Chapter 867 Loli

Although Nie Shuping talked a lot in the bar just now, the situation was tense.

She just gave some general information, but didn't mention the specific details, so Chen Yang wanted to ask curiously.

And Nie Shuping didn't hide anything from Chen Yang, she just sat on the bed and started talking to Chen Yang.

It turned out that after the incident in the village a few years ago, the situation in Nie Shuping's family became more and more difficult.

In the end, in order for Liu Wu to go to school, Nie Shuping had to find a job to do, and then used her salary to supplement the family.

At the beginning, she found a bit of hard work, and she did well.

But later, I met a friend who said he could help her find a job that could make a lot of money, and then she believed it naively, and was tricked step by step to come here, and finally worked in a bar.

After hearing what happened to Nie Shuping, Chen Yang felt a little uncomfortable.

After Wang Qingyue heard it, she was filled with righteous indignation, wishing she could go back and beat up the manager again.

She's a woman too, so she can empathize!I can imagine Nie Shuping's pain and shame!

"Sister-in-law! Come back with us tomorrow! You will work in our constant temperature room from now on! You don't have to go out to work, and it will be convenient for you to take care of your children at home." Wang Qingyue said directly.

When Nie Shuping heard this, her face became pleasantly surprised.

"Sister and sister, have you started a business with Yoko at home?"

Nie Shuping didn't know the situation at home, so when she heard what Wang Qingyue said, she subconsciously thought that Chen Yang came back from college and started a business at home.

When Wang Qingyue heard the words "brother and sister", her face turned red again.

Just as he was about to explain, Chen Yang preempted him.

"Yeah, yes, I started a business at home, and the business is doing well. This time, you can go back with us. I will find a way to arrange a job for you. Although the salary is not as good as that of a bar, it is definitely enough for you and Wu Zi to live. .” Chen Yang nodded and said.

After hearing Chen Yang finished speaking, Wang Qingyue rolled her eyes immediately.

She felt that Chen Yang deliberately refused to let her explain!

Chen Yang noticed the white eyes, smiled lightly, and didn't speak.

And Nie Shuping didn't notice the small exchange between the two of them. When Chen Yang said that he would go back and arrange work for her, she was so excited that she was about to cry.

"Yangzi, my sister-in-law really thank you... You are really a great benefactor to our family!" Nie Shuping was so excited that her eyes were full of tears.

As he spoke, he got up and bowed to Chen Yang.

Seeing this, Chen Yang quickly stopped him.

"Sister-in-law, it's still the same sentence, why are you so polite in the same village, don't be like this!"

"Today, you and Qingyue should have a good sleep, and when we finish our work tomorrow, we will go back to the village together."

Chen Yang said.

Nie Shuping was very moved, she didn't know how to express the gratitude in her heart, so she could only nod her head vigorously, and obeyed Chen Yang's suggestion.

"Let's put it this way, tonight you will sleep on the bed, I will sleep on the sofa, and we will go back to Liuhe Village together after finishing the work tomorrow." Seeing Nie Shuping nodding, Chen Yang didn't continue to chat, and just stood up and left go out.

He didn't go in until Nie Shuping and Wang Qingyue had finished taking a shower.


The next day, they got up and had breakfast together. After Chen Yang told Nie Shuping to wait for them at the hotel, he went out with Wang Qingyue.

The main purpose of their visit to this county this time was to discuss the business of wild mushrooms.

Therefore, the two of them were very concerned about discussing business matters.

After breakfast, we set off directly.

The agreed place for the negotiation is at the rich merchant's home.

And the rich man's manor is in the outskirts of the county, so there is still a certain distance from the hotel where the two stayed.

"What kind of rich businessman is this? It's too rude. He is obviously the one who asked us to cooperate. It's fine to let the pigeons go and not entertain him. Isn't it obvious that he is putting on a show?" Chen Yang drove the car, his heart was full I'm a little upset.

Because they are Party A, not the other party is Party A.

Logically speaking, it was the rich businessman who came to beg for him, but since they came here yesterday, it was as if they were begging for help.

This made Chen Yang very upset.

However, Wang Qingyue, the co-pilot, did not. She even smiled when she heard Chen Yang's displeased words.

"Don't get me wrong, this rich businessman is a classmate of my dad's, so from a certain point of view, he is an elder of mine, so I should take the initiative to find him." Wang Qingyue looked at Chen Yang with a smile, explained.

When Chen Yang heard this, he immediately felt relieved.

But he also gave Wang Qingyue a sideways look: "If you have such a relationship, don't tell me earlier, in case I misunderstand, wouldn't it be embarrassing to show him face at that time?"

"Hahaha, I forgot too, I just remembered after hearing you say that." Wang Qingyue laughed.

Chen Yang shook his head helplessly, and didn't bother with her anymore.

Driving directly, according to the navigation, came to a manor in the suburbs.

Through the car window, Chen Yang saw that it was a small original ecological grassland that was fenced off. In the center of the grassland, there was a small western-style building.

When Chen Yang saw the manor, he was immediately surprised.

Because of the scale of this manor, it is really a bit arrogant.

Not to mention the large area, the grassland and the small western-style buildings are very unusual.

There was no road inside the manor, so Chen Yang couldn't drive in, so he had to park his car at the door.

Then he walked to the gate, communicated with the security guard briefly, and then entered the manor.

After walking in, there was a sweet-looking girl in a loli outfit, who was very beautiful, and stood inside to greet her.

Seeing that loli, Chen Yang's eyes slightly straightened!

Because this loli doesn't look very old, but her little face is really delicate!Just like a Barbie doll!It's like a loli who came out of a comic book.

"Are you sister Wang Qingyue?" When Chen Yang's eyes were still shining, the loli clasped her hands together, her eyes were very kind, and she took the initiative to speak.

But it wasn't to Chen Yang, but to Wang Qingyue.

Wang Qingyue was also taken aback by the little loli's appearance, and only reacted when she heard her speak.

"Uh... yes, you are?" Wang Qingyue nodded with a smile, and asked who little Lolita was.

When little loli saw Wang Qingyue nodding, the smile on her face became even wider, and her eyes became crescent moons.

"My name is Diane! It is my father who invited you to be a guest!" Lori introduced herself!

When Wang Qingyue heard this, she immediately understood Loli's identity!

"Oh, so it's the daughter of Uncle Dai's family!" Wang Qingyue said with a smile.

Luoli still had the same smile on her face: "Haha, Sister Wang Qingyue, come in with me, Dad has been waiting for you in the living room for a while!"

Diane was very cheerful. After a simple conversation, she walked up and took Wang Qingyue's hand. It felt as if the two had known each other for a long time and were very good friends.

However, her familiarity does not make people feel uncomfortable, but rather comfortable.

"Haha, okay, let's go in together." Wang Qingyue smiled slightly and left with Di Anni.

Chen Yang stood there in shock for a moment, wondering if I'm not a guest?

Chen Yang shook his head helplessly, and followed without saying anything.

(End of this chapter)

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