Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 869 Something happened again

Chapter 869 Something Happened Again

Dai Jinsong was also very happy to see Chen Yang agreeing so readily.

They dragged the two of them to chat for a while, and when it was almost noon, they thought about keeping Wang Qingyue and Chen Yang here for lunch.

But before he could speak, the phone ringing in Chen Yang's pocket interrupted the communication of several people.

"I'm sorry, Boss Dai, answer the phone."

Chen Yang realized that his cell phone rang, and immediately apologized to Dai Jinsong.

Just now they wanted to talk happily, Dai Jinsong naturally didn't care about such a trivial matter.

"Hehe, take it Mr. Chen, it's okay, you don't have to be too polite in my house." Dai Jinsong smiled and waved his hand.

"it is good."

When Chen Yang heard this, he was not polite anymore, and took out his mobile phone to have a look, only to find that it was an unfamiliar number.

Seeing an unfamiliar number, Chen Yang subconsciously wanted to hang up, but after thinking about it, he chose to answer it.

"Hey, who is it?"

Chen Yang answered the phone and asked.

"Hehe, who am I? Chen Yang, can you hear my voice?" A sneer came from the opposite side.

When Chen Yang heard the sneer and the tone of his speech, his face changed instantly.

"Zhang Wei?"

"Hehe, that's right, it's me! Let me tell you, your sister-in-law is in my hands now, if you want to save someone, come to the bar quickly! Otherwise, you will never see this bitch in your life!" Zhang Wei said coldly After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

Listening to the beeping sound on the phone, Chen Yang's face also quickly turned cold!

Unexpectedly, Zhang Wei really wanted to die!The lesson given yesterday was still too small for him to remember.

"What's the matter, Chen Yang, what happened, his face looks so ugly." Wang Qingyue noticed Chen Yang's expression, and asked immediately.

Chen Yang didn't want to say it because the occasion was wrong after all.

But thinking that if he didn't say anything, it would be hard to get away from here, so he told the truth.

"Sister-in-law Shuping had an accident again and was arrested by Zhang Wei. Let me go to the bar quickly, otherwise I will never see sister-in-law Shuping again!" Chen Yang replied with a cold face.

"Ah? Something happened to Shuping's sister-in-law again?" Wang Qingyue was also shocked when she heard the words, apparently she did not expect such a thing to happen.

"Well, so I'm going to go there immediately." Chen Yang nodded solemnly.

Wang Qingyue also knew the seriousness of the matter, so she stood up quickly: "Then I will go with you."

After finishing speaking, Wang Qingyue turned her head to look at Dai Jinsong, and apologized: "Uncle Dai, I'm really sorry, we encountered a little situation here, we need to deal with it urgently, we can't have lunch here."

Although Dai Jinsong didn't know exactly what happened, but from the communication between the two just now, he could still hear something.

So he didn't hold back, but nodded directly: "Okay, since there is something urgent, you should go first, and if you need any help, please call me anytime."

"Okay, thank you, Uncle Dai."

Wang Qingyue thanked her, and then she was about to leave here with Chen Yang.

"Annie, go see off Qingyue and Mr. Chen." Dai Jinsong turned to Diane and said.

"Okay dad."

Di Anni smiled slightly, stood up too, and then sent Chen Yang and Wang Qingyue out.

After leaving the small western building, the three of them quickly walked to the door.

"Annie, let's go first, and we will visit your house next time we have a chance." Wang Qingyue waved goodbye.

Diane smiled slightly: "Okay Sister Qingyue, welcome to come again next time."

"Mmm, goodbye."

Wang Qingyue nodded, and then walked out of the gate with Chen Yang, then drove into the county town in the car parked at the gate.

"Isn't sister-in-law Shuping in the hotel? How did Zhang Wei find it? It seems that he is really capable in the county." In the car, Wang Qingyue thought about this matter seriously, and felt that it was not easy.

But Chen Yang didn't think about these things at all, no matter how difficult Zhang Wei was, he would beat them up!

"It doesn't matter whether he is capable or not, if he dares to touch Shuping's sister-in-law today, I will make him pay a heavy price!" Chen Yang said coldly.

When Wang Qingyue heard Chen Yang's words, she paused for a moment.

Because she clearly felt the chill on Chen Yang's body!

After the two came out of the manor, they rushed to the bar with all their strength. Within 10 minutes, Chen Yang and Wang Qingyue arrived at the door of the bar by car.

Looking at the empty entrance of the bar, Chen Yang thought he had gone to the wrong place.

But get out of the car and look at the sign of the bar, it is indeed the one from last night!

"Maybe they are waiting inside." Wang Qingyue also looked up, and then said.

Upon hearing the words, Chen Yang stepped into the bar without saying a word.

Seeing this, Wang Qingyue also followed behind, and the two walked in one after the other.

After entering the bar, I really found that Zhang Wei and others were waiting inside the bar.

Although it was daytime, logically speaking, the bar was closed, so it should be empty inside.

But right now, the number of people in this bar is basically the same as when it was crowded last night.

There are huge crowds of people, and there are no aisles.

At the entrance, there is an aisle specially made out, which seems to have been prepared for Chen Yang and Wang Qingyue a long time ago.

Standing at the door, Chen Yang glanced inside, and then at the center of the bar, he saw Zhang Wei who was sitting on the sofa booth, and a strange middle-aged man.

Seeing Zhang Wei, Chen Yang stepped in without hesitation, not afraid of those people who were standing in the whole bar.

Chen Yang brought Wang Qingyue into the bar, which naturally attracted everyone's attention immediately!

When Zhang Wei saw Chen Yang coming, he laughed and stood up from the sofa.

"Good boy, you really have the guts! How dare you come here!" Zhang Wei said with a smile.

Chen Yang walked up to Zhang Wei with a cold face and said nothing, "Where is my sister-in-law?"

Zhang Wei still laughed wildly on his face, but because the swelling from the beating last night hadn't dissipated, the way he laughed was particularly penetrating.

"Come on! Bring me that stinky bitch!" Zhang Wei said loudly.

Immediately, there were two younger brothers beside him, pulling Nie Shuping who was tied up in a big way, out.

Nie Shuping was so scared that she was trembling all over at this time, her face and eyes were full of fear!

And when she saw Chen Yang, she became even more flustered.

"Yangzi... why are you here? Go away, these people are ready to deal with you, go away!" Nie Shuping shouted loudly to let Chen Yang go.

She didn't want to drag Chen Yang down.

But since Chen Yang came, how could he leave.

Even if he wanted to leave, people like Zhang Wei would definitely not let him go.

"Hahaha, come here and want to leave? You bitch think too easily? This kid beat me up like that yesterday, so I can easily let him go today?" Mentioning what happened yesterday, Zhang Wei's face was full of ferocity, It seemed that he wanted to tear Chen Yang into pieces.

Seeing Zhang Wei's ferocious appearance, Nie Shuping became even more frightened.

This kind of fear is for Chen Yang!

Although she knew that Chen Yang was very skilled, but now the whole bar was full of Zhang Wei's people, how could Chen Yang manage it?

Adding up all these miscellaneous things, there are at least three to four hundred people!

And they all have guys in their hands. This is a person with a sound mind who probably wouldn't think that Chen Yang can settle it alone!

(End of this chapter)

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