The strongest player in history

Chapter 1673 Divine Guard

Afterwards, Chen Yang expressed his appeal.He asked Xuanbo, does Liuyehui have a teleportation array leading to Tianzhou?

Uncle Xuan glanced at Chen Yang and Qiao Ning, then smiled slightly, and said, "The old man is still wondering why two such masters suddenly appeared in the Jokhang Mansion. I dare say that the two came from other worlds."

Chen Yang said bluntly, "That's right. We came from Tianzhou."

Xuan Bo said: "There are some things that I shouldn't ask too much. But this old man is still a little strange. How did you two get here? Since you can come here, there should be a way back."

Chen Yang said: "The teleportation array has been destroyed."

"Oh?" Uncle Xuan was slightly startled, and said, "It seems that the two of you are in serious trouble."

Chen Yang said: "That's true, but this trouble is not my own. Uncle Xuan, the trouble I encountered concerns the entire human race. Therefore, they were afraid that I would leak the news, so they chased after me desperately. Kill. If my guess is correct, they should all have entered the Jokhang Mansion by now."

"It's about the whole human race?" Uncle Xuan took a look at Chen Yang, and then said with a half-smile, "This hat is so big, you must be joking."

Chen Yang said: "Haha, this is a big secret for me too. If you want to know, you have to pay a price."

Xuanbo waved his hand and said, "Liuyehui buys news, and it must be agreed upon by the higher authorities. This old man has the right to sell news, but not the right to buy news."

Chen Yang said: "This is not compulsory. I just want to ask now, do you have a teleportation array?"

Xuan Bo said: "Yes, of course there is. But it's not in the Dazhao Mansion."

"Huh?" Chen Yang frowned when he heard that.But he also understands that if a teleportation array is set up in the Jokhang Mansion, it will be dangerous for masters from other planes to directly reach the Jokhang Mansion.

As for the Dakang imperial city in Tianzhou, it was because Tianchi Pavilion was not weaker than Xuan Zhenghao.Xuan Zhenghao and Tianchi Pavilion are also in the honeymoon period.

Even so, both Tianchi Pavilion and Xuan Zhenghao attached great importance to the matter of the teleportation array.

Maybe in the future, this teleportation array will also move out of the imperial city.

"Where is the teleportation array?" Chen Yang asked Xuanbo.

Xuanbo said, "Outside the boundaries."

"What's outside the boundary?" Chen Yang asked.

"Outside the Boundary is the extrajudicial land of the Jokhang Dynasty. There are many gods and ghosts in that place, and there are many villains. However, no one dares to provoke us Liuyehui outside the Boundary. We can also get many unexpected benefits and information there." Xuanbo said.

Chen Yang smiled slightly and said: "I understand this, it has always been like this. Where there is chaos, it is also where there are the most opportunities. Liuyehui has strong strength, so of course it can take a lot of benefits."

Qiao Ning was a little worried.

Because once he left the protection of the Jokhang Dynasty, the Prime Minister Nagan Lingzun might catch up.However, although she had thoughts in her heart, when Chen Yang was talking about things, she would not interrupt indiscriminately.

Chen Yang then said: "How much is the price for using a teleportation array?"

Xuan Bo said: "Ten divine pills!"

Chen Yang was taken aback for a moment, thinking that the dog days are really dark!

This is killing me!

Qiao Ning also knew the price of using the teleportation array.Although Tianchi Pavilion talked about favors, it only cost ten thousand taels of gold.But ten pills, that is something that cannot be measured by gold.

This cliff is the lion's big mouth!

Chen Yang said: "Well, Uncle Xuan, you said you want ten magic pills, there is no problem at all. But I am worried that going outside the boundary will be dangerous. I will give you a hundred magic pills, and you must protect me to go outside the boundary. How about successfully using the teleportation array to return to Tianzhou?"

"Really?" Xuan Bo was immediately excited.

Even for Liuyehui, one hundred pills is a big deal.

The monks have no resistance to the magic pill.

The Liuyehui family has a great career, and it is also eager for the magic pill.

What's more, for the Liuyehui, protecting someone from outside the boundary is also a simple matter.

"Uncle Xuan, you don't have to be happy. My ugly words are up front, and my enemies are not easy. If you have any losses at that time, don't rely on me." Chen Yang said.

Xuan Bo said: "Okay, young master, this old man should go and report to the higher-ups first. As for whether the transaction will be made, it depends on what the higher-ups say."

Chen Yang said: "Good!"

After Uncle Xuan left, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning exchanged thoughts.

"Looking for a bodyguard?" Qiao Ning said with a smile as she thought of something.

Chen Yang said: "I also had an idea. It's not easy to find bodyguards these days. Maybe the bodyguards saw that we had the goods, so they immediately snatched them up. But Liuyehui is different. They seem to pay attention to reputation and rules. This is very similar to Tianchi Pavilion, although they will open their mouths like a lion, they will never snatch it."

Qiao Ning said, "That's right."

Chen Yang said: "Dragging Liuyehui in, things may be much easier to handle."

Qiao Ning said, "Yes!"

Afterwards, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning took the elixir, rested their minds in silence, and recovered their skills.

Uncle Xuan went there for an hour.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning quickly recovered all their mana.

They have a lot of elixir, so recovery is also fast.

But even so, it is also necessary to recharge your energy and replenish your exhausted energy.

Mana can be replenished by pills, but people's fatigue and depleted spirit must go through a certain period of rest to make up for it.

Another hour later, Uncle Xuan finally came back.

After Xuanbo came in, his face was serious, and he said, "Who are you two offending?"

Chen Yang suddenly felt bad, and said, "What?"

Xuan Bo said: "Four of the guards of the Jokhang Mansion have been killed. Just now, it was the God of the Heavenly Capital of the Jokhang Mansion who led his four confidants to forcefully drive those monsters away."

Chen Yang's heart skipped a beat.

"Sure enough, they chased after them so quickly, but it seems that they didn't make a disguise, so they directly clashed with the masters of the Jokhang Palace." Chen Yang couldn't help laughing in his heart: "These monsters are hard to disguise even if they want to."

Qiao Ning then said: "We didn't offend anyone, but we said earlier that we knew some secrets. These secrets are aimed at the entire human race. At that time, you won't be able to get rid of it. It's just that you don't believe us .”

Xuan Bo said: "I have discussed this matter with the senior officials above. They want to see you in person."

Chen Yang said: "No problem, when will I see you?"

"Right now!" Xuanbo said.

Chen Yang stood up and said, "Please lead the way!"

Xuan Bo said: "Good!"

After leaving the attic, they entered a corridor.

The Six Leaf Club headquarters is not only spacious, but also gorgeous, with carved beams and painted buildings, resplendent and resplendent.The four corners of the hall are raised high, as graceful as four swallows about to fly.

The sun was shining brightly and the weather was quite hot.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning didn't sweat a single drop from their bodies.

Under Xuan Bo's leadership, they went all the way.Around the hall, many members of the Six Leaf Society can be seen.Some come and go in a hurry, while others are handymen in the hall and so on.Everything is in perfect order.

Afterwards, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning were brought into the main hall, and from the main hall to a side hall.The side hall is quite luxurious, but it is very cool and dark.

There are no windows and no lights in the side hall.

After the gate was closed, there was no light at all.

Qiao Ning frowned.

Chen Yang knew that this was a means of negotiation.This kind of mystery is intentionally created to give the visitor a sense of oppression.

"It turns out that Liuye can talk about business, and he likes to talk like this." Chen Yang said with a smile.

In the darkness, Chen Yang suddenly felt four auras.

That means that in the side hall, there is a primordial spirit appearing.

Here come the four primordial spirits!

It didn't come to real people.

At this moment, a woman's voice sounded.

The woman's soul was extremely powerful, and Chen Yang immediately realized that the woman might be the person in charge of the Liuyehui headquarters.

Chen Yang knew that Yan Jiuniang, the leader of the Liuyehui, was also a woman.I just don't know if this person is Yan Jiuniang, it should be impossible.

At this moment, Chen Yang was also analyzing the four primordial spirits present.

Chen Yang knew that Yan Jiuniang was able to develop Liuyehui to this point in such a harsh environment in the Jokhang Dynasty.His personal strength must be similar to that of the Changsheng Emperor.

Although the woman in front of her was a top expert, she was not like Yan Jiuniang.

The woman's voice was pleasant, but calm, with a feeling of being supreme and looking down on all living beings.

"The arrival of the two of you has really brought a lot of trouble to the Dazhao Mansion." The woman said lightly.

Chen Yang smiled slightly, and said, "If there is no trouble, why bother with Liuyehui. If everything goes well in the world, wouldn't the business of Liuyehui be impossible?"

After these words were spoken, there was silence.

The other three primordial spirits followed the woman's lead and did not interrupt.

"Young master, what's your name?" the woman asked suddenly.

"Chen Yang!" Chen Yang said.

"My son's aura and fate are all hidden. It seems that the origin is extraordinary!" The woman said: "Recently, we heard that a rising star appeared in Tianzhou, called King Jialan. Coincidentally, this King Jialan is called Chen Yang. Besides, the Silver Shark King is also the partner of the Jialan King. Then the one next to you is Miss Qiao, the Silver Shark King?"

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning were shocked when they heard this.

Chen Yang laughed, and said, "I didn't expect my name to be spread to this central world."

The woman smiled lightly and said, "Don't be surprised, my lord. There won't be much interaction in the plane world. It's just that Liuyehui is doing business in the world. Tianzhou and Central World are close neighbors, so , we will have a certain amount of information exchange with Tianchi Pavilion."

Chen Yang suddenly realized.

He then said: "The relationship between Tianchi Pavilion and I is also very good. Now that I am here, I have found a network of connections. However, I have never let my friends suffer. We are still talking about business now." matter."

The woman said: "When talking about business, we should also be honest. You should at least be honest with us."

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