Chapter 881

Just as Chen Yang hugged Zhang Xueying to comfort him, there was another burst of footsteps outside the room!

It's the boss of the construction team here!

Originally, Chen Yang said he came to look for it, but he didn't take it seriously, but after thinking about it carefully, he decided to follow him to have a look.

So I followed Chen Yang all the way here!

Standing at the door of the room, he saw Chen Yang who was hugging Zhang Xueying to comfort him, and Ahao who was lying in the room and beaten to death!

Ah Hao had no clothes on, Zhang Xueying cried bitterly, and the clothes on his body were still tattered.

Seeing these situations, he immediately realized what happened here!

After realizing what was going on, a look of panic appeared on his face immediately!

Although he didn't know about this matter, no matter how he said it, this Ah Hao was his employee.

Now that he has done such a thing, how can he get away with it?

"Chen... Boss Chen, there may be some misunderstanding about this matter, don't get angry!" The boss was stunned for a few seconds, and then subconsciously wanted to stabilize Chen Yang's mood first.

But at this moment, Chen Yang knew everything, and he was also angry.

Where can I still hear such words? ,

"Misunderstanding? What kind of misunderstanding is this? Isn't all this obvious?"

Chen Yang scolded coldly!Then he rushed up again and kicked that dead dog-like Ah Hao.

That Ah Hao was considered strong. After being beaten by Chen Yang, he still didn't pass out. He just vomited blood, and his body was bloody. His eyes were quite lively!

When the boss at the side saw that Chen Yang didn't listen to dissuasion at all, and even made more ruthless attacks, he immediately panicked, turned around and ran away.

Seeing the boss run away, Chen Yang didn't continue to beat Ah Hao, but continued to comfort Zhang Xueying instead.

At this time, the most important thing is to calm down Zhang Xueying's emotions!

"Xueying, brother will definitely give you justice in this matter, don't worry, brother will never let you be bullied in vain." Chen Yang tried to comfort Zhang Xueying.

Under Chen Yang's comfort, Zhang Xueying's mood was also slightly relieved.

Seeing that Zhang Xueying's mood had stabilized, Chen Yang's eyes fixed on Ah Haolai again!

It was just a small punishment!Now Chen Yang is ready to get serious!

"Chen... Poof... Boss Chen, I was wrong, don't kill me, I beg you don't kill me, you can tell me to do anything, please spare my life." Ah Hao on the ground also noticed Chen Yang The killing intent on his body made him ignore the pain on his body, forced himself up, and knelt down in front of Chen Yang, begging for mercy without a bottom line.

I beg Chen Yang to let him go!

But Chen Yang was unmoved at all!

His woman is his reverse scale!Touch it and die!

Chen Yang's face turned ruthless!He raised his leg and wanted to take care of this bastard.

But at this moment of urgency!The boss of the construction team arrived with Wu Kexin!

"Not Chen Yang!"

Hearing Wu Kexin's voice, Chen Yang barely stopped his feet, and at the same time raised his head and looked towards the door.

I saw Wu Kexin and the boss of the construction team standing at the door panting!

The faces of both of them were a little nervous, as if they were afraid of Chen Yang's kick!

"Chen Yang, you can't kill him! It's not worth fighting with this kind of scum! You have to calm down! Handle this matter calmly!" Wu Kexin saw that Chen Yang stopped, and couldn't care less to catch his breath, so he immediately started talking again.

Chen Yang didn't listen to other people's words, but Chen Yang still cared about Wu Kexin's words.

Hearing Wu Kexin's words, he also calmed down a little.

But he was still quite angry!

"This beast did something like that to Xueying! Don't teach him a lesson today! Impossible!"

"Chen Yang, I already know about this matter. Don't worry, I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer. Don't be impulsive, okay? It's really not worth it for such a scumbag!" Wu Kexin walked into the room to dissuade him, I hope Chen Yang will not act impulsively.

The same was true for Zhang Xueying who was still on the bed. She choked with sobs and spoke to dissuade Chen Yang: "Brother Chen Yang, don't be impulsive. Listen to the village chief and deal with it calmly. Don't risk your life for him!"

The two women dissuaded them together, which had a very good effect, and Chen Yang calmed down a lot.

Thinking about it is really unnecessary.

Although this scumbag did such a thing, fortunately, he arrived in time, and Zhang Xueying did not suffer any serious injuries!

"Then what do you say about this matter?"

Chen Yang calmed down for a while, then looked at Wu Kexin and the construction team leader and asked.

The construction team leader was so frightened by Chen Yang's anger that he didn't dare to speak when he entered the door.

But now seeing that Chen Yang's mood had stabilized a little, he also spoke.

"Chen... Boss Chen, Village Chief Wu and I have already reported this matter to the police. Don't worry, we will definitely give you a fair and reasonable solution! We will definitely not excuse him or cover him up!" The construction team leader looked serious Said.

Chen Yang glanced at him, thinking that it was reasonable to deal with it this way.

But he was still angry in his heart and wanted to vent!

"I accept the police, but if I don't teach this scumbag a lesson, I can't swallow it!" Chen Yang still said angrily.

The construction team leader was slightly startled: "Then... what else does Boss Chen want to teach?"

"Chen Yang, I understand your feelings, and I support you to teach me a lesson! Anyway, as long as he doesn't die! It's fine." Wu Kexin also angrily agreed with Chen Yang's idea.

Although she was calm, she was quite angry about this matter.

She is the head of Liuhe Village, and she also knows the relationship between Zhang Xueying and Chen Yang, so in her view, Zhang Xueying is a family.

Now that someone did such a thing to her family, how could she not agree with Chen Yang to teach him a lesson.

Seeing that Wu Kexin also supported Chen Yang, a sneer appeared on his face.

"What lesson? Of course he was abolished!"

Chen Yang let out a low growl, and without waiting for anyone to react, he directly kicked Ah Hao in the crotch.


Although Ah Hao was already in pain and on the verge of passing out, he still let out a hysterical scream when Chen Yang stepped down, that kind of scream went deep into his soul!

The construction team leader and Wu Kexin at the side heard it, and they all felt the pain for that Ah Hao!

But more still feel that they deserve it!

After abolishing Ahao, the room became quiet again, and no one was talking.

Wu Kexin went to the bedside to comfort Zhang Xueying, while Chen Yang and the boss of the construction team stood quietly in the room.

The atmosphere was quiet, and the boss's forehead was dripping with sweat.

The whole person was extremely nervous.

I'm afraid that Chen Yang will take this incident on him.

Fortunately, Chen Yang is not that kind of person, knowing that this matter has nothing to do with the boss, and he also assisted in handling this matter, with a good attitude.

So Chen Yang didn't want to hold him accountable.

(End of this chapter)

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