The strongest player in history

Chapter 1703 Yuanjue Dharma God

Tian Brutal suddenly had a strong interest in this monk.

Naturally, he is not afraid of any expert, in his eyes, there is no such thing as an expert!Except for the Heavenly Monarch in the Immortal Realm who can make him feel a little jealous, he doesn't pay attention to everything and people in this world.

In his eyes, the famous god emperor is just a joke.

Even if it is the Devil Emperor, although the Devil Emperor killed his apprentice Bruner.But in this confrontation, Tian Bulu also thought that the Devil Emperor was nothing more than that.

The well-known devil emperor was wiped out in ashes with a single gesture of his hand!

Tian Bulu stepped in front of the monk.The monk specialized in chess games and didn't look up.

Tian Bulu smiled lightly and said, "Monk, don't you get bored playing chess by yourself?"

"The poor monk is waiting for someone." The monk raised his head, clasped his hands together, and said.

Tian Bulu said: "Waiting for someone? Who are you waiting for?"

"It's you, Your Excellency." The monk said.

Tian Bulu's face changed, he stared at the monk for a while, and then said coldly: "Monk, are you kidding me?"

"Monks, how can you lie!" said the monk.

"Okay, I'm here, why are you looking for me? Do you know who I am?" Tian Bulu said.

"Of course the poor monk knows who the benefactor is, and this place is not where the benefactor should come." The monk said lightly.

Tian Bulu said: "So, I have come, how do you do?"

"If the benefactor is not in a hurry, he can sit down and talk." The monk said.

Tian Bulu immediately sat down, he wanted to see what kind of medicine was sold in the monk's gourd.

And just at this time, three or five children came, all about six or seven years old.

"Master, master, we are here. Didn't you say you want to do magic tricks for us?" The children chirped and yelled happily.

The monk smiled slightly and said: "Okay, okay, you stay here, there will be magic tricks for you to see in a while."

Tian Bulu sneered and said, "Magic?"

The monk looked at the sky and said, "Don't the benefactor believe that the poor monk can do magic?"

Tian Bulu said: "I don't have much time. If you can't tell the reason, I can assure you that your end will be miserable."

The monk said: "The benefactor has too much desire to kill, this is not good."

Tian Bu said: "Monk, as I said, my patience is limited."

The monk calmly said, "Why worry, you will be with the poor monk for a long time in the future."

"Haha, what a joke!" Tian Bulu said.

The monk said: "With delusional thoughts, disasters will come. Therefore, calming the mind is stopping disasters!"

Tian Bulu narrowed his eyes, and he looked at the monk, as if he wanted to see through the monk.The monk was indifferent, and he said: "Amitabha, the vicissitudes of life, everything in the world, can only move forward. Donor, have you ever seen the truth that time flows back and rivers flow backwards?"

Tian Bulu was shocked, his eyes flashed sharply, and he said, "Who are you?"

The monk said: "Amitabha, the name of the poor monk... Yuanjue!"

"God of all laws?" Tian Bulu turned pale in shock.

As soon as Tian Bulu moved his body, he wanted to escape immediately.

At this moment, Yuanjue made a move.

He slapped the alms bowl containing the chess pieces, and the alms bowl suddenly flew towards the sky.

At this moment, Tian Bulu suddenly felt that his body seemed to be imprisoned.Even though he has all kinds of supernatural powers, he can't display anything at this time.

The alms bowl was covered like this, Tian Bulu's body shrank rapidly, and he was covered in the alms bowl.

The monk smiled at the children and said, "Is this magic magical?"

"Ah, it's amazing." Several children's eyes were full of shock and curiosity.

"Master, how did you do it?" A child asked.

"Magic is a secret that can't be told. If you tell the truth, it's worthless." Yuanjue got up and grabbed the alms bowl in his hand.And in the place covered by the bowl, a puppy appeared.This little dog has black and white fur and is very cute.

Several children immediately said: "It's so cute."

A little guy went up to hug the puppy, and said to Yuanjue: "Master, can you give me this dog?" Yuanjue smiled slightly and said, "That's not possible, this puppy will accompany the poor monk. Woolen cloth."

"Ah..." The child was suddenly disappointed.

Yuanjue took out many candies and said, "You guys take these and eat them."

Children are greedy.Once you see candy, you forget about everything else.So I left the puppy to catch the candy, and then scattered like birds and beasts.

Yuanjue grabbed the puppy in his hand and walked forward.

Chen Yang met Yuanjue at night.

The moment he saw Yuanjue, Chen Yang exclaimed. "Master Wuwei?"

This is what happened at the door of the house in the Manchester community.

Originally, Chen Yang prepared a villa for Shen Murong and Qiao Ning to move there.But things like moving are not something that can be done all at once.And Chen Yang didn't have much time to stay, so everyone didn't mention this.

Just now, Chen Yang's family was having dinner.Mama Liu and Mama Zhao are taking care of Nianci.

Just when someone knocked on the door, Chen Yang got up and went to open the door.

He didn't think too much about it, and he wasn't afraid of some stranger knocking on the door.

Chen Yang opened the door and saw Monk Yuanjue.

"Master Wuwei?" Shen Mo Nong was also taken aback.She quickly got up and walked over, she had heard of Master Wuwei.But Master Wuwei has been dead for more than 20 years.

Chen Yang looked at the kind-hearted monk in front of him. In his memory, this was clearly the Master Wuwei he had seen in the parallel world!

Yuanjue was slightly taken aback, and then said: "Amitabha, this poor monk is doing nothing. The poor monk's dharma name... Yuanjue!"

"Yuanjue?" Chen Yang almost jumped up.

Damn, he doesn't know Yuanjue!

Yuanjue, the god of all laws, is a legendary figure in legends!

He is the third owner of Tiandao Pen!

Chen Yang's voice trembled: "Yuanjue... is that Yuanjue I thought?"

Yuanjue said: "Benefactor, can you go out with the poor monk to have a talk?"

"Okay, okay!" Chen Yang hurriedly responded.

Qiao Ning and Shen Mo Nong were also extremely shocked.But soon, Yuanjue caught Chen Yang.

Before Chen Yang figured out what was going on, he had already appeared on the rooftop of the [-]th floor.

On the rooftop, watching Yanjing at night is brightly lit.

The night wind blows over, which makes people feel cold.

But for people like Yuanjue and Chen Yang, it doesn't matter.

"No, you are Yuanjue, how can you enter Yanjing City?" Chen Yang suddenly thought of something.

Yuan Jue held the puppy in his hands, he smiled slightly and said, "The benefactor is here, why can't the poor monk come?"

"Eh..." Chen Yang was speechless for a moment.

For some reason, when Chen Yang saw such an ancient god as Yuanjue, he didn't have any fear or fear in his heart.More reverence and worship!

It's a feeling of aura.

"You puppy, so cute!" Chen Yang looked for a topic, and his eyes fell on the puppy in Yuanjue's hand.

"You like it? Give you a hug." Yuanjue said.

Seeing Yuanjue reaching out his hand, Chen Yang handed over the puppy.He suddenly felt that the hospitality was hard to turn down, so he took the puppy.He patted the puppy's head and said, "The fur is very smooth!"

"Come on, good boy!" Chen Yang quickly found a generation of biscuits from Jiesumi, opened them and gave them to the puppy.

Unexpectedly, Chen Yang felt the puppy trembling with anger.

Chen Yang couldn't help feeling depressed, and said, "Master, your dog is really special!"

Yuanjue smiled slightly.

Afterwards, Chen Yang patted the puppy's head and said, "Little guy, you are not very capable, but you have a big temper!"

The puppy barked at Chen Yang sharply.

Chen Yang couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said, "Master, return it to you."

Yuanjue took the puppy.

"Master, why did you suddenly come to see this junior?" Chen Yang said, getting back to business.He naturally thought of the words of monk Linghui. Monk Linghui said that someone would come to explain his doubts.Could it be that he was talking about Yuanjue?

Yuanjue said: "The poor monk came to tell the benefactor that the crisis of Lingzun has been resolved. The benefactor can leave Yanjing with peace of mind!"

"Could it be that Tianbulu has been repelled by the master?" Chen Yang said happily.

"It can be understood in this way." Yuanjue said.

"Thank you, master!" Chen Yang said.

He paused, and said: "It seems that you already know the scourge of Lingzun?"

Yuanjue said, "The poor monk already knew."

Chen Yang said: "This matter is related to the life and death of human beings. The master is the god of all dharmas. If you come forward, everyone will respond. Please take action!" He seemed to have grasped at straws.

Yuanjue shook his head and said, "The future will be changeable. The biggest crisis is not the Lingzun. Therefore, the poor monk can only let nature take its course."

"The biggest crisis is not Lingzun? Are you referring to ourselves?" Chen Yang was taken aback and said.

Yuanjue said: "That's right! The most terrifying thing is often not other foreign things, but... the human heart."

Chen Yang said: "What should this junior do now? Don't you care about the Lingzun?"

"Donor, you are a part of the development of things, you can do whatever you want," Yuanjue said.

Chen Yang touched the back of his head, and said, "Master's speech is full of wit. It's really hard for this junior to understand!"

Yuanjue smiled and said, "If you don't understand now, it doesn't mean you won't understand in the future."

Chen Yang thought of something, and said, "Master, why did you take action this time?"

Yuanjue said: "The poor monk has the duties of a poor monk."

"Duty? To protect the world?" Chen Yang said.

Yuanjue said, "The benefactor is really smart!"

Chen Yang said: "I dare not take it." He thought of the mountain and sea pearl in his heart, but it was a pity that the mountain and sea pearl was no longer in his hands.

"What is the relationship between you and Star Master?" Chen Yang said, "Master, please forgive me for being bold. This question really confuses me."

Yuanjue said, "The heavenly secrets must not be leaked."

Chen Yang was at a loss for words immediately, thinking that this monk is really quick to reject others!

"Master, do you know Master Wuwei?" Chen Yang asked again.

Yuanjue shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"Eh..." Chen Yang suddenly didn't know what to say.

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