The strongest player in history

Chapter 1722 One drop of honey

Lin Qingxue also changed into an ancient costume, but the most important thing was the change in her hairstyle.At first glance, Lin Qingxue was wearing a long emerald green dress and her hair was rolled up, she really looked like a lady.

This made Lin Qingxue feel very novel.

Lin Qingxue was full of curiosity about Tianzhou, but Chen Yang didn't plan to take Lin Qingxue around, he just wanted to walk around the imperial city.Because relatively speaking, the imperial city is the safest.

After taking a bath, Chen Yang, Lin Qingxue, and Qiao Ning got into the carriage.Bi Yue and Bitao also accompanied, and a special groom came to drive the carriage.

Chen Yang can be considered a well-known person in the imperial city, so all the configurations are still very complete.

On this day, both Chen Yang and Qiao Ning accompanied Lin Qingxue.First, I went to the best Dongyang Tower for a meal. The drunken fish tasted the best.Afterwards, stroll around, such as the ruins of Damie Temple, Sifang Stone Forest, Xipohu, and other places of interest.

In the evening, Chen Yang received an invitation from Emperor Xuan Zhenghao to have a banquet in the palace.

Xuan Zhenghao's information was extremely terrifying, knowing that Chen Yang had brought Lin Qingxue over, he asked Chen Yang to bring Lin Qingxue into the palace as well.

"Ah, you want to see the emperor?" Lin Qingxue immediately became nervous after hearing the news in Shaowei Mansion.

That's the emperor!

"Brother, I don't think I need to go. I don't understand etiquette at all! Do you want to kneel down?" Lin Qingxue retreated.

Chen Yang said: "Well, there shouldn't be a need to kneel down. But you have to behave, which is also respect. After all, this is the custom here. When we go to a place, we must respect the customs of that place. Don't worry, the emperor knows that you came from Daqianshishi came here, he will be considerate. He wants you to go because he wants you to see more. This is a good intention, don't miss the opportunity."

Qiao Ning also said: "Yes, Qingxue, sister Ning is here. You don't have to be afraid of anything!"

Lin Qingxue then said: "Then... alright!"

The imperial city at night is brightly lit.

In Tianzhou, it is not the era of technology.Nights in many cities are quiet, even dark.This is an inevitable phenomenon in feudal society.Even in the Great Thousand World, this is the case in some counties.

But the imperial city is the symbol of the Dakang Dynasty, and its grandeur this evening can be compared with some first-tier cities in the world.

Chen Yang once asked Xuan Zhenghao if he had thought about building a modern socialist country.

Xuan Zhenghao shook his head and said, "I haven't thought about it."

Chen Yang also knew that even Xuan Zhenghao had already grasped the real power.However, there will still be great risks in making changes hastily.

Xuan Zhenghao's answer was that he was not afraid of risks.But Tianzhou and Great Thousand World are different.The reason why the great world can reach this point is that it has experienced countless nirvana.And there is the protection of heaven!

Although in other worlds, high technology also exists.However, the social system of Tianzhou has already been formed, and the Dakang Dynasty is surrounded by rich wolves.Once Xuan Zhenghao makes a wrong move, it will lead to disaster.Therefore, Xuan Zhenghao will only develop in spells, but not in high technology.

Furthermore, there is an even more important point.

What high technology destroys is the aura of the world.In Tianzhou, it is the monks who control the strength.To destroy its aura is to shake the foundation of the monk.If Xuan Zhenghao develops high technology, he will be against the monks again.

This is like in the history of the Great Thousand World, those emperors rashly shook some aristocratic families, and later caused disasters.

One of the most important reasons why Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty fell to the country was that he opened the imperial examination and other actions, which shook the foundation of the family.

And what Li Yuan represents is a powerful family!

Although Yang Guang was described as unbearable in every possible way by later generations, it is obviously not credible.Because discrediting Yang Guang is a historical inevitability, and the new dynasty overthrew the old dynasty, naturally it has to count all kinds of crimes, otherwise how can it be called a teacher of benevolence and righteousness?

Neither Shang Zhou nor Emperor Yang of Sui could escape this fate.

Of course, this does not mean that they are good people.

It's just not that bad.

In this history, how can the emperor use the word "good man" to judge it?

Chen Yang and his party entered the palace smoothly.

Xuan Zhenghao did not have a big banquet for the officials, but met Chen Yang and his party together with the queen in Yuqian Palace.

The empress's name is Yongle, and the relationship between Xuan Zhenghao and Yongle is very good.Back then, Yongle was the owner of Yongle Palace, and Xuan Zhenghao wanted to wipe out the sects in the Dakang Dynasty.Yongle led all the people in the palace to surrender, and she herself dedicated herself to Xuan Zhenghao.

Regardless of whether it was true or false at the beginning, but now, the love between Xuan Zhenghao and Yongle has increased, and they have children.

Yongle is also impressed by Xuan Zhenghao's talent, willing to be his woman.

The palace before the rain is luxurious and elegant.

Eighteen palace ladies in white clothes stood aside.

Xuan Zhenghao was wearing a bright yellow robe, and sitting on top of him was the extraordinary and beautiful Yong Le, who was dressed in palace attire.

When Chen Yang and others came in, they wanted to bow down.

Xuan Zhenghao knew that Chen Yang and his party didn't like to kneel down, so he waved first and said, "They're all from my own family, so there's no need to be polite. Take your seat!"

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning stopped kneeling, but still bowed to show their respect.

Lin Qingxue also followed suit. Her actions were not up to standard, and people couldn't help but laugh when they saw her.

After that, they were seated separately.

This banquet consisted of a tatami coffee table, with fine wine, fruits and vegetables, and meat in front of them.

Next, it was natural to have some courtesy to each other.Xuan Zhenghao welcomed Lin Qingxue, and asked Yongle to take Lin Qingxue around.

Qiao Ning was afraid that Lin Qingxue would be restrained and uncomfortable, so she took the initiative to invite Ying and said, "Your Majesty, I will also go for a stroll with Your Majesty and Qingxue."

Xuan Zhenghao smiled slightly and said, "That's fine too!"

Afterwards, Qiao Ning, Lin Qingxue and Yongle left Yuqian Palace.

Those ladies in palace costumes were also dismissed by Xuan Zhenghao.

In the hall before the rain, the lights are soft.

The delicious food in front of Chen Yang was full of color and fragrance, and the fragrance wafted into his nose.

"I heard that you came to see me during the days when I was in seclusion?" Xuan Zhenghao said.

Under Xuan Zhenghao's subordinates, there are many people who are more powerful than Chen Yangxiu.But Xuan Zhenghao only looked at Chen Yang high now, which made the officials in the court not quite understand.

Chen Yang understood why, it was because of his special destiny.Moreover, Xuan Zhenghao really looked at his rapid rise in the past few years.

In other words, Xuan Zhenghao was optimistic about Chen Yang's future.

Moreover, Xuan Zhenghao also got a lot of benefits from Chen Yang.

But even so, Chen Yang has always been respectful and respectful to Xuan Zhenghao, and he doesn't dare to show the slightest arrogance.

No matter how close the relationship is, one must understand the art of the emperor.What's more, the relationship between the two is not close.

In the end, it's all about mutual benefit.

At this time, Chen Yang's mood was no longer as urgent as before, so when Xuan Zhenghao asked now, Chen Yang was not in a hurry.It was mainly Yuanjue's words that inspired him.

"The last general did come to look for the emperor." Chen Yang said.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I can probably guess what you are looking for."

Chen Yang couldn't help being amazed, and said, "You know?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Is it about the Lingzun?"

Chen Yang was taken aback, and said, "You actually know Lingzun?"

Xuan Zhenghao laughed, and said: "This matter is indeed very secret, but the Spirit Venerable has actually set up a stronghold in Tianzhou. A long time ago, I found out some of their details through the magic book. It's just that they think they are still there. It's just seamless."

Chen Yang said: "Your Majesty, since you know about Lingzun, you know that they have great plans. What's your opinion on this?"

He really wanted to know Xuan Zhenghao's attitude.

Xuan Zhenghao smiled playfully, and then asked back: "If you were Zhen, what would you do?"

Chen Yang was taken aback, obviously he didn't expect Xuan Zhenghao to ask this question.

"This..." Chen Yang couldn't answer for a moment.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "You have to know that human beings are greedy animals. This kind of greed does not only belong to mortals. Whether it is mortals, us, or immortals in the fairy world. As long as you are a human, you will never get rid of this kind of greed. What is a human being? Human beings are forced into a desperate situation, and can continue to fight in the nest regardless of the enemies outside. So, if you tell me about this, what can I do? I will join the Yuntianzong, the Protoss, Yuhuamen? Do you think they will unite?"

"They won't!" Chen Yang said honestly.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "If I go to face Lingzun alone, believe it or not, they will soon attack me from behind?"

Chen Yang said with some frustration: "I believe it!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "A long time ago, I read such a fable called a drop of honey. The story is about a traveler who was walking alone on the desert, and suddenly a group of hungry wolves appeared behind him, chasing him and wanting to flock together. He was startled, and ran desperately, fighting for his own life. The hungry wolf was close at hand, and he was almost exhausted. At this moment, a well appeared in front of him, and he jumped down desperately, just when he thought When he was rescued, he didn't know that not only was there no water in the well, but there were many poisonous snakes, and they were waiting for the delicious food to be delivered to the door. He was shocked and lost his mind, and stretched out his hand randomly, hoping to grab something to save his life. Fortunately, as God did, he caught a small tree lying in the middle of the well. Although there were hungry wolves on the ground and poisonous snakes on the ground, he was caught in a dilemma, but he was still safe.

Just when he breathed a sigh of relief, a strange sound suddenly came from the other end of the tree root. He looked around in horror and saw a group of mice biting the tree root with their sharp teeth. The little tree is also running out of time.At this moment of life and death, he suddenly saw a drop of honey on the leaf in front of him, so he forgot about the hungry wolf above, the poisonous snake below, and the small tree that was about to be bitten off by the mouse. He closed his eyes, Stick out your tongue and lick that drop of honey wholeheartedly. "

After Xuan Zhenghao finished speaking, he said, "There is a drop of honey in everyone's heart. This drop of honey is the greedy human nature!"

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