The strongest player in history

Chapter 1704 The Age Blesses You

"So the master came to the junior this time to simply tell the junior that the crisis in Tianbulu has been resolved?" Chen Yang asked.

Yuanjue said: "The most important thing is that the poor monk also wants to meet the little benefactor."

Chen Yang said: "This time, the world will be in catastrophe. You are a great supernatural being. What kind of role will you play in this?"

Yuanjue said: "The ability of the poor monk is limited, and there are many things that can only go with the flow. Killing robbery, killing robbery, since it is killing robbery, naturally we can't interfere too much. What should go, what should be kept."

Chen Yang thought for a while and said, "The Spiritual Venerable is in space, and there is also the Imperial Skyship. If they do harm in the future, the consequences will be unimaginable. Master, if we prepare early now, wouldn't we be able to add a little bit to human morality?" Odds?"

Yuanjue said: "Little benefactor, the poor monk said it just now, the poor monk can only let nature take its course."

Chen Yang said: "What if everyone goes with the flow?"

Yuanjue said: "You can do it too, no one will blame you."

"But... everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the country." Chen Yang said.

Yuanjue said: "Okay, the poor monk has also seen you, little benefactor, it's time for the poor monk to say goodbye."

"Master...Master, stop!" Chen Yang couldn't help being anxious.

Yuanjue glanced at Chen Yang and said, "Little benefactor, the poor monk is not a master, let alone explain your doubts. You need to solve all your doubts by yourself."

Chen Yang said: "The younger generation doesn't know what to do. If we let nature take its course and still develop from Lingzun, what will happen in the future?"

Yuan Jue said: "Let it take its course, it doesn't mean we should continue to develop by the spiritual master. You have to know that there will be outstanding heroes in every era. The era of poor monks has long passed, so poor monks can't meddle indiscriminately, and poor monks must maintain It is a natural development. If the poor monk really follows your words and gathers many masters to attack the chalk world, so what? The imperial skyship is still in space, and the real power has not yet come. There are some things that the poor monk cannot do , doesn’t mean you can’t do it. Even if you do the same thing as a poor monk and a little benefactor, the results will be different.”

Chen Yang was stunned, he suddenly understood something.

"Back then, Master, you held the Heavenly Dao Brush in your hand, and you were also a hero under the stars." Chen Yang said.

Yuanjue said, "A hero? How can a poor monk be called a hero? He's just a man."

"It's everyone's responsibility!" Chen Yang couldn't help but praise, and said, "What a man!"

"The poor monk is leaving." After Yuanjue finished speaking, he disappeared on the spot.

On the rooftop, there was an empty space.

"Monk Linghui?" Chen Yang called out immediately.

Monk Linghui jumped out.

"Compared with Master Yuanjue in your heyday, who is more powerful?" Chen Yang asked Monk Linghui.

Monk Linghui immediately said: "That is incomparable. Yuanjue is as famous as Daoist Duobao and Daoist Hongjun. Yuanjue sealed the battlefield of gods and demons by himself, and let many gods and demons die in battle. From then on Let the world enjoy peace forever. This is a great merit, and his ability is far inferior to the poor monk."

"Then it seems that you are not very good! Why was Dao so afraid of you that day, and he wanted to block you directly?" Chen Yang said.

"Haha, you don't know about this fellow Taoist." Monk Linghui said, "The time when the poor monk was brilliant was just after the war between gods and demons. The poor monk came back from the fairyland. At that time, there were almost no poor monks on the entire earth. Yuanjue has also disappeared, and I don’t know what to do. Moreover, even if Yuanjue is there, the poor monk is not afraid. Because Chen Tianya has special kung fu, and the poor monk’s physique is even more special. He is almost immortal. If the poor monk continues to develop, the whole earth can be lost by the poor monk. So in this case, the poor monk suddenly felt the change of the magnetic field of heaven, and finally fell into the turbulence of time and space. In the turbulence of time and space, the poor monk The monk lost his body again. That’s how it got to the next point. At that time, the poor monk also had paranoid thoughts, thinking that human beings are real parasites and viruses. The poor monk wanted to wipe out all human beings, so he made a Many parasites came to control humans. Thinking about it now, the thought at that time was really scary.”

Chen Yang said: "Well, your thoughts are not controlled by my Da Lei Yin Purdue Method now. Why did you suddenly become enlightened and stop sticking to your ideals?"

Monk Linghui said: "It's often just a flash of enlightenment. Maybe it's because of your friendship, fellow Taoist?"

Chen Yang was taken aback for a moment, and then he said solemnly: "Linghui, human nature does have ugly sides, but it also has beautiful sides. Believe me!"

Monk Linghui said: "The poor monk naturally believes in you, fellow Taoist."

Chen Yang grinned and said, "Speaking of which, I still feel very honored."

Monk Linghui said, "It's also an honor for the poor monk!"

Chen Yang added: "I hope that in the future I can become a person like Master Yuanjue. I have enough ability to protect my family, and I can also do something for this earth."

"Master Yuanjue doesn't have a wife!" Monk Linghui said immediately.

Chen Yang's head suddenly turned black.

"It's a pity, I haven't had time to ask Master Yuanjue about the Tiandao Brush." ​​Chen Yang thought of something, and said again.

Monk Linghui said: "That's nothing to ask. The situation of the Tiandao brush is that there is no tool spirit. When you reach a certain level in the future, or by chance, you can forge the tool spirit when you meet the right thing. The poor monk will tell you You, how do you forge a weapon spirit?"

Chen Yang said: "Then I can rest assured."

"That's right." Monk Linghui thought of something and said, "Are you wondering why Yuanjue has a dog with him?"

"The monk raised a dog!" Chen Yang said, "It's a bit strange, but it's not too strange!"

Monk Linghui smiled slightly and said, "Is that dog very fierce?"

Chen Yang immediately remembered the way the dog bared its teeth, so he said, "It's really fierce!"

Monk Linghui laughed and said, "That's because that dog is Tianbulu!"

"Damn it!" Chen Yang said, "What are you kidding?"

Monk Linghui said: "It's impossible. If the poor monk was in his prime, he could turn Tianbulu into a dog. What's more, this is Yuanjue!"

"I... damn it, after a long time, the dog I touched was Tianbru!" Chen Yang's face was covered with black lines again.

Chen Yang was very happy after Tian Bulu's crisis was resolved.

He also believes that there will not be any big movements on Lingzun's side for the time being.

Chen Yang thought for a while, then went down to meet Qiao Ning and Shen Murong.He decided to go to work, so he asked Qiao Ning to go back to Shaowei Mansion first.He went to find the other two treasures.

Qiao Ning still wanted to be with Chen Yang, but Chen Yang sternly refused.

In the end, Qiao Ning had no choice but to agree to Chen Yang.

After spending the night in a house in the Manchester community, they went their separate ways the next day.Qiao Ning returned to Tianzhou, and Chen Yang went to find the treasure.

Shen Murong still stays in Yanjing, raising little Nianci.

In the morning of Yanjing, it began to rain.

The crackling winter rain beat down, and the cold wind howled.

Pedestrians outside wore thick coats.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning waved goodbye to Shen Mo Nong and Nian Ci.

Chen Yang first sent Qiao Ning to the teleportation array on the Daxing'an Mountains, and the Daxing'an Mountains had already started to snow heavily.But this didn't affect Chen Yang and Qiao Ning's itinerary at all.

The gossip formation glowed golden in the snow, and Qiao Ning entered the gossip formation.

"I'll find you as soon as I'm done." Chen Yang smiled at Qiao Ning.

Qiao Ning's eyes were red, and she said, "Or..."

"No!" Chen Yang refused.

Qiao Ning was helpless.

After that, the golden light became more and more intense.

Soon, Qiao Ning disappeared into the golden light.

It was still eight o'clock in the morning, and it was snowing heavily on the Daxing'an Mountains.

The north wind howls.

The mountains and forests here are rolling and rolling, and at a glance, they are all white snow scenes.

This made Chen Yang involuntarily think of the poem, Birds fly away in a thousand mountains, and people in a thousand paths disappear.

Chen Yang walked on the sea of ​​trees, feeling the severe cold.

It was very quiet all around.

Chen Yang felt that he needed to think about it and settle down.

After staying in the four-dimensional space for a long time, you will miss the Great Thousand World, the prosperity of the Great Thousand World, and the flashing neon lights of the Great Thousand World.

But after staying in the Great Thousand World for a long time, I will miss the killing and fighting in the plane world, and the exotic atmosphere.

Man is truly a strange and contradictory animal.

"The road ahead, Linghui, do you think it's easy to go?" Chen Yang asked Monk Linghui.

Monk Linghui grew into a strong tree in the wind and snow.The vines on his body gripped tightly around him.

Monk Linghui looked forward and said: "The road is not easy to walk, and the easy road is for the dead."

"Haha!" Chen Yang smiled and said, "You are becoming more and more like a monk now, and you can play tricks on me when you speak."

Monk Linghui said: "Everyone in the world has three thousand worries. Although you also have worries, fellow Taoist, you don't have to worry about your livelihood. Some people sell their dignity for a house of tens of square meters. In order to have a nest, your troubles should at least be more generous."

Chen Yang laughed and said, "You really know how to comfort people!"

He then said: "At least they won't lose their lives!" He continued: "I won't talk about the troubles in front of me, the matter of the Lingzun. The only question is whether I can find my elder brother and second elder brother within this year." , that has to be said otherwise.”

Monk Linghui said: "What are you thinking about so much, if you can't find it, forget it. Anyway, you still have another chance. If you can't find it this time, if you can't complete the task, you won't be frozen. Although Lan Ziyi is freed from the Hall of Stars, but That quota still counts.”

"That's true!" Chen Yang said.

"Don't be emotional at every turn, you are already very lucky." Monk Linghui said.

Chen Yang said, "Okay."

He then began to sense the treasure!

I have already found the breath of the treasure before, and now I want to determine the specific location.

"The two treasures are actually together, haha, it saved me a lot of effort!" Chen Yang then said happily.

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