Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 868 Intermediaries

Chapter 868 Middleman

After walking for two or three minutes, the three entered the small western-style building of the manor.

Walking into the lobby of the western-style building, Chen Yang Wang Qingyue immediately saw the middle-aged man sitting on the mahogany furniture and reading the newspaper with glasses, that is, the wealthy businessman who invited them over this time!Dai Jinsong!

"Dad! I brought you sister Wang Qingyue." After Diane smiled and pulled Wang Qingyue in, she immediately said to the middle-aged man as if asking for credit.

Dai Jinsong immediately looked up when he heard the sound, and when he saw Wang Qingyue and Chen Yang, a smile appeared on his face immediately.

"Oh, Qingyue, you're here."

Dai Jinsong stood up and said enthusiastically.

"Hehe, that's right, Uncle Dai!" Wang Qingyue also smiled and nodded politely.

"Come, come, sit down, sit down, sit down and talk." When Wang Qingyue came close, Dai Jinsong immediately called Wang Qingyue to sit down with Chen Yang.

At the same time, he turned around and asked the servants at home to serve tea.

Knowing that this business must be discussed for a long time, Wang Qingyue did not refuse, and sat down on the mahogany furniture generously.

Seeing this, Chen Yang also sat down.

Di Anni sat opposite Dai Jinsong.

After everyone sat down, the servant brought tea and placed it in front of Wang Qingyue and Chen Yang.

"Qingyue, please drink some tea, this is our unique tea, drinking it is good for your health." Dai Jinsong smiled and made a gesture of invitation.

"Okay Uncle Dai." Wang Qingyue was not polite when she heard the words, and directly picked up the teacup and tasted it.

The same is true for Chen Yang.

"Hehe, Qingyue, it's not easy to come all the way. Uncle really had something to do yesterday, so I'm sorry for not pulling away." Dai Jinsong came up and explained what happened yesterday.

Wang Qingyue waved her hand immediately: "Uncle Dai, I know you're busy, so it's okay."

"Hehe, that's good, that's good." Seeing that Wang Qingyue didn't mind, the smile on Dai Jinsong's face became even stronger.

Afterwards, he didn't talk much about this topic, but started a family routine with Wang Qingyue.

This Dai Jinsong and Wang Qingyue's father are classmates, so naturally they want to talk about Wang Qingyue's father.

Chen Yang definitely couldn't talk about this topic, so he looked at the decoration of the small western-style building lobby in boredom.

Maybe it was because he saw too many luxurious decorations, but he didn't feel anything when he saw the top-notch decoration of this small western-style building, on the contrary, he felt that it was very ordinary.

But in the process of scanning the decoration, Chen Yang's eyes suddenly glanced at Di Anne.

Chen Yang found that the little loli's eyes were actually on him.

A pair of big eyes looked at him blinking, even if they looked at each other, they didn't look away, and looked at Chen Yang without any shyness, as if they were very curious about Chen Yang.

Chen Yang was amused by the little loli's strange reaction, so he didn't look away, and started to size her up.

From the swaying little feet to the bowknot on the top of the head, I carefully observed the whole body.

After he glanced around, Di Anni finally had a little reaction, stopped looking at Chen Yang, and turned to look at the exchange between Dai Jinsong and Wang Qingyue.

Chen Yang smiled when he saw this, and didn't continue to stare at her. He also went to watch the conversation between Wang Qingyue and Dai Jinsong.

Just at this time, the small talk ended.

Dai Jinsong took the initiative to talk about the wild fungus.

"Qingyue, I came here this time because I wanted to talk to you about the business of wild mushrooms!" Dai Jinsong said, "A few months ago, I heard that someone in the next county had cultivated wild mushrooms. , I didn’t believe it at the time, but I never thought it was true, and you also bred super wild mushrooms, your royal family is amazing.”

When Dai Jinsong said these words, there was admiration in his eyes.

Seeing this, Wang Qingyue quickly smiled and waved her hands to explain that the wild mountain fungus was not cultivated by herself: "Hehe, Uncle Dai, you misunderstood. This wild mountain fungus was not cultivated by our Wang family, let alone the super wild mountain fungus. We are actually just cooperating."

Dai Jinsong always believed that this wild fungus was cultivated by the Wang family. When Wang Qingyue said this, his expression immediately became surprised: "It wasn't cultivated by your Wang family? Who is that?"

Wang Qingyue has always wanted to introduce Chen Yang, but she just didn't have the chance.

Now that Dai Jinsong asked this question, Wang Qingyue naturally looked at Chen Yang beside him, and introduced with a smile: "Uncle Dai, the super wild mountain fungus, and the wild mountain fungus was bred by him, and my Wang family just cooperated with him." That's all."

When Chen Yang saw Wang Qingyue introducing himself, he immediately introduced himself with a smile: "Hi Boss Dai, my name is Chen Yang, and I will accompany Qingyue to your place to talk about cooperation."

As he spoke, Chen Yang stood up and stretched out his hand to show respect.

Dai Jinsong saw that Chen Yang's attitude was so warm and humble, and he immediately had a good impression of Chen Yang.

"Oh, Mr. Chen, hello, hello."

Dai Jinsong quickly held Chen Yang's hand and exchanged warm greetings.

At the same time, he did not forget to praise Chen Yang in surprise: "I really didn't expect, Mr. Chen, that the super wild fungus came from the hands of a young man like you, young and promising!"

"Hehe, Boss Dai, you're absurd. It's just two years of professional knowledge and little success." Chen Yang continued to be modest with a smile, then let go of Dai Jinsong's hand, and sat back.

Immediately after some simple greetings, they formally chatted about the agency of Yeshanjun.

This Dai Jinsong knows that wild mushrooms are a big market, so he wants to directly contract them all at once.

In the future, the business of wild mushrooms in the entire county will be handed over to him.

In layman's terms, he bought wild mushrooms from Chen Yang Wang Qingyue, and then he sold them to other merchants in the county.

For Chen Yang Wang Qingyue, this cooperation has advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that they can save a lot of trouble. They don't have to come to this county to develop the market, and they can just leave it to Dai Jinsong.

The disadvantage is that Dai Jinsong, as a middleman, naturally wants to make money, so the wholesale price may have to be lowered a bit.

When this came, Wang Qingyue and Chen Yang had already accepted it in their hearts.

And what we are talking about now is how much the reduced price is.

The two sides are also considered acquaintances, so the discussion was quite pleasant.

After more than two hours, the negotiation was over, and a price that both parties were satisfied with was reached.

"Hehe, Qingyue, Mr. Chen, then this matter is settled like this. After a week, I will send a car to the door, Ye Shanjun." Dai Jinsong said with a laugh.

"No problem, Boss Dai. We will expand the temperature-controlled room when we go back today, and we will definitely be able to supply it by then." Chen Yang nodded with a smile, and the deal was considered a success.

(End of this chapter)

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