When the two returned home, it was still very early, and it had not yet reached noon.

When Chen Yang came back, he fed all the wild rabbits with taming pills, and after putting them into the farm, he took the three little wild boars to the pig house in the backyard. ,

"I've never raised a pig before! And it's a wild boar, what should I do?" Chen Yang rubbed his chin, looking at the three wild boar cubs that were put into the pig house, feeling a little dizzy.

"Look it up online! Find out how to raise this thing well."

Unable to understand, Chen Yang simply left.

Walking to the medical hall, lying on the rocking chair, I took out my mobile phone and started browsing the Internet.

After browsing the Internet for a while, Chen Yang popularized many wild boars' habits, as well as the method of feeding and breeding wild boars.

Wild boars, a wild animal, cannot be fed hogwash like domestic pigs.

must eat some raw food,

For example, some common agricultural products such as carrots, rotten leaves, pumpkins and sweet potatoes are good food for wild boars.

After understanding the habits of wild boars, problems arose.

Chen Yang's family doesn't grow vegetables. These little piglets should have a good appetite. Where can I find these agricultural products and vegetables?

"Let's go to Aunt Wang's house first, get some for them to eat first, and then think of a way to grow some by myself." Chen Yang stood up from the rocking chair, greeted Nizi twice, and went out to Wang Hong's house.

Walking to the door of Wang Hong's house, seeing that the door of Wang Hong's house was open, Chen Yang walked in directly.

Two days ago, Wang Hong hurt her foot. After these two days, I don't know if it's better or not.

Walking to Wang Hong's bedroom, Chen Yang saw Wang Hong lying on the bed alone and watching TV.

Chen Yang didn't go in in a hurry, but looked left and right, and walked in with a smile after knowing that Qiangzi was not at home.

"Aunt Wang."

Chen Yang walked in and shouted.

Hearing Chen Yang's voice, Wang Hong looked over immediately.

"Why are you here?"

"I came here to see your leg injury! I want to see how you are recovering." Chen Yang laughed and walked to the bedside.

Looking at the smile on Chen Yang's face, Wang Hong knew that Chen Yang must have no good intentions.

But Wang Hong didn't mind at all.

There is even a strange emotion in his heart, and he looks forward to Chen Yang coming to him with such a heart.

"Look at the feet, right? Then help Auntie take a good look." Wang Hong said with a charming face, and then stretched out her legs.

Seeing Wang Hong's charming face and her protruding white thighs, Chen Yang couldn't help swallowing, then stretched out his hand and raised his foot to look at it.

"Aunt Wang, your leg is recovering well! It looks like it will be completely healed tomorrow." Chen Yang raised his foot and looked at the wound, and said so.

Then he added: "However, I still have to use my massage method to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, so that the recovery will be faster."

After speaking, Chen Yang was ready to start.

But at this moment, Wang Hong suddenly withdrew her white thigh.

"You boy, you are not serious all day! Didn't you say to wait for my legs to heal last time? Can't wait for a day?" Wang Hongmei said with a smile.

"I really can't wait... Who told Aunt Wang that you are so good-looking." Chen Yanghan smiled and flattered Wang Hong.

Although Wang Hong knew that Chen Yang was flattering, she was still happy from ear to ear.

"You kid, just talk nonsense! Now you hang out with that girl Nizi all day long, and still think about your aunt?" Wang Hong gave Chen Yang a white look, and then said, "What's the matter with coming to see me?"

Seeing that Wang Hong didn't mean that, Chen Yang also became serious.

After coughing twice, he asked Wang Hong's house if there were any rotten leaves of cabbage and carrots.

Hearing that Chen Yang wanted this kind of thing, Wang Hong was slightly curious.

But he didn't ask too much, and pointed to the direction behind the village and said, "There is a field of carrots growing next to the forest behind your house. If you want to, go and pull some carrots yourself."

Hearing this, Chen Yang thanked him and immediately left Wang Hong's house.

Wang Hong was wearing little clothes, and the charm in those eyes made Chen Yang feel a little ready to move.

But he couldn't do anything else, so Chen Yang could only leave in a hurry.

So as not to make yourself uncomfortable.

After leaving Wang Hong's house, Chen Yang went straight to the land she mentioned.

After walking around behind his house, Chen Yang picked some fresh radishes and went back after finding them.

Throwing fresh carrots into the pigsty, the three wild boars immediately started eating them.

Looks really hungry.

After feeding Piggy, Chen Yang left the backyard, walked into the kitchen to be busy for a while, and then finished lunch with Nizi.

After finishing lunch and having nothing to do in the afternoon, Chen Yang prepared to refine all the herbs Nizi had collected for him in the past two days into pills.

Originally, he didn't have many pills on his body, and he hadn't taken Dragon Tiger Pill during this period of time, Chen Yang felt that his physique seemed to be starting to pile up impurities again.

"Practice two dragon and tiger pills to eat first."

Chen Yang carefully locked the door of the inner room to prevent the girl from disturbing him.

Then he sat cross-legged on the floor of the inner room, picked up fresh herbs and started alchemy with the King of Medicine Sutra.

Every alchemy is a very energy-consuming thing.

So Chen Yang needs to expend a lot of energy to practice Dan once, and there is still a long time,

Chen Yang practiced for a whole afternoon.

After he turned all the herbs into all kinds of pills, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon.


Chen Yang let out a long breath of sweat, and quickly put away all the pills in his hand.

"This body needs to take more dragon and tiger pills, otherwise it will be so exhausting after practicing the pills once, it's too uncomfortable."

With that said, Chen Yang picked up a dragon and tiger pill, and knocked it down.

The dragon and tiger pill entered the body, and the whole body instantly seemed to be burning with raging flames.

However, Chen Yang has long been used to the feeling of burning flames.

After swallowing the Dragon Tiger Pill, Chen Yang carefully unlocked the inner room, then turned around and went to the bathhouse to wash away the impurities from his body.

By the time he came out after taking a comfortable bath, the sun outside had already started to set.

"It's weird, Nizi, how can she hold her temper today? Read the book quietly all afternoon?"

Chen Yang came out of the bathroom, only to remember that Nizi was still reading in the medical hall.

At the same time, I couldn't help but feel strange, usually Nizi was never so quiet.

With curiosity, Chen Yang walked to the medical hall.

As a result, as soon as she walked to the medical hall, she saw Nizi already lying on the table in the medical hall, falling asleep...

Seeing Nizi's sleeping face, Chen Yang smiled and shook his head: "I just said why this girl has been quiet all afternoon, so she fell asleep because of being tired."

Fearing that Nizi would suffer from heat stroke while sleeping like this, Chen Yang turned around and went to the back room, moved out the electric fan at home, and started blowing on Nizi.

After finishing all this, Chen Yang lay on the rocking chair with nothing to do, picked up his mobile phone and read some information about growing mushrooms.

Now that the farm has been completed, Chen Yang's next goal is to focus on planting wild mushrooms.

Although the farms are very stable, they don't get money every day after all.

Moreover, the money he earned from selling wild mushrooms a few days ago gave Chen Yang a taste of the sweetness!

"My daily requirements are not high. As long as I can produce [-] catties a day, I will be satisfied!" Chen Yang thought to himself.

Thirty catties a day, more than 2 yuan in the account every day!

It's beautiful when you think about it.

Chen Yang lay on the rocking chair and browsed through many materials and videos about wild mountain fungus transplantation.

Seeing how it looked like five o'clock in the afternoon and soon six o'clock, Chen Yang felt a little uneasy in his heart, and wanted to try it out with his own hands.

"There's still a large piece of wild fungus in the old pagoda tree forest. I'll try transplanting some first! It shouldn't matter!"

As soon as such an idea came out, Chen Yang decided to try it.

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