Chapter 879

Chen Yang originally thought that it would be difficult to deal with this matter, so he went around in circles for a while.

But now that their parents have said so, Chen Yang naturally expressed his opinion.

"I was not at home last night. You guys should have come here at night, right? And I saw blood stains under the wall of my house this morning. Did you guys leave it? It was under the wall of my house at night. What do you think?" What are you doing?" Chen Yang looked at the lying boy with a half-smile and said.

The boy was a little panicked at first, but after hearing that Chen Yang had seen the blood, his face became even more ugly.

He hesitated for a long time and couldn't say anything to refute.

At this time, the truth became obvious. These young people must have done something sneaky and got scratched!

"Stinky boy! What is the situation, you all have to explain it to me! Otherwise, your little life will be in danger!" The leader uncle asked angrily.

Seeing that the boy lying on the stretcher couldn't hide it anymore, he also confessed the truth.

"We... We were instructed by Huo Qidong..." The young man confessed honestly, explaining everything he did and the instructions he received.

It turned out that after Chen Yang and Xia Qianqian came out of the restaurant yesterday, Xia Qianqian's senior, Huo Qidong in the guy's mouth, ordered them to follow Chen Yang all the way to Liuhe Village.

Then I thought about sneaking into Chen Yang's house at night, and teaching Chen Yang a lesson.

But unexpectedly, they were attacked by Brother Diao and Wangcai when they climbed over the wall, so they fled in despair.

At first they thought the incident was over, but as the wound worsened this morning, they realized the seriousness of the matter, so they lied that they were passing by and were arrested.

That's why there was this scene where these parents brought them to the house to make trouble.

The young man explained all the ins and outs of the future clearly in one breath, and when the uncles heard it, they were immediately furious.

"Okay you bastards! I knew you couldn't do anything good! Sneaking into someone's house in the middle of the night is breaking the law and you're going to jail, don't you know?" The leader uncle was so angry that he even rushed up and gave The guy slapped him.

After the beating, there was another severe reprimand!

The boys who were lying on the stretchers mentioned were all afraid to show their air.

"Uh... Village Chief Wu, and this friend, I'm really sorry. We didn't know the situation was like this, so we have such a bad attitude. I'm really sorry." The parents also quickly turned around and apologized to Chen Yang and Wu Kexin.

This move made Chen Yang and Wu Kexin very happy.

The other party is so reasonable, and they are not people who care about everything.

"Hehe, it's okay, it's okay, as long as the problem is solved." Wu Kexin waved his hand, with a smile on his face.

Chen Yang smiled and nodded at the side, agreeing with Wu Kexin's statement.

"You guys apologize to this friend! You really deserve it!" The leader uncle scolded those boys again.

The boy didn't dare to breathe when facing the uncle, so he immediately apologized to Chen Yang.

"Sorry...we were wrong."

"After I don't dare anymore, I will explain everything you ask."


Although these guys are in their teens and 20s, they have just dropped out of school and their thinking is just like that of children.

Therefore, if they chose to tell the truth, Chen Yang would naturally not embarrass them.

He asked them about Huo Qidong's situation, and after getting to know them a little bit, Chen Yang didn't want to argue with these people anymore.

After all, they were also caught like this by Brother Diao, so they were punished, and the most important thing was that these parents had a good attitude and were reasonable.

Otherwise, Chen Yang would definitely hold them accountable for climbing over the wall in the middle of the night.

"You are poisoned, and ordinary hospitals can't treat it. Come with me, and I'll get you some medicine to cure your illness." Chen Yang said suddenly.

A few parents were watching helplessly. The purpose of their trip was to solve the poisoning of these boys.

Originally, they were at a loss, and when they didn't know how to speak, Chen Yang offered to help detoxify, which made them a little overjoyed.

"Thank you so much, my friend!"

Several people hurriedly thanked them, and then followed Chen Yang into the medical hall, and walked through the inner room to the backyard.

Walking to the backyard, Chen Yang immediately called Brother Diao out.

Seeing the big eagle flying out of the nest, several parents were involuntarily startled.

"My god, such a big eagle?"

"Hiss... I kept an eagle at home!"

"Excellent, my friend, how did you tame it?"


Regarding their surprise, Chen Yang didn't answer, but pointed to Brother Eagle's nest on the cowshed, and said, "Go up and get some bird droppings, that's the antidote."

"Huh? Bird droppings are the antidote?" Several parents were surprised, they had never heard of such a thing.

Chen Yang expected their reaction.

"Really, bird droppings can be applied to the wound, and it can be disinfected within half a day." Chen Yang explained seriously.

The parents didn't believe it at first, but seeing Chen Yang being so serious, they believed it.

They took turns climbing up the stairs, looking for the dried bird droppings in Brother Diao's nest.

After they found them all, Chen Yang took them out of the backyard and came to the door of the medical hall.

"Apply evenly on the wound, and that's it."

Chen Yang said.


Several parents got well together, and then took the bird droppings to apply the wounds of the group of boys.

After smearing, although there was no immediate effect, the expressions on the faces of several people stretched a little, and they were obviously more comfortable.

Seeing that they had improved obviously, several parents quickly turned their heads to thank Chen Yang.

But before he said a few words, Chen Yang waved his hand to say no.

"You don't need to thank them, just go back and discipline them well. This time I think they are still young, so I don't care about them. If there is another time, it will not be so simple." Chen Yang said calmly.

"Okay, okay, friend, don't worry, I will discipline you well when I go back today!"


This parent knew he was wrong, and also understood that Chen Yang really let them go.

Otherwise, their children will go to jail in the middle of the night to try to commit crimes, and the poison on their bodies will not be cured!

So they nodded and said hello repeatedly.

Then he insisted on thanking Chen Yang before leaving Liuhe Village.

After they left, Wu Kexin turned around and asked Chen Yang.

"Chen Yang, who is Huo Qidong? Why did you call so many children to deal with you?"

Chen Yang smiled when he heard the words: "It's just a child, it's nothing serious."

"Oh fine."

Hearing that he was also a child, Wu Kexin didn't bother to ask.


Chen Yang nodded his head, and then seeing that it was getting late, he thought Wu Kexin would not bother going back, and let's have some food together at home.

But Wu Kexin refused.

"Let's forget it, I'll go back to the village by myself, and you can eat by yourself."

"That's fine, bye."

Chen Yang waved his hand, but did not hold back.

"Well, let's go."

Wu Kexin also waved, and then left directly.

Watching Wu Kexin go away, Chen Yang didn't think too much, and went back to the house to make lunch.

(End of this chapter)

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