Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 863 Acquaintances

Chapter 863 Acquaintances

Chen Yang felt very uncomfortable, so there was a somewhat uncomfortable expression on his face.

Wang Qingyue laughed when she saw it.

Seeing her like this, Chen Yang knew that she must have known how strong the wine was.

Just to see myself embarrassing!

"You girl, you look kind and kind! Why are you so mean-spirited? Don't you remind me of such a strong drink?" Chen Yang looked at Wang Qingyue sideways and said.

When Wang Qingyue heard this, she immediately laughed even louder.

"Hahaha, I just want to trick you, don't worry, this is just a short-term discomfort, there are no other side effects, just want to see you embarrassing." Wang Qingyue said with a smile.

"Tch, then you can remember, be careful next time you use my things, don't fall into my tricks." Chen Yang had a smirk on his face, the intention of revenge was obvious.

When Wang Qingyue heard this, her expression changed instantly.

Now, it was Chen Yang's turn to laugh.

"Hahaha, just kidding, I'm a big man and I don't care as much as you do."

Wang Qingyue's complexion changed for the better.

Originally, when she heard that Chen Yang wanted to take revenge, she was very upset. After all, she still wanted to continue buying some dragon and tiger pills from Chen Yang.

If Chen Yang wanted to trick her, it would be enough to drink a pot.

"You scared me to death, don't make such a joke next time, or I won't dare to eat anything you give me in the future." Wang Qingyue said with her mouth curled up.

Chen Yang smiled again, did not continue talking, but sat down beside her directly.

Originally, Chen Yang didn't like this kind of place, but he came all the time, and this girl ordered so much wine, it would be a pity not to have fun.

So Chen Yang sat down and prepared to have fun.

"Come, come, drink, drink." Chen Yang raised his glass immediately after sitting down, wanting to continue drinking with Wang Qingyue.

Wang Qingyue was also bold, she raised the cup without saying a word, and then drank with Chen Yang.

For the first hour at the bar, Chen Yang and Wang Qingyue were drinking all the time.

I don't know if it's because the wine here is all strong, or because the first glass was too strong, but after an hour, Chen Yang's body actually felt a little unwell.

It felt like he was on the verge of drunkenness, his head was swollen, but his consciousness was still clear.

"Haha, what's the matter, it's going to be over so soon? How about another drink?" At this time, Wang Qingyue sat aside and noticed the subtle changes in Chen Yang, so she smiled and started to provoke.

Looking at Wang Qingyue's normal face, Chen Yang knew that he had been tricked by this girl.

I was dizzy from drinking, but Wang Qingyue was fine, it must not be because I can't drink as much as Wang Qingyue.

It was because of the glass of spirits I drank at the beginning!

But at this time, I definitely can't admit cowardice!

"Tch, who told you that I can't do it anymore? It's just my stomach is uncomfortable. You wait, I'll go to the toilet and I'll compete with you when I come back."

After speaking, Chen Yang stood up directly and went to the toilet.

This bar is very big and very crowded, so on the way to the toilet, Chen Yang basically squeezed his way through.

And just as he was rushing to the toilet, his eyes were suddenly attracted by a booth.

It was a VIP card seat, and there were five or six middle-aged middle-aged men sitting in the card seats. They all seemed to be the richer ones, but they were all greasy.

And in front of their booths, there were several scantily clad women dancing coquettish dances.

These dancing women are what attract Chen Yang.

Of course, it wasn't about their looks, or how they danced.

Although they are coquettish and have some looks, they are not alluring to Chen Yang.

The reason why Chen Yang's eyes were attracted by them was because they were among these women!Chen Yang saw a familiar face!

"Then...is that Liu Wu's mother?"

Chen Yang paused for a moment, and took a few serious glances!

It turned out that it was really Liu Wu's mother, Nie Shuping!

Liu Wu, a child from Liuhe Village, was about the same age as Qiangzi from Wang Hong's family.

The situation is similar to that of Qiangzi, his father also disappeared in the disaster a few years ago, leaving behind Liu Wu and his mother Nie Shuping.

However, in the past few years, Chen Yang rarely saw Nie Shuping in Liuhe Village. He heard from the villagers that he had gone out to work, but he never thought that he would meet him here!

Seeing Nie Shuping doing such a job here, Chen Yang frowned subconsciously, and really wanted to go up and ask what was going on.

But the footsteps have not been taken out, and they are taken back.

Although he was from the same village, he didn't know this Nie Shuping well.

Therefore, he didn't know if this Nie Shuping wanted to make quick money. If she was willing to do so, wouldn't it be boring for him to go up and ask?

So, he slowed down, turned around and continued to go to the toilet.

In the bathroom, Chen Yang washed his face, then took out a sobering elixir and ate it, and immediately became sober.

"Hey, Nizi still wants to trick me? I will definitely let you down today."

Chen Yang looked at the mirror and gave a smirk, then turned his head and went out of the toilet, returning to the booth.

On the way back, Chen Yang deliberately looked at the booth where Nie Shuping was, and seeing that she was still there, Chen Yang didn't think much about it, and went back to his booth directly.

"Why did you go to the toilet for so long? Did you vomit?"

As soon as Chen Yang sat down, Wang Qingyue looked over suspiciously.

When Chen Yang heard this, he immediately couldn't laugh or cry.

"Is it just that I have no capacity for alcohol? After drinking such a small amount, I scratch my throat and vomit?" Chen Yang said.

Seeing what Chen Yang said, Wang Qingyue also took a serious look at Chen Yang's expression, and after seeing that there was no trace of vomiting, she didn't say anything.

"Then sit down and continue drinking, we haven't played enough yet."

Wang Qingyue pulled Chen Yang to sit beside her, and then continued to play a small game.

But in the process of playing, Chen Yang was a little absent-minded.

His eyes were always looking in other directions.

Wang Qingyue quickly sensed Chen Yang's absent-mindedness, so following Chen Yang's gaze, she suddenly saw those enchanting women dancing in front of the booth.

Seeing this scene, Wang Qingyue's face immediately became a little uncomfortable.

I feel that Chen Yang is a bit vulgar.

But after thinking about it later, Chen Yang is not such a person.

So he smiled and asked tentatively: "What are you doing? Why are you so absent-minded?"

Chen Yang turned his head when he heard the voice, with a natural expression on his face: "Look at the women dancing over there."


Hearing this, Wang Qingyue couldn't help laughing on the spot.

"What? Like it? Shall I order two for you too, and dance in front of you for you to see?"

"What are you thinking? Am I that kind of person? I think they are because I saw an acquaintance! I wonder why she came to this business!" Chen Yang knew that Wang Qingyue had misunderstood, so he explained.

When Wang Qingyue heard what Chen Yang said, she realized that it was so.

"Oh, I thought you liked it." Wang Qingyue smiled playfully, feeling inexplicably happy in her heart.

"You girl, I really don't know what to think."

Chen Yang shook his head with a smile, and then continued to turn his head to observe Nie Shuping, hoping to find a good opportunity to get in touch, so that he could ask clearly what was going on.

It would be inappropriate to go up rashly like this.

(End of this chapter)

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