A group of people barely left the cave, and the entire canyon shook violently like an earthquake.It was in the demon-subduing cave that first began to collapse.

The landslides and ground cracks make people utterly horrified!

It's like a natural disaster!

After seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help feeling lingering fear and chills behind their backs.If he came out a little later, he would really be dead.

Dust billowed in the air.

After a long time, the shaking of the ground finally stopped.The dust is also gradually dissipating!

Tranquility finally returned to the dark Grand Canyon.

All the masters were shocked.

But at this time, someone finally reacted.

"Since that kid with golden eyes knew that he was going to explode, he must know something. Maybe the treasure is on his body, so we can't let him go." One person shouted.

This voice reminded everyone present.

Ye Fan couldn't help complaining, these people are really quick to avenge their kindness.

This is the Grand Canyon, and it is a waste of time to climb up.Therefore, Ye Fan couldn't leave quickly.

"Hide it!" Guru Kuzhi had already taken Ye Fan and the old man to lurk in another place.

Fortunately, the Grand Canyon is big enough, and it is not easy to find after hiding.

There are creeks and woods over there.

"Hide in my Ring Sumeru. You can't breathe in this Ring Sumeru. Let's take a breath. It's not difficult to hold on for an hour!" Ye Fan took out his ring and said.

"This... how do you get in here?" The old man was in a daze.

Ye Fan grabbed the old man, and then his figure flashed.He directly brought the old man into the ring sumeru.

Master Kuzhi followed and went in.

When he was in the God Transformation Realm, Ye Fan was able to communicate with Sumeru, and he could put some small things in it or take things.But the whole person can't go in.Because the space overlaps, you must find the mysterious gap and enter it at an extremely fast speed.But now, Ye Fantaixu is at the peak of the Seventh Heavenly Layer, so it is naturally easy to enter Sumi.

A group of three people immediately entered Jiexumi.

There is basically nothing in Ye Fan's ring sumeru now.

There are some daily necessities inside, and the space is a small room.

The three of them are inside, and if they are not active, it doesn't feel too crowded.

"This... so miraculous?" The old man was dumbfounded.

Ye Fan said: "Shhh, old man, there are also masters of Taoism outside. Don't let them hear the movement!"

The old man shut up immediately.

Guru Kuzhi looked at everything in the precepts.

Master Kuzhi did not ring Sumeru, but he had heard of this miraculous ring.

I have also seen it before!

The masters outside kept looking for Ye Fan and the others.

But in the dark Grand Canyon, finding a ring hidden behind a stone is undoubtedly more difficult than climbing to the sky.

All the masters searched everywhere, but of course they returned without success.

However, this group of masters will not let it go.They knew that it was impossible for Ye Fan and others to leave the Grand Canyon so soon.

An hour later, the three of Ye Fan came out to take a breath.

At this time, there was no sign of anyone outside.

Inside the canyon, the stream is frail and peaceful.

Master Kuzhi said: "Let me find a secluded place and start climbing up."

Ye Fan nodded.

Then he said in a low voice: "Master, old man, I am definitely not someone who keeps the benefits to myself. I don't know, can you trust me?"

The old man said: "What do you say, don't say that we trust you. Even if you have benefits to hide, that's okay. You saved our lives. Although I want to break through the realm, old man, at least the concept of right and wrong is still It's clear."

Master Kuzhi smiled slightly, and said, "Sponsor Xiaoye, let's go! The poor monk has absolutely no doubts about you!"

Ye Fan breathed a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, the three of them found a place and climbed upwards.

This Grand Canyon is very wide.Taking advantage of the darkness and the fact that all the masters had dispersed, the three of Ye Fan really didn't know what to do, and climbed to the top of the Grand Canyon without knowing it.

It was dark, and the moon and stars were all covered by dark clouds.

"So you are here!" A dozen or so masters suddenly jumped out in front.These

Some of these ten masters held guns, some held swords, some were from the island country, some were from the M country, and there was a monk.

They are ten wise men who know how to wait and see above the canyon.

Moreover, there are more than ten of them waiting on the sidelines.There were others, but they all dispersed.It's just that they were lucky and happened to meet the three of Ye Fan.

Of course, they could also be unlucky.

With a glance, Ye Fan saw that among the ten masters, the monk with the highest cultivation level was in the sixth heaven of Taixu.The rest of the people didn't even open the door of supernatural powers.

But some of them have very deadly guns.

The monk looked to be in his forties, wearing a monk's robe, lowered his eyebrows, and did not speak.

Obviously, this is a real smart person, ready to sit aside and reap the benefits of the fisherman.

These ten people are not a group of people, but a grass-roots team formed temporarily.

The guy in the lead is from the early stages of the Personalized God Realm, called Pique.Peake is invincible, proficient in Chinese, he practiced his internal skills in China very early, and galloped internationally. He is known as the god of mercenaries.

He is the absolute king in his world.

Therefore, he came here with full confidence.He believes that he is determined to win.

The other enemies are nothing more than chickens and dogs.

Pique couldn't see through Ye Fan, the old man, and the master's cultivation.Ye Fan and Guru Kuzhi's cultivation base is too high, and Ye Fan hasn't cultivated coercion at all.Guru Kuzhi hid his coercion, but the old man kept Kuzen and hid his cultivation.

As long as the three of them don't release their coercion, Pique will not understand their cultivation.But Pique was fearless, and he had enough confidence in his fists.Too many people died at his hands.

Right now, three guns with mercury bullets had locked on Ye Fan and the three of them.

Pique stood out from the crowd, and he looked at Ye Fan and the three with cold eyes.

Finally, Peake's eyes locked on Ye Fan.

He asked in a deep voice in fluent Chinese: "Little baby, why do you know that the copper coffin is about to explode?"

Ye Fan frowned and said, "No comment!"

Pique laughed grimly and said, "Very well, you really know the inside story!"

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