Chapter 886

"Chen Yang, is the introduction finished? After the introduction, let's go to the existing constant temperature room to have a look. I want to see the grown wild mushrooms." As soon as Chen Yang stopped the introduction, Di Anne immediately excitedly said that she would build it. View the thermostatic room.

When Chen Yang heard this, he immediately knew that this girl must not understand.

"Uh... that's fine, then I'll take you there to have a look."

Chen Yang was very helpless, but he didn't say anything.

Continue to take Diane to other constant temperature rooms to check.

In the afternoon, there was no one in the temperature-controlled room.

Moreover, almost all the mature wild mushrooms have been picked, and some of them are sub-perfect, not fully mature.

"These are all wild mushrooms. On average, a constant temperature room can produce hundreds of catties a day, so you don't have to worry about not having enough!" Chen Yang said with a smile.

Di Anni walked into the temperature-controlled room, and immediately wandered around inside without answering Chen Yang's words.

But looking at the happy expression on her face, it seems that she is very interested in these wild mushrooms.

"The output of a constant temperature room is too high, it is a profitable business." After wandering around, Di Anni suddenly said this.

Chen Yang followed her all the time, and when he heard her say this, he smiled and replied: "It's barely okay, the most important thing is the technical problem, and the output is just incidental."

"Yeah, I also heard from my father that it is really amazing to be able to grow such a good wild mountain fungus!" Diane laughed and her eyes became crescents.

It feels very real and very comfortable.

It may be that this little girl is too cute, and her personality is harmless to humans and animals.

"Hehe, Boss Dai is absurd."

Chen Yang said modestly, and then asked: "How do you see it? Is there anything you don't understand, or is there anything else you want to know? I can answer you, or take you to understand."

"Uh... no, no, I'll just take a look. I can't understand things that are too profound." Diane waved her hands repeatedly.

Chen Yang smiled slightly: "Then let's go, I still have things to do when I go back."


Di Anni nodded directly, and then left with Chen Yang.

On the way to leave, Chen Yang directly contacted the boss who worked on the nutrient layer by phone. The new constant temperature room will be delivered within a day or two, so it is almost time to get the nutrient layer.

After hearing Chen Yang's needs, the boss on the phone agreed without asking.

They are all regular customers, and they are no longer as surprised as before.

He has long been used to Chen Yang's expansion speed.

After making an appointment with the boss who was engaged in nutrition, Chen Yang and Di Anni almost returned to the medical center.

Just as Chen Yang was thinking about how to arrange for this little girl in the afternoon, the phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

Chen Yang took it out and saw that it was actually a call from the decoration company.

Seeing that it was the decoration company's call, Chen Yang answered the call without saying a word.

"Hey, what's the matter, master?"

"Hey! Boss Chen, do you have time now? If you have time, you can come over. The owner of the shop opposite has come to make trouble and won't let us continue the renovation." The decorator on the phone said anxiously.

When Chen Yang heard that someone was causing trouble, his brows immediately frowned.

I thought the lesson I gave last time was still too small!How dare you make trouble arrogantly and domineeringly?It's just looking for a fight.

"Okay master, wait a moment, I'll be right over." Chen Yang immediately agreed, and then hung up the phone.

"What's the matter, Chen Yang? Is there something you need to do?" When Chen Yang called, Di Anne was beside her, so she knew that Chen Yang was going out.

"Well... I have something to" Chen Yang nodded awkwardly, just when he said he was going to excuse me.

Diane interrupted him very actively: "Then I'll go with you! I don't want to be bored either! It's more interesting to go out with you."

"You come with me? It's not good. There may be a conflict, which is inconvenient." Chen Yang and Di Anni are not very familiar, so he doesn't want to take her with such a bad thing.

But who would have thought that this girl would become even more excited when she heard that there might be conflicts!

"It's okay, Chen Yang! What's the inconvenience? At worst, I'll just stay in the car, and I won't make any trouble for you! And I can cheer you up!" Diane blinked cutely, and followed Chen Yang acted cute.

Chen Yang was taken aback by this, who could resist such a cute girl?


He swallowed, and finally nodded in agreement.

Because I really don't know how to reject her.

"Okay, let's go together, but for safety, you have to stay in the car." Chen Yang said seriously.

"it is good!"

Diane immediately nodded in agreement.

"Okay, let's go, it's more convenient to drive my car." Chen Yang pointed to the van not far away.

Di Anni originally wanted to drive her own car, but when she heard what Chen Yang said, she didn't have any objections, and got into the car with Chen Yang directly.

Then the two set off from Liuhe Village to a restaurant on the outskirts of the county.

Probably because she didn't go out and walk around often, Di Anni was sitting in Chen Yang's car, looking at the scenery outside with a very happy expression.

"What? Do you rarely come out to play? So happy." After Chen Yang found out, he asked with a smile.

Hearing Cheng Yang's voice, Di Anni looked back at Chen Yang, and then nodded: "Yes, I seldom go out to play, and I spend most of my time at home, very bored."

"No wonder I ran out all the way, so it was to relieve boredom." Chen Yang showed his original expression.

Because when we introduced the temperature-controlled room and wild mushrooms just now, Chen Yang could tell that this girl was not interested in business matters, and her personality was similar to that of Yang Ruoxi.

Logically speaking, with their character, they shouldn't come all the way here just for wild mushrooms.

That's why Chen Yang realized now that she came here to relieve boredom.

"Hey, of course, otherwise my dad would not have agreed to let me run so far!" Di Anni saw that Chen Yang had noticed it, and she didn't hide it, she just admitted it with a smile.

After that, the two of them didn't talk much in the car, and came to the suburban restaurant in the county quietly.

Chen Yang found a place to park on the side of the road.

As soon as the car stopped, Chen Yang saw someone making trouble in the shop he rented from a long distance away.

"You stay in the car well, I'll go down and deal with it, and I'll be back soon." Chen Yang withdrew his gaze, turned his head and said to Di Anni, the co-pilot.

Di Anni also saw the situation in the store, and after hearing what Chen Yang said, she nodded her head like a cat: "Yeah, I see, don't worry, I won't go down."

"That's fine, I'll come as soon as I go." Chen Yang also nodded, and then pushed the door and got out of the car.

After getting out of the car, Chen Yang walked directly towards his shop.

(End of this chapter)

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