Chapter 878

"You are the owner of this house, right? You're finally back! Your raptors have injured all our children! What do you do about this!" The uncle who took the lead was a man who was 1.7 meters tall. .

With a body full of tendons, the whole person looks particularly imposing.

But this was totally useless to Chen Yang.

"Yes! You must give us an explanation for this matter, our children cannot be injured in vain!"

"My poor baby! I'm dying now! An explanation must be given!"

Someone took the lead to speak, and one or two other uncles followed suit!The momentum was very fierce, as if a fight was about to take place.

Chen Yang didn't change his face: "My raptor hurt your child? Can you let me see the wound?"

Chen Yang didn't react before, but now he seemed to realize something, but he didn't rush to refute, but wanted to see the wound first.

And these uncles are more sensible, not the kind of arrogant and unreasonable ones.

When they heard that Chen Yang wanted to see the wound, they didn't refuse, and agreed directly.

"Okay, you can look at the wound if you want to, but I want to see how you argue today!"

"it is good."

Chen Yang saw that the other party agreed, and he was not polite. He walked directly to the stretcher and asked the young man lying on the stretcher where the wound was.

When the young man lying on the bed saw Chen Yang, his eyes dodged a little.

But at this time, their lips were black and their expressions were very haggard, as if they were terminally ill, so they couldn't make unnecessary movements.

He raised his finger and pointed to his thigh.

Seeing this, Chen Yang immediately lifted up the trousers, and suddenly saw a few blackened claw marks inside.

Chen Yang is naturally very familiar with such a wound, it was caused by Brother Diao!

"What about Chen Yang, did Brother Diao hurt you?" Wu Kexin leaned over and asked worriedly.

Chen Yang didn't shy away from it, and nodded directly, admitting that Brother Diao did it!

"Ah? Brother Diao really did this?" Wu Kexin was shocked when he saw Chen Yang nodding.

Because Brother Diao gave her the impression that he was very docile, how could he attack people out of nowhere?

Just when Wu Kexin was surprised, the uncles at the side couldn't calm down, and pointed at Chen Yang and began to criticize.

"You admit it? That's easy to say, if something happens to our child today, you can't get rid of it!"

"Hand over the hurting things to me quickly, we have to take them to the county hospital, otherwise our children will be in danger!"


These uncles were filled with righteous indignation and aggressively yelling at Chen Yang.

Wu Kexin could still argue with reason, but now that Chen Yang has admitted it, she didn't know what to do for a while.

Standing up with a flustered expression, just as he wanted to calm down these uncles, Chen Yang also stood up and spoke first.

"I have seen that your child's wound was indeed caused by my eagle, but please don't get excited, I will definitely take responsibility for what should be done." Chen Yang said frankly with a blank face.

And the uncles heard what Chen Yang said, and their emotions became a little more stable, and they were not so excited.

"Okay, since you said that, then you can talk about how to be responsible!" The big man in the lead was still a little angry, but it was much better than before.

Chen Yang was indifferent: "Let's not talk about being responsible. I have a few questions and I want to ask you. If you can give me a reasonable explanation, I will naturally take responsibility for this matter to the end."

As soon as Chen Yang said this, those big men were stunned on the spot.

I don't know what Chen Yang is up to, but they didn't realize their problem at this time, so they immediately agreed decisively.

"Okay, then I'll ask."

Seeing that these people agreed, Chen Yang immediately asked the first question: "Where are you from?"

"We came from the county!"

The leading man answered without hesitation.

As soon as Chen Yang heard about the county seat, his thoughts were immediately confirmed!

But at this time, he didn't say it directly, but asked a second question immediately after.

"Since you live in the county seat, how did these few get scratched by my raptors? Could it be that my eagle flew to the county seat to catch them?" Chen Yang asked with a smile.

"This..." The uncles were at a loss for words when they heard this question.

They are only concerned about the critical condition of their children!But forget these things!

It was only when they were asked by Chen Yang that they realized that something strange happened.

The leader's uncle's face darkened for a moment, then he turned his head and stared at the boy whose wound was checked by Chen Yang earlier.

"You answer this question, how did you get scratched!"

The uncle asked with a gloomy face.

When the young man who was questioned heard this question, his expression was obviously flustered.

After panicking for a few seconds, he hesitated and said, "We... we just came out to play, and when we passed by, the eagle rushed out and caught us!"

"That's right... that's right, we were caught by the eagle inside just passing by."


The other injured boys immediately echoed the first person's statement, saying that they were scratched while passing by.

After hearing their answer, the uncle was a little angry, but he didn't have the time to reprimand them at this time, so he turned to Chen Yang: "I answered, what questions do you have?"

Chen Yang smiled slightly.

He knew these young men were lying.

Because at this time, he also thought clearly, the blood under the corner of the wall when he came back this morning was left by these people.

And to be able to leave bloodstains on the wall, of course, is to do something shameful.

This can be seen from their flustered expressions when they answered the question just now.

Moreover, Chen Yang trusted Brother Diao Wangcai very much. They were all spiritual animals, not ordinary beasts, without the ability to think.

Is it possible to say that they attack people indiscriminately?

Chen Yang smiled and remained silent for a few seconds, then suddenly said to those people, "You were ordered by Huo, right?"

As soon as Chen Yang said this, the faces of those young men became even more flustered. It was very obvious, as if they were guilty of being exposed.

And this scene happened to be witnessed by Wu Kexin and those uncles.

Such obvious panic can be detected by everyone, and they have a problem.

"You... What are you talking about? We don't know someone with the surname Huo!" The young man whose injury was seen panicked for a moment, and then directly denied it.

But this kind of denial is very pale.

Because everyone can see that this is a lie.

After the leader uncle realized that something was wrong, his attitude eased a lot, and he asked Chen Yang: "What do you think about this matter, just tell us, we are not unreasonable people, if this matter There is something wrong with them! We will not embarrass you."

"Yes, just say it straight, don't go around in circles, we are still in a hurry to treat their wounds!"


The other uncles also asked Chen Yang to speak directly.

After all, they also know what kind of bird their children look like.

(End of this chapter)

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