Chen Yang said: "Frankness? It is indeed necessary to be frank. But frankness is not one-sided. Is it possible for Liuyehui to be frank with me about what your thoughts are? Or your bottom line?"

The woman said without hesitation: "This is impossible!"

Chen Yang said: "So, based on the principle of fairness. I can't be honest!"

The woman said: "That's a pity, we can only ask the young master and Miss Qiao to leave on their own."

Chen Yang said, "That's good!" He took Qiao Ning's hand and said, "Let's go."

Qiao Ning said, "Okay!"

At that moment, the two got up and prepared to leave. At the same time, Chen Yang said: "I have bought all the information about me and Qiao Ning from Uncle Xuan. I don't want to sell one piece of information to two. I hope Liuye will have his own." Conduct."

The woman said: "On this point, you can rest assured. If you don't talk about integrity, you should have snatched the things from the young master."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "I believe you. If you don't believe me, I won't reveal my wealth."

He then left the side hall with Qiao Ning.

All the way out, Qiao Ning was worried, and communicated with her thoughts: "Are we leaving like this?"

Chen Yang said: "Don't worry, we will be called back. Liuyehui has a big appetite, if they lead you by the nose, it will be difficult to negotiate."

Qiao Ning said, "What if you don't shout?"

Chen Yang smiled slightly, and said, "There's no chance. Besides, it's not like we can't live without Liuyehui."

In the blink of an eye, the two arrived in front of the vermilion lacquer gate, and they were about to leave.

At this moment, Uncle Xuan hurriedly came from behind.

"Mr. Chen, Miss Qiao, please stop!" Uncle Xuan walked up quickly, the old man walked with style and momentum.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning turned around, Chen Yang smiled slightly, and said: "We seem to be paying both money and goods, I wonder what else Xuanbo will do? This trip, you guys have made money, I didn't get anything when I came in, I gave away ten thousand taels of gold."

Uncle Xuan couldn't help being a little embarrassed, and said: "Young Master, you are really joking, ten thousand taels of gold is not worth mentioning in the eyes of Young Master."

Chen Yang said, "That's true."

Xuan Bo said: "Please talk to the inner hall again, this is the meaning of our eighth girl."

"Eighth girl?" Chen Yang secretly said: "It seems that she is the soul of the girl from before."

He then smiled and said, "What's the name of Eight Girls? Why is it called Eight Girls?"

Uncle Xuan said: "Young Master, I don't know. Our master has eight female disciples who entered the house, and they are called the Eight Fairies. The eighth girl is the eighth, so it is called the eighth girl."

Chen Yang said, "So that's the case."

After that, he and Qiao Ning returned to the dark side hall again.

Eight girls are still hidden in the darkness, not revealing their real body.This kind of darkness can only be seen clearly unless Chen Yang uses the Great Sky Eye Technique, but Chen Yang also thinks it is unnecessary.This was his wish, and Chen Yang had to respect it.

"Mr. Chen, I'll give you the initiative you want." Eight Girls said.

The eighth girl was accompanied by the other three primordial spirits, but they didn't say a word.

Just like Qiao Ning was by Chen Yang's side, she wouldn't say much at this moment.

The main thing is the game between Chen Yang and the eight girls.

Chen Yang chuckled and said, "I don't quite understand what the girl said."

Ba Niu said: "The young master doesn't really want to leave, but wants me to come forward to keep him. Isn't that the case?"

Chen Yang said: "Everyone has their own plans. In fact, there is no need to make so many detours. But I am simple and stupid. If I am not careful, I am afraid that you will sell me, and I will count the money for you."

The eighth girl chuckled.She was originally an extremely calm and graceful person.But at this moment, he couldn't help but laugh.

Ba Niu said: "Liu Ye will open the door to do business. I have seen people who are treacherous, honest, kind, and all kinds of people. But it is the first time for someone as simple, honest and stupid as the young master. See."

Qiao Ning thought it was funny.

Qiao Ning knew Chen Yang too well, this guy, friends with him, it might be like a spring breeze.But if it is the opponent, it will only make the opponent feel extremely headache.Although Chen Yang is not very old, he is definitely old and cunning.

But for Chen Yang, he also had a headache dealing with people like Liuyehui and Tianchi Pavilion.

He will never forget how Su Yanran tricked him with a smile.I will never forget that I just came here today, and I was cheated of ten thousand taels of gold without doing anything.

Although gold is not worth a penny in his eyes, it can be seen that the group of Liuyehui will not be more fuel-efficient than Tianchi Pavilion.

Afterwards, Eight Girls said: "Mr. Chen, you should tell us the origin of the person you offended? Only then can we determine the transaction price."

Chen Yang said: "Actually, it's not that I offended them, but that I know their secret. I also said that this secret concerns the entire human race. But Uncle Xuan and you don't seem to believe it."

Eight Girls said: "Sir, just tell me."

Chen Yang said: "I can say it, but after I say it, you have to promise me that you will send me safely outside the boundary to take the teleportation array."

Eight Girls said: "Liuyehui has always paid attention to the word of integrity, and dare not promise things that are not sure. If you don't make it clear, I can't promise you."

Chen Yang said: "It seems that I have gone and returned without any compromise from you."

Eight Girls said: "No, at least, we will no longer report to you with the mentality of slaughtering fat sheep. Instead, we will take what you said seriously."

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said, "This matter concerns all human beings, and I have no intention of hiding it. You should read this first..."

After he finished speaking, he grabbed Xin Qi's body.

When Eight Girls and the others saw the corpse, they were shocked.One of the men, Yuanshen, spoke, his voice was full of arrogance, according to his voice, he was in his forties. "These are the monsters who attacked the Divine Guard today and were later repelled by the Heavenly Capital Army God."

The eighth girl looked at Chen Yang and said, "Did you kill this monster?"

Chen Yang said: "You don't have to be surprised. Not all of these monsters are very powerful. For example, this monster has no cultivation and is easy to kill. But I didn't kill him. I just captured him and asked some questions. At the time, his heart blew himself up and died."

"Heart self-explosion? Is there such a way to die?" Eight Girls said.

The other three primordial spirits also whispered.

The man who spoke before said: "What are the origins of these monsters?"

Chen Yang said: "Well, it's a long story. But I don't know, how much do you know about this world?"

Eight Girls said: "Perhaps Mr. Chen thought that our understanding of this world is the roundness of heaven and earth. Don't worry, Mr. Master, we all know everything about this earth, plane world, etc. Great Thousand Worlds He is the ruler of the Three Thousand Worlds, and we also know this. Our Jokhang Dynasty may not know how to develop high technology. It’s just that the emperor of the Jokhang Mansion has his own considerations. Moreover, in the era of law revision, high technology is also Difficult to develop. The current situation is easier to manage."

Chen Yang said: "That's good. It won't be so difficult for me to say it this way."

"The earliest human fossils are from 700 million years ago. There should be no dispute about this, right?" Chen Yang said afterwards.

Eight Girls said: "There is no dispute."

Chen Yang said: "Scientists in the world have done research. 6000 million years ago, the earth was ruled by dinosaurs. Dinosaurs ruled the earth for 7000 million years. I don't know how many years humans have ruled the earth." But obviously there is no way to compare with dinosaurs. In 100 years, the world can undergo earth-shaking changes. Then 7000 million years of rule, what happened on the earth, what level of civilization has it reached? It is really us Is the cognition so narrow? I don’t think so. On the earth today, some supernatural powers, the most powerful, I think the lifespan is only tens of thousands of years. Compared with the 7000 million years, there is no comparison at all.”

"What do you want to say?" Eighth Girl asked.

Chen Yang said: "I want to tell you that not all dinosaurs are stupid. Not all dinosaurs are large reptiles. This monster stands and walks. It has thoughts, a language, and a high degree of civilization. These monsters They are the rulers of the dinosaur era. They call themselves spiritual masters. It is true that the earth was hit by a meteorite, and all living things were destroyed, and the earth was even frozen. But before the earth was hit, those high-level spiritual masters had already taken The Imperial Tianzhou left the earth. For tens of millions of years, they have been surviving in the universe."

" is this possible?" Ba Girl and the others were shocked when they heard this.

"Impossible? I also think it's impossible, but that's all the information I know." Chen Yang said, "This is what the corpse in front of you told me."

"Tens of millions of years? High technology requires energy, how could this imperial spaceship drift in the universe for tens of millions of years?" Eight Girls said.

"It is said that the empire's skyship is infinite and can devour planets. They devour hundreds of millions of planets to maintain ecology." Chen Yang said.

Eight girls and others fell silent.

This matter is indeed too explosive.

"How did you find them?" Eight Girls suddenly asked Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said: "I was looking for the treasure at sea, but I couldn't find it, and I was entangled by several masters. Afterwards, we started a fierce fight, and then there was a lot of noise, which alarmed these spiritual venerables. They have been looking for monks to do it. Research, I probably planned to arrest us for research. However, they did not expect to be escaped by me. Moreover, I also captured a spirit statue of them. This is like stabbing a hornet's nest, and they began to stop Stop chasing me."

Eight Girls said: "These monsters are extremely powerful. You must know that each of the guards in our Jokhang Mansion is a master and has their own special talents. That's it, they are like killing melons." Four of them were killed like chopping vegetables."

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