After Uncle Xiao was shocked for a while, Nizi's boiling water was ready.

After Chen Yang walked into the kitchen and moved out the two big pots of boiling water, he started to deal with Uncle Xiao.

They first used boiling water to scald all the hair on the wild boar.

After all the hair has loosened, they begin to shave, then shave, disembowel...

In the end, the two of them worked hard for more than two hours before finishing the whole wild boar.

The body of the wild boar was divided into two sides and hung in an empty room next to the kitchen, and the large and small internal organs were filled with all the things that could hold objects in the house.

"There's so much meat, I can't finish it myself!"

Looking at the wild boars in the room, Chen Yang couldn't help but frowned, then turned to Nizi and said, "Nizi, please help me run, go and call all the aunts in the village over here !"

"For such a big wild boar, everyone will share a share, let's get some to eat!"

"Okay, I'll go right now."

Nizi is very well-behaved, she will immediately do whatever Chen Yang says.

"You are very kind! You still think about the folks in the village!"

After Nizi left, Uncle Xiao couldn't help but praise Chen Yang.

Chen Yang smiled slightly when he heard the words, but didn't say much.

It wasn't long before Nizi left, and soon she brought the folks from the village.

The mighty widows held all kinds of pots and pans in their hands.

"Yes, Yangzi! I didn't expect you to be so fierce! You killed such a big wild boar!"

"Others say that a doctor is powerless. I think our Yangzi is the reincarnation of Li Yuanba!"


My aunt walked into the yard and looked at the huge wild boar, and couldn't help but praise it.

For these words, Chen Yang just smiled slightly, and did not respond too much, but simply replied a few words politely.

"Brother Chen Yang... I'll share some too." At this time, Zhang Xueying from the crowd came together and said shyly.

Seeing this, Chen Yang immediately took Zhang Xueying's washbasin, and gave Zhang Xueying a large piece of better meat.

"Smile and grow your body, eat more nutritious food!" Chen Yang said with a smile.

"Thank you, Brother Chen Yang." Zhang Xueying thanked her, took the washbasin and left with a blushing face.

The aunts in the village are basically there, so she is so shy.

Chen Yang smiled lightly and didn't think much about it.

Every household in the village came to divide the meat, and soon the huge wild boar was almost divided.

Only about 30 kilograms were left.

"Uncle Xiao! How about sharing the 30 catties between us? You have worked hard for so long." While speaking, Chen Yang also took out a hundred-yuan bill and prepared to hand it to Uncle Xiao.

After all, the uncle is old, and he has been helping me for so long, so I should be.

But who knows, when the uncle saw Chen Yang taking out the money, his face suddenly became gloomy.

"You kid, what do you think of your uncle! Everyone is from the same village! Don't make such a difference! Take it back!" Uncle Xiao scolded in a cold voice.

Hearing this, Chen Yang had no choice but to accept it.

Seeing that Chen Yang took the money back, the smile on Uncle Xiao's face appeared again.

"You don't charge money for seeing a doctor in the village. How can the old man have the nerve to do this for you?" Uncle Xiao smiled and walked to a washbasin containing internal organs, then picked up the pig's heart inside and said with a smile: " Your uncle, I like to drink a little wine, just take some of this thing and go back and have a drink."

After finishing speaking, Uncle Xiao put away the tools for handling wild boars and left.

After the uncle left, Chen Yang looked at Nizi who was beside him: "Nizi, I have to trouble you to boil some more water. Tonight, my brother will make a wild boar hot pot, and I will reward you!"

"it is good!"

When Nizi heard this, her eyes narrowed with laughter, she turned around and went to the kitchen to continue boiling water.

And Chen Yang took out the kitchen knife and started to process the remaining pork.

Cut the pork into pieces of different sizes and cook them in a pot later.

Chen Yang has become proficient in hot pot these days, so the speed is very fast.

More than 30 catties of wild pork were quickly divided into pieces of different sizes by him.

Seeing the pork in the two large washbasins, Chen Yang suddenly thought of Wu Kexin.

There was no Wu Kexin in the crowd who shared the meat just now, so he thought about going to give some to Wu Kexin by himself, and then go to the village to buy some "drinks" and come back.

With this idea, Chen Yang quickly put it into action.

Divide the cut pork into two parts, take one of them and go to the village.

"Village Chief, are you home?" Chen Yang knocked on the door of Wu Kexin's house, but there was no response from inside.

"Huh? Where did the village head go?"

Chen Yang took a few steps back and looked at the whole village.

Then suddenly I saw that the door of the second floor office of the village department was open.

"Could it be that the village head is in the office?"

Chen Yang muttered, and walked up with wild pork.

Sure enough, she guessed right, Wu Kexin was concentrating on flipping through some documents in the office.

"Boom, boom,"

Chen Yang leaned aside and knocked.

Hearing the sound, Wu Kexin looked up and saw Chen Yang.

"Chen Yang, why are you here? Do you need me for anything?" Wu Kexin asked.

"I caught a wild boar on the mountain today, why didn't you come to the village to divide the meat just now?" Chen Yang walked in and asked.

"Oh! I was busy and forgot just now!" Wu Kexin smiled embarrassedly, then looked at the pork in Chen Yang's hand and said, "You can put it there first, thank you."

After finishing speaking, Wu Kexin lowered his head and started to read again.

Chen Yang wanted to say something else, but seeing Wu Kexin's concentration, he didn't have the heart to disturb her.

Putting the wild boar on the stool beside him, he left the village head and went to the head of the village.

When he came to the canteen of Uncle Niu's house in the village, Chen Yang knocked on the window again.

The window opened, revealing Uncle Niu's face.

"Hey, Yangzi! What do you want today?" Uncle Niu asked with a smile.

"Same as last time, let's have a cold beer."

"Success, wait a moment."

Niu She smiled and turned around to get it for Chen Yang.

After giving the money, Chen Yang moved back home.

When I got home, I happened to meet Nizi boiling the hot water in the pot.

Chen Yang threw all the wild pork into it, and then waited for it to be eaten.

The cauldron had been cooking for more than an hour, and the pork inside was completely cooked, so the two started to cook.

Chen Yang picked up the beer and began to drink it.

Chen Yang originally thought that Nizi would come for a little, but who knew that Nizi was not interested in wine at all.

I would rather eat while blowing in front of the fan than touch a cold beer!

Chen Yang was slightly disappointed in his heart, but he didn't say anything.

After a full meal, he sent Nizi back.

"Bye Chen Yang!" At the door, Nizi sweetly waved to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang smiled and nodded, then turned and left. ,

After returning to the medical hall, he took a shower for himself, and Chen Yang lay comfortably on the bed.

"The farm is settled, let's figure out how much money I have left! If it's enough, try growing mushrooms!" Chen Yang muttered, then turned over and took out his mobile phone, and started to check his software balance.

These days, the money he sold wild animals to Lintianxia Hotel was basically forwarded to him by Li Han privately.

He's been busy recently, so he didn't check how much money he has.

He opened the software and found that at noon today, Li Han transferred a sum of money to himself.

He clicked on the chat window, and it was noted that it was Yeshanjun's money today.

Chen Yang smiled slightly, and after choosing to receive the payment, he went to check the balance.

More than 8000...

"More than 6 mobile phones, 11 in cash! I still have 17! It shouldn't be difficult to set up a mushroom cultivation base, right?" Chen Yang muttered while rubbing his chin.

Then, he opened the browser again.

Start to browse the knowledge of growing mushrooms, as well as the configurations that need to be used.

Looking at it, he fell asleep before he knew it.

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