Chapter 866

"Who, who dares to touch our Mr. Zhang? I have crossed the river and dragon, and I will let you die here today!"

"Damn it! You dare to come here to make trouble, and you don't even ask who our Boss Zhang is! You're courting death!"


A group of gangsters shouted crazily when they walked in!

The manager, on the other hand, nodded and bowed to the leading gangsters with a fawning expression on his face: "Brother Long! Mr. Zhang had an accident in our bar. It has nothing to do with us. It's all because of that kid. If you want to avenge Mr. Zhang, go find him." He, he's right there!"

The manager pointed directly at Chen Yang.

After the gangster who claimed to be crossing the river heard it, his eyes immediately looked at Chen Yang fiercely.

When he saw Chen Yang, his eyes were only fierce.

And when he looked at Zhang Wei in the blink of an eye and saw that he was beaten so badly, he immediately became murderous!

"Mr. Zhang! Mr. Zhang! How did you become like this!" However, he didn't rush to act immediately, but walked towards Zhang Wei with concern, worried about Zhang Wei's situation.

Chen Yang gave these people a cold look, then turned around and handed Nie Shuping to Wang Qingyue.

Wang Qingyue followed Chen Yang all the time, but there were too many people around, so no one noticed that she was with Chen Yang.

"Qingyue, help me to support sister-in-law Shuping, I will take care of these people." Chen Yang said to Wang Qingyue.


Wang Qingyue nodded in agreement, and then walked out to help Nie Shuping.

On the other side, after crossing the river to exchange a few words with Zhang Wei, he directly took out a watermelon knife from his waist and stared at Chen Yang.

"Boy, Mr. Zhang said it! I can give you one last chance! Hand over the girl next to you, and kneel down to apologize, this matter will never be blamed!" Guo Jianglong said sharply.

Chen Yang was already furious in his heart, but when he heard what Guo Jianglong said, he became even angrier!

Not only did he beat Nie Shuping, but now he is still lusting after Wang Qingyue?

It's just courting death!

"court death!"

Chen Yang roared, and immediately shot.

In three or two steps, he rushed to the front of the dragon crossing the river, raised his leg and kicked him in the chest!


After crossing the river dragon was kicked in the chest, it felt like being hit by a car!

The huge impact directly sweetened his throat and spurted out a mouthful of blood!

At the same time, the body also backed away, and fell directly to the ground, passing out.

Chen Yang made a thunderous move!A kick in the past directly made Guo Jianglong vomit blood and pass out!This scene frightened everyone at the scene into foolishness!

Shock was written all over everyone's face!

And that Zhang Wei was so frightened that he peed his pants on the spot... He really realized that he had encountered a serious stubble today!

Chen Yang dealt with Crossing the River Dragon with one kick, and his younger brothers and gangsters didn't dare to shout anymore, let alone the courage to do it.

And Chen Yang didn't care about them at this time.

He turned his head and stared at the manager of the bar again!

"It was you who tricked my sister-in-law and forced her to dance with the wine here?" Chen Yang asked coldly.

The manager was already trembling with fright from Chen Yang's ferocity.

Hearing Chen Yang's question, he knelt down and begged for mercy! He was afraid that he would end up like Zhang Wei.

"This big brother... I didn't know it was your sister-in-law. I knew I was wrong, so I apologize to you and her!" The manager knelt in front of Chen Yang, trembling.

Chen Yang originally wanted to teach him a lesson, but seeing that he was already like this, he didn't want to do anything.

But this does not mean that Chen Yang intends to let him go!

Instead, Chen Yang wanted to hand over the decision-making power to Nie Shuping!

"Sister-in-law, you can vent your anger as soon as you want, no one would dare to do anything to you when I'm here!" Chen Yang looked up at Nie Shuping and said.

Nie Shuping was still trembling at this time, and she didn't know what to do when she heard Chen Yang say that.

And when the manager saw that Chen Yang had handed over the decision-making power to Nie Shuping, he immediately begged Nie Shuping for mercy.

"Shuping, don't argue with me. I also feel sorry for you. I want you to earn more money. That's why you know that I have never deducted your salary..." The manager said something like a frightened bird. There were a lot of begging words for mercy, and he also said all kinds of good things he called.

Although Nie Shuping hated the manager in her heart, she didn't dare to do anything.

After all, this is also her boss, and that sense of majesty has long been ingrained in her heart.

"Yangzi... let's forget it..." Nie Shuping was too weak to make a move, and wanted to let it go.

Chen Yang originally wanted Nie Shuping to teach the manager a lesson, but seeing what she said, it's okay to think about it.

"Okay, then let's go."

Chen Yang nodded, then took the lead and walked towards the door.

Wang Qingyue supported Nie Shuping and walked behind her.

The entire bar was packed, full of customers watching the excitement.

These people all knew that Chen Yang was not easy to mess with, so wherever Chen Yang passed, everyone consciously gave way.

Just like that, Chen Yang, Wang Qingyue, and Nie Shuping were under the gaze of everyone in the audience!left the bar!

And when Zhang Wei and the others saw Chen Yang leaving, they were very happy!


After leaving the bar, Chen Yang took Wang Qingyue and Nie Shuping, instead of going to other places, he took a taxi directly and returned to the hotel.

In the hotel, Chen Yang got Nie Shuping a bathrobe and put it on.

Because when she came out of the bar, she didn't pack her luggage or anything. The clothes and pants she was wearing were all dressed up for dancing in the bar.

This kind of dress looks quite normal in the bar, but after walking out, it looks very strange.

That's why Chen Yang got her a nightgown to put on.

"Yangzi... Sister-in-law really thank you for today's matter. If it weren't for you, I might be in trouble today." Nie Shuping put on her clothes, calmed down a little, and immediately thanked Chen Yang.

If Chen Yang hadn't met her today, not to mention she was in trouble today, her life would definitely be even more difficult in the future.

After all, if there is a first time, there will be a second time, and then there will naturally be more and more, and thus fall into the quagmire.

Fortunately, at this critical moment, she met Chen Yang!

So at this moment, Nie Shuping was extremely grateful to Chen Yang.

But Chen Yang waved his hand, expressing that there is no need to be too polite.

"Sister-in-law, what are you talking about? We are all from the same village. I can't see you trapped in a wolf's den and remain indifferent." Chen Yang said.

"Yes, sister-in-law, they are all from the same village, so don't be too polite, this is what should be done." At this time, Wang Qingyue, who was on the side, also comforted Nie Shuping, telling Nie Shuping not to be too polite.

When Nie Shuping heard this, she raised her head and glanced at Wang Qingyue.

Seeing Wang Qingyue's beautiful face, he was taken aback for a moment, and then thought to himself how lucky Chen Yang was to have found such a good-looking partner.

"Yeah, that being said, I know, but I still want to thank you, Yangzi, and my brother and sister. If it weren't for you two, my life would have been ruined." Nie Shuping said gratefully.

"Cough cough..."

Hearing Nie Shuping calling Wang Qingyue her younger brother and sister, Chen Yang choked for a moment.

But Wang Qingyue just swiped it, her face turned red, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

Seeing the reaction of the two, Nie Shuping also paused, thinking that she had said something wrong.

"What's the matter, Yangzi, brother and sister, did sister-in-law say something wrong?" Nie Shuping asked blankly.

"No no."

Chen Yang quickly waved his hand to say no, and then he didn't want to continue talking about this topic, so he asked about Nie Shuping's situation instead.

(End of this chapter)

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