Chapter 887

Only when he reached the entrance of the shop, he heard Lin Hui's clamor inside!

"Damn it! Is your boss here? If you don't come to this store again, I'm going to screw him!" Lin Hui was arrogant, his voice was amazingly loud.

The master of the construction team opposite him was full of embarrassment: "Here we come, our boss is already on his way, Boss Lin, don't get excited, wait until our boss arrives, okay?"

The construction master didn't understand the situation, and seeing Lin Hui with four or five menacing younger brothers, he spoke very politely.

I was afraid that those words would offend Lin Hui.

However, his good attitude not only did not calm down Lin Hui, but also made Lin Hui more and more arrogant.

"Damn it! I've been waiting for you for half an hour. Do you know how valuable my time is? I can't wait any longer! Come on, brothers! Dismantle all the decorations of this bird shop!" Lin Hui ordered Next, the little brother behind him immediately took action.

Those who are aggressive will go forward to dismantle the decoration.

When the master saw this scene, he became anxious immediately, and quickly stretched out his hand to stop them.

At the same time, he began to say good things: "Boss Lin, don't get excited, harmony is the most important thing, we are just doing decoration, if you demolish this, it will make us work for nothing."

"Busy for nothing? I care about you? Anyway, I'm going to demolish it today! Leave him alone! Just demolish it!" Lin Hui still didn't back down at all, and even gave a deadly order to demolish it!

When the younger brother heard his words, he was immediately relieved, and began to push the decorator.

Although the decoration master tried his best to stop it, he was hard to beat with two fists and four hands, not to mention that the things Lin Hui brought were all five big and three thick guys. How could he, a master, resist.

So in no time, those people pushed the old master aside, and they were about to demolish and renovate.

And at this moment, there was a loud shout from the door!

"Let me see who dares to touch the decoration of this shop!"

Hearing the voice from behind, Lin Hui's body trembled violently.

Why does this voice sound so familiar?

Lin Hui trembled subconsciously, then turned his head and looked towards the door.

At the same time, the younger brothers under his hands also paused their movements and looked towards the door.

I saw Chen Yang walking towards them with an angry face.

Seeing Chen Yang's face, Lin Hui's pupils immediately tightened, and a look of shock appeared on his face!

And the decoration master is delighted!Fortunately!

"Boss Chen, you have come here. These people are clamoring to tear down all the decoration of the shop. I can't stop them." The old master walked towards Chen Yang with a sad face, and said The situation at the scene.

"Master, I have seen everything that happened just now, so don't worry about it here, leave it to me, you should work or go work." Chen Yang said softly.

The master wanted to talk about the situation at the scene, but after hearing what Chen Yang said, he nodded and left.

Continue to work in the shop.

Chen Yang frowned and looked at Lin Hui, and scolded him!

"Lin Hui! The lesson I taught you last time was too small! You are still so arrogant! Do you want to be beaten again?" Chen Yang said in a cold tone.

Lin Hui shuddered again when he heard this tone!

Because I remembered what happened last time.

But in just a few seconds, he quickly slowed down again.

Because he realized that this was his territory, what would Chen Yang do?

So he straightened his back.

"Hehe, I really didn't expect that this shop was actually opened by you. I was looking for a chance to avenge the last time! You just came to my door." Lin Hui also sneered, and pretended that he still He wanted revenge on Chen Yang.

"Revenge on me? It depends on whether you have the ability. If not, I advise you to be honest, otherwise you will be the one who will suffer." Chen Yang said with a smile.

Chen Yang's face was calm, and he didn't seem to be in doubt because of the large number of people on Lin Hui's side.

This made Lin Hui feel a little nervous.

He knew that Chen Yang was not easy to mess with, so he stopped talking about the topic of revenge, and talked about the shop instead.

"A gentleman's revenge, ten years is not too late, you don't need to worry about it, I came here today to ask you, what do you mean by opening a restaurant opposite my shop? Are you provoking me? Or what?" Lin Hui narrowed his eyes, He stared at Chen Yang closely.

It seems to be looking Chen Yang up and down.

And Chen Yang said calmly: "Tricking you? You think too highly of yourself, right? I think this place is in a good location, so why not just want to open a restaurant?"

"Do you need to be nosy here? Get out of here quickly, or I will beat you like last time, and you will find your teeth everywhere!"

In front of Chen Yang's words, he was playful and deliberately angry with Lin Hui, but after he said it, his tone gradually became cold, and he did not hide the meaning of warning at all. < What do you say?So arrogant in front of President Lin!You want to die, don't you! "

As soon as Chen Yang said the warning, before Lin Hui could react, a younger brother under him stood up and scolded Chen Yang loudly.

Maybe it's because she's used to being arrogant, and when she speaks, her tone of voice is deadly.

He even walked up to Chen Yang to point and point, his appearance somewhat provocative.

Facing such a person, Chen Yang didn't say anything, just raised his leg and kicked him.

The little boy didn't even have time to react, so Chen Yang kicked him in the stomach.

Immediately, it felt like being hit by a car, and the whole person flew backwards.

After flying four or five meters away, he fell to the ground, vomited blood and passed out.

All of this happened in an instant, in just a second.

Not only did the younger brother fail to react, but even the other people present, including Lin Hui, did not react either.

When they reacted, the man had already vomited blood, lying on the ground and passed out.

Seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded for a moment, and Lin Hui's back started to sweat wildly, and his shirt was soaked in no time.

"Picking quarrels and provoking trouble in my shop? I'm not used to you guys. I'll give you the last five seconds to get out of my shop, or you'll end up just like him!" Before Lin Hui and the others could react from their astonishment, Chen Yang directly issued an ultimatum.

When Lin Hui and his younger brothers heard this, they immediately panicked.

They knew that they were definitely not Chen Yang's opponents, and they would definitely be beaten if they stayed here, so they all lost the arrogance just now.

They were all like frightened birds, wishing they could turn around and leave.

But they were all younger brothers, and Lin Hui, who was the eldest brother, didn't speak, so it was naturally difficult for them to leave.

So he had no choice but to bite the bullet and stand where he was, waiting for Lin Hui's wishes.

At this time, Lin Hui's situation was almost the same as theirs, even more frightened than them!

Because he had been beaten before, he knew how ruthless Chen Yang was!

"Okay... Chen Yang, I remember you, you are too bullying! Just wait, this matter is endless! If you dare to grab business across from my shop, I will see how much money you have to lose!" Lin Hui didn't dare Stay longer, realize that the situation is not right, let go of the harsh words, and take a few younger brothers under him to escape.

When leaving, he even carried away the guy who was kicked by Chen Yang and passed out.

(End of this chapter)

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