Chapter 882 Don't Have Another Next Time

The four of them waited in the room for about ten minutes before sirens sounded outside.

The police are here.

"Chen Yang, go out and receive me for a while, I'll stay here with Xueying." Hearing the siren, Wu Kexin immediately looked at Chen Yang and said.

"it is good."

Chen Yang nodded, and then stepped out of the room.

Seeing this, the boss of the construction team quickly followed, helping Chen Yang to tell the police about the situation here.

The two appeared to have been in contact with the police outside the house for about 10 minutes.

After the police found out the situation clearly and investigated the scene, they took Ahao away who had passed out.

"We will take the suspect away first. We will interrogate overnight tonight, and we will make a confession tomorrow. Then you have to come to the police station to help with some matters." Before the police left, they told Wu Kexin, Let's go to the police station again tomorrow.

"Okay, we'll be there tomorrow."

Wu Kexin immediately nodded and agreed.

"Well, then we'll go first."

After speaking, the police also got into the car and left.

Seeing the police take Ah Hao away, the boss of the construction team secretly heaved a sigh of relief, thankful that he was not involved in this matter.

"Boss Chen, Ms. Zhang, I also want to sincerely apologize to you for this matter. I really didn't expect that there would be such scum in my team." The boss of the construction team sighed suddenly, Said very annoyed.

Chen Yang glanced at him when he heard the sound, and said in a slightly cold tone: "I see that not only are there such scumbags in your team, but there are quite a few!"

When the boss of the construction team heard Chen Yang's cold voice, his body trembled immediately.

Feel that something is wrong.

"However, I will not hold you accountable for today's incident. If there is another time, don't blame me for being rude." Chen Yang immediately warned in a cold voice.

The boss of the construction team was completely relieved when he heard this.

At the same time, he quickly nodded and agreed, and promised that such a thing would never happen in the future.

"Boss Chen, don't worry, there will never be such a thing again! I will definitely warn them when I go back this time, let them work hard, and don't be obsessed with other things."

Faced with the assurance from the boss of the construction team, Chen Yang nodded his head slightly, didn't say anything more, turned his head and went into the room to see Zhang Xueying.

It stands to reason that at this time, the boss of the construction team should also leave, after all, things are almost handled.

And Chen Yang didn't intend to pursue him anymore.

But he didn't leave, and followed Chen Yang into the house.

Chen Yang noticed that the boss was following, so he squinted his eyes and stopped to look back at him: "Why are you following?"

"Hehe...Boss Chen, I have something else I want to ask you for your help." The boss of the construction team smiled awkwardly.

Chen Yang frowned: "What's the matter?"

"Can you not tell Mr. Wang about this matter? I have cooperated with him for a long time. If he finds out about this, I'm afraid my job will be lost." The boss of the construction team looked a little pleading.

This is also one of the reasons why he looked so panicked when the incident happened just now.

Originally, Chen Yang was very angry when dealing with this matter.

When something like this happened, it would be good for Chen Yang not to pursue his responsibility, but there are still so many demands.

But think about it carefully, after all, the boss of the construction team is not bad himself, and with so many people under him, it is indeed difficult to distinguish the character.

So he thought about it, and nodded in agreement.

"Thank you so much, Boss Chen!" The boss of the construction team saw that Chen Yang had agreed, and now he was officially amnesty, and his whole face was full of gratitude.

"You're welcome, just go back and take care of your people. It's the same sentence, let you go this time, don't blame me next time something like this happens." Chen Yang said calmly.

"Yeah, Boss Chen, don't worry, I will definitely rectify the discipline when I go back today, and this kind of thing will never happen again!" The boss of the construction team nodded quickly.

After saying a few words of thanks to Chen Yang, he left Zhang Xueying's house.

Chen Yang didn't bother him, and went into Zhang Xueying's room after speaking.

At this time, Zhang Xueying's mood had stabilized, and her clothes were changed into new ones.

Seeing Chen Yang enter the room, she and Wu Kexin stood up together.

"Brother Chen Yang, thank you for what happened today." Zhang Xueying immediately said to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang was a little unhappy: "What else do you say thank you to me?"

"Yes Xueying, there is nothing to thank for this kind of thing, as long as you are fine is the most important thing." Wu Kexin also said something to Zhang Xueying immediately.

Zhang Xueying said thank you, but it was just instinct.

That's why when she heard Chen Yang and Wu Kexin say that, she realized that she was indeed a bit out of touch.

"Chen Yang, has the boss of the construction team left?" Wu Kexin asked suddenly.


Chen Yang nodded.

Wu Kexin wanted to say something upon hearing this, but she still didn't speak.

Afterwards, the two of them enlightened Zhang Xueying together at Zhang Xueying's home. It was not until after five o'clock in the afternoon, when Xiaoxiao came back from school, that Chen Yang and Wu Kexin left Zhang Xueying's home.

"Chen Yang, come pick me up and Xueying early tomorrow, let's go to the bureau together, we must teach that scumbag a big lesson!" Walking to the fork in the road, Wu Kexin said again.

Chen Yang nodded seriously: "Well, I'll come over at eight o'clock, and we'll go there together."

After speaking, the two parted ways.

Chen Yang went back to the medical clinic, and Wu Kexin went back to the village.

When Chen Yang returned home, it was getting late, so he went directly to the kitchen to make dinner.

After eating, I went to the backyard to practice boxing, and I didn't sleep until eleven or twelve o'clock in the evening.

When he woke up the next day, he finished his homework and immediately drove to the village head to pick up Wu Kexin, and then went to the village head to pick up Zhang Xueying.

Because Xiaoxiao was going to school in the morning, after Zhang Xueying sent Xiaoxiao to the school bus, she waited for Chen Yang at the head of the village.

After everyone connected, Chen Yang immediately drove to the town.

On the way there, Zhang Xueying was still a little nervous. After all, what happened yesterday was simply a shadow to her.

Fortunately, after Chen Yang comforted Wu Kexin, her mood improved obviously.

In this way, he came to the bureau in the town.

When you enter the bureau, someone will come to welcome you immediately.

Because of Wu Kexin, the village head, and because Chen Yang is very famous in all directions, the people who received them were very warm to them.

"Mr. Wu, Mr. Chen, yesterday's criminal suspect confessed to what he did, so you two just need to make a simple record and it's ok. The rest of the follow-up punishment is left to us. You will be notified of the results at that time." The receptionist said enthusiastically.

"Okay, thank you then."

Wu Kexin thanked her.

"You're welcome, everything should be done." The receptionist smiled and waved his hands, then took Zhang Xueying out of the hall and went to the room to accept the transcript.

(End of this chapter)

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