Day two.

Nizi came over early in the morning.

After asking Nizi if she had breakfast, Chen Yang got into the kitchen and started to get busy every morning.

After having two breakfasts, the two of them ate together, and then Nizi looked up at Chen Yang and asked, "Brother Chen Yang, do you have anything to do today! I don't want to stay in the medical hall and read all the time!"

"You girl, you come to my clinic as an intern! What are you doing all day thinking about work instead of reading books?" Chen Yang said with a smile, scratching Nizi's nose.

After being scratched by Chen Yang, Nizi's mouth immediately curled up unhappily.

"But reading is really boring. I just want to go to the farm with Brother Chen Yang, and go to the mountains to collect herbs!"

Saying that, Nizi looked at Chen Yang again with a begging look on her face: "Brother Chen Yang, please take me with you if you need anything?"

Seeing Nizi's cute appearance, how can Chen Yang refuse in his heart?

"Hey, let's go! I'm going to grab some grass for the rabbits today, and then go up the mountain to catch some rabbits and come back. Do you want to go together?" Chen Yang said. ,

"go with!"

Nizi almost didn't think about it, and agreed with excitement on her face.

"Well, let's go together while it's still early."

"it is good."

After speaking, Nizi set off with Chen Yang.

With their backpacks on their backs, they first went to the valley near the weedy slope to grab some grass, and by the way, they also took a look at how the pheasants on the weedy slope were doing.

Walking to the field not far from the weed slope, Chen Yang and Nizi saw Brother Diao.

Brother Diao stood on the iron cage of the farm and walked back and forth, like a guard guarding the farm.

"Brother Diao!" Chen Yang shouted while standing in the field.

Brother Diao heard the sound and turned his head to look over. When he saw it was Chen Yang, he spread his wings and flew over.

Seeing Brother Diao rushing over from a distance, Nizi backed away in fright.

The golden eagle's dive speed is very fast, and its appearance is very scary!

When I was not familiar with Brother Diao, even Chen Yang was taken aback, let alone a girl like Nizi.

Brother Diao screamed and rushed to Chen Yang's side, and landed at Chen Yang's feet.

Looking at Brother Diao who straightened up and reached his waist, Chen Yang stretched out his hand and stroked it twice: "You are quite obedient! There are still a lot of wild boar viscera at home! I will give them to you today!"


Hearing the praise, Brother Diao cried out twice excitedly.

"Brother Chen let Brother Diao go first, I'm a little scared of it here." At this time, Nizi's frightened voice came from behind.

Hearing the sound, Chen Yang turned around.

"Nizi, brother Diao is very obedient and won't attack you! If you don't believe me, come over and have a look!" Chen Yang waved his hand to let Nizi get closer.

Although Nizi was shocked, she still believed in what Chen Yang said.

She clenched her fist nervously and slowly approached.

Walking closer, Chen Yang grabbed her hand, and then slowly stroked the feathers on Brother Diao's body.

Nizi's face was full of red clouds... All her thoughts were on Chen Yang and her own hands.

"You see, Brother Diao is very docile and won't attack people." Chen Yang said with a smile, as if he didn't notice that he grabbed Nizi's palm.

"Hmm... Mmmmm!"

Nizi blushed and nodded.

After letting Nizi overcome her fear of Brother Diao, Chen Yang let go of Nizi's hand.

"Go! Continue to help me watch some weedy slopes, and I will have offal for you to eat every day from now on!" He patted Brother Diao on the back, and Brother Diao flew out.

After seeing Brother Diao off, the two entered the mountain depression.

After collecting a lot of goosegrass, Chen Yang took Nizi back to feed the wild rabbits.

In the pheasant farm, there are many insects, enough for the pheasants to be self-sufficient.

But the hare farm is not the place where the hares used to live. Chen Yang was worried that they would not have enough food, so this happened.

And many of the hares were pregnant.

A lot of food is needed to give birth safely.

After putting in the food, Chen Yang picked up the baskets and took Nizi up the mountain.

Back to the place where she caught the hare yesterday, Nizi was still a little scared.

Because yesterday, it was near here that I met a wild boar.

"Don't be afraid, girl, didn't you take care of all the wild boars that were so big yesterday?" Chen Yang saw what Nizi was thinking, and comforted him.

Nizi smiled and nodded, and followed closely behind Chen Yang.

When she first came here, Nizi never left Chen Yang, and followed Chen Yang to catch rabbits.

But as time passed, Nizi was not so scared anymore.

And she kept following Chen Yang, watching Chen Yang catching rabbits was boring, so she said, "Brother Chen Yang, why don't I go nearby to help you pick some herbs?"

"Well... okay! Then you should be careful, remember to call me if you need anything!" Chen Yang nodded with a smile.

Nizi has been following him all the time, and it still affects his performance.

The two agreed, and Nizi left here to pick herbs not far away. ,

Chen Yang continued to catch rabbits.

After grabbing around for a while, the baskets were almost filled.

"It seems that there are not many wild rabbits around here! In the past, two or three of them would take the bait in 10 minutes, but now there can be one in 10 minutes that is Amitabha." Chen Yang felt the sharp decrease in the number of wild rabbits nearby, and he couldn't help but feel worried. ,.

I am not like the black skins.

Only think about the immediate interests.

If you want to continue to be caught by rabbits, you must not destroy the ecological environment of this area.

If too many rabbits are caught, it will be difficult for the rabbit herd to develop.

"That's all! Anyway, more than 100 are enough for the family." Chen Yang looked at the basket that was almost full, and didn't want to continue to catch it.

If there are really fewer rabbits at home, then go to the market to buy some cubs and put them in the farm to feed them together.

Thinking of this, Chen Yang picked up a basket and prepared to go back after finding Nizi.

However, as soon as he walked to the place where Nizi met the wild boar yesterday, he saw Nizi squatting on the ground, teasing the three little wild boars.

He even fed them some herbs in his hands.

Chen Yang walked over: "This...what's the situation?"

Hearing the sound, Nizi turned her head and said with a simple smile: "Brother Chen Yang! This is what I just met! They seem to be very hungry, so I gave them some herbs!"

"Do you know what this is?"

Chen Yang asked in astonishment.

"Aren't these two little piggies?" Nizi said calmly.

Chen Yang slapped his forehead, and said, "This is a wild boar! It is very likely that it is the cub left by that wild boar yesterday!"


When she heard that it was a wild boar, Nizi suddenly screamed, then turned around and threw herself into Chen Yang's arms.

She was very scared by the wild boar yesterday, and it was very normal to hear that the wild boar had such a reaction.

However, Chen Yang was a little surprised when he held Nizi in his arms.

But soon, the expression on Chen Yang's face turned into a smirk.

"Don't be afraid, it's just a wild boar, it's not dangerous." Chen Yang gently patted Nizi's back with his hand to comfort her.

When his arm was patting his back, Chen Yang could even feel a trace of the edge and outline of the bra through the T-shirt.


Being comforted by Chen Yang, Nizi felt better.

Slowly escaped from Chen Yang's embrace, his face was covered with red clouds.

She hugged Chen Yang directly when she was in a hurry just now, but when she suddenly remembered, she was naturally a little shy.

"Brother Chen Yang, what about these piggies?" Nizi blushed and pointed at the three piggies who were eating herbs not far away.

Chen Yang smacked his lips with some interest, and then said: "Take it back and raise it, such a small piglet can hardly survive in the wild!"

"Anyway, there are vacant pig houses at home, which is very convenient!"

Chen Yang walked over while talking, and put all the piglets who were snorting and eating herbs not far away into baskets.

"it is good."

Nizi nodded and followed Chen Yang down the mountain.

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