The strongest player in history

Chapter 1744 The Great Treasure

"Foreigners don't talk!" A master shouted immediately.

Another person translated the previous question.

Master Kuzhi then replied: "Golden light can't see through the situation inside, it's so weird inside!"

"Then you go in first!" someone shouted.

This group of people, although all of them have ghosts in their hearts, are not stupid.No one was willing to be fooled first, fearing that there would be a dead end in the copper coffin, fearing that Ye Fan and others would trick him.

"Good!" Master Kuzhi said.

Ye Fan didn't express his opinion, so he followed the instructions of the bitter wisdom master.

Ye Fan thought that he was still too immature and too young.On such occasions, he has no idea, so he takes the guru as the backbone as the leader.

Afterwards, the three of Ye Fan entered the copper coffin first.

After seeing Ye Fan and the other three go in, the other masters were suspicious for a while, and then followed one after another.

The space inside the copper coffin is unimaginably large, and the dome is extremely high, as high as [-] meters.Entering the copper coffin is the stone steps from top to bottom.There are about three hundred steps.

When Ye Fan and others walked halfway, the people behind followed one after another.

Master Kuzhi said softly, "Let's go quickly and get rid of them."

Ye Fan nodded.

When the people behind saw it, they immediately shouted, "They want to escape."

Therefore, this group of people also quickened their pace.

However, Ye Fan and the others were faster after all, and quickly went down the stairs.

In the front, the clouds and mist are filled, which is very strange.Moreover, there are many formations like the stone forest, with a total of 36 entrances.

Ye Fan and the others didn't care about other things, they chose an entrance at random first, and entered it.

The people behind followed, but they had lost track of Ye Fan and the others.

Ye Fan walked in the front, and both Master Kuzhi and the old man had to rely on Ye Fan's Great Sky Eye Technique.

After entering the entrance, there is a long corridor.In the tunnel, clouds and mist filled the air, and it was not known what was ahead.

Ye Fan had no choice but to start the Great Sky Eye Technique again.

Immediately, the Great Celestial Eye Technique was activated, and Li Huo's golden pupils illuminated the front.

But this time, the power of Lihuo Jintong was greatly reduced.

This road ahead is five kilometers long.

Ye Fan saw the road ahead clearly.After the corridor of the front road is finished, there is a huge square.

In the square, it is also shrouded in clouds and mist.

Even Ye Fan's Great Sky Eye Technique couldn't see through the clouds in front of him.

The huge square is like a monster that wants to devour people, and no one knows what's inside.

"It's really strange!" Ye Fan said suddenly.

Guru Kuzhi immediately asked, "Sponsor Xiaoye, what are you wondering about?"

Ye Fan said: "So many people came in before, we came in later. I saw through five kilometers at a glance, but I didn't see a single person. Where did all those people go?"

Master Kuzhi couldn't help but change his face, and said, "Could it be that there is a formation in the maze inside that traps people?"

Ye Fan said: "Although I don't understand the principle of gossip in Jiugong, but from the 36 entrances to the door, I know that there is definitely something weird inside. There is no reason. If you don't want to trap people, why design 36 entrances? "

Guru Kuzhi said: "Sponsor Xiaoye, your consideration is very reasonable!"

Ye Fan said: "There are too many weird things in here. I suggest, let's quit now, so as not to be forever!"

"This..." Master Kuzhi said.

The old man said: "Then how can it be, we have all come in with great difficulty, how can we just retreat? Besides, Xiaoye benefactor, you have the big sky eye technique, and you will be able to see through these formations. Maybe there are great benefits in it. We You have advantages that others don't have, how can you just leave like this?"

The old man is very anxious.

This is also understandable.

Of the three present, Ye Fan was the youngest, but he had the highest cultivation level.He has already broken the gate of supernatural power, so naturally he is not in a hurry.

And the master of bitter wisdom is also the one who broke through the gate of supernatural powers.

Right now, only the old man is seventy years old, but he has not yet broken through the door of supernatural powers.How could he not be eager?

Even desperately, I want to find some means to break through the door of supernatural powers!

Ye Fan and Guru Kuzhi looked at each other.

Guru Kuzhi said, "Sponsor Xiaoye, what do you say?"

Ye Fan said: "I don't quite agree to go in."

Guru Kuzhi said: "The poor monk doesn't agree with it either. As the old saying goes, retreat in the face of difficulties. We don't need to plunge ourselves into a situation where we will never recover. The risk is too great."

The old man said: "When we came, we knew that the risk was already high. How about this, Mr. Xiaoye, you go in with me. It doesn't matter whether you get the treasure or not, as long as you go in with me, I will give you [-] million after you go out."

"Huh?" Ye Fan couldn't help but be moved.

"How?" asked the old man.

"Okay!" Ye Fan agreed immediately.

Wealth and wealth are in danger!

"Master?" the old man asked Master Kuzhi again.

Master Kuzhi said, "Amitabha, since both of you are going in, how can the poor monk continue to back down?"

"Good!" The old man cheered up.

Ye Fan continued to lead the way, and quickly walked through the corridor with the old man and Master Kuzhi.

After that, Ye Fan and his party arrived at the square smoothly.

The clouds and fog in the square were thicker, and Ye Fan could only see through about thirty meters when he used the Great Sky Eye Technique.And without the Great Celestial Eye Technique, even the Master of Bitter Wisdom would not be able to see clearly the person in front of him.

This is a very scary state.

"Grab your hand, don't get lost." Ye Fan said immediately.

Master Kuzhi immediately grabbed the old man's hand, and the old man also grabbed Ye Fan's hand.

"Follow me!" Ye Fan said.

Now, the suffering master and the old man are both blind.It means that Ye Fan can rely on the Great Sky Eye Technique and find a way out.

Ye Fan walked forward based on his feeling, and explored the way with the Great Sky Eye Technique.

Walking this way, it took a total of more than [-] miles to walk out of the square.As soon as he stepped out of the square, his eyes suddenly opened up.

There is a garden in front of it, and a majestic palace behind the garden.

Moreover, the sun is bright and there are small bridges and flowing water.

To be precise, it's not sunshine.Instead, there is a luminous body similar to sunlight in the sky.

Ye Fan never imagined that there was such a cave in a copper coffin.

"Sure enough, it's the Great Thousand World, full of wonders!"

The old man, Ye Fan, and Master Kuzhi were all deeply moved.

The old man said happily: "In the cloud and mist formation, it's so weird that you can't see your fingers. Others don't have the Great Sky Eye Technique, so they definitely can't get in. We are here now, it is really blessed, it's great. Now all the treasures , it's all ours."

There was a look of greed on his face.

The old man has experienced too many things, and he is already indifferent to fame and fortune.But what he is indifferent to is common fame and fortune.In front of these fairy family finances, he is still just a humble mortal.

Ye Fan was a little puzzled, and said: "Although I have great sky-eye skills in that cloud and mist, I just walk forward based on my feeling. Maybe I can get out, and there are many people who can get out too." .”

"But there is no one here." Guru Kuzhi said.

"It's really strange!" Ye Fan said.He paused, and said again: "We still have to be extremely careful!"

Master Kuzhi said, "That's right!"

The old man said: "That's right!" Although he was greedy, he was not reckless.

The group now has no reason to turn back, so they naturally want to go to the palace to find out.

Entering the garden was very smooth.

The majestic palace is bronze-colored, like a palace made of bronze, full of majesty, but with a hint of desolation.

The gates of the palace were closed.

Ye Fan pushed it a few times with his hands, but there was no response.That door is rock solid!

"Break it with brute force!" Guru Kuzhi said.

Ye Fan nodded.

So the two joined forces to display their fist seals.

Together, the two are powerful.It was beyond the imagination of the old man.The huge force of tens of thousands of catties bombarded the past!


The door is still motionless!

"It's unreasonable!" Ye Fan suddenly activated Lihuo Jintong.

Two Li Vulcan lights blasted towards him!

The gate of the palace was immediately burned with green smoke, accompanied by a strong smell of fishy iron.

It's like being cut by a powerful laser, but the gate of this palace cannot be pierced by lasers.But Ye Fan's big sky eye technique is many times more powerful than a simple laser.


Finally, the Great Heavenly Eye Technique blasted two holes out of the palace gate.

The formation of the gate was also damaged.

Ye Fan struck again with his palm, and the door was directly opened.

The three of Ye Fan were overjoyed immediately, and they walked in quickly.

Then you can see the main hall in front of you. The main hall is as smooth as jade, and there are dozens of jade pillars carved with dragons to support the palace.

This is the first time Ye Fan has seen such a huge and magnificent palace.

Of course, it was not surprising that Ye Fan saw it for the first time.Because he was an uninformed vulture.

The surroundings of the main hall are also smooth.

Smooth, giving people a sense of deserted.

The entire hall was empty.

Ye Fan and the others felt puzzled, but they immediately began to search around.

Soon, the old man saw a place ahead.

"Treasure vault!"

On that gate, there are three large traditional Chinese characters written in gold.

Ye Fan didn't know him anyway, but both the old man and Master Kuzhi did.

It is the treasure house!

So, knowledge is very important.

This is Ye Fan's master, Chen Yang, who is proficient in traditional characters, oracle bone inscriptions, and even ancient characters.Down to English, French, etc., there are also a little bit.

"It's the treasure house, haha, we deserve it!" The old man laughed.

Master Kuzhi also couldn't help getting excited.

"There is a mechanism here, it should be to open the treasure house." Master Kuzhi said.

Ye Fan looked at the mechanism, but it was a copper-colored round door knocker.

Much like the mechanism in the TV!

The old man stepped forward and pulled the door knocker.

The door to the treasure house opened easily.

The old man stepped in first, Master Kuzhi remained reserved, and said to Ye Fan, "Let's go in."

Ye Fan nodded and said, "Okay!"

The three quickly stepped into the treasure house.

This treasure house is very wide, with a full [-] square meters.

Looking at it all the way, it looks like a huge warehouse.

As far as the eyes can see, there are countless precious stones, gold, silver and wealth.

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