Chapter 885 My Pet

Chen Yang had just started when he suddenly heard Di Anne's scream from the backyard.

Hearing the sound, Chen Yang quickly put down his work and ran out to check.

Seeing Di Anne standing in the yard, her face turned pale with fright, her body trembling.

Wangcai, on the other hand, squatted in front of her and grinned, as if he was going to bite someone.

"Wangcai! What are you doing!"

Seeing this scene, Chen Yang immediately scolded Wangcai.

When Wangcai heard Chen Yang's voice, he immediately looked over with a pair of eyes, and then his face changed rapidly. He no longer bared his teeth, but shook his head and tail.

Chen Yang still glared at that guy, and then immediately went to comfort Di Anne.

"Don't be afraid, this is just my pet, don't worry if you don't bite." Chen Yang said comfortingly.

When Di Anne heard this, her body stopped shaking, but her face did not recover quickly, and she was still as ugly as ever.

"Pets? Why do you use wolves as pets in your family?" Diane asked with a trembling tone.

Chen Yang smiled and took two steps forward, came to Di Anni's side, and then reached out to touch Wangcai's head.

"It's not a wolf. It's just a wolf dog. It looks a bit like a wolf."

After explaining, Chen Yang immediately pointed to an object in the yard: "Wangcai, go get it for me."

Wang Wang!

Wangcai reacted quickly, and immediately turned around and ran to grab what Chen Yang was pointing at when he received the order.

Seeing Wangcai being so obedient, Di Anni's complexion gradually improved.

"This is really your pet." Diane began to smile.

"Yeah, Wangcai is very obedient, don't worry, I will never bite you." Chen Yang nodded heavily, and then told her a few words to let her not worry, Chen Yang Back to the kitchen to make lunch.

It took about half an hour before Chen Yang finished his lunch and served it to the table.

Just when he was about to turn his head to the yard and call Diane to come over for dinner, he suddenly heard Diane giggling in the backyard.

"What is this girl doing? So happy?"

Chen Yang was curious, so he didn't shout, but walked to the backyard to have a look.

When he walked to the backyard, he immediately saw that the girl Di Anni was having fun with Wangcai now. One person and one dog seemed so familiar, running around in the yard.

Sometimes Diane even stopped to stroke Wangcai's fur, which felt like a person and a dog were very familiar.


Standing at the door, Chen Yang suddenly called out.

After Wangcai, who was Sahuan under Di Anni, heard it, he immediately looked over, and then ran towards Chen Yang regardless of anything.

Di Anni also saw Chen Yang at this time.

Seeing Chen Yang yelling casually, Wangcai ran away, and the little girl was still pouting unhappy, as if she was jealous.

Seeing this, Chen Yang laughed a little, and then said: "I've already prepared the food, you can eat, and I can take you there to learn more about wild mushrooms after the meal."

"it is good."

Diane nodded and walked over without saying anything.

Chen Yang also turned around and entered the room, and the two of them sat down together and started eating.

Diane appeared suddenly, so Chen Yang didn't order anything else.

I just fried a wild mountain mushroom, some meat, and a medicinal meal.

Although there are not many dishes, it is already very good for two people.

"Try the wild mushrooms first, they are very fresh, you must like them." Chen Yang smiled and pushed the wild mushrooms in front of Di Anne.

Di Anni was also very interested in wild mushrooms, so she listened to Chen Yang without further ado, and picked a piece with chopsticks to try it out.

After eating it, the little girl's expression became a little exaggerated.

It felt as if he had eaten some delicacies from mountains and seas, and his expression was wonderful.

"Wow! You are so delicious! No wonder my dad is so interested in it. If it is sold out, it will definitely sell very well!" Diane was full of surprise, and after a compliment, she hurriedly came again Take a sip.

It can be seen that she was really amazed by the taste of wild mountain mushrooms.

Seeing the girl's expression, Chen Yang was a little proud. After all, this wild mushroom was cultivated by himself, and it was so delicious, and it also had his cooking skills in it.

So, of course he will be a little proud.

"Eat more if it tastes good. You can also try other dishes, especially that dish. Eating it is good for your health and can also beautify your skin." Chen Yang smiled and pointed to the medicinal food beside him.

When Di Anne heard it, she immediately took a look at Yaoshan, and then showed a disinterested expression on her face.

"Isn't that medicinal food? I've eaten it a lot. It's just a gimmick, and it doesn't really work." Di Anne pouted and commented.

When Chen Yang heard what she said, he didn't explain anything, just smiled, and then silently bowed his head to eat.

And Diane didn't say anything afterwards, she lowered her head and started eating seriously.

The taste of Chen Yang's cooking is very good, so Di Anni eats very comfortably.

Except for the wild mushrooms, she also tasted all the other dishes and gave them a high evaluation.

It is said that Chen Yang is almost as good as a five-star chef.

For such praise, Chen Yang still smiled and did not answer.

After lunch and a short rest, Chen Yang took Di Anni to inspect the constant temperature room.

The first step is to go to the construction site of the newly expanded constant temperature room.

Chen Yang came over with a little girl, and the workers on the scene were stunned for a moment, and then no one dared to take a second look, and immediately bowed their heads and worked seriously.

This is a clear change in attitude.

Chen Yang remembered that in the past, when he brought someone here, there were always a few workers who were a little sneaky, but now there is no such situation.

Obviously, everyone knew that Chen Yang was amazing, and they were honest.

"Hey, Boss Chen, you're here." The boss of the construction team saw Chen Yang, so he immediately put down his work and came over to entertain him with a smile.

"Well, bring this partner over to have a look today, you are busy with your own business, don't worry about me." Chen Yang nodded slightly, and at the same time introduced Di Anne's identity.

This is a partner, not the identity they imagined.

"Um..." The boss of the construction team was taken aback when he heard that Di Anne was a partner, and then he didn't say much, nodded cheerfully, and continued to work on his own affairs.

Chen Yang introduced the construction site to Di Anni.

"These constant temperature rooms are specially built for your family. Now the external walls have all been built, and they should be able to enter the debugging stage tomorrow. In about four days, the bacteria will be officially produced!" Chen Yang pointed at the construction site and gave Diane explained.

Diane stared at the construction site with wide eyes, and nodded blankly.

Seeing her cute look, Chen Yang didn't know if she understood.

But if he didn't understand, he had to introduce it. Who told this to be a representative sent by the partner.

Chen Yang smiled helplessly and shook his head, then continued to introduce the whole construction site.

About 10 to [-] minutes were introduced, during which the construction of the constant temperature room was introduced, as well as follow-up preparations and other things.

When Chen Yang introduced these things, Di Anne kept nodding and didn't ask back or ask questions.

Chen Yang was really curious whether she understood or not.

(End of this chapter)

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