Chen Yang fell into silence.

After a while, he said, "Can we just sit and wait for death?"

Xuan Zhenghao said, "No no no."

Chen Yang looked at Xuan Zhenghao in confusion.

Xuan Zhenghao smiled and said: "It seems that you still don't understand human nature enough. When people feel the pain of their skin, they will unite and resist foreign enemies unprecedentedly. This is a matter of one life two, two begets three. The premise is that there must be one , and then there are two and three."

Chen Yang said: "You mean to say that there must be an attack from the Lingzun first. It is possible for humans to unite after making humans feel the pain of their skin?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "That's right!" He paused, and said: "Before that, all you have to do is to be a gentleman and not stand under a dangerous wall. Take care of yourself and your family first, this is more important than anything else." More importantly, if you don’t sweep a house, why sweep the world?”

Chen Yang didn't know what to say when he heard the words. Although he was worried, he still breathed a sigh of relief silently.

Xuan Zhenghao then said: "Also, in fact, you don't have to worry too much about this issue. I seldom worry about this issue. It's like the Jiuyou old devil in Tianzhou who tried to implement some Tianzhou plan in vain. Ridiculous. The reason why I did so few things to obstruct them was to comply with the will of God. Even if I did nothing, they would still be unable to do it. Spiritual Venerables, people in the fairy world, and us humans are all on the earth The genes in the body are composed of molecules and ingredients in the Dao of Heaven. Therefore, no matter what we do, it is difficult to find the palm of Dao of Heaven. These people have mastered some skills, and they all try to come Overthrow the way of heaven. This is because they don't understand what the way of heaven is. The way of heaven is the flesh and blood in the body, can it be beaten? Why do people like God Emperor and Yuanjue want to defend the way of heaven? That's because they know what the way of heaven is."

Chen Yang was shocked.

He felt that what Xuan Zhenghao said made sense.

No matter when, Xuan Zhenghao is rational and strategizing.

Three hours later, Chen Yang and his party left the palace.Chen Yang has also figured it out thoroughly. He will try his best to publicize the Lingzun matter.To prepare people as much as possible, but it seems that there is only so much he can do.

Go with the flow!

To Chen Yang's surprise, after returning to Shaowei Mansion, there was a person waiting for Chen Yang in Shaowei Mansion.

"My lord!" Upon returning to the mansion, Bi Yue stepped forward and said, "There is a girl who says she is your old acquaintance, and she is waiting for you."

"Wait for me? Still a girl?" Chen Yang was suddenly full of suspicion.

Lin Qingxue and Qiao Ning looked at each other, Lin Qingxue was a little afraid that it was Chen Yang's romantic debt, which made Qiao Ning unhappy.As a younger sister, she naturally hopes that her brother and sister-in-law will be harmonious.

On the other hand, Qiao Ning laughed and said, "Isn't it the girl you abandoned who came to your door?"

Seeing Qiao Ning being so open-minded, Lin Qingxue was slightly relieved.

Chen Yang touched his nose, but he couldn't think of a reason.He said, "Let's go and see together."

Qiao Ning said, "Of course!"

The girl was arranged by Biyue to wait in the side hall.

At this time, it was already 11:30 p.m. according to the time in the Great Thousand World.

The lighting in the side hall is soft, and the floor is covered with a carpet of golden silk thread.The light is the light from more than ten night pearls, and there is a light-emitting bead in the middle.In the world of practitioners, lighting has never been a problem.

When Chen Yang and his party went to the side hall, they saw the girl who had been waiting.

This girl surprised Chen Yang and Qiao Ning.

Because the person who came was none other than Qin Keqing, the new head of the Liuyehui in Central World!

Big breasted sister!

Extraordinary beauty, extraordinary cultivation!

Qin Keqing was not satisfied at this time. She was wearing a light blue long dress. Although she was extremely beautiful, she was frowning.

"Qingxue, go back and rest first." Chen Yang said to Lin Qingxue beside him.Seeing the change in Chen Yang's expression, Lin Qingxue knew that Chen Yang had business to deal with.She nodded, then turned and left.

Chen Yang didn't sneer at Qin Keqing, it wasn't his character.After he came in, he took a look at Qin Keqing, and then sat down at the main seat with Qiao Ning.Biyue will serve tea immediately!

"Chen Yang..." Qin Keqing immediately stood up and shouted sincerely.

Chen Yang is a shrewd person, he is so good at observing words and expressions, he can immediately see that Qin Keqing's attitude has changed.He immediately picked up the teacup, took a sip of hot tea, and then put the teacup down.After that, he said politely: "Please sit down!"

Qin Keqing said: "No, I won't sit. I came here to apologize to you. Only now do I know that we wronged you. I'm sorry!" After she finished speaking, she bowed deeply.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning were surprised.

Chen Yang said: "So, do you believe in the Lingzun?"

Qin Keqing said: "I completely believe it!"

Chen Yang said: "I'm curious, why do you suddenly believe it?"

Qin Keqing said: "Your father killed Bruner, do you know about this?"

Chen Yang's heart skipped a beat, he naturally knew about it.It's just that every time he hears about it from other people, he always feels another complicated feeling.

He remembered that he had misunderstood Chen Tianya as a misfortune, but the truth was that he had underestimated Chen Tianya's situation.

"I know." Chen Yang said.

Qin Keqing said: "Later, because Bruner was killed in the Lihen Tiangong, Nalan Yuntian rebelled and slaughtered the spiritual masters in the Tiangong. After that, Tian Bulu, a master among the spiritual masters, was attracted. Tian Bulu will leave Hate the Heavenly Palace and destroy the gate."

She paused here, and continued: "Some disciples escaped from Lihen Tiangong, and they took refuge in my master. Among the disciples who took refuge, there was a leader named Cui Cheng. He told us about Ling respect, and more importantly, we also know one more thing."

Chen Yang was quite interested and said, "Oh, what is it?"

Qiao Ning also looked at Qin Keqing.

Qin Keqing said: "My Eighth Sister Yu Zijin and Third Highness Tang Wenqing are still alive, they were sent to the world of chalk for research."

"Okay, I understand." How smart Chen Yang was, he knew Qin Keqing's intention in an instant.Obviously, if it wasn't for asking for something from herself, with Qin Keqing's arrogance, she would never have come all the way to make amends for wronging herself.

"I beg you to save my Eighth Sister and Third Highness!" Qin Keqing pleaded.

Before Chen Yang could speak, Qiao Ning became unhappy.She said: "This is really strange. You are the leader of the Six Leaf Society, and your masters are like clouds. Your master is Yan Jiuniang, the first female emperor of the Jokhang Dynasty, and an old ancestor. You are so How many masters did not go to rescue, but ran to find Chen Yang. I really don't understand why this is."

Qiao Ning was very annoyed. She didn't want to say something too explicit.

Nima, there are so many experts on your side, and if you don't save them all, after all, you all know that the chalk world is dangerous.Cooperating with our family Chen Yang's life is worthless, isn't it?

Qin Keqing hurriedly said: "Silver Shark King, calm down, I have absolutely no intention of murdering Chen Yang. It's just...the world of chalk is too dangerous, so what if we have more experts? It's not like there will be no return. This matter, we can only Use tricks and tricks."

Chen Yang smiled lightly and said, "Because I escaped from Lingzun several times, you think I have talent in this area, don't you?"

Qin Keqing said, "That's right!"

Chen Yang said: "I might as well tell you another shocking news."

"Huh?" Qin Keqing said, "Please tell me!"

Chen Yang said: "Tian Bulu, who killed Lihen Tiangong, went to the Great Thousand World to hunt and kill me."

"Ah?" Qin Keqing couldn't help being shocked.She was shocked that Chen Yang was still alive.

Who is Tianbu?That is a peerless giant, an existence that even the master can hardly compete with!

Lihen Tiangong has always been able to compete with several great dynasties, but it was wiped out by Tian Buu himself.What an unbelievable thing this is, Tian Bulu just did it.

It was such a master who came to hunt and kill Chen Yang, but Chen Yang was still alive and well.

This is so weird.

Qin Keqing also knew that Chen Yang was not lying.Because if Tian Bulu couldn't catch the Devil Emperor, he would most likely find trouble with Chen Yang.

At this moment, Qin Keqing became more and more determined to find Chen Yang to rescue Bamei.

In her heart, Bamei is the most important.As for the third highness, if you can save it, you will save it, and if you can't save it, you will be pulled down.

"Now, I'm still alive. But Tian Bu, I can only tell you what happened to him, it's worse than death." Chen Yang Youyou said.

Qin Keqing was horrified again, and said, "Is this true?"

Chen Yang said: "Of course it is true!"

"How is this possible? Who can deal with Tianbru?" Qin Keqing said.

Chen Yang said: "There are people beyond people, and there is heaven beyond the sky. There are Hunyuan sages, Duobao Daojun, Yuanjue Dharma gods, and although Tianbulu is a giant in the eyes of you and me, in the eyes of some people, he is just an ant. same existence."

Qin Keqing said, "Who did it?"

Chen Yang said: "This, no comment!"

Naturally, he would not say that he wanted to give Qin Keqing more mystery.Let her not dare to mess around!

"Although the Devil Emperor is powerful, even if he is undefeated, it is impossible to kill Tian Bulu!" Qin Keqing said: "This person cannot be the Devil Emperor!"

Chen Yang said, "You can guess whatever you want."

Qin Keqing was slightly taken aback, she quickly returned to the topic, and said, "Chen Yang, what kind of conditions do you want to go with me to the world of chalk to save my eighth sister?"

"No matter how good the conditions are, it is not as important as my own life. What's more, I have treated you with sincerity, but you have betrayed my trust. Between us, we are not even friends. In other words, I Come to find you to go to an extremely dangerous place, would you like to?" Chen Yang said.

Qin Keqing's delicate body shook.

Asking herself, she felt that if a person who had deceived her came to her and still wanted to go to such a dangerous place, she would definitely refuse.

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