The strongest player in history

Chapter 1724 Everyone's Responsibility

Qin Keqing said in a deep voice: "Chen Yang, I know that I am very strong. If I have a way, I will not come to make things difficult for you. It doesn't matter if my life is lost, but I am afraid that my life will be lost in the chalk world, but I Still can't save my eighth sister."

Chen Yang said: "I envy your sisters' deep love,'s not enough for me to take such a huge risk. Everyone has their own holy land in their hearts, and they have to protect their own holy land. Let others risk their lives It’s not good to guard against danger.”

Qin Keqing said: "But Chen Yang, my eighth younger sister ended up like this because she believed in you. Things have cause and effect, and the cause is with you. Can you really pretend that everything has nothing to do with you?"

Chen Yang took a look at Qin Keqing and said, "It's not unreasonable for you to say that. Indeed, if I can save your eighth sister with a little effort, I will not refuse. But at the beginning, I just reported what I saw to Emperor Tang. Then your eighth younger sister was ordered by the emperor." He sighed and said, "I don't want to shirk responsibility, and I deeply sympathize with what happened to your eighth younger sister. However, I... can't go to the world of chalk. You have someone important to you, and you will do anything to save her. I admire you very much, but I also have to be responsible for my own life. Because there are important people in my life. If they lose me, Their pain will be no less than your loss of your eighth younger sister."

Qin Keqing fell silent. After a while, she looked at Chen Yang and said, "So, no matter what, you won't agree to go to the chalk world with me?"

Chen Yang also looked at Qin Keqing and said, "Do you want to use force?"

Qin Keqing shook her head and said, "No! Don't say this is the imperial city of Dakang, even if it's not, with the abilities of the two of you, I can't do anything to you."

Chen Yang said: "In that case, please do what you want."

Qin Keqing stood up, she said: "I'm sorry to bother you." Then she left the side hall, and then left Shaowei Mansion.

Her back looks extraordinarily lonely.

Although she is the leader of the Six Leaf Society and has great power in her hands, there are still things in this world that she cannot do.She still... couldn't save her sister.

It is unfair between people, and some people are born into the family of emperors and generals.Some people are born poor and down and out.

But people are also fair, at least when they come, they are naked, and when they leave, they can't take anything with them.At least, between people, there will always be troubles.

You are worried about three buckets of rice, he is worried about his health, and she is worried about his family.

And Qin Keqing suffered inexplicably because of her eighth younger sister.

"Don't read it." Qiao Ning said to Chen Yang: "I know you are the softest-hearted, if you read on, maybe you will agree."

Chen Yang smiled slightly, and said: "Don't worry, I won't ruin my life like this. The chalk world is the gathering place of the spirit masters on the earth. For so many years, the chalk world has been hidden so deeply, which shows how powerful it is. Yan Jiu Why should I dare to go where my mother dare not go?"

"You really think so?" Qiao Ning looked at Chen Yang and asked.

"Of course!" Chen Yang said.

Qiao Ning said: "Okay, I believe you this time. You'd better not lie to me."

Chen Yang said: "I will never lie to you."

Qiao Ning knew that Chen Yang rarely lied to her, so she didn't think much about it.

This night, it was peaceful and peaceful.

The next day, Qiao Ning and Chen Yang accompanied Lin Qingxue to play around.At noon, Chen Yang didn't go, he said he was going to take a nap.It's really boring to go shopping with a woman.

Qiao Ning and Lin Qingxue giggled, knowing that they had made things difficult for Chen Yang by being so much company this day.What women like most is shopping, and what men fear most is shopping with women.

Therefore, if a man can often go shopping with a woman.Either she is not married yet, or she is a fake mother!

After Chen Yang left Qiao Ning and Lin Qingxue, he did not return to Shaowei Mansion, but went directly to Tianchi Pavilion.

In Tianchi Pavilion, Chen Yang met Su Yanran.

"Where's Qin Keqing?" Chen Yang asked straight to the point.

Su Yanran was taken aback for a moment, then said, "I don't understand what you mean."

Chen Yang smiled lightly and said, "Don't hide from me. Without the help of Tianchi Pavilion, even if she could know that Shaowei Mansion belongs to me, it would be impossible to be so accurate. As soon as I came back, she would come."

Su Yanran couldn't help but smiled wryly when she heard the words, and said, "I really can't hide anything from you."

She then said: "Qin Keqing is here with me, do you want to see her?"

Chen Yang said, "Yes!"

Su Yanran said: "Okay, just wait!"

Su Yanran then arranged for someone to call Qin Keqing.

This is in a guest room, Su Yanran asked the servants to make tea.

Chen Yang sat down, tapping his fingers on the table.Sunshine came in through the red sandalwood window, printing and dyeing Chen Yang's face.

At this moment, Chen Yang looked extraordinarily charming.

Even a woman as experienced as Su Yanran was fascinated by it.

Su Yanran knew Chen Yang very well. It can be said that since Chen Yang entered Tianzhou, Su Yanran played a very important role in Chen Yang's growth.

But in the end, Su Yanran benefited more from Chen Yang.

Su Yanran watched Chen Yang go from a cultivation level at the peak of the Seventh Heaven to this point.

Back then, she could still look down on this young man from above.But now, he has grown to the point where he is like a giant today.Even the current Emperor Dakang looked at Chen Yang differently.

It was because of Chen Yang's help that Su Yanran's cultivation reached this point.

Just when Su Yanran was feeling emotional, footsteps came from outside.

Su Yanran and Chen Yang looked up, and saw Qin Keqing walking in in a black dress.Today, she is heroic, but there is still sadness between her brows.

"Chen Yang?" Qin Keqing couldn't help being surprised and delighted after seeing Chen Yang.

Chen Yang ignored Qin Keqing, but said to Su Yanran, "Don't let Qiao Ning know what happened here today."

Su Yanran was slightly taken aback.She thought about it, and although she didn't understand why, she still said, "Okay, I promise you!"

Chen Yang looked at Qin Keqing and said, "I can go to the chalk world with you."

"Really?" Qin Keqing burst into tears.

Chen Yang said: "It's true, but the ugly words must be said first."

Qin Keqing was taken aback, and she said, "Speak!"

Chen Yang said: "First, I'm not as miraculous as you think. I escaped from Lingzun several times, and the element of luck accounted for the majority. And it cannot be copied! So, even if I go to the chalk world with you, maybe I will let you You are disappointed."

Qin Keqing said: "I know, who can be sure about this kind of thing? It is a great favor that you are willing to go. I dare not ask for anything else."

Chen Yang said: "That's good, there is one more thing. I can't go with you right away. I will go back to the Great Thousand World in a month. This is what I first agreed with my wife Qiao Ning. I will act rashly. She'll be suspicious. She's against me going, and I don't want her to worry!"

Qin Keqing felt embarrassed, because she was so anxious that she wished to leave immediately.

However, Chen Yang's request was not too much.

It is impossible for him not to care about the feelings of his loved ones.

"Okay!" Qin Keqing reluctantly agreed to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang then said: "Okay, I'm leaving. I'll leave a mark for you, and after that, let's meet in the world!"

Qin Keqing said: "Good!"

Chen Yang immediately left a mark, and then got up to leave.

Su Yanran didn't say anything at the side, she knew what happened, but she didn't expect that Chen Yang really agreed.

It was within Su Yanran's expectation that Chen Yang refused to agree.

And from the perspective of a friend, Su Yanran didn't want Chen Yang to go either.

At this time, Qin Keqing also said strangely: "Chen Yang, thank you. But...why did you suddenly change your mind?"

Chen Yang glanced at Qin Keqing and said, "It's not that I changed my mind, but after you said it, I didn't intend to refuse."

"The chalk world is dangerous, we all know that. Don't you really fear death?" Qin Keqing said.

Chen Yang said: "Many people told me that human nature is the most greedy. They also told me that you can't control Lingzun's affairs. Indeed, I may not be able to control, but I have to try. What's more, you That’s right, the eight girls caught me for a big reason. I can’t forget that before Emperor Tang died, he blew himself up and made a way out for me. What he did with his life, I don’t think he wanted me to shrink back At home, do nothing."

After Chen Yang finished speaking, he left.

He actually didn't say a word.

That is, everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world!

Today, he does not belong to that country, but today's disaster belongs to mankind.So, he has to do something.

It's just that he knows better that this matter cannot be rushed and has to be done slowly!

In the Great Thousand World, Ye Fan, Chen Yang's apprentice and the future Emperor of Heaven, is worrying right now.What is troubling is that after learning the Qi-Entraining Technique with his master Chen Yang for a few days, he seems to be absent from class for a few more days.

As soon as he got home, he faced his mother's grievances.

Mother Ye said: "The teacher called several times, saying that if you miss class again, you will be expelled from the school. And your class monitor classmate also came to look for you. Hey, your monitor is a good girl, tell me Yes, you were deceived by your master."

Ye Fan looked at Mother Ye and said, "Then do you think I was deceived by Master?"

Mother Ye said: "Your master cured my illness, he is indeed capable. However, the way he taught you, Mom feels that it seems a little bit incomprehensible."

"Mom, look!" Ye Fan suddenly took a breath, and in an instant, the air bag in his body rolled up in his body.

It was like a gas bag mouse was swimming inside his wrist.

Mother Ye couldn't help turning pale when she saw this, and said in a horrified voice: "What's going on here? What's in it?"

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