Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 880 Scum Behavior

Chapter 880 Scum Behavior

In the afternoon, Chen Yang was rather bored at home, so he thought about going out for a walk.

If you have nothing to do, inspect and inspect the progress of various projects in the village.

He first went to the school for a walk, and after not finding any problems, he went to the construction site of the constant temperature room to have a look.

The construction of the constant temperature room is also proceeding in an orderly manner, and the workers are working in full swing.

When the boss of the construction team saw Chen Yang coming, he immediately put down his work and came over to greet Chen Yang.

Chen Yang also replied a few words symbolically, then glanced around at the workers who were working, and found that there seemed to be one missing.

"Boss, why is one of your workers missing?" Chen Yang subconsciously asked after seeing it.

When the boss of the construction team heard it, he glanced around immediately, and then explained with a smile: "Oh, there is one missing. Ahao asked me to leave to go to the bathroom just now, and he hasn't come back yet."

When Chen Yang heard the boss say that, he didn't think much about it.

But what the boss said next caught Chen Yang's attention again.

After the boss finished explaining, he immediately picked up the phone and looked at the time, and then said to himself: "Ahao, this kid is also strange, it's been almost half an hour since he went to the toilet, why hasn't he return."

Hearing what the boss said, Chen Yang didn't know what was going on, and felt a little bad.

"You can find out if you call and ask?" Chen Yang said casually.

"Hehe, yes, I'll make a phone call now." The boss of the construction team laughed, and then made a call.

But the phone rang for a long time, but no one answered.

"Uh... what's the matter with this kid, why doesn't he answer the phone?" The boss of the construction team was in a good mood at first, but when he saw that no one answered the phone, his face became a little angry.

Of course, part of this angry expression must be for Chen Yang to see.

After all, Chen Yang was Party A, and a worker disappeared out of nowhere, and he, the boss, couldn't help himself.


The boss cursed angrily, then turned his head and wanted to explain to Chen Yang, but he didn't finish.

Chen Yang spoke first.

"Boss, what is that Ahao, where is he going?" Chen Yang asked indifferently.

The boss was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Chen Yang meant, but he was stunned for a few seconds before pointing in the direction.

"He said he went to the village to go to the bathroom."

"Okay, then go ahead, I'll help you go and have a look." Chen Yang saw the direction of the village, said something briefly, then turned his head and left the construction site directly to the village.

Originally, when a worker went to the toilet, Chen Yang would definitely not be so fussy about it, let alone pay attention to where he went.

But that Ah Hao gave Chen Yang a very bad feeling, because he was the only one among those who had mischievous eyebrows.

So Chen Yang felt that there might be something strange about his sudden disappearance, so he thought about going to the village to look for it.

Chen Yang left the construction site and returned to the village.

Chen Yang was naturally familiar with Liuhe Village, and he would go there wherever there was a toilet.

But after looking at all the toilets closest to the construction site, he didn't find that Ahao.

This is very strange.

"Is it possible that you ran to the village?"

Chen Yang was puzzled, so he planned to visit the village again.

Chen Yang walked towards the village, passing Zhang Xueying's house on the way.

Walking to the door, Chen Yang saw that the door of Zhang Xueying's house was ajar, as if someone had entered and then forgot to close the door.

When Chen Yang saw this scene, he just wanted to call Zhang Xueying.

Suddenly, I heard a strange sound from inside the room, as if something had hit the ground.

Hearing this movement, Chen Yang immediately walked in without making a sound.

Entering Zhang Xueying's house, the sound was very obvious!

It felt like two people were arguing, so they bumped into the furniture in the room.

Chen Yang thought of this, and immediately rushed towards the bedroom.

"Hahaha, I've been waiting for you for a long time, you little girl, I heard that you are a widow? That must be very lonely, right? My brother will satisfy you today!"

As soon as Chen Yang arrived at the door, he immediately heard a man's obscene voice coming from inside!

Hearing this voice, Chen Yang immediately realized something, and became furious!

Without further ado, he just raised his leg and kicked Zhang Xueying's bedroom door open with a bang.

And what he saw was almost exactly the same as what he had imagined.

A man took off his clothes and was pressing Zhang Xueying under him, frantically trying to tear her clothes.

Although Zhang Xueying had been resisting all the time, the clothes on her body were torn in many places, revealing a large area of ​​whiteness.

But fortunately, the private parts are tightly protected, not showing at all.

"Ah? Who?"

Chen Yang kicked the door open suddenly, frightening the man, he let go subconsciously, and then looked back at the door with horror on his face.

And when he saw Chen Yang standing at the door, he was even more frightened!

"Chen... Boss Chen... why are you here?" Ah Hao was trembling, unable to complete his sentence.

And Chen Yang completely ignored his words!At this moment he has only one purpose!Just want this Ah Hao to die!

"Death to me!"

With a roar, Chen Yang rushed into the room and punched Ah Hao's panicked face.

Chen Yang shot swiftly, and the power of punching with anger was simply terrifying!

And that Ah Hao was startled by Chen Yang's sudden appearance, so now that Chen Yang made a move, he didn't react at all.

Or maybe he didn't have time to react at all.

He was directly punched in the face by Chen Yang, and with a bang, the whole person flew out!

Finally, after hitting the wall, it fell from the air!

At this moment, Chen Yang's eyes were slightly red!The whole person is in a state of rage!

Zhang Xueying was his woman, but someone dared to rape his woman?No matter what, this Ah Hao is going to die today!

Chen Yang was so angry that he couldn't stop punching him!

He rushed forward and gave that Ah Hao a big beating!

Chen Yang didn't stop until he was beaten so badly that he was lying on the ground and curled up into a ball!

After beating Ah Hao, Chen Yang immediately turned his head to look at Zhang Xueying, who was so frightened that her face paled with fright and curled up into a ball on the bed.

At this time, Zhang Xueying was crying into tears, her body was messed up, her eyes were red, and she looked haggard.

Seeing this scene, Chen Yang was so distressed that his heart was about to break!

"Xueying! Don't be afraid! Brother is here, no one dares to bully you!" Chen Yang hurried over to comfort you.

When Zhang Xueying saw Chen Yang approaching, she let out a groan, hugged Chen Yang and burst into tears.

Crying is heartbreaking!

And Chen Yang was heartbroken to hear it!

"Don't be afraid of Xueying! Brother is here, don't worry, brother will definitely give you a satisfactory answer to this matter." Chen Yang gritted his teeth angrily, but still tried his best to comfort Zhang Xueying.

(End of this chapter)

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