The strongest player in history

Chapter 1702 Strange Monk

"Why is the god emperor the god emperor?" Chen Yang murmured.He then said: "The god emperor is the god emperor, and I am me. There is a reason for that."

Monk Linghui said: "The way of heaven has chosen the God Emperor, and the way of heaven has chosen you, fellow Taoist. This is the root of it."

Chen Yang said: "This is a common topic."

Monk Linghui said: "Essentially speaking, there are differences between people, and their abilities are also different. But there is not much difference. Most of the differences between each other are due to luck and fate. It is not that You are a billionaire, and he is a pauper. There is a gap of [-] million in ability between the two. A billionaire should be grateful that fate treats him well. Instead of thinking that he is really good, he can be arrogant. He should pity the poor man, because the poor are not lucky."

"Why did you suddenly boil chicken soup for me?" Chen Yang smiled.

Monk Linghui said: "The poor monk wants to tell you, fellow Taoist, that you don't have to feel that God is unfair, you should also be grateful. Even though fate is cruel to you sometimes, it also gives you a lot of things that others can't imagine and get."

Chen Yang said, "I understand all these principles."

Monk Linghui said: "Enjoy every day, because no one knows what will happen tomorrow. Today is a billionaire, but tomorrow may be a prisoner. Because fate is changeable."

"Your words are strange and seem to mean something." Chen Yangduo glanced at Monk Linghui.

Monk Linghui said: "You must have some psychological preparations. This is a catastrophe of heaven. It is an unprecedented massacre, a great cleansing. Many people will die in the future, including those around you."

Chen Yang was shocked, and he said annoyedly: "Linghui, you have no reason to say these things."

Monk Linghui sighed slightly, and said, "The poor monk sees that you are now a happy husband and wife and have a child again, fellow Taoist. You enjoy such happiness too much, but you forget the cruel nature of things."

"Even if Tiandao is alone, I'm fighting for him. If I fight for him, he can't even protect my family. Why should I work for him?" Chen Yang snorted coldly.

Monk Linghui said: "After all, there are still many things you can't see through. That's all, that's all!"

He didn't say any more.

Chen Yang became sullen, and he didn't talk to Monk Linghui for a long time.

But in the end, Chen Yang also felt that he still had no reason.He said, "I can't wait here all the time, can I?"

Monk Linghui said: "Fellow Daoist, you can go back and enjoy family happiness for a few days. Perhaps, things will change."

"Even if it changes, I don't know!" Chen Yang said.

Monk Linghui said: "The mountain rain is about to come and the wind is all over the building. The poor monk has a premonition that someone will come to you, fellow Taoist, to clear up your doubts. Go back first!"

Chen Yang took a deep look at Monk Linghui, and he felt that he couldn't understand Monk Linghui more and more.

"It's coming again." Monk Linghui said helplessly, "The poor monk said it earlier. After a long time, the poor monk has no magic power, but he still has experience. Fellow Taoist, you have only been practicing for a few years, and you want to see through the poor monk. How is this possible? Even if the poor monk knows everything, he can talk endlessly. Fellow Daoist, you still won’t understand.”

Chen Yang touched his nose and said, "Okay, let's not talk about this. Go back!"

He was actually happy to go back.

Accompanied by two peerless beauties, Qiao Ning and Shen Mo Nong, every night, Chen Yang felt that being a fairy was nothing more than that.

This is just like an ordinary person in the cold winter morning, the warm quilt makes people feel nostalgic.But in order to survive, in order to make a living, it is the same as having to get up and go to work.

Now that Monk Linghui has said it, let Chen Yang talk about going to rest for two days.That is equivalent to going to the company, the boss said something happened, you go back and rest for two days.

Therefore, there is still reason to be unhappy.

But there is no doubt that if Chen Yang rests for two days, things will not turn around.He will also feel flustered, just like the company keeps calling him to work, which makes people wonder, is this company going to fire me, or is it going to close down?

Chen Yang has too much burden on him, and he still can't relax it.

After Chen Yang returned to the house in the Manchester community, Qiao Ning and Shen Mo Nong were surprised and delighted to see Chen Yang.

"This is...?" Chen Yang played with Xiao Nianci after entering the room.Shen Mo Nong was a little puzzled.

Qiao Ning simply said teasingly: "Didn't you leave in the morning without saying goodbye?"

Chen Yang was a little helpless, and said: "Monk Linghui, don't tell me earlier. He told me that I was tainted with the breath of heaven, and once I go out, I will immediately fall into Tianbulu's trap." hands."

Qiao Ning and Shen Mo Nong were taken aback.

Qiao Ning said, "Then what should we do?"

Chen Yang then smiled and said, "Tian Bulu shouldn't be that busy, he's been waiting for me outside."

Qiao Ning said: "Even if he's gone, as long as the heavenly aura on us doesn't disappear, he can still come to us at any time."

She got angry a little, and said: "If there is no star master, no mission of the Hall of Stars, what do we do with these things, just stay in Yanjing, it is very safe."

Chen Yang put down Nianci, and Nianci went to play with those toys by himself.Chen Yang said with a wry smile: "That's not what I said. If there is no star master, our cultivation base would not be able to reach the level it is today. If there is no halo of the King of Destiny, I would not even be able to enter Yanjing City. So everything is beneficial There are disadvantages, and it is difficult to be perfect. But Linghui also said, probably in the next few days, someone in Tianbru will solve it."

"Who can solve Tian Bruu? Your father?" Qiao Ning said: "Although your father is powerful, at most he can remain undefeated in Tian Bruu's hands. It is impossible to defeat Tian Bruu."

Chen Yang said: "I don't know either. Linghui rarely makes such an assertion. Once he does, I think there should be nothing wrong."

Shen Murong then said: "That's just right, we can have fun for a few days. In these few days, Chen Yang, you don't have to think about anything, just spend time with your son and sister Qiao Ning."

"Okay!" Chen Yang grinned.

So for the next three days, Chen Yang had a good time every night, having endless carnivals with the two girls.During the day, the family goes out to eat and takes the baby to the playground.Although, Xiao Nianci still doesn't know how to play most things.But Xiao Nianci was still very happy.

During these three days, Chen Yang couldn't think of Shu very much.I feel that I will be corrupted in such a gentle village.And to a large extent, it was also because Qiao Ning and Shen Mo Nong knew that Chen Yang was about to leave, so they would treat him extra well in their hearts.

Chen Yang also made an agreement with Qiao Ning that if the crisis here is resolved.Qiao Ning immediately returned to Shaowei Mansion in Tianzhou.As soon as Chen Yang got things done, he would go to Qiao Ning.Then take Qiao Ning to see Xiao Nianci.

If the opportunity is right in the future, let Mo Nong take Nian Ci, Liu Ma, and Zhao Ma to Shaowei Mansion for a short stay.

Chen Yang hopes that one day he will be able to protect his family with enough skills.This is also an important belief he insisted on, and of course, he couldn't forget Luo Ning's blood feud.

Before he knew it, Chen Yang had accomplished many things.

Ling'er has awakened, this is his big wish.After this matter is completed, even if he dies, he will not be too regretful.Moreover, between Chen Tianya and Chen Yihan, Chen Yang can also let nature take its course.He no longer has such strong hatred, so he will no longer have such strong pain.

But at the same time, Chen Yang still had a lot to do.For example, finding the eldest brother and the second brother, such as finding the last two treasures in 33 days.For example, to figure out how to deal with Lingzun's matter, and to rescue Lan Ziyi.

The future is still difficult, and comrades need to work harder.

The weather on this day suddenly changed.

Overnight, the north wind howled.

The cold current invaded, and people were still wearing thin clothes two days ago.But suddenly, I wish I could take out all the thick padded jackets and put them on.

The weather was drowsy.

The dry and cracked wind blew on people's faces like knives.

The cold wind is like a knife, the earth is the cutting board, and all living beings are regarded as fish.

Tian Bulu has guarded Chen Yang for five days.

But Chen Yang never left Yanjing City, which made Tian Bulu a little anxious.

"What on earth is this kid dawdling in there? Does he know that I can find him? Impossible, where does this kid have such insight." Tian Bulu thought to himself.

Tian Bu was really depressed.

He was originally meditating and waiting in a wilderness, but at this time he was also a bit bored waiting.Decided to take a walk around.Anyway, as soon as Chen Yang left Yanjing City, he would be able to notice it.

It was midday and the weather was still overcast.

This wilderness is in the middle of the two towns, and there are some farmlands in the distance. If you walk a little further, you can see a national highway.

Tianbulu was walking in the field, and he soon came to some rural buildings over there.

In the rural areas of the world, every family has built a building.It is also far away from Yanjing City, so it is not expensive for farmers to build a house.

This kind of place has no investment value.

Now is not the time for busy farming. Most of the middle-aged men and women in the peasant households have gone out to work.Only some old and weak women and children were left behind.There are a few children who are beating glass beads at the door. No matter how cold the weather is, they can't kill their childlike innocence.

After walking a few more steps, Tian Bulu suddenly saw a strange thing.

That is, there is a monk in front of him, wearing a gray monk's robe, playing chess at the door of the house.

What I played was Go, and I was playing alone.His house is very bad, just a simple earthen house.In contrast to such row upon row of buildings, this earthen house looks particularly shabby and shabby.

The monk looks benevolent, and he is about forty years old.

Tian Bulu glanced at the monk, but felt that the monk was a little unfathomable.

"Huh? Could it be that this monk is still an expert?" Tian Bulu thought to himself.

Although he is a spiritual master, his appearance can be regarded as ugly among human beings.But he had performed a small illusion in order not to attract attention.From the looks of outsiders, he is just an ordinary man.

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