Master Kuzhi suggested that Ye Fan first use the Great Sky Eye Technique to check the reality.

Although this move will also expose their location, it is too dangerous to enter the cave rashly without finding out.

Ye Fan nodded and said: "Okay, you two hide in the dark first. After I have checked it out, I will use the void shuttle technique to get out of the way first, and then slowly map it!"

It has to be said that Ye Fan's growth is very fast.He began to become more thoughtful.

Ye Fan then performed the Great Sky Eye Technique!

Lihuo Jintong appeared.

In the darkness, Ye Fan's eyes were like the rays of the sun, and all the darkness was invisible under his Lihuo golden pupils.

Ye Fan could see clearly inside the cave in an instant.

Inside this cave, there is another vast world.Among the caves, the highest point is a thousand meters high, steep and spectacular.In the deepest part of the cave, there is also a boundless abyss.

The abyss is extremely wide, just like a huge lake.It's just that it's not a lake, but endless darkness.

In the cave mansion, many masters have been hidden.These masters are ready to fight, including foreign monks and foreign masters from various countries, and they are divided into [-] small teams.Each team has at least three or five people, and more than ten people.They have poison formations, firearms, and magic weapons in their hands.

Inside this cave, it seems that it has become a dragon's pond and a tiger's den.

It's just that all of them harbor evil intentions and are not monolithic.

Ye Fan shot the outside of the cave again, and outside the cave, there are countless masters.

All of them came here for the treasure.

Ye Fan looked terrified.

Afterwards, he withdrew the Great Sky Eye Technique, his body flickered, and he left the place quickly.

Ye Fan, Master Kuzhi and the old man gathered together.

Seeing Ye Fan approaching, the old lady immediately asked, "How is it?"

Ye Fan said: "This is not a good situation. There are eighteen teams of masters inside, with a total of more than [-] people. There are more than [-] masters outside. They are all well-equipped. , It will definitely become a hornet's nest. Right now, we should wait and see what happens, and we must not take the lead. Otherwise, we will die miserably."

"My God!" The old man couldn't help but be speechless. "Why are there so many masters here?"

Guru Kuzhi said: "We still think things are too simple."

The old man said: "Fortunately, Mr. Xiaoye has the Great Celestial Eye Technique. Even if we don't go in, we can know what's going on inside. Mr. Xiaoye, as long as the strange treasure appears tomorrow, you should keep an eye on it. When they are almost killed, Let's track down the person who has obtained the rare treasure, and we will do it when the time comes."

Ye Fan said: "Okay!" Then he smiled wryly, and said: "I'm afraid there are not a few people who want to be orioles after autumn."

"Since I'm here, I always want to draw a picture." Master Kuzhi said.

At the moment, Ye Fan and the others are not in a hurry to enter the demon-subduing cave.

The three of them found a quiet place, sat cross-legged, and began to practice.

With practice like this, time flies by quickly.In addition, in this canyon, the aura is lush, and it is very comfortable to practice.

Days and nights passed by.

When Ye Fan and the others were practicing, they felt that people were coming one after another.

"What kind of treasure is it that can attract so many masters?" Ye Fan secretly asked.

He was excited again at the same time.

This time, he seems to be able to show his talents.

"The mana in the cave fluctuates greatly, it should be that the strange treasure is about to be born." Master Kuzhi said suddenly.

Ye Fan said, "Okay, let me observe."

He immediately cast the Great Celestial Eye Technique, and asked the bitter wisdom master and the old man to protect him.

Ye Fan was also afraid that he would be shot dead from behind when he was casting a spell.Although he has mana now, he is afraid of being beaten to death!

Ye Fan observed the situation inside the cave with the Great Sky Eye Technique.

The masters in the cave also saw these two beams of golden light shining in.Before, these two beams of golden light irradiated the hearts of all the masters.This time it came again, and they were all thinking, is it the master who has been peeping all the way?

What kind of technique is this?

At this time, Ye Fan also discovered something unusual.

At the bottom of the boundless abyss in the cave, mana fluctuated extremely violently.

Afterwards, Ye Fan saw a scene he would never forget in his life.

That is from the bottom of the abyss, nine dragon corpses are pulling a huge coffin and flying upwards.

"Jiulong pulls the coffin?" Ye Fan said in surprise.

Such a situation, even the masters in the cave can't see it.

The old man immediately asked Ye Fan: "What is Nine Dragons pulling the coffin?"

Ye Fan said: "In the abyss inside, nine dragon corpses are pulling a huge copper coffin!"

"Ah?" Both the old man and the suffering master were taken aback.

In that abyss, the abyss is extremely wide, covering a hundred square kilometers.The extent of this breadth is unimaginable.It seems that the entire Mount Tai will be shrouded in it.

According to the official statement, the scope of Mount Tai is only more than 400 square kilometers.

Therefore, the width of this abyss seems a bit strange.

Under Mount Tai, there is such a big abyss, in principle, it should be unrealistic.

But the fact is that this abyss does exist.

Moreover, Mount Tai is still standing still.

Nine dragon corpses, each dragon corpse is thousands of feet long!

An ancient dragon-like existence.

In the ordinary world, if the length reaches [-] meters, it is already Godzilla in science fiction movies.And when Ye Fan saw the nine dragon corpses clearly, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion.There is a huge gap between human imagination and the vastness of the universe.

At this time, the huge copper coffin was unimaginably large.When the nine dragon corpses pulled up the copper coffin, the entire abyss was completely covered by the copper coffin.

Then he couldn't see the abyss, only the huge copper coffin covered the abyss.

"The universe is vast, and human imagination is still just a drop in the ocean. When we think that we have imagined the universe to be big enough, we will only find out when we actually experience it. Our imagination is still too timid." Ye Fan secretly said.

In the abyss, the copper coffin stopped.

Just like that, floating above the abyss, motionless.

At the same time, there is a gate in front of the copper coffin.

The gate is covered with golden runes!

Ye Fan saw that many masters started to come to the gate of the copper coffin. Before seeing the real strange treasure, no one would kill first.

Some masters yelled in English that Ye Fan could not understand, while others yelled in Chinese: "This copper coffin is a rare treasure, and there must be countless treasures hidden inside. Let's all go in and divide it up, so there is no need to fight and kill."

"Okay!" Those people shouted excitedly.

Everyone tensed up, and everyone was ready to fight to the death.Since everyone can have a share at this time, why not do it?

Someone came to the gate of the copper coffin first and pushed the gate hard.

"Shouldn't it be open?" Ye Fan secretly thought.

But soon, the door of the copper coffin was opened.

At this moment, everyone filed in.

"Damn!" Ye Fan couldn't help cursing secretly, he was a little restless.

"What's wrong?" the old man asked Ye Fan.

Ye Fan said: "The copper coffin may be a huge treasure, and those people have already gone in to share the treasure."

"Then we can't wait any longer, let's go in!" said the old man.

Guru Kuzhi said: "Sponsor Xiaoye, take a look at the situation inside the copper coffin."

Ye Fan said, "I can't see it."

"This..." Master Kuzhi said.

"It's not too late. If you go late, you may lose everything." The old man said.

Even though the old man was an old man, he couldn't be calm enough at this time.

Ye Fan didn't have any big ideas either, he withdrew the Great Heavenly Eye Technique and said to Master Kuzhi, "Master, what do you say?"

Master Kuzhi pondered for a moment, and said, "Since entering Baoshan, how can we return empty-handed. Let's go in too!"

Ye Fan said: "That's good!"

"Stop!" At this moment, in the darkness, shadows flocked around, and a group of masters surrounded Ye Fan and others.

These masters have been paying attention to Ye Fan and others for a long time.

"Amitabha, what are you going to do?" Master Suzhi asked aloud.

These masters are not all in one group, but come together together.

"What did you see?" A master asked.

Although they are not in the same group, if Ye Fan and the others don't cooperate at this time, then they must attack together.

Master Kuzhi said: "I saw the rare treasure inside. It was a huge copper coffin that flew out of the abyss. Now, the masters inside have all entered the copper coffin to divide up the treasure. We are waiting It’s to go in and find the treasure.”

"Ah?" The group of masters erupted immediately.

"Is this true?" Someone asked.

Master Kuzhi said: "Of course it is true. If you don't believe me, follow us and go in together. At that time, we can take care of each other."

"Okay!" They agreed immediately.

Guru Kuzhi didn't want to get entangled, and if he didn't say anything now, he would be outraged.Therefore, compromise is the best way.

So, under the leadership of Master Kuzhi and Ye Fan, the old man.A group of more than a hundred people entered the Demon Subduing Cave Mansion mightily.

There were many hidden weapons in Jiangmo Cave, but they were all destroyed by Ye Fan one by one.

The crowd followed behind, which made them feel much more at ease.

The size and steepness of the Subduing Demon Cave are unimaginable.The climate in the cave is cloudy and cold, which is unexpected.

Under Ye Fan's leadership, everyone soon came to the copper coffin.

"Everyone, you have also seen it." Master Kuzhi said: "The people who entered the cave before have disappeared now. Needless to say, they have all gone to the copper coffin. We also brought you here. No one knows whether the copper coffin is a treasure or a blood trap. Whether you want to go in or not is up to you."

"Don't you guys have that wonderful golden light that can see through everything? Could it be that you can't see through the situation inside?" A master asked.But he speaks English.

Obviously a gringo.

Master Kuzhi immediately said: "This benefactor, the poor monk can't understand what you are talking about!" ps: The prequel of this book, the story of the Four Emperors is uploaded for free on my WeChat official account Tiandaomeng, and everyone is welcome to add it.

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