When the prime minister heard the words, an indescribable smile appeared on his face.It seems that as long as they imagine such a scene, they feel that it is wonderful.

Afterwards, the prime minister cast a spell and brought the other three monsters back to Fang Tianzhou.He actually tore through the space very quickly and moved out quickly.Its speed is really comparable to the Great Teleportation Technique.Moreover, the prime minister's cultivation is at least in the virtual fairyland.Otherwise, he would not be able to travel through the void so easily and use the space to travel.

Not long after the prime minister and his party, the Spirit Venerable arrived at the sky above the sea where Fang Tianzhou was.After that, they dived into the sea water, and then returned to Fang Tianzhou.

Inside Fang Tianzhou, it was resplendent and bright.

The prime minister has the highest status in this Fang Tianzhou.After he entered Fang Tianzhou, he went directly to the scientific research room.The scientific research room is the core secret of Fang Tianzhou, and few spiritual masters can enter it.

In the scientific research room, there are dozens of high-level spiritual masters doing research.

The subjects to be studied are human beings. The four of Yu Wenxiu were stripped naked at this moment, and then locked in containers for scientists to study.This is probably the result that Yu Wenxiu and the others never dreamed of.They are ancient true gods who have lived countless years.They are proud of the world and regard human beings as ants, but at this moment, they are humiliated like this.

But even if Yu Wenxiu and others are angry, they are just lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

The scientific research room is very large, covering an area of ​​[-] square meters.

There are at least [-] human beings studied here.There are all kinds of human beings, including ordinary human beings and dignitaries in the world, but most of them are monks.

"Everyone, good news." Li Xiao, the prime minister's confidant, stepped forward and called all the scientists together.

These scientists are all spiritual masters.He is tall and tall, wearing a white coat, which looks a bit nondescript.But the level of their scientific research technology is beyond human imagination.

The formation that broke Chen Yang's invisibility technique was deciphered by scientists after three hours of research.

Dozens of scientists put down their research and gathered here.

"Li Xiao, what's the good news?" A Lingzun scientist asked.

"Could it be that you captured that nasty Qilin'er back?" Another Lingzun scientist said.

"It would be great if we caught it. That unicorn is full of weirdness. If we study him thoroughly, maybe our results can make great progress."

"That's right!" Li Xiao laughed, and said, "We have captured that unicorn. It's in our Prime Minister's Zhou Guangding!"

"Ah, that's great!" The scientists were also very encouraged and excited.

"Quick, let's see," said a scientist.

The prime minister said: "Everyone, don't get excited. Although the two unicorns are trapped by the truth, they haven't lost their fighting power yet. Prepare the utensils and formations first. After that, the truth will receive the Zhou Guangding."

"Yes, yes, yes, the prime minister is still considerate." A scientist said quickly.

So, the scientists prepared the utensils and arranged the formations.And a lot of purple smoke was implanted in the huge glass-like vessel.These purple smogs are specially aimed at monks, and even the masters of the Cave Wonderland will become weak immediately when they encounter this kind of purple smog.

These scientists not only research modern technology, but also have a clear understanding of the monk's body.They belong to the top talents in the Lingzun Empire.

"Okay, let's open the Zhou Guangding!" A scientist rubbed his hands excitedly after seeing that the vessel was ready, and said.All the Lingzun scientists also looked inside expectantly.

The prime minister smiled slightly, and with a big move, he immediately transformed the Zhou Guangding into a ray of energy, and received it into his brain.

This ray of energy can freely enter and exit the vessel without destroying the integrity of the vessel.

But at this time, all the spiritual masters were stunned.

Even the face of the prime minister changed.

Because there was... nothing in that vessel.

The only thing there is purple smoke.

"How...how is this possible?" The prime minister's expression changed.

Then Li Xiao, and the remaining two confidantes also turned pale.

"Impossible, the truth has obviously covered them in the Zhouguang Ding. The mystery of the Zhouguang Ding is definitely not something that these two unicorns can break through." The prime minister still couldn't believe it.

"Prime Minister, did they use invisibility?" Li Xiao couldn't help but said.

A Lingzun scientist said: "This is impossible. No monk can resist our phantom cold smoke. Even if he uses the invisibility technique, he will lose his mana support when he is infiltrated by the phantom cold smoke, showing his true self." come."

"But that unicorn is full of weirdness." Li Xiao said.

"Since you have doubts, let's take a look at the Zhouli Yuan magnetic array that breaks the invisibility technique." A scientist said.

The prime minister's eyes lit up.

He and his three confidants immediately set up formation.

As a result, the blue light formation flashed, covering the entire scientific research room.

But the facts proved that the two unicorns were indeed not inside.

"How unreasonable!" The prime minister couldn't help being furious.

"Quickly check, Prime Minister." An old scientist's attitude became indifferent, and said: "That Qilin'er has a Buddhist enlightenment spell, he transformed our spiritual god, and even arrested Xinqi and left. Although Xinqi is dead, but the qilin must have known a lot of our secrets. If our affairs are exposed, let alone the difficulty of ruling the earth in the future, even if we can defeat this group of qilin, it is unknown. This matter How serious is it, you don’t need me to emphasize it to you, do you?”

The Prime Minister suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, he said: "The truth knows, the truth will go after him immediately."

The old scientist snorted coldly and said, "If you can't figure it out, you have to report it. You can't delay this matter for too long, understand?"

"The truth is known!" The prime minister immediately led his staff out of the scientific research room.

The reason why the prime minister and his party of Lingzun were able to accurately catch up with Chen Yang every time was because the prime minister and others found Xuan Guang from Yu Wenxiu and the others.

And Chen Yang has always been contaminated with mysterious light.

The prime minister and the others are masters of mana, so they can accurately track down the past.

As for Chen Yang and Qiao Ning at this moment, how did they escape?

It turned out that at the critical moment, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning were cultivating yin and yang spiritually.That yin and yang bred all things created a formation space in Zhou Guangding that communicated with the outside world.This is a formation similar to the Great Teleportation Technique.Chen Yang and others used the internal space formation method to connect with the molecules of the outside world, thus realizing a mysterious wormhole jump.

Straight across the void distance, leaving Zhou Guangding.

That's why the prime minister and his party didn't feel it at all.

It is difficult for Chen Yang and Qiao Ning to return to Tianzhou for a while.Because the teleportation formation has been chopped into ashes by the prime minister.

The only way for Chen Yang and Qiao Ning right now is to find Liuyehui.Chen Yang felt that Liuyehui should have a teleportation array to Tianzhou.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the sun was already very strong.

The Jokhang Mansion, the capital of the Jokhang Dynasty, was prosperous.There was an endless stream of people on the street, there was a nobleman with long sleeves and a good dancer, and there was a daughter of a thousand gold sitting in a carriage, shyly lifting the bead curtain.

The ethos of the Jokhang Dynasty was still very open, and women were not prohibited from showing their faces.

But in any case, in this feudal dynasty, the status of women is still on the oppressed side.Because women are less able to come out to work in public.

This is a fatal key point.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning hurried to the headquarters of the Liuyehui.

The headquarters of the Six Leaf Society is like a palace, with a magnificent momentum and towering ancient trees.Inside the courtyard, small bridges and flowing water, pavilions and pavilions are very elegant.

Both Chen Yang and Qiao Ning were considered regular customers, and Uncle Xuan of the Six Leaf Club also listed Chen Yang and Qiao Ning as distinguished guests.

Therefore, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning were led directly to the attic where they had been before by the maids of the Liuyehui.

The two sat down to drink tea, and after a short wait, Uncle Xuan came over.

After Xuanbo came in, he saw Chen Yang and Qiao Ning. He was surprised at first, then smiled, and said, "I didn't expect you two to come back so soon. But it seems that you shouldn't come back in the current situation." Chen Yang ate for a while. Surprised, he had also been paying attention to the changes in Xuanbo's expression.

Uncle Xuan's surprise when they met made Chen Yang alert.

"How do you say Uncle Xuan?" Chen Yang said calmly.

Uncle Xuan said: "The two come from unfamiliar backgrounds, and they used spells to forcefully leave the Jokhang Mansion earlier, which has already alarmed the guards in the palace. The guards are still investigating the two. If the two are discovered by the guards, it may be very difficult It’s hard to leave the Jokhang Mansion again.”

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning were taken aback.The two looked at each other, feeling that they were so confused that they forgot the crucial point.When they left at that time, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning were very relieved, because they never planned to return to Jokhang Mansion.But this creation tricks people!

The two really came back.

"When we came in, we were already paying attention." Chen Yang said immediately: "The guards will probably find it difficult to track them down for a while. Uncle Xuan, you won't tell the truth, will you?"

Uncle Xuan smiled when he heard the words, and said: "If you want to inform, you won't tell the two of you. We Liuye will open the door to do business, and it is normal to buy news and information. But we will never do informers, but If someone from the imperial palace comes to buy this information, will our Six Leaf Society come to protect the two of you."

Chen Yang immediately said: "I bought this information. I hope Liuyehui will not pass it on to other people."

Xuan Bo smiled slightly, and said: "Young Master is a straightforward person, well, this news is worth ten thousand taels of gold. You shouldn't think it expensive, right?"

"Not expensive!" Chen Yang said, "Here!" He immediately took out 1 taels of gold from the ring.

The yellow gold piled up into a hill.

The sun shines on the gold, but it is extraordinarily dazzling.

"Don't worry, my lord, we never sell two products. We will never sell the news about you." Xuan Bo said.

Chen Yang couldn't help scolding profiteers secretly, but he doesn't care much about this thing now. In Chen Yang's eyes, 1 taels of gold was just the cheapest thing.

Things that can be solved with money are nothing.

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