The strongest player in history

Chapter 1745 Heavenly Court

Ye Fan and his group continued to walk inside.

The wealth here is unimaginable.But Ye Fan was not very tempted, he planned to take a few valuable gems, anyway, plus the [-] million RMB promised by the old man, he could already let his mother enjoy the rest of her life.

"Well, when the time comes, we need to find some reliable bodyguards to protect my mother!" Ye Fan thought to himself again.

If this treasure house is just these human treasures.So for the bitter wisdom master and the old man, it doesn't mean much, and it will even be very disappointing.

But soon, the eyes of the old man and the bitter wisdom master lit up.

They saw that there were many magic weapons and pills inside.

There are all kinds of magic weapons, treasure buildings, golden swords, magic knives, cloud towers, multi-treasure trees, god stones, tablets, runes, bells, ladders, and vases.

In front of that, there are countless pills piled up!

All are high-grade pills!

"Haha, I've made a fortune, I've made a fortune!" The old man was ecstatic, and went forward to put those pill bottles into the prepared bags.Catch those babes too!

Even the bitter wisdom master couldn't help stepping forward to pick out the things he likes at this time.

There are countless exercises on the left.

Ye Fan wasn't calm anymore at this time, he was about to go up and pick out the elixir.What he needs most now is the pill!

His hand has reached out to the pill.

"No!" Ye Fan suddenly became alert.

He remembered Master's teaching again.

"The more dangerous it is, the more you have to calm down. The current situation does not see danger. The old man and the master are very excited, but I must calm down!"

Ye Fan's feverish heart calmed down.

He looked around carefully.

"All of this seems to be going too smoothly. Do whatever you want? Is there such a good thing in the world?"

"Great Celestial Eye Technique!" Ye Fan used his luck again to perform the Great Celestial Eye Technique!

Lihuo's golden pupils flashed out, and the divine light pierced through his eyes.

Everything in front of him was suddenly in a trance.

Ye Fan suddenly felt a little dizzy, and at the same time, he saw that the faces of the old man and Master Kuzhi were already turning black.

"Not good!" Ye Fan turned pale with shock, shouted loudly, and said, "Put it down quickly, it's poisonous!"

When the old man and the bitter master heard Ye Fan's burst of drinking, they were suddenly puzzled.They looked at Ye Fan puzzled!

"You are poisoned!" Ye Fan said urgently.

"The poor monk feels... very good!" Master Kuzhi finished his sentence, and suddenly passed out.

The old man also fainted immediately.

Ye Fan felt dizzy and dizzy. He was terrified in his heart, but he couldn't resist the heavy drowsiness. "It's over, it's over." Ye Fan couldn't help feeling extremely regretful: "This is absolutely over, 15 years of lonely cultivation, but today he died of greed, it's too late to regret..."

When he thought of this, he completely lost his mind, and then fell into a deep sleep.

After a long time, Ye Fan vaguely felt that he had a dream.

He could feel it was a dream.

In the dream, he saw Jiulong pulling the coffin.

Nine dragon corpses dragged the copper coffin forward rapidly in the cold outer space, sometimes going into black holes and sometimes jumping through wormholes.

It's like a ray of light!

Faster than the speed of light!

These images are like fleeting images in Ye Fan's mind.

Then, the image in front of him suddenly changed.

On a strange planet, the magnificent cloud palace stretches for three thousand miles.

But from the very middle of the palace, a powerful energy wave burst out suddenly.

A violent explosion began to spread, and the entire sky was dyed in flames.There were countless screams and screams, and countless humans flew out of the palace, but they were all killed by the fragments of the sea of ​​flames.

Among those who died were children, old people, women, and middle-aged men.

Blood and flames dyed the sky, it was an extremely tragic scene.

It was so tragic that countless broken limbs and legs flew around in front of Ye Fan's eyes.

In the sky, ten black-robed old men watched all this with indifferent eyes.

"I'll fight with you!" A man roared out in anger.

Then, from the exploded palace, a man wearing a golden crown and a purple-gold robe rushed out.Following the man were four other subordinates.

Together, they rushed to the front of the ten black-robed old men.

"God be careful!"

The four messengers exclaimed.

The golden crown of the Emperor of Heaven turned out to be a magic weapon, and the golden crown shone dazzlingly on the head of the Emperor of Heaven.

At that moment, the golden crown emitted a terrifying divine light!

The divine light was so strong that it enveloped the ten old men.

The ten old men also changed color.

One of the old men said: "Unexpectedly, Li Tiandi really opened the tenth restriction of the Eternal Sun Crown. Such a strong Eternal Sun Power!"

"Fortunately, we have the leader's badge passed down by the leader!"


Ten old men sacrificed a black god medal wrapped in runes!

The black divine seal was activated by the mana of the ten old men, and immediately, endless black mist emitted from the divine seal.

The black mist is wrapping the entire sky, layer upon layer, making it hard for people to see clearly.

Ye Fan couldn't see anything anymore.

After a long time, Ye Fan only heard Li Tiandi's stern roar. "God is going to kill Gu, if Gu didn't damage his vitality when he broke through the ten restrictions, how could he not break your leader's seal today!"

"Li Tiandi, the heavenly court is exhausted, and the world will eventually be unified by the immortal road. Today is the heavenly court, and tomorrow is the death day of the immortal court! You should stop struggling!"

The old men shouted indifferently.

"Roar!" Ye Fan woke up suddenly.

He sat up abruptly from the ground.

Ye Fan only felt that the dream was too real.As if it happened to me.

As if he was that... Li Tiandi!

Ye Fan shook his head heavily, trying to wake himself up.

Then, he looked around.

But there are no palaces around, all around are dilapidated scenes, ruined walls, all kinds of scrap iron, the palace collapsed, and the dust is full.

An indescribable sense of desolation rose to Ye Fan's heart.

"What's going on?" Ye Fan looked around, and then he saw the group of masters, and all the masters who came in passed out on the ground.

Among the ruins, those people fell in disorder.

"It turns out that everything is an illusion!"

Ye Fan secretly thought.

"But why did I wake up alone?" Ye Fan was puzzled.He felt all his strength returned.

Ye Fan cast the Great Sky Eye Technique and looked forward.

"Huh? What's that?" Ye Fan saw the only remaining palace twenty miles ahead.The palace is still dusty and full of history.

In that palace, Ye Fan saw something in the middle of the palace.

That thing is under the broken plaque.

That thing... is exactly the Eternal Sun Crown that Ye Fan saw in his dream!

Ye Fan felt that there seemed to be some kind of connection between the Eternal Sun Crown and him, a very familiar feeling.

Ye Fan looked in front of him again, and the bitter master and the old man were still in a coma.He pinched the two of them, but none of them responded.

Ye Fan checked the breath of the two people again, and felt that their breathing was long, and there was no danger of their lives.

Ye Fan looked around again, it was dark everywhere, and there was no sunlight at all.

It's like the wasteland of the doomsday, full of despair everywhere.

The unspeakable sadness and pain in Ye Fan's heart.He didn't know why he was sad, why he was suffering.But he felt that everything here seemed to be related to him.

This place is so big that it looks like a small city.

Ye Fan walked forward.

His goal is the Eternal Sun Crown.

He seemed to hear the Eternal Sun Crown beckoning to him, calling to him.

Ye Fan quickly came to the small palace and found the old plaque.

He lifted the plaque, and then saw the Eternal Sun Crown.

Ye Fan stretched out his hand and took the Eternal Sun Crown in his hand.

The Zhouri crown is covered with dust and dilapidated, and it can no longer be seen that it is a crown.But at this moment, a ray of light suddenly flashed on the Eternal Sun Crown.

The light was fleeting.

Then, a familiar yet unfamiliar voice sounded in Ye Fan's mind.

"Master!" The voice was a woman's melodious voice, like a girl of seventeen or eighteen.

Ye Fan was startled suddenly, he looked around in surprise, and shouted vigilantly, "Who?"

"Master, you don't need to look for it. I transmitted the sound to your brain through my thoughts."

"Who are you?" Ye Fan asked nervously.

"I'm Xiaoyu!" said the woman.

"Xiaoyu? Who is Xiaoyu?" Ye Fan asked.

The woman said, "You don't know me anymore?"

Ye Fan said, "Of course I don't know you."

"Oh, that's right. I remembered, you have already been reincarnated. Of course you can't remember the things in your previous life." Xiaoyu said.

"What and what?" Ye Fan wondered, and said, "I don't understand a single word of what you said!"

"Master, I am the Artifact Spirit of this Eternal Sun Crown!" Xiaoyu said.

"Qi Ling?" Ye Fan said, "What is a Qi Ling?"

Xiaoyu was slightly taken aback, and then she explained: "Any top-grade magic weapon will give birth to a weapon spirit. The weapon spirit can help you master the magic weapon better. When you are inconvenient, the weapon spirit can help you control the magic weapon Xiaoyu is such an existence."

"Oh, so you can control the Eternal Sun Crown?" Ye Fan asked immediately.

Xiaoyu said: "I can't now. The forces of Xianlu killed you back then. I was also seriously injured. Up to now, my strength has not recovered much. Xiaoyu has been waiting for you to reorganize the Heavenly Court. Fight against Xianlu!"

"What do you mean? What heaven, what fairy road? Who am I? Who am I reincarnated? Are you kidding me? I am Ye Fan. I am nobody!" Ye Fan said in a panic.

"Master!" Xiaoyu said: "Don't resist, you should know in your heart whether what Xiaoyu said is true or not. Words can deceive people, but feelings can't. Do you think so?"

Ye Fan's body shook violently.

That familiar, tragic, and desolate feeling has been filling his heart, lingering.

"You mean, I am that Li Tiandi?" Ye Fan asked after a while.

Xiaoyu said, "That's right!"

"'s impossible!" Ye Fan couldn't believe it.

Xiaoyu said: "Back then, the forces of the Immortal Road wanted to dominate all worlds, so they first destroyed the Holy Court..."

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